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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2502787 No.2502787 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw every once-and-awhile I stop and look at life and existence around me and think to myself, "Wow.... life, animals, humans, society, culture, war, peace, etc... everything is so fucking weird!"

It just amazes me how the world has come to be, and how weird it all is.

>> No.2502798

The universe's vast diversity of phenomenon, which arise from fairly simple laws, illustrates the beauty of chaos/complexity quite well.

>> No.2502829

Now imagine what other universes with different fundamental constants and natural laws are like.

Trips me out all the time

>> No.2502830


Agreed, it's incredible what chemistry and physics can do if you wait long enough.

>> No.2502834

I'm with you man, i think a lot of scifags on here know exactly what you mean.

Fucking life, the universe and everything within constantly blows my mind.

>> No.2502844
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Not one of your ancestors failed to pass on their genes.

Don't fuck up now.

>> No.2502846

>implying social Darwinism is moral

>> No.2502851

Indeed it is.
Looking at an office building and thinking about the thousands of years that went into the cultural and scientific development that lead to it triggers it for me. The fact that humanity has built cities, when it feels like most people do fuck all.

>> No.2502857
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That's not what I said,

Not one of your ancestors failed to pass on your genes is true of EVERY human being that has ever been alive.

Oh wait, you only think there are 4 dimensions.

>> No.2502862
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>> No.2502877
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>mfw this nigga has a point

>> No.2502880

Samefag much?

Please leave and stop trolling /sci/.

>> No.2502885


I actually didn't samefag that.
You can check it yourself if you aren't a neophyte.
I'm also not a troll.

>> No.2502888

You're just mad that your parents didn't have any kids.

>> No.2502892
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Aw shit

>> No.2502893

you cant check for samefaggers anymore. If you think you can I invite you to share the method.

>> No.2502899

Yeah I get that feeling sometimes. Just thinking about the processes that led to this point where me, an intricately arrayed collection of atoms is aware of itself and contemplating its existence just blows my mind. It's just profoundly fucking awe inducing.

Then there's the cosmos itself...it's so hard to wrap your head around the proportions of it all.

>> No.2502906


Your arrogance is impressive
You think so highly of me that you can't even hoold the notion that I may be correct.

You seriously need too chill the fuck out man, I'm more right than you think I am.

>> No.2502912
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>> No.2502918

There's like, literal trolls trolling literal trolls in this thread. It's almost a first for me to see it so blatantly.

>> No.2502931


I'm being 100% serious about everything I say.
I'm really not trolling.

>> No.2502973

Had a moment like OP's a day or two ago. Just realizing that we are just one small planet out of an unimaginable number of other planets really makes you realise how small we all are. Somewhere out there, there must be some other kind of intelligent life form. It would be extremely unlikely that there are no similar planets with animals of our intelligence somewhere in the universe.

For all we know, humans may be a very dominant kind of life form on many other planets just like ours, but we will most likely never know as they would just be too far away from us.

>> No.2503001


I was just thinking this today. The fact that people don't believe in life other than on earth is ridiculous. If you consider the odds, the literal number of star systems, planets, planets with habitable zones, etc.... there almost HAS to be life out there. I'm no statician, but the odds have to be astronomical. No pun intended.

>> No.2503037
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I agree OP.
It's really easy to completely overlook the complexity and articulated wonder of existence.

>> No.2503046

Something that frequently trips me out is trying to think of the entire universe happening at once, if that makes any sense. Like, everywhere is currently existing and things are currently happening EVERYWHERE. Some creature on an alien world just got eaten. Thinking about this amazes me even on a local scale, let alone a universal one. It's all happening in three dimensional space and had countless other actions previous to it.

>> No.2503063

People that are statisticians agree with you, friend.

>> No.2503065
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Just thinking about this on the scale of a city or highway can freak me out.
There is SO much going on, it's insane.

>> No.2503069

>mfw every once-and-awhile I stop and look at life and existence around me and think to myself, what a wonderful world...

>> No.2503072

It's a little hard to describe, since it's something I feel rather than philosophize about, but sometimes when I lie in bed, before falling asleep, I think about how vast and diverse the universe, and even just Earth is, and get a little depressed over it, realizing I'll die before experiencing even a fraction of it. But then I realize that the world only exists as I see it, it's physically impossible for me to be aware of a world as it exists out of how I have experienced it in some way. All the sights, all the emotions, all the experiences, they all exist to me because I've perceived, felt or experienced them. All the history of humanity that I ponder when thinking about how much greater humanity is than me, can only exist to me because I've read about it and acknowledged it.

