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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2494815 No.2494815 [Reply] [Original]

I feel like I've dun goofed :(

I don't have a math book and I'm not the best at Algebra.. Not good at it at all, actually. Halp?

>> No.2494830

must be a school night.

>> No.2494831
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>> No.2494832

Yeah, check your arithmetic. It's faulty.

>> No.2494843

GOD DAMN the one time I actually go to the internet for help, I really mess it up :/

Okay, pretend that 16 is a 15.

I'm confused as to how I would isolate the variable.

>> No.2494848

Break it up into two inequalities.

>> No.2494868

>mfw you add them together rather than subtract

>> No.2494881

Doing this in my head..
I should get something like
1.4<b<1.6 ?

The inequality symbols should be less than or equal to, but I'm being lazy at the moment and to be blunt, I don't know how to do that on a keyboard.

>> No.2494887

Why would I add them when the 6 is a negative? The operation involving the 6 is subtraction, but since I'm doing inequalities wouldn't I add?

>> No.2494889

You have two separate inequalities. Deal with each one individually. Working on them together is throwing you off.

>> No.2494898

this is easy shit.
you've failed me, man.

>> No.2494905

i suck at math dood.
History and English are my better subjects. Science i'm meh, but math is my weakness.

sorry :'(