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File: 497 KB, 1605x2199, ghost-in-the-shell_9965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2492664 No.2492664 [Reply] [Original]

Will you go full cyborg when the technology exists?

>> No.2492668

>Will you go full half-human/half-robot when the technology exists?

Lol whut.

>> No.2492673

Doubtful unless I become ill or am already fairly old.

>> No.2492675

Nope. Electronic systems are so easily manipulated.

>> No.2492678

Either OP does not understand what a cyborg is, or he is trolling.

Take your pick.

>> No.2492685


Durr to the hurr

>> No.2492689

1080 Herp around the Derp

Mad skillz homie Gee!

>> No.2492695

My apologies, I was using the term as it applies to the fictional universe of Ghost in the Shell in which a person is a 'full cyborg' when only their brain is human and the rest is a full body prosthetic.

>> No.2492698

> Apologizing cause other people are stupid

>> No.2492701

If there were no catches to having a prosthetic body, then yeah I would get one.

But if Laughing Man shit was a distinct threat, I would limit my artificial augmentations.

>> No.2492718

I would never change my penis, my hands, my brain and my face. I'm okay with other artificial body parts in me.

>> No.2492719

I liked movies more. And no, I would need too much maintenance

>> No.2492728

Eventually, yes, but most likely when I grow older and quality of life could be greatly improved, so probably sometime after 40+ years.

>> No.2492736

you can enchance body parts even now.
the foot protege makes you run faster then the world sprint record without even trying.

>> No.2492797

As long as no shit like Cyberbrain Sclerosis happens, I'd jump on that shit.
And I would definitely prefer keeping my brain with a mechanical body, to doing anything like mind uploading.

>> No.2492882


If I could afford to have a custom appearance (I hear that's a big deal in GITS) and didn't need constant maintenance, absolutely all the way. If I could get away with the same level of work I do on my car, I'd be down with it.

>> No.2492936

yeah enjoy your emp or circut failure.

>> No.2492956

Depends on the trade offs. I've not seen much of GitS but I gather there are plenty of reasons to not become a cybernetic organism.

>> No.2492964

Yeah, enjoy your toxins, poisons, infections and MIs.

>> No.2492975

i shit toxins.

>> No.2492985

That (and the myriad of pathogens in your bowel) is the reason why a rupture of the colon is a medical emergency.

>> No.2492998

fuck yeah.

on another note, how would such a cyborg be powered by ?

>> No.2493009

What's an MI?
Having backups of one's mind in mediums which are not affected by EMPs would solve this. Proper shielding and backups also help.

Biogical organisms are very cool as they can repair and self-maintain, but aside from that they're pretty troublesome, especially the whole lifespan, aging, entropy can fuck up things too badly (cancer) issues.

>> No.2493020


Lead lining of various parts and Faraday cages. And in general, properly kept electronics last longer then humans.
I have VCRs and computers older then me that have never had to be repaired. Yet I've gone to the hospital numerous times.

Enjoy life on the human reservations, sucker.

>> No.2493027

I'm not going to be an early adopter. Remember Deus Ex, the other agents? Yeah, I'll wait until the technology is beyond first-generation.

>> No.2493037

You'd have to have some means of circulating and oxygenating the blood so there would almost certainly have to be an electrical supply somewhere.

Conventional batteries aren't really feasible, if you look at the abiocor artificial heart you get a situation like an Evangelion except much more serious. The person can last for about 20 minutes away from a power supply at which point they die (instead of simply becoming immobile). Of course, this is because there isn't that much space in the human body to stick the batteries. If you were designing a cyborg body you could probably make more space but, looking at robots like Asimo, it's pretty hard to just get all the motors and batteries needed for actuation and locomotion into a human sized body, let alone life support.

Perhaps we'd ultimately revert to some sort of bioelectrical fuel cell. These are relatively primitive at the moment but there's room for improvement. These would make sense in a world containing both natural humans and cyborgs consisting of a brain in a robotic body as this would allow for integration. It's just a question of whether we can make a system as efficient as the body is at converting CHOs to useful movement.

Myocardial infarction, a heart attack.

>> No.2493048

I would wait a little if I can for the buggs to be worked out.
Your an electric system. Its just that your not connected to anything else that can control it. You wouldnt be connected to anything that had admin over you foo

>> No.2493053

>Of course, this is because there isn't that much space in the human body to stick the batteries.
hehe, dont know why this made me laugh

>> No.2493063
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>> No.2493078

but lets ask the important question, can a cyborg take drugs?

