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2499576 No.2499576 [Reply] [Original]

So how do scientists deal with ignorant Americans?

Here's an example of Bill O'Reilly claiming God must exist because the Earth is the only planet with a moon; and he's really confident about this.

This is after he claimed God must exist because the ocean has tides (fucking tides, how do they work?). However, when it was explained "The moon creates the tides" he covered up his dumbfuckery with "Only the Earth has a moon, thus Jesus".

This is a man with a national platform. He has millions of viewers and listeners yet this dumbass stream of thought won't discredit him in the slightest.

How the hell does a scientist expect to educate, get funding from and work amoung these dumb ass Americans?




Also, RAGE @ 0:30

>So fucking stupid and SO confident.

>> No.2499590

Yeah... but whatever. You shouldn't get mad OP. Guy is a total disgrace and no one will change him.

>> No.2499600

We tolerate it, and I actually support it, because it means less people go into science, and that means that us scientists deal with less competition and higher pay.

>> No.2499604

but the world is not america

>> No.2499602

ignore them

>> No.2499608

Who wants to change him? I'm just saying he has more ears listeningto him than any scientist in the whole nation.

Also, he constantly uses his show to "discredit" science like some old hillbilly grandmother on her porch babbling about the end of days.

And people listen to him. People don't think evolution is real, or it's just an opinion because of him.

>> No.2499613

But everything goes in a slower process. Have fun not going to the space in your lifetime.

We could easily go to the space with low costs near 2040, and people like O'Reilly delay this shit.

I don't want this to happen on 2060, I'll dead by then.

>> No.2499615

>How the hell does a scientist expect to educate, get funding from and work amoung these dumb ass Americans?

It's not impossible, but, close enough. The majority of us [Americans] tend to be stubborn-as-fuck when it comes to religion.

>> No.2499619


Bill O'Reily is a troll. You have been trolled.

>> No.2499620

that's like a rape concilor telling that to a rapist. . . during the rape.

>> No.2499630

He just reflects what the aged and uneducated third of the population believes already.

there's little point in trying to change them, religion is the pact by which they agree to be exploited. It's the inequalities that move things.

>> No.2499633

good luck. you're cutting off your nose in spite of your face.

don't you realize you're an "intelligent design classes in elementary school" away from scientists being burned as witches in America?

>> No.2499634

ITT: pinheads who don't know where it came from.

Heres a clue. It starts with J and rhymes with "cheeses"

>> No.2499639

Get over your space fetish, The economics aren't there, and never will be long range space travel.

>But we can mine...
Yes we can, but Its still a bazillion fucking times
cheaper to do that on earth without having to create an artificial economy in a place that is completely on its own.

Personally, I'll take the money and a guaranteed job rather than compete for one by needing to get ever higher qualifications for the same type of job in science.

Yes, you heard this from a scientist, what I said is basically "fuck scientific advancement" if it interferes with my ability to live a decent life.

>> No.2499660

Oh please, even the craziest creationist wouldn't touch the establishment that I work in, as it gives them the reason to be haughty as Americans in comparison to the rest of the world.

Fortunately, I plan on working in defense, and not in touchy fields like biological research, and consequently, I would like to have as few of people as possible so that I can become a senior scientist with just a PhD, not a post-doc, thank you very much.

>> No.2499669

You can't expect much of republicans...

>> No.2499680

>You can't expect much of Americans...

>> No.2499696

He's sort of right...

We know WHAT gravity and how it effects us, but we don't know how it came to exist or even what fundamentally makes it operate. Obviously it's not a deity, and that's were bill-o goes full retard but up until that conclusion he sort of has a point.

>> No.2499707

I was just glancing through the boards, but I decided to stop by and tell you this:

You're a fucking cunt.

>> No.2499709

>and SO confident
That's what pisses me off the most. He's absolutely fucking dead wrong on every single fucking thing that comes out of his mouth, and yet he has that smug, shit eating grin on his face saying "I'm right and no one can ever prove me wrong!".
I just want to rip his ignorant, lying, hypocritical, smug face off and smash a school textbook into his skull. He really is the lowest kind of scumbag piece of shit there is.
Yes, I mad as hell.

>> No.2499716
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>> No.2499721

Bill O'Reilly is not a dumb man.

He simply peddles bullshit and propaganda for a living.

>> No.2499724

he's right about some things

like he said ireland was a nice place to visit

>> No.2499725


Im an Amerifag and this makes me a verrrrrryyyyy sadddddd panda. Maybe I'll move once I get my degree.

>> No.2499726

>implying Bill is being cautious with facts and data while being informed and introspective on novel ideas.
>implying Bill is relative to a esteemed scientist in his feild and not literally saying "Jesus did it"

>> No.2499736

love how you retarded libs get all worked up over bill o'reilly and sarah palin; they troll you so hard and laugh all the way to the bank

>> No.2499738
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>> No.2499739


he already said that you moron

>> No.2499746
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>> No.2499749

I will tell you why Bill is so confident. He knows that, even though science can explain how:
The moon got there,
The sun got there,
The tides go in and out,
and how life formed,
he knows he can just argue backwards until he gets to the Big Bang. This being the arguably least substantial (or least widely viewed by layman as substantial) scientific principal so far, he knows that he can seemingly win the argument by pointing out the flaws in the Big Bang theory.

Say what you will about O'Reilly, but he is one devious sonofabitch.

>> No.2499757
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By now creationists should be ashamed of being creationists

>> No.2499803 [DELETED] 

>god must exist becaus the Earth is the only planet with a moon
>confident in his answer
lol'd heartily. thanks, OP.

>> No.2499799


and you should be ashamed of being a heathen scientist who is too blind and too stupid to see the evidence of god all around him.

>> No.2499801


>> No.2499809

>god must exist because the Earth is the only planet with a moon
>confident in his answer
lol'd heartily. thanks, OP.

>> No.2499855

thanks OP this is awesome!

fucking tides!

>> No.2499903


Why should we subsidize intellectual curiosity?

>> No.2499925
File: 16 KB, 261x251, 1296532987302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously I think you guys are blowing this out of proportion. Bill is trying to give the "fine tuning" argument. He appears tired, and doesnt do a good job of presenting it, but hes not the ignoramus your making him out to be.

>> No.2499933
File: 92 KB, 427x320, op-loves-cock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi I'm OP and even though I live in a country where people are murdered for their sneakers and political corruption is rampant I am only concerned about what happens in America.

I only visit American websites and know more about the US Government than the government of my own country.

I spend more time speaking with Americans online about their problems than I do with my own countrymen about our own.

>> No.2499965

America's chief export is stupid people what we as a country need to do is try and reach new clients so that we can get more stupid people to more places we're currently in negotiations with the government of papua new guinea and we hope to start importing stupid people to them by next fiscal quarter if all goes according to plan we may have as many as 75% of our stupid population being moved daily to the rest of the world and when that happens those stupid people will be their problem to deal with.
It's the american way

>> No.2501479

Fucking tides and magnets!