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File: 88 KB, 600x400, 04_34_12---Computer-Keyboard_web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2507083 No.2507083 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /sci/

Where is the any key? Is it only found on DVORAK keyboards? Internet explorer keeps telling me to press it but I can't find it. Should I just use a different search engine?

>> No.2507107

qwerty keyboards do not have them. they made space for a second shift key. But don't worry, you can still use function keys. you just need to press alt and f4

>> No.2507105

When a computer tells you to "press any key" or hit any key it means that you should press or hit any key found on your keyboard. There is no specific key that they want you to press or hit. It is simply asking for a response from the user.

>> No.2507110
File: 11 KB, 400x300, anykey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its right here

>> No.2507129

Your first problem is using Internet Explorer.

>> No.2507133

Mine doesn't seem to have that. Do I have a defective keyboard?

>> No.2507143
File: 78 KB, 300x375, 1296971065977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2507144
File: 113 KB, 512x512, 1295627331044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2507147

jesus fucking christ I answered the goddamn question right herre in this fudcking post you opieces of ignorate sSHITIIT



>> No.2507148

Should I switch to Netscape Navigator?

>> No.2507155


>> No.2507158

OP it means type a n y the letters

>> No.2507165

Why the fuck would you do that? You never respond to a horribly obvious troll thread with a legit response.

>> No.2507210

>blahblah internet explorer blahblahblah should I just use a different search engine?

Yes, use another...what?

>> No.2507219

Everyone seems to be saying Google is the best search engine. Should I use that instead of Internet Explorer? Where can I download that?

>> No.2507226

You can actually remap your keys, but it involves altering your system32 folder. To do this, you need to move it somewhere where the computer won't recognize that you're messing with it.
-Go to C:\Windows and find the "System32" folder.
-Drag it to the Recycle Bin (DO NOT PRESS THE DELETE KEY). This will hide it from the computer's anti-tampering programing.
-Create a new folder on your desktop
-In this new folder, create a text file--name it "KEYMAP.TXT"
-On the first line write KEY.06 = "ANY" (This remaps the right "alt" to "any"
-Place this in your new folder
-Rename the folder "System32" and place it in the Recycle Bin along with the other.
-Restart your computer. Upon reboot, the System32 folders have merged.
-Move this new folder back to "Windows"

>> No.2507235

knows about dvorak, but can't find any key.
4/10 for making me laugh

>> No.2507237

thats a good suggestion, op would still be able to use IE without buying a new keyboard.

>> No.2507247

You mentioned windows...I have an apple computer. Can I still do that?

>> No.2507334

yes, they just name things differently, so youll have to drop it in the dust bucket instead of recycle bin.

>> No.2507358

Ok, but I can't find either a dust bucket or a folder named windows. Are you guys trolling me?

>> No.2509339

The any key is only available on a No keyboard:

No keyboard detected
Press any key to continue

>> No.2509355

o shit i lol'd

i was actualy fukcing looking for an any key

give me my retard helment nao polz

>> No.2509359
File: 23 KB, 320x240, 1295841766921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's sad when you realize we will never get any good trolls

>> No.2509432
File: 103 KB, 820x820, 1292126599509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's even worse than you think. The reason we don't get any good trolls is evolution.
Good trolling takes time and energy.
Bad trolling on the other hand takes almost no time and only consumes the energy of others in the form of impotent rage.
So bad trolling is more viable in almost any environment.

Only the more rarified intellectual environments are more conducive to good trolling than bad trolling.
But even then, it is a fine line, because as the intellectualism rises and sense of humour goes down, there comes a cut-off point where the environment again favors bad trolling over good trolling.

Of course, current theories of trolling hypothesize a possible "Island of good trolling" beyond naturally occurring trolling, where mythical beasts like Hawking and deGrasse Tyson live.

>> No.2509464

>Island of good trolling

currently occupied by string theorists