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File: 68 KB, 468x523, downs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2505978 No.2505978 [Reply] [Original]

There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."- Isaac Asimov

Here's a youtube video (no troll) that will either make you laugh or facepalm so hard that you break your nose. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OSJyiuCzGM&feature=player_embedded

Real question: what can be done about people like this? How do we, as a society, fix what's intellectually wrong with ourselves?

>> No.2505998

Overthrow our corporate-controlled government.
It's in both of their interests that the average person is so stupid that they think facts are a matter of opinion and People magazine has important news. If studies of schoolchildren are any indication, to make people smarter and think more critically, popular culture must emphasize the virtues of critical thinking and prioritizing. Unfortunately since television is in the boredom-killing business, it will continue to appeal to the lowest-common denominator which leads us to this dangerous minimum of scientific literacy we have now.

>> No.2506004


this.....also take money from the gov't anyway you can.....seriously just wait in line at gov't offices and hassle the people working there, just make sure it isn't the office that hands out money, because they need to be handing out money as fast as they can to accelerate collapse

>> No.2506005

We must simply ensure that such people remain marginalized. I believe that with the rise of the information age television and radio will eventually lose its sway as people are exposed to a variety of viewpoints and are forced to develop the ability to think critically, if only to sift through information to find what is convenient and comforting.

Appologies if some of my English is incorrect.

>> No.2506006

Shut up and talk about Science, not Politics.

>> No.2506007

You can view this as just part of a "swing" that goes from religious crazy to secular smart every century or so, but unless you want to wait 40 years for a possible change you have to dismantle the programs (secret or obvious) that seek to keep the populace stupid and distracted. Or move to another country where ignorance isn't so highly revered.

>> No.2506009
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Bite me.

>> No.2506010

ignorance is the norm among every mass of humans that has every existed, an entirely intelligent (note: this does not mean entirely scientific) populace is both impossible and undesirable

>> No.2506016

Not possible. The money allocated to social services pales in comparison to that of for example, contracts tailor-made for specific districts.

Welfare barely makes a dent.

>> No.2506021
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>> No.2506022

Political science has the word science in it.

>> No.2506023


collecting welfare is better than paying taxes, you've got to admit

>> No.2506024


So does Cock-sucking science and they're both at about the same scientific level

>> No.2506028
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I think that the information age, while allowing greater access to different views, also allows people to isolate themselves in an information bubble. One could easily read/watch multiple news sources while still only consuming media that supports one's pre-existing views.

We need to either A.) start some kind of eugenics program be it overt or covert or B.) get the hell off this planet.

>> No.2506030
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>> No.2506039

All hail the messiah Obama, Obama.

>> No.2506040


I'm with B.

>> No.2506041

ever consider that these so called anti intellectualists simply haven't expanded their consciousnesses to realize they're chasing their tails in circles? It's not their fault. It's a symptom the current fucking human condition.

I do love Isaac Asimov. But he's of an older generation and hadn't risen to the level of what you now call for >what can be done about people like this? How do we, as a society, fix what's intellectually wrong with ourselves?

It's a matter of how we are raised. One thing has become glaringly apparent however. The advent of the Internet or rather- global communication / global communion (not in the religious sense) has show us a glimmer of hope. I propose the answers lie in open-technology. Imagine a mixup of social networking, wikipedia, open education, and a project-funding mechanism similar to kickstarter, all wrapped up in to one beautiful cohesive web service, free to all. It would pave the way for open industry, shifting humanity into the direction that we all deep-down wish to progress in. It's completely possible, and just begging to happen.

>> No.2506050

Not likely. The amount of money a welfare recipient recieves is pitiful. I could barely maintain my pets current standards of living with it let alone my own.

The only way to get any reasonable amount of money from the welfare system is to have many children and be willing to neglect their dietary requirements.

>> No.2506053
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It's simple. Kill the republicans

>> No.2506058
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Even dumbasses know Obama is incompetent, how long will these liberals (idiots that believe everyone is equal) have their heads up their asses?

>> No.2506059

Please make a seperate thread for discussing your reasearch in that field.

>> No.2506064

Probably until you open up a dictionary and learn what the word liberal means, and that you are one.

>> No.2506067

>implying democrats aren't the other half of the problem.

>> No.2506071

PS OP- Have you read 'The Last Question' by Isaac Asimov? Its a short story. Highly recommended.

