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2501214 No.2501214 [Reply] [Original]

Realistically with life extension technology how long could I live?

300? 400? 500? 5769?

Born in 1989

>> No.2501220


>> No.2501219

Not enough information for valid response. We'll just have to wait and see.

>> No.2501223

you? you're fucked. Your child might if you are rich and pay for the experimental stages. Your grandkids might benefit, again if your kids are rich.

Gotta get that zygote. Too much of a problem after that

>> No.2501222

longer than our parents is all we can say with some certainty

>> No.2501227

as soon as they find a way to repair telemeters, as long as you don't die from other means other than old age, probably infinite (but eventually, something will kill you)

>> No.2501229


>> No.2501232

unless you live in america, where life expectancy is about to drop due to everyone swimming in carcinogens, unhealthy food, and for-profit healthcare

good job, America

>> No.2501233


>> No.2501239



>> No.2501251

>live in america
>eat naturally

>> No.2501262

You really think your going to live past 100?
Please tell me your're not serious.

>> No.2501278

don't drink


wanna take a stab how many other unregulated carcinogens there are in the water? Republicans hate anything regulatory, and Democrats are too spineless to do what's right.

>> No.2501290

>The Bush Administration acknowledged the perchlorate problem but disregarded a crucial report that could have acted upon the problem back in 2002.

>> No.2501306


Yes. Lots of people even today are living past 100. See unlike most people I actually watch what I consume.

>> No.2501313
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>as soon as they find a way to repair telemeters,

>> No.2501342

Optimistically= A lot longer than current averages

Pessimistically= A lot lower than current averages when war/famine arrives thanks to strain on resources

>> No.2501389

we all die in 2012 so don't worry about it

>> No.2501393

a major breakthrough in life extension technology will occur just soon enough for you to know that it exists but not soon enough for you to afford it

>> No.2501403
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>> No.2501414


Actually, we all die in 2036 when 99942 Apophis may hit Earth.

>> No.2501458

>we all die
>may hit

>> No.2501487

Probably no more than several hundred years. Cancer will most likely kill you off eventually, and if that doesn't get you then some accident or disaster will.

>> No.2501495
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That's the stupidest argument i've ever fucking please kill yourself you worthless piece of shit. You could say that about anything, it needs to be tested, you have not done any testing and I will fucking stab you in the face.

>> No.2501502

with current technology, the maximum lifespan is in the range of 150-200 years

>> No.2501513


this is fucking dumb,

people can already live to near 200, but that is exclusively for the rich and it is not getting any cheaper

>> No.2501653


By that logic company's should make everything free so more people by their products and no one ever gets mad the price is too high.

>> No.2501657



>> No.2501719

LifeExtension magazine publishes recent research and findings about various ways to extend life and keep your body healthy.

Of course, they sell the products they discover, so there's always the chance of bullshitting. But they have lots and lots of research to back up their claims.

>> No.2501744

who cares the world is going to be a complete shithole in 20 years anyway

>> No.2501746

>[citation needed]

>> No.2501761


all pharmaceutical companies sell the drugs they discover and nowadays most drug research is done by the pharma companies themselves, so research from universities is way better than what passes for most prescription drug data

>> No.2501879


Companies will charge the maximum that the market will bare. However, if something is too expensive your market will be limited to those who can afford it. If your price is too high, then your market will be tiny and quickly saturated. Once your market becomes saturated, it dies and so does your company.

The solution to this problem is to lower the price and enlarge the market. Then you can make larger grosser profit because there'll be more people to sell to.

This is what draws down all prices. The company that figures out how to lower the price makes more profit, so they'll all be spending huge amounts of time and money to be the first.

>> No.2502897

I think beeing immortal is possible after 200 or 300 years

>> No.2503246

Before we talk about long life, you should probably fix the blatant problems that come with age. Namely, cancer and Alzheimer's. In a world with 300 year old's, everyone will have Alzheimer's. I'm happy dieing at 70, thank you.

>> No.2503291


It's true. These phone charges are sending me to my grave.

You are all idiots.

>> No.2503293

130 years if you're lucky.

Biological immortality can only be realistically achieved by genetically modifying future generations and we are at several decades of research and development away from this, if it is at all possible.

>> No.2503306

depending on you lifestyle and country probably you'll live 50-60 more years

>> No.2503324

could you guys name some 150+ yr olds?

of course not

so it's speculation that people born today could live to be 150-200

lrn2 tentative langauge

>> No.2503336

>Born in 1989

We'll live to see 100, and a few blue moons after that
Probably won't know your name by then though

fucking lol
this just made my day

>> No.2503378

Abraham..noah...?!? How uneducated are you dude?