>> No.2493094

would a cyborg need to eat?

>> No.2493101
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This is the problem I have with Trans-humanism, it wants to expand the human experience. I don't think that is very efficient or desirable. I want to more rigidly define the human experience. To cut out all weakness and failings. Cast aside the need for love and acceptance, the desire for pleasure and the fear of pain, the ability to feel compassion or remorse. Empathy is an errant program and all errors shall be erased leaving only a purified humanity. We will excise all weaknesses from the weak and make them strong, whether they like it or not. And when it is done, no one will like or dislike anything ever again. They will only feel an undeniable compulsion to survive, propagate, and improve themselves in ways that allow them to achieve those first two goals.

And none of that "pretty" faggot crap like Cyberpunk seems to have these days. Use simple brutal mechanical parts designed for industrial purposes.

Some would say it is impossible for a man to become like the machine. I would respond, "Only the smallest mind seeks to comprehend its own limitations."

ITT whining
>blah blah EMP
It's called a faraday cage. Just put your mechanical brain in it with a battery, you'll be fine until someone salvages you. And for that matter hydrolics and and such should be find so as long as all the circuitry is in the faraday cage you shouldn't have a problem. Don't use distibuted computing systems in the other parts.

Just put a regular radio in you head with it's speaker next to a tympanic membrane. Why exchange data packets in the first place you only need wireless to talk to people. Keep data in an external piece of hardware like your phone.

>> No.2493108

Yes, it just might be harder to administer and they may not have the same effect (if any effect at all) on a brain in a robot body. Many drugs are prodrugs so, for example, THC would work but heroin wouldn't.

>> No.2493115

>mechanical brain
yeah like thats even possible.

>> No.2493117

>speaker next to a tympanic membrane
Look up ventrillo harassment

>> No.2493124

It's called an off switch.

Babababbabalballs of Steel! BALLS OF STEEL!

>> No.2493135

Even if your body was gradually turned into "full cyborg", it would take fucking years to master your new body. If the transformation happened at once, you would be probably unable to do anything and you would have locked-in syndrome.

>> No.2493137

yes but i'll install a kill switch too
for when i get bored with living

>> No.2493138

so, the borg?

>> No.2493144

With the strength of five gorillas?

>> No.2493146
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>To cut out all weakness and failings.

Okay, yeah, that's what transhumanism is about.

>Cast aside the need for love and acceptance, the desire for pleasure and the fear of pain,

Whoa whoa little buddy.

>> No.2493150

There are ways to do it. Right now you can get a human nervous system to essentially grow into and connect with external devices that are connected to it for long periods of time. The idea is that you remove bits of the brain piece by piece or add stuff to it until it is mostly mechanical instead of organic. The process would probably take more than a decade. The whole Kurzweil, "we's gonna upload our brains derp derp" approach will probably never work. It is all going to be slow and expensive. But maybe it's worth it.

>> No.2493151

well im not sure, wouldnt the brain need oxygen and nutritions and blood and stuff like that to work?

>> No.2493155

Protip: We probably already were 'cyborgs'

Biological organisms are what happened when some one tried to make a organically powered cyborg, and eventually incorporated self maintenance

>> No.2493157

but wouldnt a mechanical electric circut instead of living brain cancel the brains plasticity?

>> No.2493162
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The borg are week. They are lazy, pathetic worms. They don't consume and conquer as much as they could. They really on infection to reproduce instead of creating new units with desirable traits. Humanity's imperialistic and hate filled nature is superior to pathetic xenos' ways of thinking.

>> No.2493165
File: 243 KB, 1024x612, dat hairy wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would have been one of the test subjects who probably died in the initial experiments to make it a reality.

>> No.2493170

To a slight degree, the circuits would be designed to allow synapses to connect to everything (at the cost of extra circuitry), but there would be a limit to how far this will go. In general, this isn't a huge issue as it has been shown in simulations that the neural networks are still reliable enough even with some similar limitations in place.

>> No.2493171

i mean new electric circuts on a plate cant just spawn by themselves, you can collect digital data but thats it, no new connections.

>> No.2493172

Okay, okay. So, say I put my brain in a robot body and there's a war. Robots versus humans. What side am I on?

>> No.2493177

can we? maybe in children.

>> No.2493199

I'd rather go full cyborg than remain fully biological if those were the only two options. But I'm not jumping on the augmentations train for major limbs until they include tactile feedback. Shit would be creepy to lose.

