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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2507463 No.2507463 [Reply] [Original]

>doing calculus
>prof goes on about x+h and limits bullshit
>2 weeks later do it an infinitely easier way and get the same result

I really think this kind of bullshit is why so many Americans dislike math.

>> No.2507477


your professor tried to explain the basic concept to you so that you'd understand how he got to the simpler method

and you bitch and moan

bugger off

>> No.2507495 [DELETED] 

That "bullshit" you are complaining about is the DEFINITION of a limit. You should know what a derivative is before you learn to compute it.

>> No.2507501
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kill yourself faggot

you're such a piece of shit and you aren't made for academia.

why the fuck are so many people who clearly aren't interested in learning in university? THAT'S the problem with the education system. You shouldn't have got into university.

(f(x+h)-f(x))/h is a fucking sick definition of a derivative and if you can't respect it you should seriously hang yourself and drop out of school.

>> No.2507502

PROTIP: The infinitely easier way is proven to work by using the hard way.
It's not like mathematicians went HURR DURR d/dx(x^n)=nx^(n-1) BECAUSE ALWAYS.
There's a logical process that shows *why* that works.
Either your professor is shit at explaining or you need to gtfo of /sci/.

>> No.2507506

Agree, the purpose I'd for you not to only know what it is and how you use it BUT to also understand how and why it does that. It's all about a deeper understanding, in the end you profit

>> No.2507509

That "bullshit" you are complaining about is the DEFINITION of a derivative. You should know what a derivative is before you learn to compute it.

>> No.2507516

This is a course being taught in the college of business. Kids in class are confused what we are doing because they get lost in minutia like that. If you're not a mathematician you don't need to know the process behind it. These kids are just going to be monkeys typing shit into a spreadsheet.

And in any event you can understand what the numbers mean and how to arrive at solutions without the limits/x+h shit.

>> No.2507520

But the limit is the only interesting part of the derivative.

>> No.2507534


Fuck you.

>> No.2507543
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/sci/ is so easy to get mad

>> No.2507551

It's not the prof's responsibility to make sure the students all understand the material. If anyone disagrees you should fight me and i'll fucking kill you.

Profs tell you what you need to know, and you need to go study it. Responsibility is all on you. Can't figure it out? Then why the fuck are you on the internet complaining? This goes for people in general, not necessarily OP. OP is just a fgt.

>> No.2507569

I really think we should be taught how to get the right answer, not to be able to prove every little fact.

I can use google to prove the pythagorean theorem in 2 seconds. No memorization required.

If this was accomplished, math courses could condense SO much more useful information into a semester. (keyword: USEFUL.)

>> No.2507580
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>Can't figure it out?
>implying that's true for me
>implying I'm not saying it for the benefit of idiots in class who don't know what a derivative is after 4 weeks and blurt it out in the middle of class
>implying I actually care and wasn't just trying to get a rise out of you math nerds

>> No.2507590

Have fun further down the road, when nothing makes sense to you because you never bothered to truly understand the original concepts.

I actually can't believe this was posted, because earlier today a friend and I were talking about how understanding the very basics of math is the key to having a good understanding even in 2nd and 3rd courses after. The specific example we talked about was doing the limit of a secant line, and how our teacher gave us such a great visual and explanation. It was very fascinating.

>> No.2507594

The monkeys need to understand what they are typing into the spreadsheet, which is kind of hard if you don't know the meaning of the operations you are performing. We don't need living, breathing computer algebra systems.

>> No.2507627

It's much more useful to know what a derivative is than to know how to compute a derivative.

>> No.2507644

and schools wouldn't be able to suck as much money out of your wallet or student loans.

>> No.2507678

Read the entire post, faggot.

>> No.2507688


rofl, this has to be a troll.

i'll bite. And what happens when all of our teachers die and we're responsible to teach the next generation?

>> No.2507702

It's not as useful when you use math down the road and have to look EVERYTHING up.

In high school everyone seemed to think I was sort sort of "genius" when I needed absolutely no explanation in physics for the use of sin and cos when dealing with friction and moving objects. The reason is because I didn't just memorize the unit circle, pythagorean theorem, or SOHCAHTOA. I made it make perfect sense to me before I moved on and it paid off big time.

Speaking of the pythagorean theorem, draw a diagonal square within a square so that you are left with 4 right triangles and a square in the middle. There are 2 ways to compute the total area of the whole thing. Set them equal, and voila. Perfect understanding.

>> No.2507705

>implying he was talking about math, science and engineering majors

hope he wasn't anyways

>> No.2507717
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Yea that's pretty stupid, it's not like the prof couldn't explain the theory + easy method and then teach confirmation using the hard method.

>Responsibility is all on you.

Then why are you paying them money? You wouldn't pay to go to a restaurant that told you to cook your own damned food.