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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2506763 No.2506763 [Reply] [Original]

So why does /sci/ think is the reason sub-Sa­haran A­frica is so shitty?

>> No.2506770

1). Too hot
2). Get eaten by lions too often
3). Too hot

>> No.2506774

>North Africa
This is what they wanted you to think up until the recent revolutions.

>> No.2506779

really low average IQs

>> No.2506782

in b4 guns germs and gold or whatever that shit is

>> No.2506784

So is the desert but Arabs had their turn at the top of human civilization.

>> No.2506787
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pic related

>> No.2506788

Guns, Germs, Steel

-geography is a major contributor

>> No.2506791
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but das rasis dawg

>> No.2506792


Yeah, I guess that book isn't racist enough to be taken seriously on 4chan.

>> No.2506793

cool lack of legend, data, methodology or source

>> No.2506797
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Simple. They didnt get to America fast enough

>> No.2506800

go to the wikipedia article for IQ and global inequality which I linked to in my earlier post, it gives the source and has a legend.

>> No.2506802


But aren't those poor IQ scores most likely the result of the living conditions?

>> No.2506813

In IQ and global inequality the authors argue that lower IQ scores come from a combination of genetics and environment. Lower genetic IQ leads to worse living conditions which leads to less education and worse nutrition which leads to worse IQ scores in a viscious cycle

>> No.2506816

And here we are discussing why they keep their living conditions so bad

>> No.2506817

Because they're closer to europe and those other areas. A lot easier for ideas to move there while the sub-saharan africa has been mostly isolated (stealing slaves does not help ideas).

>> No.2506825

lol try harder liberal. How do you explain the far east being developed then? How do you explain them not developing those ideas on their own?

>> No.2506826


So then they keep their conditions so bad because they don't have the means/knowledge to better themselves.

>> No.2506830

Its fucking simple as shit:

1.Lack of accessible resources
2.Low percentage of arable land
3.Historically tribal with well defined social boundaries
4.THEY WEREN'T ALWAYS THAT SHITTY I mean just look at Mali and Ghana - they only got fucked over because of guns/germs/steel/slavery
5.Few navigable rivers -> poor coastal access to trade
-Forced together tribes = intensified post-colonial rivalries
-Led to many violent revolutions which helped Dictators to get to power by promising change in the midst of imperialism
-Destabilized economies = unstable governments

the list could go on

>> No.2506833

What does this have to do with science?

>> No.2506839

Oh, i'm not liberal and i don't think they are just as intelligent as everyone else but i feel like there has to be more to it than that.
fyi, if you don't think euros have been trading with the far east for ages now then i don't know what to say to you.

>> No.2506844

The lack of natural resourced would have been a good thing


>The resource curse refers to the paradox that countries with an abundance of natural resources tend to have less economic growth and worse development outcomes than countries with fewer natural resources.
>This is hypothesized to happen for many different reasons, including a decline in the competitiveness of other economic sectors

Basically, our black friends got lazy

>> No.2506849

Yeah. More natural resources are a curse. That's why the United States turned to shit when in control of the vast virgin land of North America.

>> No.2506850

Problem is that argument is based on the assumption that IQ is genetic and that IQ isn't a shit tier measurement of anything.

>> No.2506855
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Whitey keeping the black man down.

>> No.2506859

Read the wiki boy. You're not as smart as the PhDs writing it.

>> No.2506863

>with an abundance of natural resources tend to have less economic growth

Economics is fundamentally a measure of exchanging of resources; abundant locations don't need trade to survive/improve of course they have shit economies.

>> No.2506864


>But aren't those poor IQ scores most likely the result of the living conditions?

>most likely


why is genetic isolation leading to differences in human development so unbelievable only when it comes to neurological development?

>> No.2506872


google Minnesota study of twins reared apart

>> No.2506873
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>PhD's write Wikipedia articles

>> No.2506880

any examples of this happening?

>> No.2506884

IQ has been shown to have a heritability factor of around .7-.8 it has a strong genetic component.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heritability_of_IQ

Multiple studies have shown a correlation between IQ and success in the world, it is imperfect but far from useless

>> No.2506886


Natural resources are a curse unless there is a government or political culture already in place which limits a population/government's ability to exploit said resources. For example, England had a huge supply of coal before the industrial revolution, but, when this resource came into demand, it already had adequate social procedures to ensure that no problem would occur. Conversely, nations like some of the smaller Middle Eastern autocracies feature dictators who manipulated their control of the nations' emerging resources in order to gain power.

tl/dr Natural resources are a curse unless there is a political/social system of standards and generally accepted norms set in place before said resources become exploitable

also when America was born it was born in New England (aka it brought with it Western European values which limited its ability to exploit its natural/human resources)

>> No.2506891

when it comes to scientific articles often the answer is yes. The authors of major scientific papers are often the ones who write the summary for Wikipedia

>> No.2506894

In the modern days?