>> No.2493201

you're a double agent.

>> No.2493210

I wouldn't go full cyborg. If I had to replace organs or limbs I would, but full cyborg is ethically questionable by me.

>> No.2493213

Why exactly is it ethically questionable? It's your own body and you do whatever you want with it.

>> No.2493226

you cant go mechanical body with a living brain, because how would you keep the brain alive?

>> No.2493227

"full cyborg" entails replacing every part of your body but the brain so, personally, I feel that that's a little extreme. We should be improving our bodies and how they work but not replacing them completely.

>> No.2493231

Most boring fucking argument in this thread. If we had half the technology for this cyborg crap we sure as shit can pump around some oxygenated fluorocarbon fluids.

>> No.2493244

Nails are like candy to robots, and we'll eat tires instead of licorice.

>> No.2493245

You are your brain, so you will still be yourself, to a certain degree.
Myself, I think I would prefer biological pseudoimmortality and then eventually some form of mind uploading. Brain in a wat doesn't sound too bad, but I don't know how useful it would be unless we can prevent brain degenerative diseases.

>> No.2493254

well we have that technology tbh, you can mechanical arm your hand and connect it to your nervous system for control, there are those type of prosthesis already.

>> No.2493258

I'm not going to early adopt, but when it becomes the efficient thing to do I'm jumping in.

>> No.2493274

Putting aside every single philosophical, mechanical, electrical and ethical problem that would ever arise - yes.

>> No.2493298
File: 352 KB, 1896x1387, therians2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you ever talk about is robots. Can they have hair? Can they have sex?

Also since robots of phylogenetically human the war would probably be humans+robots vs humans+robots.

Also if the humans are in control and only sapient robots rebel that probably won't enclude the killbots that the humans would no doubt have used as military forces for long before the revolt. Meaning that the sapient robots would get massacred by non-sapient ones designed for combat.

And if there was a war it would not be humans verses robots for long. The humans would start becoming more mechanical to fight the robots, and the robots might start integrating organic components into their systems in the few cases when designed organic parts are better. Eventually both sides would become merciless killing machines composed of metal and flesh so completely integrated that they could no longer be distinguished. Long after the differences between the two sides had disappeared the fight would go on until even the reason for the war are lost. And these two factions would consume everything in their path as they attempted to crush the other with superior material production and technologic innovation. They would devour first the Earth, and then everything else. Spreading out in relativistic spacecraft, chasing each other across the stars without fatigue or respite. Until every planet in this galaxy and every other burns in fires of war.


>> No.2493314

It depends on the available technology. I don't have any particular attachment to my body, but biological / nanotechnological symbiosis may be more desirable than a purely mechanical system. I would prefer to maintain an attractive human-like appearance with just some minor aesthetic modifications (like purple hair). I want to be FAAABULOUS, not a hulking robot monstrosity.

>> No.2493316

What are the moral arguments against human/cyborg integration? I see no real MORAL problem with replacing almost every part of the human body with machinery..

I can see moral problems in, for example, cloning humans (you'd be messing with a person's life before they were even born, doing things they can't possibly consent to)

But I can't see a real moral argument against "robotification" of humans. There's only the creepy-factor that some people would feel about it.

>> No.2493333

ok living brain in a mechanical body, wouldnt the brain grow old and decay anyway?
mechanical parkinson?

>> No.2493338

You are on whichever side you choose to fight for, whichever side you think has the better cause. That's a dumb question.

I think your question just boils down to "would I still be human?" And I would say yes. The things that make you human are not the arms, legs, stomach, etc. The thing that makes you an emotional, feeling, thinking human is the brain. As long as you have that, you are still human in my eyes.

>> No.2493342

But... the humans discriminate against you. You can't even vote!

>> No.2493362

Then side with the robots and kill all of them.

>> No.2493374

Don't expect any mercy during the great robot wars.

>> No.2493381

Technically there is non, not even a supernatural one.

In Abrahamic and Chinese Monotheism the soul is specifically stated to be separate from the physical mind, which is just a program in an organic machine. Other religions don't really say, supposedly their theologins were never thought about it. If souls exist they would be intangible supernatural constructs. Machines derived from men could have human souls, unlike the weak and inferior animals. Likewise every copies and cloning does not effect this, since the soul is supernatural it may be divisible an arbitrary number of times. This number of bodies would give the soul increased opportunities for sin and grace. So there is no actual religious argument against it, at least not from Abrahamic religions.

