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2491073 No.2491073 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone look down on actors? They contribute nothing to society and are the most overpaid people on the planet. They sell their bodies like whores for a chance at spotlight for a couple of years.

Is it just me who is absolutely not impressed by anyone who claims to be an actor? I have much more respect for a firefighter or a police officer than a fucking actor.

99% of movies just disgust me with how grossly inaccurate about EVERYTHING they are. Everything is so over-dramatized to the point of (for me) laughter. Filmmakers are completely disconnected from reality. It says a LOT about the medium when you can just take one look at a movie and instantly know if it was made for the award season or not.

Movies like Iron Man and Transformers are fun because they don't try to be what they aren't. Trash like The Social Network just make me not want waste my time with movies ever again. I have never told anyone how I really feel about movies because I fear it'll alienate me some and I'll be seen as pretentious or something. Which is funny because pretentiousness is one of the reasons I hate movies so much. They are filled with it.

>> No.2491081

Mostly yes.

>> No.2491086

Alright troll I'll bite.

Your pretentious, and what does this have to do with /sci/?

>> No.2491089
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>They contribute nothing to society

are you serious? they contribute entertainment, without which the world would be a fucking terrible place. I don't look down on actors at all, they put in a lot of hard work, determination and require a lot of talent to be successful.

and it's not the actors' fault things may be inaccurate - filmmakers write their scripts to maximize entertainment, not factual accuracy.

>> No.2491090
File: 109 KB, 672x934, 2035[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you just need to watch better movies.
Not science

>> No.2491091

I'd like to know what you do for a living, OP.

>> No.2491088

you have a valid point

But people enjoy movies because they think they can relate to them and maybe there dead end life might be able to go somewhere

>> No.2491094

Already had this thread on /tv/. Look up and post celebrity homes if you want to RAGE more.
But on the whole, Yes, they areall useless faggots.

>> No.2491096
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> a lot of hard work
If you're a girl: being pretty sure is hard work! waking up at 6am so you can spend 2 hours in make up and then a couple of hours shooting and then going home and doing this for a couple of months a year and getting paid millions for it sure is hard work!

Oh won't you think of the actors? they provide us with shitty "entertainment" that does nothing but put retarded ideas into the minds of our children.

Fuck off, cunt.

>> No.2491098

Movies are not made to cater to people like you.

They want people who see a commercial for the social network and say "OMG facebook, I use that, I have to see that"

Movies are written to appeal to what the bottom level of intelligence wants. This is why we have needless explosions, forced sex scenes, every protagonist is a mary sue, and shoe horned romance/love story in every single movie.

The golden compass was a really good book series that had to be butchered from its source material for the movie because writers believed that the heavy anti religion theme would hurt potential sales

Also keep in mind that the movie industry is run by a certain group of people whose name is now a ban word on 4chan

>> No.2491099

It is extremely easy and lazy to sit in powerful judgment of things you don't understand. And it is even easier to make yourself believe that you do understand! Terrifyingly easy.

>> No.2491101
File: 552 KB, 551x538, 1283062344228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actors get paid to entertain.

movies cost lots of money to make,market and sell.

they also get lots of ROI,some of this ROI goes to the actors

actors that put asses in the seats get more money.

In reality unskilled and skilled labor contribute the most manpower (blood,sweat and tears) to society.

The majority of scientific work goes to keep said labor in good condition.

>> No.2491103

There are -many- forms of entertainment other than movies.

Anyways, I partially agree with you OP. I don't know where you came with the whole pretentious bit though. I'm personally not very interested in most movies and openly tell people so. I'll sit through a movie if a friend or family member is bringing me to watch it with them, but that's about it. I dislike how actors (famous ones, anyways) get paid so much whereas actual contributors to society get treated like trash. It's not that I look down on them, it's just that I believe the money could be invested in people who actually deserve it.

>> No.2491106

Actors have to keep in shape so they spent a lot of their time working out. The fail rate for a successful actor is ridiculous, its so high that its the equivalent of winning the lottery. Don't think that just because its an actress that she will get every position she wants, even if she's pretty. Not to mention that females would be in a lot more pressure to stay in shape.

Acting is done by people with passion. It requires more determination than any science job.

So, stop being a prick.

>> No.2491111

Movies are for stupid people. No two ways about it. They are extremely shallow and made specifically for people who don't read.

>> No.2491113

>It requires more determination than any science job.

You lose me there. Being great at anything requires huge sacrifice and dedication.

>> No.2491116

Hugh laurie gets more money to pretend to be a doctor than any

Last I heard he got $500k per episode of House. They make about ~20 episodes a season. Can you name any doctor that makes even close to that?

The system is broken because no doctor or scientist will ever be able to make as much money as bieber.

This only encourages and reinforces the anti intellectualism culture we have in the west

>> No.2491118
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needs some polish for your Ivory tower?

>> No.2491121
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>Acting is done by people with passion. It requires more determination than any science job.


Oh no they have to go to the gym and stay in shape! Don't you know how hard that is? They are completely fucking useless and a drain on society for 99% of their careers and if they hit it big, most will only be relevant for a couple of years!

Acting = harder than gettign my PhD in Biochem! You heard it here first, folks!

>> No.2491123

>Acting is done by people with passion. It requires more determination than any science job.

Bullshit. Anyone who's willing to spend years getting a PHD and continuing to research on a particular topic requires ALOT of passion for the subject that they're studying. And not only do they require said passion, but there's no guarantee that they will ever be recognized for their work.