Lots of Pacific Islanders seem to be fending for themselves pretty damn well.

>> No.2506906
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>mfw correlation does not imply causation

>> No.2506920
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I wonder how many people in this thread have gotten b& for saying certain magic words.

>> No.2506929

Nigger? Jew? Sandnigger?

>> No.2506937


alt +0173 in the middle my friends

>> No.2506941

But they're not word filtered anymore. I managed to post them just fine without needing any special characters.

Jews and niggers.

>> No.2506950


>> No.2506956


<span class="math">\underline{\bf N i g g e r~J e w}[/spoiler]

>> No.2506966


>Yeah. More natural resources are a curse. That's why the United States turned to shit when in control of the vast virgin land of North America.

you know, England wasn't the first one there.

Natives were already there and settled. They weren't much better than africans, it was only the fact that England was constantly looking for more resources to sell and new ways to do it that it got there and had the technology in place to grow.

So, it does kind of make sense. Which is why we should take south africa and turn it into the new USA. We could drastically improve the lives of the people there, as well as our own position if they just gave it to us.

>> No.2506972
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this goes out to all the /new/bians in the house tonight
can I get a
>who got dem shine rim

>> No.2506974
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I feel bad for Africans, histories little unwanted, abused children. Oh well, at least they got Obama

>> No.2506976

Lack of effective property rights, which drastically hurts the function of capital.

>> No.2506979

>tribal Mentalities
>poor sanitation, limited infrastructure
>poor healthcare/ disease
>Big gap between the 'haves' and 'have nots'

>> No.2506994


>They weren't much better than africans

bullshit injuns had simple astronomy, rudimentary agriculture, and many languages supported counting into the 100s compare this to sud-Sahara Africa

>> No.2507012


Wait, didn't the africans at least invent some form of agriculture?

They must have. They would be the equivalent to a pre-neolithic society otherwise.

>> No.2507042

Come to think pf it, I have never seen any pictures of Africans and crops.

>> No.2507053



thats 10,000 years of advancement. ten thousand years of sitting and not unifying and sitting and starving and sitting. It's mind boggling.

>> No.2507064
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>> No.2507069


Those around the nile did but the rest were hunter gatherers I believe.

>> No.2507074


Actually the starvation IS whitey's fault.

Foreign(read white) aid has increased their population FAR above what they themselves can support

>> No.2507101


It really is. I also think it's absurd how people mention colonization as if it hindered africas advancement. These niggers hadn't invented the wheel yet when the Europeans showed up! The only logical conclusion to draw from the plight of the people of this region is that they have inferior intelligence compared to other groups.

>> No.2507102

the Egyptians are not BLACK. refer to OPs pic

>> No.2507149

Nubians are, however, black. Egyptians(the ancient ones, not the ones today) essentially stole nubian culture and made it bigger.
oh yeah, I forgot
>someone doesn't have a firm understanding of just how long the fucking nile river actually is

>> No.2507188

>please refer to
>oil palm
>african plum
>the Songhai empire

>> No.2507193


>Egyptians essentially stole nubian culture


>> No.2507206

Did you guys know that Africa currently has more UNUSED (unused being the key) arable land than any other continent in the world? I think it actually beats the rest combined (this could be wrong).

>> No.2507214
File: 39 KB, 478x331, SIEGHEIL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when /sci/ is oh so trollable
>mfw race and political trolls turn /sci/ into blasted wasteland
>mfw genuine stormfags catch wind of it and take up residence
>mfw moot baleets "/stormfront/" 6 months from now

>> No.2507242

OP here
sto­rmfag i may me, but trolling i did not come for

>> No.2507260

oh and my goal is to get /n­ew/ back

fuck you j0­0t

>> No.2507265

Yeah, but they have some crazy fuckin' balls.

>> No.2507285

Anyone who ever talks politics on any board in any shape or form is a stormfag.

>> No.2507295

What are you talking about? Whites have never had a population crisis where there was never enough food, in fact now the european population will decline due to low birthrates, however african nations and other low industrialized nations have booming populations with birthrates as high as 7 children per woman.

>> No.2507355

Also, I'm not racist, that's stupid.

>> No.2507422

Hardly surprising, we're either going to need to abandon ship or have a purge to deal with this problem.

>> No.2507464


I figure the Je­ws knew all this before hand and orchestrated the hol­ocaust (they dont care to kill their own people) so in the future they can turn Europe into a 3rd world country and need not worry about genocide

>> No.2507489

>low industrialized nations have booming populations with birthrates as high as 7 children per woman.

On that note Asians/Pacific Islanders are smarter than Blacks.


>> No.2507515


>> No.2507595

Irish potato famine ring any bells?

There were also several severe shortages thru the last 1000 years or so in Europe. (and pretty much everywhere else in the world at some point or other). not to harsh your racist mellow.

and yes poor and uneducated people, tend not to practice safe sex.