Read it and then think backwards from the situation that he envisions to our current state of the world. That's sort of how I came up with my solution of an Open-Education/Industry Digital Framework.

>> No.2506072
File: 27 KB, 300x215, oreilly_koolaid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been.

Well, look, how'd the cult of ignorance get there? How'd it get there? You pinheads who go around, complaining about how everyone doesn't "know anything about science," you guys are just desperate. Where'd the cult come from? How'd the United States get there? Can you explain that to me?

How come we have millions of blithering idiots, and Europe doesn't have them? Asia doesn't have them. How come? Why not? How'd it get there?

>> No.2506073

And how much of that money was for continuing Bush policies, such as the bailouts, and funding of wars of choice?

>> No.2506076

I don't believe in equality, nature didn't make anyone of us equal. Now go pray to your messiah >>2506021

>> No.2506078

You children are exactly the type of people we DON'T need in our society.

>> No.2506081

You know, after the whole O'Reilly "Never a miscommunication" video, I actually expect this. The people who know the least fight for their point the hardest because they honestly believe they're right and even when faced with absolute factual information will fight it if it doesn't fit their initial view because they choose to close themself off to anything because they just view it as an attack. Goddamn I mad at people

>> No.2506085

He still decided to continue down that path. So blame Bush all you want for your messiahs misdeeds.

>> No.2506094


Here's a nice tidbit: that 2009 deficit bar contains part of the fiscal year when GWB was in office. You would never guess what the majority of that deficit is. (TARP)

>> No.2506101

Ya see, this is one of those individuals who will fight for his side regardless of any information presented because he thinks of everything believes his side is the winning the winning team and doesn't realize real life isn't a sporting event

>> No.2506106

I appear to have derped hardcore. Hopefully my point came through

>> No.2506109

>implying I'm on anyone's side
Both you liberals and conservatives need to die off. Both your policies lead nations off cliffs.

>> No.2506113

AS LONG AS MAN IS AT WAR WITH HIMSELF THERE WILL BE PEACE. so quit it. an intelligent person with tact and a holistic view of the world will be the one who truly solves these problems. Any of you blaming others are merely added fuel to the flames.

>> No.2506121
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This stuff should be painfully obvious.

>> No.2506124
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I like the idea but I would like to see more rigorous education. High schools in the US (most public one at least) cater to the lowest common denominator. A lot of universities have become moron factories where people learn for the sake of passing a test to get a good job. Education seems to be a means to an economic end, as opposed to a means to enrich oneself. I'm all for getting a decent education to make a living, but the Enlightenment idea of education for its own sake seems to have died.

>> No.2506127
File: 7 KB, 520x690, US_National_Debt_Chart_2010.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proof that people with slightly higher mean IQ will still vote for an idiot. Good observation.

>> No.2506132
File: 126 KB, 913x616, terminally future shocked luddites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That video

I would rage, but you know, I just made this image the other day, I think it will now become my default response to Republican/luddite or just generally nutjob stuff.

>> No.2506137
File: 163 KB, 900x691, 1295352433664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the problem is:

stupid people are easy to control
the people in charge like to stay in power.

as long as we have a centralized power structure in this country, we will have to deal with stupid people.

>> No.2506140

i think if college was government funded there would be a lot less stupid people

>> No.2506142
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>> No.2506147
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>> No.2506153

I'd be more interested in a chart showing political affiliation of those over an IQ of 120 to be honest.

>> No.2506157

I never mentioned
>Enlightenment idea of education for its own sake
I'm talking about economy as a community maintained webservice, the evolution of free market, and empowering individuals. And a little further down the line, the disillusion of the concept of intellectual property. Technology is our greatest asset as humans, and we should treat it as such.

>> No.2506168

That is actually fake. A person proved it yesterday. The group in charge of the IQ stats for that chart are non-existent.

>> No.2506176

I'm all for it, but there are some that have to be dragged kicking and screaming to any knowledge. Take the failing inner city schools as an example. Ineffectual lowest common denominator educational policies are useless against students raised in a culture that glorifies ignorance.

Also, intellectual property is my bread and butter son. Where do you think the money-hungry, ambitious, and eloquent scientists go? Quite a few wind up in law school to study patent law... which I've done! I know I sold out, but I still hold some hope for a better world.

>> No.2506183

and the answer is: EUGENICS

>> No.2506186
File: 80 KB, 800x711, 1265252783360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>and the answer is: FASCISM
>Republicans approve!