My conclusion is basically that it's all part of me, it has all passed into me, and remains within me for as long as I am able to recall it. Just like I'm part of the universe, the universe is part of me.

>> No.2503083

Precisely, like I said, even on a local scale, even within 10 feet of you in any direction, countless actions are taking place. Be it on a microbiological level, or even a humming bird flying by, to the air currents. So much is happening all the time.

>> No.2503099


sweet justification for you limitations, bro
>implying your perspective matters most

>> No.2503104

His perspective HAS to matter most to him. He can't possibly act as if yours matters more.

>> No.2503108
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Jesus fucking christ, I just tried to do that
I think you just broke my brain

>> No.2503115


or he could realize human equality and stop trying to put himself in the same league as the universe and instead focus on helping/interacting with other people who are in his league

>> No.2503119
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i often drive myself mad at night thinking and can't get to sleep after.

like the universe exists only for me, for my consciousness and once i'm dead there is nothing.

wtf is consciousness

>> No.2503124

Senseless post.
This has nothing to do with human equality, but it's really worth discussing since it has no practical impact on anything.

Humanity CAN NOT ever be considered equal to myself. My perspective is necessarily greater to me than anyone else's.

However, in practice, this affects nothing. It's purely a philosophical statement, and the best way to behave is still AS IF humanity was essentially equal.

>> No.2503127

you are stupid, he wasn't trying to say he was more important than anyone else. It's basically the philosophical question of "if a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?"

>> No.2503126

You're stupid, but decent.

>> No.2503132
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>mfw when I stop and look at life and existence around me, I am always struck by the realization that everything that I imagine happening outside my own immediate, phenomenological reality is just narrative construction made by myself. The further I imagine all of the space and time and things that is, has or will habit time and space that is not immediate to me in anyway, all of this possibility, continuity, contingency, of the world beyond what has presented itself to me, is a universe spawning from my own psyche; the world until discovered by me is mine to create. Mfw all of this

I'm not even going to try to describe my face once I get the impression that due to this phenomenological sense of immediate reality that makes itself hermeneutically present to me, assisted by narrative constructions of what resides outside of it, we are getting closer to the point where the self and the world are being inseparable where one cannot distinguish where my mind ends and the world begins.

>> No.2503134

>I think about how vast and diverse the universe, and even just Earth is, and get a little depressed over it, realizing I'll die before experiencing even a fraction of it.






>> No.2503151

So I read the other day that, while the real world doesn't have Gelatinous Cubes it does have Cave Blobs.

Is this true? Does our planet indeed have slime monsters?

>> No.2503157


Then you are stupid because obviously the falling tree will obviously create the same waves of undulating pressure whether there is a human to interpret it as sound or not just like life would remain relatively unscathed if some random pseudo-philosophical hipster were not around to interpret it to suit his needs.

>> No.2503158
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>> No.2503160


>> No.2503165

Cuil Level 10.

>> No.2503167

it's not a physics question, it's a philosophical question meant to represent a theory on perception. So shut the fuck up nerd.

>> No.2503175


Actually it is a fairly trivial question of little consequence that has been resolved since the 1890s, that still manages to confuse and astound religious folks and stoner hipsters alike.

>> No.2503176

Yes it is maybe it only exists as some kind of quantum information if it isn't observed by our superior minds

>> No.2503182

But it does. No matter how much I try seeing the world through the eyes of someone else, or to remain completely neutral of perception, it's physically impossible for me to be aware of anything that is not within my own perception. I can only see the world through the eyes of others to the extent that I can imagine from my own experience how the world would be like from their eyes, it would still be my own perception in absolutely every way. And as soon as I start to consider things out of my perception, they are also within my perception, because I can only imagine things I have never seen in their relation to what I have seen.

Basically, if you ask me to consider other perspectives than my own, I'm making them my own perspective by trying to consider them. Considering them without making them my own is impossible no matter how much I try or want to.

>> No.2503188

Imagine a universe where planets would be flat and you could fall of the edge...shit would be so cash.