>> No.2507658

The Irish potato famine was engineered by the English.

Also, every place on earth had food shortages 1 time or another, but never half as bad as sub-Saharan neg

>> No.2507667

This board is ruined.

>> No.2507670

I ran out of food this morning.

>> No.2507671

Eastern Europe is full of poor uneducated people but they still have very low birth rates

>> No.2507685


i don't blame them for being poor, but holy fuck they convert all aid into population growth

>> No.2507715

This is why I play races with research bonuses. +to pop growth only helps out in the early stages.

A plus to manufacturing is also useful.

>> No.2507730
File: 23 KB, 610x418, 1296446595114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send in some of these

>> No.2507738

durr Because you cant talk about gizmos, durrmath and siunce all day?

>> No.2507784

Typical /sci/ thread.

>People getting trolled

Are people on /sci/ that stupid?

First of all IQ is not the only factor in development of a country. Infact IQ is probably a result of poor living conditions.

Here are list of reasons why africa is under developed
1) US and USSR constalntly providing aid rather than investing made situaion worse when cold war ended.

2) European colonist divided the continent into arbiatrty countries often containing ethinc tribes with deep seeded ahtred for each other.

3) Sub saharan africa is probably one of the worst hit areas because of destertification and climate change.

4) Lack of political stabilty due to dictators often supporetd by US or USSR rising to power.

5) Religious fundamentalism and tensions between christians and muslims.

6) Goverments control the Aid hence they control the whole economy. This instigates coup's .

>> No.2507795
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>Equatorial Guinea
>Average IQ of 59
Is the entire country inhabited by rocks?!

>> No.2507813


I'm actually of the opinion that a lot of /new/ posters frequent /sci/. Thats why it got so bad after /new/ died, it suffered the worst of the residual racism since they had the biggest shared fanbase.

Not really too unthinkable, as generally you are going to get a lot of white and Asian people of /sci/ and they are generally the most racist races.

>> No.2507874
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>and they are generally the most racist races.


Oh I see what you did there.

>> No.2507911
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>implying /sci/ was any good and it was anything other than pretend baby scientists and kids cleverly asking for homework help

bitch more ni­gger

>> No.2507931
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>> No.2507934
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>> No.2507955
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da fuck is wrong with libe­rals?

Do not they not live in reality?


>> No.2507979

Hardcore samefaggotry

>> No.2507985

not samefag, just seems more anons agree with me

>bump to spite sage

>> No.2508006
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>> No.2508011


>Coon, Carleton, The Origins Of Races, 1962


>> No.2508052

A valid source. Sorry its not some liberal institute. Science has a conservative bias.

>> No.2508093

Sure is delusional troll in here.

>> No.2508200

sure is butthurt libtards in here

>> No.2509429
File: 20 KB, 540x540, liberalbible.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diamond does not give his readers the whole truth and nothing but the truth. In fact, he gives them much less. Inexcusably for an evolutionary biologist, Diamond fails to inform his readers that it is different environments that cause, via natural selection, biological differences among populations. All of the Eurasian developments he described created positive feedback loops selecting for increased intelligence and various personality traits (e.g., altruism, rule-following, etc.).

Racial differences in brain size and IQ map very closely to the same cultural histories Diamond explains. Although Diamond dismisses such research as "loathsome", he fails to tell his readers what, if anything, might be scientifically wrong with any of it.

>> No.2509447

trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls

>> No.2509498

Conveniently forgetting that north africa has been home to several of the most advanced cultures of the last 4000 years. Just to mention a few: Fenicians; Carthagenians; Romans; Egyptians; Mors (Almoravids).

The maritime cultural and trade connections across and around the Mediterranean has meant that northern africa has always been more advanced than the sub-saharan.

>> No.2509509


Let's also not forget that sub-Saharan Africa was also predominantly tribal for the last million years.

>> No.2509523

Consequences of actions committed by western civilizations (colonization, democratization, volunteering)
Africa was a pretty cool place before white men came and tell black men they have to live just like them

>> No.2509536

Exactly! This issue has less to do with the relatively recent colonialism than the underlying socio-cultural structures that evolve over millennia in a complex society that has extensive trade with other cultures, compared to a mainly tribal society that is mainly agrarian (or even sometimes hunter-gatherer based).

If anything one could argue that northern africa has had a harder time in the recent centuries due to the (forced) conversion to islam.

>> No.2509552

so.... then j. diamond is right? the geographical location of n. africa is the difference. trade and contact with other groups > isolated by a dessert.

>> No.2509688

No, he's not right. Diamond fails to inform his readers that it is different environments that cause, via natural selection, biological differences among populations.

>> No.2509710


Well, that may be the case. But one cannot really fault Diamont for not mentioning this, as even suggesting anything approaching this issue would instantly make him a persona non grata and completely end his career.

Would you dare publish in your own name something that deals with the genes/ethnic differences? Really?