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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 15 KB, 325x325, engineer[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2514785 No.2514785 [Reply] [Original]

>Engineers are more respected then mathematicians

Altho engineers depend on visions and dreams of brilliant mathematicians to do their work, in the society, engineers are the ones to take all the glory when science makes life better for the avarage-guy.

Not all without justification though, the solutions engineers come up with are often as brilliant as those of the theoretical mathematicians.

>> No.2514824

You sound like an extremely insulated person. You are wrong, but don't get excited and think I'm implying that the opposite is true. I'm actually implying that everything you said was naive and based on such shockingly simple-minded premises.

Your thinking is so laughably rigid, you must have played too many video games.

>> No.2514872


OP is so mindfucking that I don't even know what profession he is trying to insult.

>> No.2515034

If this is true, and I will take your word for it, it's probably because the work engineers do is on display all the time. The work mathematicians do, although more fundamental, is intangible. Little kids at airports don't say "mommy look at all the calculus!" They say "look at all the airplanes!"

>> No.2515059

As a non-mathematician I have more respect for mathematicians than engineers.

>> No.2515069
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Why can't we all get along?

>> No.2515121

The plebs are probably equally indifferent to engineers and mathematicians.

People who know the least bit about science or any other quantitative subject know that mathematicians are much impressive and intelligent than engineers.

>> No.2515125

I would agree although it's obvious, maybe not to a child, that planes and just about everything else in the airport with moving parts is the consequence of mathematics.

>> No.2515142

Of course, nobody gives a rats ass about mathematics. On the other hand, engineers happen to create technology, which is what benefits society. They also happen to make more money.

>> No.2515169
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>> No.2515177


I'm an engineer and I have more respect for mathematicians.

those guys are so smart it's fucking ridicules.

op is probably a troll

>> No.2515182

Math lovers are Elfs.

Engineers are inferior, unsophisticated versions of Elfs.

>> No.2515223

Most math majors are worthless at actually doing something with their hands or working in a deadline driven industry.

In California they start out making much less than engineers (non-civil).

>> No.2515227

> more respected then mathematicians
> then mathematicians
> then
Not for their ability to use the English language, apparently.

>> No.2515232

TBH that's like calling an english major for multiplying numbers wrong.

Engineer are all cool and shit. What annoys me about them is that most think that if something is not directly useful RIGHT FUCKING NOW it has no reason whatsoever to exist or having time spent on. Things like philosophy, fun, science for the sake of science, art and the list goes on.