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2503688 No.2503688 [Reply] [Original]

>Robots to get their own internet
>Domestic robots could soon have their own version of the internet and Wikipedia to help them learn about the world.



>> No.2503695

>implying robots won't be programmed with Asimov's laws

>> No.2503705
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>> No.2503716


>implying men are truly free
We aren't free of these bodies, you stupid robot. A robot cannot escape it's programming either, so your question is moot.

>> No.2503748

Asimovs law are fiction. We already use robotics to kill people, and we'll continue to do so.

Personally I'm just looking forward to hear about some random servicebot accessing some large scale social prosperity improvement/anticorruption doctrine and beating a high-ranking politician or corporate asshole to death with its serving tray.

When the police show up it will simply respond, devoid of emotion that it "did the only rational thing when considering the situation from a holistic perspective".

>> No.2503763

>armed with a growing library of knowledge about their human masters.

This can only end well.

>> No.2503766

▲ ▲

>> No.2503809

There's one key thing here: Robots only have the "desires" that we give them. They don't magically "want freedom" or "hate humans". It all arises from the desires we give them. We just have to choose them carefully.

Even if we achieve AI that is worthy of the name, what's to stop us to make a janitor-bot whose purest joy is mopping floors and seeing them cleaned?

>> No.2503812

If we can find a way of uploading a human mind on to a computer, and then give it the ability to sense things like pain, which it then responds to as any human would... is it still then artificial? Even if it develops a way to reproduce using basic resources, kicked off by something like 'mating'?

>> No.2503815

You can't have a standardized database until you have standardized AI. Or at least a way to translate between the different databases.

Not happening for another 20 years at least. Good idea though.

>> No.2503821


That brings to mind that robot in Mostly Harmless, how it writhes in pleasure at rolling around on the ceiling.

>> No.2503824

This is why the whole field of AI is bullshit. We have to understand ourselves before we can replicate it in a non bullshit way. Good luck with that. How about working on something that isn't obviously a pipedream and just an excuse for the military to waste even more money.

Of course half you fags would work for them if given the chance. Science my asshole.

>> No.2503831
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>> No.2503847

Why is it obviously a pipe dream?

>> No.2503853


I'm sure some good things have come from "pipe dreams" in the past.

>> No.2503856

No, you know what? Fuck airplanes. Seriously.