>> No.2503197
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>> No.2503199


There exists a mechanism in the human social structure that you may not have heard of from your mother's basement to resolve the problems you speak of and get a better sense of someone else's perceptions. Its called a conversation (preferably it is open-minded and face to face) ... google it and try it some time

>> No.2503205

I don't think you know what that even means. Probably one of those brilliant people who calls everything gay and fag.

>> No.2503210

That doesn't contradict my point at all. Anything you hear in a conversation still has to be perceived by you, and interpreted by your brain in order to be aware of it.

>> No.2503220

Beautifully articulated.

>> No.2503221

(not the guy you're quoting but still replying) Actually, it's a pretty reasonable idea that he is talking about. If I accept that my perspective, point of view and sense of reality are the only ones that really matter to me instead of yours, I am also accepting that I cannot expect you to make room for my reality as dominating. It is basically an admittance of the Other, not a rejection. If one was to claim that their reality is superior and force it upon others without recognition of their own reality, now that would be something where some good conversation would be of help. This recognition that the other's sense of reality is a distant Other, does not stop us from trying to understand things from their point of view, trying to interpret the world as they do. One does not have to do this. All that is needed is the recognition of Other, and that alone is what many are striving for.

>> No.2503223


No it isn't. Nigga overused the thesaurus, and I counted four disjointed constructions (before I got bored), which severely impairs the beauty of language.

>> No.2503228


Then you should try having your conversations using only formal language rather than an ongoing series of grunts and gestures, since agreeing on common objective definitions of various words filters out the subjective perceptions and leads to a mutual understanding of the underlying message.

>> No.2503230

I don't use thesaurus, but I completely understand why you'd think so. It is basically a personal theory of a phenomenological sense of reality, and how the self and world interact and operate within such sense of reality of what is immediate to the perceiver and what is beyond immediate presentation (narrative construction is merely a a tool, a method). I wasn't trying to articulate with elegance, I myself think my posts are rusty machineries with too many moving parts.

>> No.2503241

Are we really sharing a mutual understanding of the underlying message or are we both constructing on our own what we think is the "underlying message"? What I get out of what you say can and often is something completely different than someone else interprets it to be; me of the past one hour ago and me of the future from one hour now probably would disagree what the underlying message is, and the point where I'd stop fighting about it, it is not that a mutual understanding has been reached but "this is as far as we are willing to go for receiving a remotely mutual understanding"

>> No.2503258


Then your problem seems to be an error of comprehension and instead of taking the actual words at their given definition, you reinterpret the gist of the dialog to fit your personal agenda.

I know your ignorance is not completely your fault as it can be mostly attributed to the poor state of education and the modern bastardization of language... learn latin and you will see how efficient and useful language can be.

>> No.2503298


I hear you, bro.

>> No.2503299

Even if you give definitions for words, they are still not used the same nor do they mean the same for different people, because the definition of a word uses words as well, and thus the word must be interpreted how it is used in our discourse. The author can never control in what way his work is interpreted, as meaning does not reside in the text but in the interpreter of the text; same goes for individual words, when you use a word, you are not able to control my interpretation of it, and trying to further elaborate just spawns need for further interpretation. We can never arrive at some absolute mutual understanding, we can only simulate the act of mutual understanding. I don't see how studying Latin helps in this case, as it doesn't escape this either as it is also merely a language, not a highway of transmitting some fregean der Sinn you prescribed behind a word.

>> No.2503301

Only stupid ignorant people think this.

>> No.2503302

yet somehow people seem to communicate, or maybe everybody but you is a mindless automoton who just smiles and nods, oh no, ive said too much, BRAIIIIIINSS

>> No.2503304

Really? I'm the one who has to say it?


>> No.2503314

Fuck off back to /b/

>> No.2503315

Thanks, man. I still haven't settled for a consistent vocabulary, though. I'd want to write so much on this but I'm just getting frustrated with writing because I have an annoying way of constructing texts with long and tiresome sentences, rusty metaphors with too many moving parts and fragmented structure.

>> No.2503323

You are seriously deluded if you think you can convey an idea perfectly between two people.

>> No.2503333

>yet somehow people seem to communicate, or maybe everybody but you is a mindless automoton who just smiles and nods

Did I imply this? I certainly didn't mean to. Which shows precisely that I can't control the implications of my post, or how it can be interpreted; it is you the reader who controls the meaning of my text. I am basically accepting that other people exist with other interpretations and other realities than my own. I am not dismissing other minds, I am opening the possibility for other minds by recognizing that we construct our understanding of language instead of sharing it.