>> No.2506187

I'm familiar with the book those statistics were taken from, and while the author's sources have been called incomplete, he's never been accused of completely falsifying stats.

>> No.2506193


no, see thats what were doing right now, eugenics is what were not doing and need to start asap

>> No.2506194
File: 9 KB, 278x309, 175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw that is my state.

>> No.2506196

No the book is real. The UK Testing agency is fake.

>> No.2506202
File: 43 KB, 640x509, 1296280835345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2506205

Sarah Palin intentionally produced a retarded baby to use as a political prop, FYI

>> No.2506211

No, fascism is an european thing. It requires a little romantism.
Republicans are okay with an non-explicit authoritarian system like the one they have.

>> No.2506212

Starting with anybody that thinks macroeugenics is remotely feasible.

I'd prefer not to do irreparable damage to the human genome on something as flimsy and arbitrary as "abort everybody with an IQ below 100". Eugenics won't be even a passable option until we're capable of genetically designing fetuses.

>> No.2506216

Obama is the ruin of this country, hasn't done jack except fucking stuff up.


Palin 2012.

>> No.2506224

>implying we aren't doing irreparable damage with the dysgenics already set in motion - welfare.

>> No.2506225

This site begs to differ.


Considering how much flak Wealth of the Nations has come under, I find it extremely unlikely Lynn would have been able to include data from a nonexistent company.

>> No.2506229


no, wait, i meant just making stupid people poor and do all the manual labor in places where i never have to see them.....whats that called?

>> No.2506230

Real question: Where the fuck can an educated American emigrate to in order to get out of this hellhole? I have a feeling the U.K. isn't that much better.

>> No.2506235

Do you know this IQ chart is a fake?

>> No.2506240

Partisan website detetcted.

Here's a non-partisan one:


Also the "In the works" section is promises that he's not admitting to not completing.

>> No.2506241

just dig a hole and live in there i doubt the rest of the world is much smarter

>> No.2506242

>probably believes Idiocracy was an accurate prediction of the future
Dysgenics is a myth.

>> No.2506243

In the current system, intellectual property has some merits. But it's fundamentally flawed. Thoughts are abundantly reproduce-able. Information can be freely shared. It's not property, rather a time-stamp with your name on it, and agreements made out of living in the condition of a capitalist-fueled world. What is going to have to happen is the rise of open communities and technology, similar to the way wikipedia evolved, until open industry overtakes capitalist industry through the shear superiority of it. Like I said earlier, the evolution of internet and the economy is just begging to happen. Judging from current trends, I would expect to see significant improvements in the area of massively-integrated/practical/moral technology in the next few years.

>> No.2506247

How do we, as a society, fix what's intellectually wrong with ourselves?

Look, the obvious answers are going to be "Do X, solve Y", but that's not going to cut it. You aren't going to solve the problem of idiots with agendas just because everyone becomes a Green Party member or a Tea Party member or any other part member.

The problem with intelligence is that it too is tied to a variety of other problems.
This is more than likely one of the biggest. The truth is poor kids are more than likely not going to succeed for a variety of reasons. The impoverished of America cannot afford the same resources as everyone else. You know that statistics about how students lose a few months of knowledge over summer? How to more monetarily inclined families solve that? They can afford to spend money on tutors or booklets or summer camps/activities that poor families cannot. What happens when your kid starts failing? Well I'm guessing most poor parents aren't amazingly educated, ruling out that as a form of assistance for a lot of kids, can't afford a tutor, and most teachers aren't terribly inclined to sit after school and help them until they get better.

How do you get rid of poverty?

You can't, not in a capitalistic society. You need poor people. You need workers, you need someone to pile up debt and work for their entire lives trying to pay it off. It's what our society is founded on. For every dollar you make, someone else isn't making that dollar, and they can go fuck themselves because you need that dollar more than anyone else.

>> No.2506250


It's not fake.

>> No.2506251



I plan on getting my M.D. degree and gtfo'ing.

I might even just do my M.D. degree abroad.

>> No.2506252

It very well could be if we keep giving incentives for poverty and stupidity.

>> No.2506254

Nothing needs be done about conservatives. They see themselves as protectors of a number of traditional American ideals, which- let's face it- they are.

The American populace has a long and glorious history of being greedy, hateful, bigotted and ignorant, and it has worked just fine so far. We are the dark side, we draw our strength from our hate and fear. Educating and moderating the populace robs us of our anger that makes us powerful and active. Why do that?