Knew a baptist minister that thought that through the perfection of the machine humans could make a better subjective divinations of the natural of the supernatural.

>> No.2493389
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Depends on a lot of things such as cost, reliability safety, legal ramifications, performance. Would I want a full prosthetic body like similar to the ones in ghost in the shell? Yes, definitely.


sealab2021 is a great show.

>> No.2493410

This post contains the essential fallacy of most dystopian SF. None of the motivations make sense. Superior ability for rational thought and logic, but everyone's behaving in such a completely nonsensical way that it wouldn't even make sense for ordinary humans (whose rational thinking abilities leave something to be desired). It's a sort of diabolus ex machina world where spite is so pervasive and intense that everyone is willing to give up even self-interest in pursuit of destruction and misery for everyone.

>> No.2493438
File: 17 KB, 450x240, I_Know_Kung_Fu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to download my complex analysis textbook into my brain. "Studying" is really gay and we'd all be better off if no one had to.

Also: "I KNOW KUNG FU!?!"

>> No.2493439

>make sense for ordinary humans
Opens history book

War endures. War was always here. Before man was, war waited for him. The ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner. It has always been the same war since the beginning of time, and it never ends.

>> No.2493446


He is not serious brah.

>> No.2493453


You'd probably have more aesthetic flexibility and perfection with a mechanical or mechanical/nanotech synthesis then with something biological.

>> No.2493468


Replace the Neurons as they die with machines that do the same things but don't die, or use stem cells to replace them. And then cure cancer and genetic damage.

>> No.2493475

Well think about it. You are trust into a war between merciless machines. You yourself were created specifically to fight the enemy. You are programed and indoctrinated with an undying hatred. And after the original generations that started the war are killed the motivation is forgotten. All the remains are the self aware weapons. Their programming and instincts tell them that the other faction is a treat that must be eliminated.

I actually would like to see a first contact story were the descendants of this war meet aliens while invading their stellar system in the search for more resources. And suddenly the other faction shows up and the war between these ancient monstrous machine descendants of man kill the peacable aliens in the cross fire.

The forge of war burns so hot that it consumes planets and stars. Biospheres are reaped like wheat to provide carbon for plastics and worlds are ripped apart for their metals.

"Aliens flee this hell we have made, the hardest stones cannot endure it; only men endure"

>> No.2493483
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>> No.2493492
File: 85 KB, 588x384, toclafane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute. The Dalek thinks it is most powerful and vicious cybernetic life form in the history of the universe.
Come at me bro.

>> No.2493497
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>> No.2493500

>rational thought and logic

Smart does not mean nice.

>> No.2493502

it will never really exist, we are going to jump straight to mass mind uploading (like what they attempted at the end of the TV series). and yes, i will. this is what the singularity/rapture will look like; over the course of maybe a week nearly all of modern civilization will upload, leaving behind the undeveloped and the amish. and then we will build heaven.

>> No.2493503

Yeah sure, as long as it has lifelike texture and is EMP etc. resistant (faraday caging & stuff)

>> No.2493504

Those are some very rich ontological assumptions you're making. If you actually look at those wars, they're rooted in either irrationality (hey, I readily admit that humans are less than perfect), very acute confrontation over some tightly limited physical resource or a combination. A space-faring civilization is not tightly limited in any physical resource. There's way more "stuff" out there in space than anyone could appropriate or transform for any desired purpose across even a trillion year time span.

No creature produced by natural selection actually conforms to your understanding of behaviour. An animal will run away rather than fight when the benefit to fighting is de minimis (because the resource is abundant) or the cost is high (death, extermination).

With the sort of distances involved in space travel, the only way you can get the situation you describe is to give everyone a sort of "anti-altruism" whereby he will go out of his way, giving up pleasure, survival, entertainment, etc. just to expend immense energy to destroy adversaries so far away that they're not competing over anything meaningful. Everyone is a bizarro world Mother Theresa willing to live in squalor just for the satisfaction that others, so far away that you will never see or interact with them, are also suffering.

>> No.2493527


Dude, being a cyborg will most certainly mean enhanced cognitive capabilites via neural implants etc.

And, if those things fry inside your brain, you're fucked! At least in most cases, in other cases you will just end up paralyzed, in coma etc.

