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2500377 No.2500377 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /sci/

I have decided to start having sex. How do I talk to girls? Explain it with Science, as that is the only language I understand.

>> No.2500388

Try the native language of the female.
If she is in America, try English or Spanish.
If she is in Russian, try Russian.
For Chinese, try Chinese.
To speak to an operator, press zero, or stay on the line.

>> No.2500396

Your attractiveness is inversely proportional to how much you fret about talking to a woman.

If you smell like you haven't showered in days, weeks or worse, your attractiveness is effectively zero.


>> No.2500407

That gif blew my mind.

>> No.2500397
File: 15 KB, 339x309, Money stacks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The universal language.

>> No.2500435

Women are attracted to confidence and social status, among other things. Everything you do around them should suggest that you have both.

Act like you aren't interested in them. Don't go out of your way for them. Don't compliment their looks. It gives them the impression that they're above you and that makes you less attractive.

Be outgoing and important. It should seem as if you have all the friends in the world and everyone looks up to you. If you end up in a situation where you're telling a story and everyone is listening, that's great. Everything should give the impression that you're the most important person in the room.

Don't be an asshole, of course, but don't try to be their friend in a nice way. If you're nice you'll be their friend but get no sexy time. Be fair, but aloof, as if you're not attracted at all.

>> No.2500451

alright I get the whole attitude part of it, I just want to know how to convey to a female that I want to fornicate with her while coercing her toward the nearest secluded area.

>> No.2500470

Here's a dragon version that looks like he's turning his head to watch you:

>> No.2500487

It depends on your standards, bro. If you want a "good" girl ti's gonna take a lot of work. Especially considering you're asking for advice on 4chan. If you just want some quickie from anything, then you wont have that hard a time.

>> No.2500494

Invite them to some event. Movies are the stereotypical approach, but for a reason. Invite her in such a way that you're not begging. Say you're going to a movie with some friends and she's invited. If she goes, sit next to her. Make your move smoothly. If you're making out by the end of the film, you're on the right path.

If you have done the above successfully, invite her to further dates. You can be more direct now that it's just you and her. The nth date should culminate with you and her either going out for drinks or going back to your/her place for drinks. Now it's sexy time. n should be somewhere between 1 and 4, depending on how fast she moves.

>> No.2500518

by deciding to have sex i have decided to abandon all my standards (which are greek goddess level) and look for any warm sapient hole to insert my penis into. so yes,quickies are what i'm looking for.

>> No.2500547

so i just grab her tits with no warning in a dark room. don't attempt to make conversation at any point during our aquaintance.

>> No.2500560

You should have already talked with her before then.

>> No.2500570

>be nice guy
> always opening doors for people, being polite, helping people with their problems, picking up things when people drop them, etc
>get laid constantly whenever I want
>see people on 4chan complaining that they never get laid

what the fuck? Maybe you're not being nice enough?

>> No.2500572

that's the part i don't know how to do

>> No.2500589
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Energy must flow.

>> No.2500594


then be honest you cant explain the feelings rationaly... but you are atracted to her.

>> No.2500602
File: 551 KB, 783x650, copulating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2500604

and how does that make her sex me?

>> No.2500605

Start by talking about something trivial. You can ask a question that sounds like it's legitimate even if you really know the answer. Just make conversation. But be captivating. Jokes, stories. Interesting things. Find out what her interests are and talk about them. If you can somehow steer the conversation toward something that makes you look important, like how you [play in a band/train MMA/part of a secret underground movement], that's great. But don't give away everything about yourself. Women like mystery. They'll always try to find out everything about you and if you oblige them you won't seem as attractive

>> No.2500621



>> No.2500636

if a man is not afraid of exposing the truth to others, even if the truth is horrible, he is bold, does not take himself to seriouly, and attractive.

when you hide or pretend its ALWAYS ugly and repulsive because you are rejecting yourself

>> No.2500641

Remember that women are attracted to two images:
The family man who will take care of her kids, and
The strongest male who beat all the rest in competition

Try to talk about topics that somehow suggest you are one or both of those. Don't come across as arrogant, though. It should seem genuine and casual.

>> No.2500647

nice philosophy, but does it aquire vaginas?

>> No.2500649
File: 39 KB, 370x278, ingodwetrust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look closer... trust god and you will know how to ....

