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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2506681 No.2506681 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me what to do! Tell me what to believe in! Rid me of the analytical thinking science has trained me to use. Send me back to sweet ignorance.

I just want to go back to feeling happy, please.

>> No.2506691

Start smoking weed, you'll turn into an idiot.

>> No.2506698

fuck you.

>> No.2506711
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Good prince, sweet night

>> No.2506718

Ron Paul 2011.

>> No.2506728

You want to feel happy? Go for a run.

You want to be ignorant? Go to church.

>> No.2506745

mmmmmm.... Poutine

>> No.2506753

start looking at pure math as a religion. get a degree in pure math and join a group and attend lectures and befriend mathematicians like you would with churchgoers.

do not be afraid.... understanding algebra is like reading scripture... it does not seek to harm you, and any harm that comes from it is solely self-inflicted. pure math is so removed from the modern world and does not translate into weapons and murder. it is purity.

although it is the embodiment of cold truth and rigor, it is not oppressive, but inviting. when you witness your first equation, you will follow it on a never ending trail that will enlighten you every step you put forward; and yet, it will always elude you with tangible and definite mystery. unlike the dogmatic religions, it preaches no falsehood. yes, it carries the lonely and frightening prospect of the unknown. But then- what is so overwhelmingly brilliant and joyous- is the absolute promise that you will find truth!

from there, with the facts in hand after a guaranteed pay, you will find your own meaning, as the numbers are processed only by you...

>> No.2506762


Pick up a religion, I'd suggest trying a branch of Christianity (preferably one of the bigger ones, I'd suggest Catholicism).

Don't read your new religion's text, but do try to pick up the basics from listening to casual conversation. Don't go to your new religion's place of spiritual worship. Focus on assimilating the positive aspects of the religion's ideology, but not the negatives. For example: pick up the believe in a Christian God and heaven, but ignore the actual requirements stated in the Bible, and just believe that all your friends and family (everyone you like) are getting in as well. Maintain the belief that no matter what your behavior is like, you will see them in heaven.

Now, go on the internet for a few hours a month where you explicitly look at other religion's ideology and try to incorporate aspects of their religion into your own. For example: Take the Hindu version of reincarnation (with as little real research done into it as possible, preferably what you read on wikipedia) and add it to your current religion's beliefs. Another example is Native American beliefs concerning animals.

Now base your political beliefs on these ideas. Don't trust statistics. trust what you would do in those situations.

Don't trust modern medicine, believe only in the power of alternative methods that cost money.

Force your beliefs on your children, don't allow them to turn out any differently. Use force if necessary.