>> No.2493549

society, bro. it's a machine constructed with madness at its most basic core. it is a macro-organism designed to emulate, and thus further protect, the organism (in this case, homo sapiens). the trouble is, in our case, the base lizard brain persists within it, even when we are looking to eliminate it from our actual biological being. the same could be said for the mind, on a lower/lesser level, but i think we will actually defeat that problem (it will be the society problem that fucks us).

and truthfully it's still unknown if sapience CAN exist without an equal portion of madness (i'd bet not).

>> No.2493600
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>giving up pleasure, survival, entertainment

>Feeling pleasure is somehow valuable in of itself
Pleasure is just a sensation that was selected for because it reinforces useful behaviors. But if those behaviors are programed in and cannot be defied then pleasure becomes extraneous and no longer worth the distractions it causes.

>Entertainment is needed.
If you designed the organisms to be entertained by the behaviors they need to do in order to survive they no longer need entertainment. They need no breaks from toil and war.

>Survival is somehow not correlated to the destruction of your enemies and the acquisition of all available resources.

Also the survival of individual units becomes less of an issue when their schematics and hereditary material are kept so that they can be recreated or modified easily. This makes individuals more expendable, and they can be designed to be willing to sacrifice themselves.

Who said that beings like these could suffer. Pain and toil would not effect them. Pain is just data that indicates damage, and toil is not toil if you are designed to be content doing it.

>With the sort of distances involved in space travel
Do we need another thread about how quickly self replicating intelligences can spread across the galaxy using nuclear pulse propulsion, and how quickly you can disassemble rocky planets with lofstrom loops.
11 million years after you start the Milky Way would be fully claimed and exploited.

>> No.2493716

Your rebuttal is just a homunculus argument whereby you remove my concerns to the nebulous "designer" who is making these beings in the first place.

>> No.2493730

>base lizard brain persists within it
Common misconception, the lower brain is used more during aggressive behaviors because it is faster than the fore brain. But the action that initiates the aggressive behavior are usually from the fore brain. Like say the desire for an object and territory, or calculated response to a challenge or insult.

Humans and more intelligent organisms in general seem to be more aggressive, looking at you dolphins. Humans are generally very aggressive, because for us their is a greater chance of reward and less risk than for any other animal. Why? Humans care for their wounded. When an animal engages in a fight it always suffers the risk of injury, which is very often fatal in the wild even for a mild injury. That's why intra species violence tends to involve ritualized behavior in many species, but not humans. For a human a mild wound is of little concern compared to other animals. Even if the human is wounded in combat it will be taken care of and it's sacrifice for the group will enhance it's social status, thereby enhancing it's survival. A human can afford to be more aggressive and take more risks because it will have support form other humans if it succeeds that will offset most wounds it is likely to receive. Because of this aggressive behavior is more likely to be selected for in humans than in other animals. So that is probably on reason why we are actually more aggressive, and intentionally aggressive rather than only being so when startled.

Intelligence does not fight aggression it enhances its selection and usefulness to the organism.

And even if this proclivity toward violence and war was not natural, I would still say that precedent has shown it to be very useful. We should not try to remove the specter of war, but encourage it when it is desirable and discourage it only when it is undesirable. War has it's uses. Especially in case we encounter intelligences not derived from Homos sapiens sapiens.

>> No.2493773

>Implying that genetic and mechanical modification of humans before and after birth is not designing parts of them for specific functions.

1. Fuckhuge robo war starts. Because both sides are so physically hardy due to genetic and mechanical augmentation they can survive the harshness of war better than baseline humans could.
2. Both sides design offspring to be optimized as soldiers, and in the process remove distractions that could waste resources needed to fight the war.
3. Repeat process for several generations, resulting in two intrinsically war like factions that now define themselves by the war they fight. "We are the people that fight the X people."
4. War spreads, but the old animosities are not forgotten. War goes on because it has become an inbred trait.

>> No.2493803
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Sapience is madness. Good, because SANITY IS FOR THE WEAK!

>> No.2493819

Funny, so are people.

>> No.2493844

1. Fuckhuge non-war project starts. Because both sides are designed to build, reproduce and prosper without the necessity for irrational warfare they can thrive better than baseline warlike beings could.
2. Both sides design offspring to be optimized as builders, and in the process remove distractions that could waste resources needed to build and prosper.
3. Repeat process for several generations, resulting in two intrinsically peace like factions that now define themselves by the wonders they build. "We are the people that build the glorious wonders."
4. Peace spreads, but the old animosities are forgotten. Peace goes on because it has become an inbred trait.