>> No.2506259

>poverty results in stupidity
Actually it's the other way around.

>> No.2506275

Even in the lower classes, intelligence confers a small reproductive advantage, if for no other reason than the smarter niggers manage to survive longer than their dumber nigger friends.

>> No.2506279

it goes both ways every thing breeds stupidity

>> No.2506280


>he uses IQ as a metric for intelligence

>> No.2506281

Politically the UK is a sinkhole. Only 2 parties now that the libdems betrayed their supporters, both just treat the public to 2 different flavors of shit.

There is no ignorance problem tho because of a higher standard of news reporting (based on the BBC) and high secularism

>> No.2506286

Exactly why we shouldn't give incentives to the lower classes or any other class, the smarter of the class will upgrade to the middle or upper class.

>> No.2506288

Knowledge is free and intellect is intuitive. Poverty breeds neither of these. What is does breed, however, is ignorance.

>> No.2506293

But there is nothing dumber, than the guys with IQ range of 110-120. All kids get fascinated by leftist ideals. Some of them are just smart enough to keep coming up with new reasons why these would work this time, but not smart enough to see through the bullshit they are.

>> No.2506294


And you can't educate the poor out of America because everyone is anally enraged about the current financial crisis and so instead of taking money out of the areas where they would make the biggest influence (The Army and Co.) Try to fix the nation yourself in this fun little game without touching the military at all: http://tinyurl.com/6z9yco2

So what do retard politicians (like Rick Scott) do? Tell the schools to find (in the case of Florida) around 3.3 billion to cut in funds. Which is completely stupid thing to do.

>> No.2506295

we have no middle class.

>> No.2506297

where can i find for relevant and unbiased news?

>> No.2506300


Year of law school in Germany allows me to litigate in Germany on behalf of US firms or interests. International patent attorneys make mad money. With about $230,000 after taxes, I think I could make a very nice living somewhere like Frankfurt, Munich, Cologne, Berlin, Düsseldorf, or Hamburg.

If Sarah Palin or someone like her gets elected, however unlikely that is; I'm going to permanently emigrate.

>> No.2506301

Germany isn't that bad. France, Belgium, Netherlands and scandinavian countries are okay too. Spain is somewhat poorer but that's their only fault compared to the rest.
Italy and the UK have more than that against them.

>> No.2506302

When I said
>What is going to have to happen is the rise of open communities and technology, similar to the way wikipedia evolved, until open industry overtakes capitalist industry through the shear superiority of it.
It's important to keep in mind the additional concept of kickstarter.com-like funding being implemented into the wikipedia-like open education / open industry platform. It's Laissez Faire on the Internet.

>> No.2506306

What I meant to say is it inhibits neither of these.

>> No.2506308

Yeah we do, I'm in it.

>> No.2506310

Fail to see the connection without using retarded nigger logic. Might want to be careful bandying around terms that probably apply to your ignorant ass.

>> No.2506312

>Here's a youtube video (no troll) that will either make you laugh or facepalm so hard that you break your nose. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OSJyiuCzGM&feature=player_embedded
Huh? Those seem like some well informed, intelligent voters to me. What exactly is your problem? How is it anti-intellectualism to compare Obama with Chamberlain?

>> No.2506316


that depends, what kind of education?
beacuse if your someone with an actual useful degree you will probably be able to go to most countries.

>> No.2506325

your's is the real irony.

conservatives love to spout about Randian ideals and what would happen if all the leaders left...

ignoring the fact that most of the country's innovators and leaders are NOT social conservatives, and want nothing to do with them.

>> No.2506330


I love you, Anon.

>> No.2506333

We need to kill white people.

>> No.2506337
File: 25 KB, 430x241, ocult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yep people that voted for Obama are intellectuals my ass.

Both of you the liberals and conservatives need to die off.

>> No.2506345
File: 14 KB, 220x221, sux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw idiots like you blame Obama for Bush' mistakes

>> No.2506349


How many god damn faggots are going to point their fingers back and forth rather than come up with an innovative, inventive solution?

And being a total dick to significant portions of our current society IS NOT EVER GOING TO WORK EVER.

>> No.2506355

Yep that's why Obama sent 30,000 more troops into Afghanistan.
Blame that on Bush when it was Obama that promised the removal of troops.

>> No.2506364


>> No.2506369

what are they even doing in there?

>> No.2506375


And I'd like to add that educating yourself in your free time isn't exactly an option in American society.

