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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2514821 No.2514821 [Reply] [Original]

Define "Reality"

>> No.2514828


>> No.2514835

This sounds like something that a child would ask. Or a stupid person who can't see the divide between their own mind and the external world.

>> No.2514837


>> No.2514840


>> No.2514847


>> No.2514849

The entirety of all matters of fact.

>> No.2514927
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Define "Actuality"

>> No.2514955

Something that's made up.

Something you don't control.

Because you're a faggot.

>> No.2514960


>> No.2515000

Define "Define"

>> No.2515015

Define the circumstances that would make a man's flatulence smell like Chanel No 5.

>> No.2515020


>man drinks a lot of Chanel No. 5
>his farts smell like rich people

>> No.2515022


Define "This"

>> No.2515023

This thread defines the epitome of tripfag faggotry.

ITT: OP trying to ask intellectual questions and simply looking like a cretin.

>> No.2515025



>> No.2515035

No, he's just a troll. Did you see his name? It's latin for "in the name of the father, and the son, and the holy spirit", aka a christfag troll.

>> No.2515038

And damnit, I meant to sage that.

>> No.2515054


sage sage sage sage sage sage sage

>> No.2515114


I was also surprised that not enough /sci/ducks saw boondock saints to catch that.

>> No.2515123

>Define "Reality"
the universe witch is not created in any other imaginary/simulated universe

>is there a way to know if we really live in the REAL reality
not yet

>will it be ever possible
if the creatures or circumstances that created the simulated reality are not perfect then yes

>> No.2515135

reality is the continuum of manifesting entities and phenomenon. It is all that is perceivable and observable and even things which cannot be observed directly but certainly still exists. Reality is anything that is relevant to the interaction of phenomenon.

>> No.2515141

That is a shame, because that movie is like the best movie ever, or damn close. I own like 6 movies. That's one of them.

No sage for bump about Boondock Saints. Always /sci/ related.

>> No.2515144

Or I had sage on? My bad. Countering the accidental sage for Boondock Saints. Always /sci/ related.

>> No.2515191
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The very fact that you trip with the trinity mistery already makes me have no regard whatsoever for what you may post.

In sorts, you remind me of ADMG back on new. For those who don't know, he was a religion troll that quoted the bible everywhere and for everything, while posting drawing of crusaders.

In any case, to this day I have not seen one single constructive post or thread by you, only low level ignorance trolling and generally a more subtle and refined for of aether.

In any case, you are a cancer and I hope you die in a fire.

To be frank, I worry about you. What makes someone invest so much effort in such a poor and obvious attempt at causing discord amongst others systematically is beyond me, but I'm pretty sure you must have some very serious issues that need working out.

I call the whole of /sci/ to sage, report and not give any further attention to every single post by you. No matter the content, the intent or the implication.

And no, I'm not mad. I'm dissapointed and sad that I have to share the world with a ignorant and obcessive person such as you, and further, I grieve for the fact that are many other like you around, bound to do only evil, spread discord and contribute nothing whatsoever to society.

>> No.2515270



>> No.2515282
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>Define "Reality"
The things that continue to exits if you stop believing in them.

>> No.2515292

Reality; noun, philosophical concept, something OP has a tenuous contact with

>> No.2515561

lol this