>> No.2500656

if you want to aquire vaginas pay a hooker.
if you want to conquer a women dont be afraid to be yourself and expose your temporary imperfection.

>> No.2500673

ITT: men giving other men advice on how to get women.

I'll tell you what I tell all of the other /r9k/ ronery types that have filtered into here fucking up my /sci/. (Seriously, these threads DID NOT HAPPEN before moot got rid of /r9k/.)

1) Talk to girls like you would talk to a guy. If you don't get caught up in the fact that, OMG TITS, then you should be fucking fantastic.
2) If you have trouble understanding women, maybe you have trouble understanding body language. Chances are you have trouble reading visual cues from men as well. Do you have a hard time making friends with people in general?
3) Don't act overly nice to anyone. It comes off as retarded. Seriously, women know when you're trying too god damned hard.
4) DO NOT TAKE REJECTION PERSONALLY. Every female is attracted to different things. Chances are, there is at least one woman who would be attracted to you in a not-too-distant radius, unless you live in an extraordinarily sparsely populated area. When a woman is not attracted to you, it is not because she wants to spite you. It is because she does not believe you two are compatible and is not going to waste her time dating someone she already realizes is not correct for her. Would you date any woman that walked up to you on the street? No? It's the same thing.

>> No.2500676

Good, that is the first step.

And the prettiest ones are too much fucking trouble anyway.

What worked for me: plan a big holiday to somewhere with lots of other travellers. Hang out in mid-priced (so not too dirty) youth hostels. Get drunk with girls who are staying there.

>> No.2500685

actually a female human. on the internet.
I don't know if you guys are being serious about your advice, but I feel that I should put in a fact that has not been mentioned yet: females have personalities. along with personalities come differing past experiences, likes and dislikes. Every one will be different. Some women are nearly asexual, some are nearly mad for sex.

Depending on what kind of sex you want (from wham-bam-thank-you-m'am to sex from a serious relationship) you have to do different things. If you want the former obviously you can just pay for someone. Just use a condom because you dont want blisters on your cock for the rest of your life.

tl;dr - either spend time agonizing over a relationship or get yourself a hooker.

>> No.2500710

Relationships are such a waste of time

>> No.2500720


sex can make your penis grow
relationships can make your personality grow

>> No.2500733

>vague statement

>> No.2500762


do you think after being in love someone personality shrinks to its original dimension?

>> No.2500761


1. got it

2. yes, i do actually. this is a problem

3. not a problem

4. sparse population, viable mates will disappear very quickly if i start going in hap-hazard and scare them all off, so i have to play my cards right.

5. see 4, this is a problem. pl0x help

>> No.2500778

yes, now leave.

>> No.2500782

Which units are you using to measure personality? Are these standard units?

Alternatively, define what you mean by a personality "growing" or "shrinking" and prove your assertion.

>> No.2500788

then its not real love

>> No.2500796

There's a slick way and a machine-gun way. Go in haphazardly and keep trying until you get some, or use technique and increase your likelihood of success. If you don't have many women around, the slick way may be your best bet.

>> No.2500808

the experience of unity in all level, not only physical (orgasm) but love the feeling of total harmony...you can never forget

>> No.2500813

i have already ascertained this, now tell me what the slick way is and spare the platitudes.

>> No.2500827

that is not even what personality is. You are a fool.

>> No.2500847

if there is harmony is same to identify with something beyond yourself and expand your personality.

>> No.2500852

It's been described above. Present yourself as confident and more important than her. Engage in casual conversation but try to steer it toward how awesome you are while making it seem natural. Ignore the guy who's talking about growing your personality because he is apparently trapped in a Disney movie that is far from reality.

>> No.2500853

harmony is SAFE to identify with something

>> No.2500859

Sex sans rape requires desire by the woman.

Women are unable to correctly reason what is a want and what is a need.

Sex is a want, not a need.

However, you can easily position yourself as a want, which the female will translate in to a need.

The easiest way to position yourself as such is through deception. Guilt is irrelevent because females inheirently understand deception is the easiest path to anything.

Deceptivley position yourself as a need to the female. You will be a want that she thinks she needs. You will have sex.

>> No.2500861

ok stop repeatedly stating the obvious now please.