American workers are:
- The most productive (http://tinyurl.com/3amav2 and http://tinyurl.com/6cq2azu))
- Have the fewest paid vacations and fewest paid holidays (http://tinyurl.com/667a3jl))
- No paid maternity leave (http://tinyurl.com/5twn7hn))
- Work harder despite a smaller work force (http://tinyurl.com/6kc8reh))
- Worked harder during an economic down period (http://tinyurl.com/6ajwcpw, note link is dead, orginal statistic is USA = 2.5% increase while Europe falls by 1%)

Face it, the poor will never be intelligent, thus stupidity and anti-intellectualism will always exist in America.

>> No.2506388

debbie downer. glass tipped over.

>> No.2506389

If it really was the war on terrorism they would've listened to what the "terrorist's" demands were and probably tried to negotiate a settlement. Instead they didn't remove their bases from the Arabian peninsula and labeled the locals terrorists and started bombing. It's another Vietnam.

>> No.2506390

that is a generalization im poor im not stupid

>> No.2506392

Troll, but I'll play along.

It's anti-intellectual because they believe outright lies. "Sekret mooslim, LOL!"

>> No.2506401

>rather than come up with an innovative, inventive solution?

Said with no amount of irony considering the content of your post.

>> No.2506404

i meant what are they trying to do?

>> No.2506420

Not entirely sure. If they really wanted to secure safety they are doing a horrible job of it.

>> No.2506423

consider the other content in this thread.>>2506041

>> No.2506425

Wow. You are now aware that believing that people who don't believe the same things that you believe are anti-intellectual is itself anti-intellectual.

>> No.2506434

Fuck you and your dead board. Also, stop appropriating our people. Go jack off to Hayek or something.

>> No.2506439

We could always install a liberal emperor and see how they like it. Then maybe they would have a different view on what to do in Egypt XD.

>> No.2506446

Pick one.

>> No.2506450


Fucking christ, it's things like that, that make me have to use words like "sometimes" "occasionally" "might be" in casual conversation because you start humping the table at the mention of a collective noun. I have to hedge bets in conversation to avoid useless sidetracks like this.

I have not, nor ever in my 3 posts excluded the possibilities of individuals transcending poverty to succeed in the American society. I was merely stating that poverty is a "necessary evil" in American society, and that there are so many factors working against the poor becoming educated enough to join the middle class is highly unlikely.

Poverty will always exist in Capitalist America, and the Poor will generally always be the least educated and least intelligent of members of American society.

And we need it that way in Capitalism.

>> No.2506453

+ Bush says we're going to bring democracy to the middle east. They cheer. Then Barrack Obama says I'm going to let Egypt become a democratic nation and not force them to be ruled by a dictator. OBAMA IS A MUSLIM.

>> No.2506454

>op posts fox news link
>fox news

>> No.2506456


On behalf of the civilized world I would like to thank the united states for containing their population of right wing nutjobs. If people were as stupid as this in the rest of the world, I'd hate to see what state we'd be in.

>> No.2506461

Intellectual was never even mentioned in my post...
.... Are you some kind of stupid?

>> No.2506464

Obama sent 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan, you messiah is not much better.

>> No.2506476

Exactly my point.
>his religion is liberalism

then he does stuff like that. Obama a liberal... lol

>> No.2506486
File: 99 KB, 400x656, society_of_the_spectacle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going on in this thread?

>> No.2506487

There are those that made a religion out of him.

>> No.2506499

Oh that's nice. They must be retarded because Obama is only one step above Bush on a ladder consisting of 10,000 steps.

>> No.2506504


>> No.2506508
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If France is so great home come THEIR academics are coming to the US in droves?

p.s. it's not just about the money.


I've spent quite a bit of time in Europe. While it is true that they have fewer Christian retards, their societies and governments have all sorts of fucking problems, just like we do.

Go try and start a small business in France, Spain or Italy. You'll get a nice wake up call as to how fucked their governments are.

>> No.2506509

Well put.

>> No.2506511
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>> No.2506512
File: 9 KB, 260x190, s-JENNY-MCCARTHY-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. So you believe all opinions are equal, yes? A lot of people believe the Earth is 6,000 years old, should I not disrespect their precious feelings by calling them anti-intellectual? Any movement, ideology, or belief that is contrary to evidence and suspicious of factual investigation can be classified as anti-intellectual. Distrust of a politician based on an entirely unsubstantiated rumor propagated by only the most politically motivated information outlets seems to easily qualify as anti-intellectualism as it constitutes a fundamental lack of respect for the relevance of facts.