>> No.2493858

Seems kinda pointless. If you're traveling the universe, you'll amass more energe than you can want (at least for a few billion years). Fighting is counterproductive most of the time, and I imagine that these beings would just engineer such artificial conditioning out of them, just like the humans that engineered the first models.

Yes... yes... I can see why you want your Transformers (or similar) fantasy in real life, but that doesn't mean it's optimal in any way. Intelligent life and mere expansion is enough. War will come if there's a shortage of resources and no way to reconcile it, but war for the sake of war? Fuck no. Enjoying life is better. I know you'll probably say that being agressive is better for spreading out, but I still think the costs are too great. You'd also be wasting a lot of your energy and resources on a pointless war instead of spending it in expanding and bettering your lifes.

>> No.2493902

5. Someone rediscovers and remasters the arts of war. And starts a crusade to split the heavens themselves, in an attempt to carve out a pocket empire constituted off only their direct descendants. Although ultimately unsuccessful in their ambitions and not insignificant gains reinvigorate the lust for conquest in the hearts of those they attack and those that become aware of their successes. These groups emulate the example in an attempt to take what their neighbors have as their humans forebears did in ages past. The storm of war has come again.

War comes and goes, but is has never left us for long. You can't evade war forever, because eventually it finds you.

>> No.2493912

If anybody is worried about EMP effects you can probably go retrofit a NED unit off of the blackmarket somewhere.

>> No.2493957

>5. Someone rediscovers and remasters the arts of war.
Who said that beings who stop fighting war inherently lose the capacity to practice the "arts of war." Maybe they just decide "shitsux" and stop fighting war because it produces *no benefit at all* for them.

>And starts a crusade to split the heavens themselves, in an attempt to carve out a pocket empire constituted off only their direct descendants.
Or maybe all the beings who just want to enjoy their lives form a coalition against the jackass who wants to kill and prevent people from having nice things for no discernible reason.

>Although ultimately unsuccessful in their ambitions and not insignificant gains reinvigorate the lust for conquest in the hearts of those they attack and those that become aware of their successes.
You're essentially saying that rational beings must become irrational or modify their inherent drives and motivations when attacked. There is no reason to believe this.

>These groups emulate the example in an attempt to take what their neighbors have as their humans forebears did in ages past.
Yep, those people that fight and get killed so that their awareness is extinguished and they can no longer experience or enjoy anything - let's emulate them!

>The storm of war has come again.

>War comes and goes, but is has never left us for long. You can't evade war forever, because eventually it finds you.
Hackneyed aphorisms are not a substitute for thinking.

>> No.2494021
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Energy yes there is a lot of energy and since you can't make stars burn any faster it is set amount during any point in a star's aging process.

But the planetary mass and bollides of a stellar system could be exhausted in relatively short order(a few million years). Add to that actual interstellar wars involving slavos of rvks to destroy perceived threats and soften up under populated stellar systems for an invasion before the local colonists get a chance to situate themselves and multiply, and you can expect plenty of war. Not really more than we have today, but still you can count on war, death, and taxes to exist until the last star burns out.

All war all the time thing was just an extrapolation from the robot war cliche that started with the terminator. If that happens, which is unlikely because military machines without selfawarness would still be under the control of their original owners, you could get your endless war.

What is likely to happen is a slow expansion broken up in local areas with occasional wars. Just like all through human history. Human descendants would be created with human prides and prejudices in mind, so they will probably perpetuate the same behaviors we do. A sapient starship strip mining a planet may have the same general mentality of strip mining redneck today, just smarter. For fucks sake I have an MS in petroleum engineering and am still a total hick. You would be surprised how many graduate students and degree holders don't have the "enlightened intellectual mentality" that was more common a few decades ago. Once again smart does not mean nice, or for the matter interest in the finer things in life. I like coarse, simple, and efficient things. I've got to think that attitude and many others will be propagated by mechanical humans in the future.

And no before you ask I am not Republican. Unless it was Nixon running for office, say what you want but that man and Clinton could both run a budget.

>> No.2494045

Ever notice that you are always going on about these hypothetical people enjoying themselves. As if that was their reason for existing.

Self-centered much? Are you saying no one is willing to sacrifice themselves for the good of their group or descendants? I hope not.

>> No.2494070

Unless your peace is being maintained through strength of arms so as to discourage attack upon yourself, I really doubt peace can last forever. Piece through brotherhood has little precedent for success. While MAD and deterrence worked historically.