>> No.2500868

what kind of sex do you want?
just sex? or relationship+sex?
The latter tends to be more intense due to brain chemicals (oxytocin i think), but the former can be enough.

>> No.2500869

interesting. Do go on.

>> No.2500871

Okay I'm going to go into a little more detail than just sex.

Females of our capitalist culture from birth are bombarded by cultural codes which are ingrained deep within the psyche which 'program' them into accepting roles as the submissive inferior sex. Capitalism drives us to succeed, to dominate and in this power struggle, women are pushed down into the position as the disadvantaged sex. Now from a moral point of view it's important to gain an understanding and appreciation for our unequal patriarchal society, and the position women are born into and the roles they are forced into from birth. It's important to understand it's unjust nature, for to obtain real happiness in love, or in any relationship, there must be equality. Inequality will only breed deep, subconscious, or conscious resentment between partners and true happiness cannot be attained.

Going back to the point about the inequality between the sexes in our society and the existing power struggle, one must consider what power the women hold. Look anywhere, on an advertising billboard, on a bottle of shampoo, on your television set, or at the shape of the barbie doll your little sister likes to play with and you see imagery of 'beautiful', 'perfectly shaped' women - cultural codes, indicating to girls from the moment they attain a self awareness of their gender, what it is they are supposed to become, how they're supposed to look, how they are supposed to act, how they are supposed to act around the opposite sex and importantly, this is all lined with the message that - this is how you succeed in life, this is how you attain power in this society. Women are 'told' that sex is their weapon in attaining power, and those that can wield it with the greatest finesse will become the most powerful. Sadly this means that many if not most of the women in our society behave accordingly, because we are after all, subject to the laws of our nature. It is the human version of monkey see, monkey do.

>> No.2500882

Now as with anything, we as people want most what it is that we feel like we can't have. For women who use sex as a means of attaining what they want, this has led to a widespread masochism in women throughout our society. Women want the man they can't attain. Unfortunately this all too often equates to the douchebag who treats her like shit. But it is in this instance that for a women who has become so conditioned by what she's been told to be that, when she see's that she can't immediately obtain what it is she wants through the use sex, she goes into 'hyper sexual state', which is basically her coming on to the male in this example.

It is through the initial disinterest of the male that will spark her interest - "why doesn't he like me?", "doesn't he think I'm attractive?" because it plays on her insecurities which have been nurtured by our fucked up and perverted society from her birth. This is the final manifestation and it results in a distortion of her actual desires of love and companionship instead for a masochistic desire for a superior male. In her mind superior males are the males who are uninterested, or perhaps more precisely - males who project their superiority over them by making them feel inferior.

>> No.2500885

all sex is viable, though repeated sex for only the effort of coercing one female would have its advantages.

>> No.2500892

To take an example of this very process in action, consider the Twilight Saga. Bella, the main female protagonist moves to Washington and enters a new school, where she is quickly pursued for her affections by many boys, except the boy that she takes notice of, is the Edward Cullen, and he is the one that is initially "utterly repulsed" by her. (Yes! You can look this shit up if you're not familiar with it!) Yes, it is this toss pot who, incidentally is now despised as one of the biggest hate figures amongst all disillusioned teenage boys everywhere, that seems to win Bellas heart. The boy that DIDN'T want her affections, quite the opposite, was the one who she then set herself after. It's his initial stance, and his continued stand off attitude towards her that established him as a superior male in Bella's mind, (bear in mind that Edward Cullen, also would like to kill her and drink her blood). Yet this book, and the subsequent films became huge amongst girls everywhere as you most probably well know. The movies grossed over a $1.7 Billion and led to legions of obnoxious uber fans, all over what was initially a book written by a women which, at the core of it's essence is basically just a metaphor for the widespread masochism among women in our society. It's a sorry state of affairs, if you ask me. So I guess the short answer to your question, is that if you want sex, try misogyny.

>> No.2500900

However, as I pointed out before that won't bring you real happiness, simply inequality, deep resentment and bitterness. Plus it's a terrible kind of person to be.

My advice is... don't involve yourself in power games over sex, and don't exploit girls insecurities for sex either. Wait for an intelligent free thinking girl, who likes you for who you are and wants the same things you do. Look for equality, in a relationship because it is ultimately through equality that you will find love and true happiness. You might think there's not many girls out there like that but they do exist, and as a guy who found one, I can promise you that.