Go put on your dunce-cap and apply lidocaine gel to your ass... it might help with the butthurt you're now feeling.

pic related: another moron that ignores evidence

>> No.2506522

ignorance defends itself flawlessly. if you have blind conviction or divine assistance you are forever unswayed.

the more one learns, the more one realizes how little he knows. it is impossible for an intelligent and thoughtful person to match the conviction of the ignorant, aside from a belief that in understand we can create the best possible outcome.

>> No.2506524

/Sci/- Politics and Posturing.

>> No.2506526

I lol'd.

>> No.2506538

Rainbow Dash is a fucking troll, he's been quite active today.

>> No.2506541

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>> No.2506554
File: 119 KB, 1538x754, retarded women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That, and I just generally love it in Germany. I'm in love with their language and culture. I think that the BRD has found a nice balance between competitive innovation, economic dynamism, social responsibility, and environmentalism. It's not perfect, but I like it quite a bit.

Plus, they have the finest beer and some of the finest women on the planet.

>> No.2506555


>> No.2506566

I just cant make out why a muslim would like to live in the US, how a muslim can live in the US, or how an american muslim can be proud of his country.

>> No.2506624

Can someone who knows how to do this do this, perchance?

>> No.2506647

Piss off vandal boy.

>> No.2506652

The vandals are the ones bringing /new/ to /sci/.

>> No.2506665 [DELETED] 

<span class="math">\newcommand{\a}[1]{\\#1#1}[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\b}{\displaystyle{>>>/\beta/}} \b[/spoiler]
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>> No.2506676 [DELETED] 

People who don't understand how this works should not attempt it, lest you shit up the whole board.

>> No.2506678

its the same old same old...evolutionists spouting off a bunch of ridiculous claims that have no evidence what so ever, and bashing Christianity through straw man ideas. Also you have no concept of what faith is to any degree. Faith is not religion Einstein. I have news for you, you demonstrate faith thousands of times everyday of your life. When you get on a plane you have faith that the pilot will get you safely to your destination.... when you eat out you trust that the cook didn't poison the food...when you get into an elevator you trust that it will not fall to the basement and kill you and yes you demonstrate it when you believe in evolution. Was anyone there a gillion years ago to see it all happen? Where did the matter come from Albe...rt? how about the energy? What made it get together and birth a universe? That all takes faith. Frankly it takes more faith to be an atheist than it does a Christian. You can believe all that garbage if you want to brainiac but remember this when you die and you will die you are going to stand before GOD to be judged for denying HIS SON JESUS CHRIST who paid the price for the sin debt of the world , and you will be found wanting. Then you will be cast into hell for all eternity where there is only anguish, torment, pain and misery for ever and ever...and when you have been there 10,000 years you have only just begun.

>> No.2506688

<span class="math">\newcommand{\aa}[1]{\\#1#1}[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\bb}{\displaystyle{>>>/\beta/}} \bb[/spoiler]
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>> No.2506721

<span class="math">\newcommand{\aaa}[1]{#1 \over #1}[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\bbb}{\displaystyle{>>>/\beta/}} \bbb[/spoiler]
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<span class="math">\newcommand{\ddd}{\aaa{\ccc}} \ddd[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\eee}{\aaa{\ddd}} \eee[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\fff}{\aaa{\eee}} \fff[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\ggg}{\aaa{\fff}} \ggg[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\hhh}{\aaa{\ggg}} \hhh[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\iii}{\aaa{\hhh}} \iii[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\jjj}{\aaa{\iii}} \jjj[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\kkk}{\aaa{\jjj}} \kkk[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\lll}{\aaa{\kkk}} \lll[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\mmm}{\aaa{\lll}} \mmm[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\n}{\aaa{\mmm}} \n[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\o}{\aaa{\n}} \o[/spoiler]
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>> No.2506723

oh god. not the muslim thing again. Oh god. this is making them look so dumb.

>> No.2506731

>implying he didn't go to a muslim religious school.

>> No.2506744


No, this chart is fake. The average IQ of Mississippi is not 85.

Do you poli sci and philo fags have any math skills at all? Do you know how many legally retarded people would have to be living there in order to bring the avg down that much?