Although I understand that what you're saying about the rigor involved in the acting community, it does NOT mean it's any better than the scientific community.

>> No.2491124

Hardest thing to do:
Be passionate about something and put your all into it and do something great with it.

Hardest thing to do on average:
Become and work as a physician.

>> No.2491128


>Although I understand that what you're saying

should be

>Although I understand what you're saying

>> No.2491132

Bullshit. If you're smart enough or disciplined enough, you're guaranteed that Ph.D. An actor can fail to be successful based on complete luck and failure means that all the years they've spent would go down the drain. They risk becoming another California hobo.

>> No.2491131
File: 42 KB, 400x500, ickyday.net.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck, baby suck.

>> No.2491130

haha, some physicians in private practice do make this much, lets not get into those in pharm in the private sector. But no, on average this is not normal.

But if you looked on average for all jobs including acting and CEOs and professional athletes according to the labor dept. none of them on average come close to physician.

>> No.2491133

The highest paid doctors are spinal surgeons. They make anywhere from 300~600k a year. That's pre-tax and pre-malpractice insurance which by itself could be up to 10-30% of their salary.

>> No.2491137


You're really bad at this,

>> No.2491145


Hugh Lauries makes 10 mill a year? for maybe at most what 10 years? then a few gigs hereand there and he is the top in his field?

Plastics guy I know makes 20mill a year, he is in the top 1% of brachial plexus surgeons in the world and will have this salary for the 30 years he works. Taxes take less out of his paycheck than an actors since he reinvests it into his practice making it part of capital gains tax exemption.

>> No.2491146




>> No.2491149
File: 21 KB, 155x202, 1296270841267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plastics guy I know makes 20mill a year
I lol'd

Do you really expect anyone to believe your bullshit? Go back to /tv/ and don't click on /sci/ again until you've at least finished HS.

>> No.2491159


>> No.2491165

Not much in terms of statistics but:

The famous celebs you guys think of are outliers similar to lottery winners. Are you going to hate someone who took a chance and won the lottery? Just let it go.


>> No.2491168
File: 121 KB, 525x798, goose badass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of actors and professional athletes do get paid a lot more than they should. Sure, a lot of them put on a lot of effort on what they do (Christian bale losing all that weight for the machinist, dedicated players who spend over 12 hours every day practicing what they get paid to do), but those are far and few between, your average famous actor or athlete is not as dedicated as someone should be to earn that much, they're riding the gravy train, and it's pretty easy to see that too, when garbage movies are big blockbusters and famous football/soccer/basketball players are fatasses who can't play a game properly.

>> No.2491182

it does annoy me how famous some people are, (not just actors) and how they are treated as a grand authority on things they know nothing about, (when they go on talk-shows and get asked what they think about issues they have nothing to do with and no authority over)

i get annoyed at how much actors and famous people get paid compared to money for science, but it isn't their fault the fault lies with society, society collectively as a whole has caused this to happen if you have a problem with it and don't do anything to change it (whether you like it or not) its just as much your fault than it is theirs, sorry brah, ive told this to many people who complain like a bitch about things that are constructed by society and go the wrong way around changing it.

>> No.2491187

>how they are treated as a grand authority on things they know nothing about, (when they go on talk-shows and get asked what they think about issues they have nothing to do with and no authority over)

This is what really bothers me. 99% of actors are exactly like 99% of people, ignorant as fuck about 99% of things. Those talk shows are just god awful.

>> No.2491188

..........I'm a second year medical student. Private practice is simply running a business like any other. Except if you have a skill that few others in the world have, you will be very lucrative. The surgeon I am speaking of is very famous and respected. His name is Dr. Rahul Nath.


He is friends with very powerful people including President Geroge W. Bush. He also takes the majority of his money and reinvests it into his practice, uses it for philanthroy, and funds his own research. He has a hired an entire research team just from his salary as a physician. He even publishes his own journal out of pocket.......

However, like I said, he is in the top class of earning physicians.

>> No.2491193
File: 56 KB, 431x300, koala-dt-431x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit why so much hate on actors.

famous hollywood actors dedicate their life to acting and i guarantee put more work (charismatic, body etc.) in than any 9-5 white collar worker.

jesus fuck if you think being an actor requires no talent or effort and they get millions of dollars for nothing WHY DON'T YOU BECOME A FUCKING ACTOR YOU CUNT

but no, you could never do that, because you're a socially inept little introverted loser, who sits on his cumstained chair in his parents shitbox house being a pretentious, jealous douche.

just kill yourself already


>> No.2491194

OP. So much yes. I agree massively. People put forward pathetic arguments like "They entertain so many people so deserve the ridiculous amount of money they get" NO they are not contributing anything more than a little bit of satisfaction that ends as soon as the TV goes off.

>> No.2491195

>He doesn't realize becoming a famous actor is based on chance. Average actors at paid shit.

>> No.2491197

>most overpaid people on the planet
>implying that's not sportsmen

>> No.2491198

Well, they're just compensated a lot more than they should, however they still contribute more to society than let's say some wallstreet traders (which in some cases make more money than actors, while destroying economies)..

>> No.2491199

Go back to dead, Plato.

>> No.2491208

supply and demand

>they make movies
>movies generate a fuckton of money
>money is divided up between parties involved

if actors aren't getting it, it will just go to some execs in the industry. just fucking get over it. plus as others have said it's only a minute few that actually get paid that well.

>> No.2491212

so more of it should go to the writers.......they are the real workers.

>> No.2491223

Muito bom seu comentário, concordo Parabéns!!!