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File: 9 KB, 271x288, 1266169905553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2515235 No.2515235 [Reply] [Original]

Is America really that much of a cesspool of idiots?



>> No.2515245

Congrats OP. You are officially the last person on the internet to see this.

>> No.2515247

Pretty much.

>> No.2515254

Oh wow, bill o reilly again. Great video. Hey OP, have you heard of this thing called a rick roll? It's also a fresh new fad that's uber lulzy lol

>> No.2515258
File: 34 KB, 400x494, 1296363532700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"how come Mars doesn't have it?"
>Audience laughs
>Audience knows Mars has moons

A happy man is me.

>> No.2515263


Yes OP, it is.

>> No.2515264

herp derp all of America iz stoopid!

America has the best scientific institutions in the world and spends more on scientific research than any other country by a large margin.

>> No.2515266
File: 7 KB, 296x277, consider this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bill O'Reilly is a known idiot but here's an average American school boy


>> No.2515269

>A classroom from 1978

>> No.2515291
File: 32 KB, 472x404, fuckyea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Checkmate, atheists. Your precious science can't explain this.

>> No.2515297

atleast americans take the piss out of him too like ops video

How is bill orly on tv anyway

>> No.2515305

Take a quick look at this...

>> No.2515306

And most American researchers come from Europe or India.


>> No.2515310

That's kind of ironic.

>> No.2515313
File: 65 KB, 90x150, 1296860726506.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Take a knee OP, and open your eyes and your mind for a glorious tale of the good ol' US of A.

See there is this thing distribution of wealth, in countries much like yours I would imagine, there is a fairly equal distribution. America, however, believes it is better for wealth to be distributed unevenly so that you have a few people with fucktons of money, and a lot of people with no money.

Now you have to realize that idiocy, or rather the converse, intelligence follows a much similar pattern. The intellectual capital, if you will, of America is concentrated, and there exists a large majority of idiots.

Tide comes in, tide goes out. Never a miscommunication...

>> No.2515317

>implying 99% of grad students / professors / researchers in the US who are foreigners aren't Indian and Chinese
Stop trying to make yourself feel better Eurofag.

>> No.2515323

well, i guess iwas wrong all along...time for some old school prayer

>> No.2515322

That's funny, my lab and several of the labs near mine are full of Americans

>> No.2515328

>there is a fairly equal distribution.

lol wow, keep dreaming comrade

>> No.2515329

Ah geography: our worst enemy.

At least one of them got it.

>> No.2515332

you know they probably edited out all of the people that actually got it correct, right?

>> No.2515339

Many Americans can't even find USA on the world map. Is it really that surprising if they can't find Egypt?

>> No.2515342

Why should Americans know who the president of Egypt is exactly?

Are we expected to know every president of every fucking country? If you went to Egypt and asked a bunch of people to point out Laos on a map and who their ruler was how many do you think would get it right?

>> No.2515345

It was in California man.
I'd like to see a video of that... Maybe.

>> No.2515347

The political unrest in Egypt is the current kind-of-a-big-deal.
But you've got a point.

>> No.2515352

Do you think a majority of Egyptians gave a shit when Russia pseudo-invaded Georgia and could name their president and locate it on a map and name their president?

>> No.2515357

Probably not. But someone may have made that a youtube video.

>> No.2515363

Well fuck, when Russia invaded Georgia there were Americans boarding up their houses to prepare to "repel the Russian communists".

>> No.2515393
File: 3 KB, 168x264, ponder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Religion and science are both creations of the same mind. How can we say for sure one is right and one is not?

>> No.2515396

both are wrong

humans are flawed and imperfect

>> No.2515398

>Many Americans can't even find USA on the world map
Sounds like bullshit to me. Do you have proof that this is the case? I'm not even American, but such stereotypes are always idiotic.

>> No.2515404

because predudice towards americans says they cant so therefore its true.

also i live in the uk but dont care about geography if you asked me where egypt was on a map i would be all like durr i dunno

and ive been there and lived there.

i give a fuck about maps

when im on a plane or a car all i need to know is if that tree i remember is coming up now orlater or if ive passed it

>> No.2515406


Here's one. There are more articles if you Google it. This suggests 11% of Americans can't find USA on the map. I've seen figures around 20% as well.