>> No.2506747 [DELETED] 





<span class="math">\newcommand{\aaaa}[1]{{#1 \over #1}}[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\bbbb}{\displaystyle{>>>/\beta/}} \bnbb[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\cccc}{\aaaa{\bnbb}} \cccc[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\dddd}{\aaaa{\cccc}} \dddd[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\eeee}{\aaaa{\dddd}} \eeee[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\ffff}{\aaaa{\eeee}} \ffff[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\gggg}{\aaaa{\ffff}} \gggg[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\hhhh}{\aaaa{\gggg}} \hhhh[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\iiii}{\aaaa{\hhhh}} \iiii[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\jjjj}{\aaaa{\iiii}} \jjjj[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\kkkk}{\aaaa{\jjjj}} \kkkk[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\llll}{\aaaa{\kkkk}} \llll[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\mmmm}{\aaaa{\llll}} \mmmm[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\nnnnn}{\aaaa{\mmmm}} \nnnn[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\o}{\aaaa{\nnnn}} \o[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\p}{\aaaa{\o}} \p[/spoiler]
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<span class="math">\newcommand{\r}{\aaaa{\q}} \r[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\s}{\aaaa{\r}} \s[/spoiler]
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>> No.2506754


have you BEEN to mississippi?

>> No.2506760

The adblock plus addon for firefox has the option to filter out that command you know?

I doubt there are any /sci/entists here that don't have it blocked.

>> No.2506764 [DELETED] 




<span class="math">\newcommand{\aaaa}[1]{{#1 \over #1}}[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\bbbb}{\displaystyle{>>>/\beta/}} \bbbb[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\cccc}{\aaaa{\bbbb}} \cccc[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\dddd}{\aaaa{\cccc}} \dddd[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\eeee}{\aaaa{\dddd}} \eeee[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\ffff}{\aaaa{\eeee}} \ffff[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\gggg}{\aaaa{\ffff}} \gggg[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\hhhh}{\aaaa{\gggg}} \hhhh[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\iiii}{\aaaa{\hhhh}} \iiii[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\jjjj}{\aaaa{\iiii}} \jjjj[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\kkkk}{\aaaa{\jjjj}} \kkkk[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\llll}{\aaaa{\kkkk}} \llll[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\mmmm}{\aaaa{\llll}} \mmmm[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\nnnnn}{\aaaa{\mmmm}} \nnnn[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\o}{\aaaa{\nnnn}} \o[/spoiler]
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<span class="math">\newcommand{\y}{\aaaa{\x}} \y[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\newcommand{\z}{\aaaa{\y}} \z[/spoiler]

>> No.2506771

<div class="math">
\def \newcommand {FAIL}
\def \newenvironment {FAIL}
\def \def {FAIL}

>> No.2506777


>> No.2506781


>> No.2506785


>> No.2506798

Turn it on. You'll like what I've done with it.

>> No.2506832

>this thread is now about latex recursion
<div class="math">\newcommand{\a1}[1]{#1_#1^#1}</div>
<div class="math">\newcommand{\b1}{\triangle} \b1</div>
<div class="math">\newcommand{\c1}{\a1{\b1}} \c1</div>
<div class="math">\newcommand{\d1}{\a1{\c1}} \d1</div>

>> No.2506846

<div class="math">\newcommand{\af}[1]{#1_#1^#1}</div>
<div class="math">\newcommand{\bf}{\triangle} \bf</div>
<div class="math">\newcommand{\cf}{\a1{\bf}} \cf</div>
<div class="math">\newcommand{\df}{\a1{\cf}} \df</div>

>> No.2506856

<div class="math">\newcommand{\af}[1]{#1_#1^#1}</div>
<div class="math">\newcommand{\bf}{\triangle} \bf</div>
<div class="math">\newcommand{\cf}{\af{\bf}} \cf</div>
<div class="math">\newcommand{\df}{\af{\cf}} \df</div>

>> No.2508310

National IQ tests. Anyone below 85 is sterilized. 85-95 get incentives for sterilization.

>> No.2508315

Too low, anyone below 120 is more like it. And that's me being generous.

>> No.2508340

We still need people to clean toilets and take out the trash. We can't all be accountants/engineers/doctors.

Okay,maybe 95

>> No.2508358
File: 27 KB, 400x533, Self-cleaning_toilet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can automate everything, we have the capability the only thing that's preventing us are the unions that mandate that we employee these retards to clean toilets.
Pic related: it's why we don't need people below IQ 120.

>> No.2508399
File: 120 KB, 1091x262, new - News.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like some faggot went and posted this on new /new/.