Good luck.

>> No.2500902


That is it. There is no one thing, other than money, that you can use to fuck a bitch.

Money is the ultimate want to any female. But it isn't the only way.

I used to fuck a bitch who twice expressed her gratitude that we defeated Russia in WWII. Her body was amazing.

I want a hot bitch to fuck, I don't need a smart bitch to talk to.

>> No.2500914

<span class="math">
\def \a #1{\displaystyle{#1 \atop {#1~~#1}}}
\def \b {\triangle} \b[/spoiler]<span class="math">\def \c {\a{\b}} \c[/spoiler]<span class="math">\def \d {\a{\c}} \d[/spoiler]<span class="math">
\def \e {\a{\d}} \e[/spoiler]<span class="math">\def \f {\a{\e}} \f[/spoiler]<span class="math">\def \g {\a{\f}} \g[/spoiler]<span class="math">
\def \h {\a{\g}} \h[/spoiler]<span class="math">\def \i {\a{\h}} \i[/spoiler]<span class="math">\def \j {\a{\i}} \j[/spoiler]<span class="math">
\def \k {\a{\j}} \k[/spoiler]<span class="math">\def \l {\a{\k}} \l[/spoiler]<span class="math">\def \m {\a{\l}} \m[/spoiler]<span class="math">
\def \n {\a{\m}} \n[/spoiler]<span class="math">\def \o {\a{\n}} \o[/spoiler]<span class="math">\def \p {\a{\o}} \p[/spoiler]<span class="math">
\def \q {\a{\p}} \q[/spoiler]<span class="math">\def \r {\a{\q}} \r[/spoiler]<span class="math">\def \s {\a{\r}} \s[/spoiler]<span class="math">
\def \t {\a{\s}} \t[/spoiler]<span class="math">\def \u {\a{\t}} \u[/spoiler]<span class="math">\def \v {\a{\u}} \v[/spoiler]<span class="math">
\def \w {\a{\v}} \w[/spoiler]<span class="math">\def \x {\a{\w}} \x[/spoiler]<span class="math">\def \y {\a{\x}} \y[/spoiler]<span class="math">
\def \z {\a{\y}} \z[/spoiler]

>> No.2500915

> Ignore the guy who's talking about growing your personality because he is apparently trapped in a Disney movie that is far from reality.

you traped in a trashy porn movie
boys only became men after allowing themselves to love, of all relationships the intimate has the potential to be most transforming

>> No.2500938

>>I used to fuck a bitch who twice expressed her gratitude that we defeated Russia in WWII.

this statement is deeply confusing. you must clarify

>> No.2500945

> There's no way other than money.
> Money's not the only way.

>> No.2500946

If you ever get involved --- get tottaly involved if you want a warm sapient hole to insert my penis into, get a toy on a sexshop; or an apple pie.

>> No.2500948

if all sex is viable, then your best bet might be a friends with benefits type of thing. whether or not this is accepted, to what degree, and the etiquette for approaching such things varies from group to group.

i find that most girls do not suffer from low sex drive or anything like this, but are very aware of the fact that they dont have testosterone that makes their muscles larger and more effective. you have to realise the physical threat involved in heterosexual sex.

of course i'm not saying that men generally want to hurt women, just that there's a very real possiblity.

so the best way to get good sex is to gain trust of the other party. this is obviously not easy, but if fairly regular sex is what you want....

>> No.2500984

i have no female friends partly because females seem to be irrational and have inferior intellects but mostly because they confuse and frighten me.

>> No.2501003

Blaise Pascal Quotes (the guy knew science and math) said:

- The heart has its reasons of which reason knows nothing

>> No.2501046

why in the world do they confuse and frighten you? I don't know about the inferior intellect thing, I tend to agree that on average men are smarter, just from experience (am female by the way) especially in the sciences, maths, and business areas.

most women tend to be more emotional due to estrogen and progesterone production, but you probably know that. i'd really like to know why we're frightening and confusing....

>> No.2501199

all women seem to be like a pressurised container of crazy that is ready to explode.

>> No.2501344

If the anon is like me, it's just insecurity and not knowing how to interact with someone of the opposite gender.

Also, fuck you whoever texbombed. Delete your post.