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File: 113 KB, 450x326, 0013729e47710a465dfd1f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2490150 No.2490150 [Reply] [Original]

It would be funny if China succesfully goes to the moon and they completely debunk AMURIKA's lie by comparing videos and such, and we totally see that moon wasn't like NASA showed to us.

Shit would be funny as fuck.

>> No.2490157

Russia hasn't invented an LEM they can rip off; we should be quite safe for the foreseeable future.

>> No.2490162

then the question would be if china could successfully fake a moon landing

>> No.2490167
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If NASA didn't go to the Moon, then how where the Knights Templar under the guidance of the Illuminati able to form an alliance with the reptilian space Nazis? WAKE UP SHEEPLE!

>> No.2490169

>mfw they go to the moon an confirm everything conspifaggots piss and moan about

I'll be happy for a day then rage when they move on to something else to claim never happened.

>> No.2490189

they'll just say china faked it too, they're retarded

>> No.2490197

They'll go there.

Because somebody else already did it and showed them how to do it.

Basically it's a pirated space stunt.

>> No.2490205

What if the chinese explodes some firecrackers on the moon and we can see the light show

that would be enough proof

>> No.2490216

Their suits seem...colorful.

Maybe it's just the ORANGE AND BLUE CONTRAST.

>> No.2490220

why you fuckers hate the chinamen so much.

all this bullshit propaganda that china cannot technology is fucking ridiculous.

stop being jelly

>> No.2490229

Orange and blue is the ultimate contrast.

It's probably the best color mix in the world. So cool.

>> No.2490232

Do something new and we'll talk.

>> No.2490235

No it's just unfortunate for us.

>> No.2490245


I also plan to do something amazing in a few years. Perhaps I will use Top Gun clips to illustrate it.

>> No.2490253

that fucking maglev man, that maglev

>> No.2490263


Wow, I jelly.

The thing is, China's technology probably isn't better than ours. It's just that we have a fucktarded population that hates changes.

>> No.2490265

They have retro reflectors on moon you can shine lasers at them. They will come right back.

There used to be a website that allowed you to do this.

>> No.2490273



>> No.2490272

Putting maglev trains into vacuum tubes? Yeah, that sounds reaaaal cost effective.

>> No.2490270
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>> No.2490281

true dat, it's not so much ludditism than it is politicians wanting to keep "shittle jobs" in their districts. Which is why many NASA rockets are designed to use shittle parts.

>> No.2490284

>implying that is the objective

>> No.2490288

It isn't better than yours. The United States, Germany, and Japan are easily the three most technologically advanced countries on Earth. The rest of the ultra-developed Western countries aren't that far back, though.

China is catching up at a fantastic pace though. There was the story about the Chinese sub surfacing previously undetected in the middle of a US exercise in the pacific about 1000 feet from an American aircraft carrier. It was pretty misrepresented as a "surprise that this technology exists" rather than "surprise that China has this technology" in popular media; but previously the UK, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Australia, and Canada had all notched kills against US aircraft carriers in wargames.

>> No.2490296

The way the bailout of North American auto industry was handled made it quite obvious that the government values jobs much more than innovation, because there were essentially mandates to manufacture foreign designs. To me, it was a shocking disregard for knowledge-based jobs.

>> No.2490316
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>> No.2490348

>implying the us is more technologically advanced than australia, canada or the uk


>> No.2490352

Try to get a job in ultra-precision engineering in Canada.

>> No.2490398


In pretty much every field, actually. But no please do go on about how backwards the US is compared to the Glorious Commonwealth.

>> No.2490426

Australia is in bumfuck nowhere and should be considered a third world country. Canada is just there, nobody gives a shit and they never make any of the big discoveries in fields of science or breakthroughs in technology.

>> No.2490434


ITT - kiddies who've never left their home town

>> No.2490465
File: 21 KB, 480x276, NwLWb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You realize that in american public school, they donnt tell you about whaat other countries do, just america? Blinding naationalism in the education system ftl

>> No.2490466


Me thinks you're on the wrong board mate.

>> No.2490482

Actually they do tell you about other countries in public school. Unfortunately, they do it very poorly and with an emphasis only on certain foreign nations, usually those with a direct relation to the US in history (Britain, Germany and Russia for example). Most other nations tend to do the same, so this isn't really unique.

>> No.2490486

When China stops trying to pass Top Gun clips as their "air force" I'll believe they're maybe 20 years away from hanging out in outer space.

>> No.2490503
File: 16 KB, 251x326, Erwin_Schrödinger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha Conan