>> No.2508403

And what do you expect we do with people under the IQ limit of 120?

>> No.2508406

nothing. just leave people alone. get your nose out of other people's business.

>> No.2508410

Everyone has a national right to have children or else you'll turn into a Hitler.

>> No.2508414

I do believe you're confusing hope and faith, son.

You hope the plane doesn't crash, you do not have faith in a plane.

>> No.2508416
File: 88 KB, 640x944, trust me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An effective method was devised during the first half of the last century.

>> No.2508421

Dark talk for a liberal.

>> No.2508424

>implying that would be a bad thing.

>> No.2508427

So what if my brother has autism?

>> No.2508431

Thanks for proving all of us over at new /new/ why liberals are just as bad as Nazis.

>> No.2508433

>implying I'm a liberal.
Liberals hate the notion of eugenics, goes against the wrong idea that everyone is equal.

>> No.2508436

IQ? People with autism can still be productive.

>> No.2508437

Well, you're deferentially not conservative since they don't like any type of science that doesn't agree with their religious views which no such science exists to agree with them.

>> No.2508438


We're stupid.

Seriously. We are.

>> No.2508441

What if my brother is a retard?

>> No.2508442

Look at her eyes.

Just look at them.

>> No.2508445

We will have express lanes installed just for the occasion.

>> No.2508446

Is it kind of wrong of me to find Sarah Palin slightly hot?

>> No.2508450

You hurt my brother and I will kill you.

>> No.2508455

>implying he won't hurt himself.

>> No.2508456

Violent temperaments go hand in hand with low intelligence. We might need to sterilize you as well when the technocracy takes over.


>> No.2508460

Just try to and you will find that I can out think your maneuvers. I know my way around a puppet.

>> No.2508463

I'm not watching that because politics is a fucking stupid waste of time.

Fuck everyone in this thread, this isn't science.

>> No.2508468

Technocracy is not democracy, it has no puppets.

>> No.2508473

Politics is must like following a celebrity except the shit they do actual matters.

We are the puppets for our robotic masters.

>> No.2508478

Well, looks like I would have to take down your little technocracy by leading an underground. You'll learn from me again.

>> No.2508483

Not the technocracy I had in mind. But I'd still be ok with robots leading rather than fickle and half-brained human-beings.

>> No.2508497

Looks like someone lost faith in humanity.

>> No.2508504

Enjoy being a slave.

>> No.2508522

If you're referring to TRS, we will already have an intelligence-oriented immigration policy and the only sterilization procedures will be related to accepting life extension treatments.

>> No.2508548
File: 8 KB, 250x202, gentlemanshark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Someone care to tell me where the new /new/ is? I'm the OP and someone took my flamewar inducing thread!

>> No.2508552


>> No.2508558

I'm not sure if I'd get banned for posting a link since they've been spamming /b/, but 4chon is a new imageboard with an /r9k/ and /new/ knockoff.

>> No.2508561
File: 2 KB, 178x178, AlternativeBuildTemplate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2508578

You can get banned for posting the link?

>> No.2508622


During the first few weeks that /new/ went on a rampage, the board managed to get a few /b/tards banned for posting it.

Don't know if it's still going on.

>> No.2508637
File: 394 KB, 496x384, 1295009754037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to the above for informing me of where my post was reproduced. Having visited their /new/... wow! That place is a racist shithole, moreso than 4chan can be. Which leads me to a point...

How on Earth has it come to the point that huge portions of the population can come to believe outright lies about policy, science, religion, etc?

>Obama's a muslim
>Evolution's totally false and has never been seen
>Iraq was in some way behind 9/11
>Tides are caused by magic (okay, bad example but still)
>Illegal immigrants are immediately rewarded with benefits from Social Security, Welfare, and Medicaid
>Death panels
>Soviet super submarine propulsion system (a scare tactic of the late 70's and early 80's to drive up defense spending... it worked on Reagan)
>The Missile Gap (though real intelligence showed that the missile gap didn't exist, Kennedy exploited the shit out of something he KNEW was a lie to garner votes. Nixon couldn't say a thing lest we reveal the true size of our arsenal to the Soviets.)


>> No.2508719

Their /r9k/ is still the same as the old one. Whiny, but slightly more liberal than /new/. Which makes me wonder how can two boards with completely different user-bases co-exist on one website? /new/ has became even more racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic than ever before.

>> No.2508744

Believe it or not, the bigots are in the minority.