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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2489812 No.2489812 [Reply] [Original]

hey /sci/ what is the best mechanical pencil.

This is the pencil I currently use, it's pretty nice but I know there is better out there.

>> No.2489839

As a rule of thumb, sharpies are far more comfortable than mechanical pencils.

>> No.2489864

OP, personally I just use a relatively cheap-o one that I bought from a Target. It has a rubber grip so it's pretty comfortable. Really other than comfort, all mechanical pencils are pretty much the same, assuming the same lead size.

You can't erase with sharpies, unfortunately.

>> No.2489875

I prefer .3 with a retractable tip but using the correct hardness is more important than the pencil itself

>> No.2489882

You're just not trying hard enough

>> No.2489912

Those marks weren't from the sharpie

>> No.2489918


your mechanical pencil has an advanced degree...?


>> No.2489967

I was on an expedition in the Serengeti once. Me, my brother, and our navigator Johnny. It was all going smoothly for the first 3 weeks, but then the Fever began to take hold. First it got Johnny. At first it was mild, he would just break out in a cold sweat at night. But as the days wore on, he got progressively worse. He began hallucinating, and started to become violent. Once night I awoke to find him holding a knife at my throat panting heavily, but as soon as my eyes locked to his he began sobbing deeply in a corner.

Eventually we had to keep Johnny confined to his tent, with my brother and I taking shifts to watch over him. With our navigator all but out of commission, we were stranded.

But that wasn't the worst of it. My brother soon picked up the Fever. And it was much less kind to him. He began coughing up blood after every meal. After just a week had elapsed since Johnny was confined, my brother was bedridden. I could tell he was not going to make it. We had to get him to a professional and fast. But with him bedridden and with Johnny in the state he was (he was now howling strange obscenities into the sky each night), there was no way I could leave the camp. We were completely cut off. I would have to radio for help.

>> No.2489976

Our only radio had been locked away in a case for safety. (You know what kind of wild animals roam the Serengeti. We couldn't risk our equipment being destroyed) Unfortunately, the case was kept with Johnny, and only he knew the combination. At this stage in the sickness, he was not talking. Days went by, and my brother got worse. One day, a foul black substance started leaking from his eyes. I could tell he only had hours to live.

Well, I finally found where Johnny had originally written the combination to remind himself (he was always a forgetful lad). With this, I would be able to open the case and radio for help. Maybe... Just maybe.... My brother was saved.

But to my dismay, Johnny, in his wild delirium, had scribbled out the combination with a BIC brand Sharpie.

My brother was moaning in agony. I erased. I erased like the fist of the north star. But no amount of effort, no miracle, no act of god, would make that ink come out. My brother died that night, screaming the name of his wife and daughter. I could do nothing to help him. Even as he was screaming his last words, my hands were raw and bloody, working that eraser over the scribbled Sharpie.

Believe me. I tried. I tried plenty hard enough.

>> No.2489986
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you should have used whiteout

>> No.2490003

I lol'd, heartily.

Good show sir.

>> No.2490051

That would not have worked, the parchment was brown.

>> No.2490077
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Ok I see, you were pretty screwed then.

>> No.2490130
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