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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 35 KB, 362x373, 8-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2488496 No.2488496 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ troll general.

Post your troll pics

>> No.2488506
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>> No.2488501
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>> No.2488512
File: 71 KB, 482x727, e9ym45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2488548

Natural selection, retard.
That happens all the time fucktard, see how everybody doesn't look the same? those are their traits that would pass on incase they breed, EHEM, MICROEVOLUTION.
it doesn't

>> No.2488570


Christians: 1
Atheists: 0

>> No.2488573
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>> No.2488679
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It even says troll general and you still got trolled...

>> No.2488683
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>> No.2488690
File: 1.14 MB, 438x1599, vwsh7k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2488695

Hey theists, if god is real how come the world didn't end in the 12 apostles' lifetimes? Or any other times you morons predicted it?

atheists: 1
christards: 0

>> No.2488700
File: 50 KB, 400x477, santa_claus_and_jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2488709
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>> No.2488714
File: 104 KB, 482x1236, 2unx1fs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2488723


>> No.2488736
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>> No.2488740
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>> No.2488756

that one still makes me rage

>> No.2488763


>> No.2488777


>> No.2488784

These two still make me rage. Even knowing we're in a troll science thread.

>> No.2488787

I like how they say Einstein said that...it's complete bull shit.

>> No.2488800


See, kids, this is how professionals do it. Not your predictable HURR JEEBUS 1 ATHEISTS 0 bullshit that doesn't even troll the autists on /sci/.

>> No.2488793


lol Big Chicken Dinner

Marines know the consequences of conduct unbecoming a serviceman, and nobody likes hypocrites.

>> No.2488797

Well whoever said it, isn't a bible believing christian

Isaiah 45:7
"I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things."

>> No.2488808

>God is protecting American soldiers

Then why do they keep dying?

>> No.2488811
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>mfw this entire thread

>> No.2488812

>Hey Atheists,

>If [evolution, the Big Bang, God doesn't exist, ..., pick one] then why [insert a well known misconception here]?

>> No.2488813

Remarkably few have, by percentage.

But if I were trolling, I'd say they were the gay ones.

>> No.2488816

because dumbass proffessors keep bothering him idiot

>> No.2488829

>Remarkably few have, by percentage.

For an all-powerful being, God sure isn't coordinated if he can't protect who he's deigned to protect.

>> No.2488839

Gulf war was 1 million soldiers strong, and had 300 losses

The current Iraq war had a peak of 200,000 and had roughly 5,000 killed.

I'd say god is doing a piss poor job compared to 1991

>> No.2488841
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>Rainbow Dash

>> No.2488846

Give him a fucking break, he's got a lot of shit on his plate right now.

>> No.2488856

The name of this trip was graciously bequeathed to me by the great and might: pretty pωny

Who has been lost to us ever since moot axed /new/ and /r9k/

We lost a great man

>> No.2488909

well, ya, and his power is supposed to be infinite. Im pretty sure that twenty to infinity and one hundred to infinity are still the same ratio.

>> No.2488927

oh god i laughed and raged so hard at the ending

>> No.2488960
File: 19 KB, 240x249, troll_thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: People being trolled

>> No.2488973

And two shit boards.

>> No.2488983

Yeah well if we're axing boards for being shitty, /b/ should have been the first to go.

>> No.2489002

Most of the traffic, there for ad revenue is collected through /b/

/b/ keeps the whole site afloat. No chance that it'll ever go.

>> No.2489023

You better be trolling, nigga. I'd rather visit /b/ than /r9k/. Well, if it was still there that is.

>> No.2489029

>suggests axeing /b/ for being shitty
/b/ is the heart of 4chan. Don't get your hopes up.

>> No.2489075

and that makes you a retard.

I didn't suggest that

a man can dream

>> No.2489131

Why exactly does that make me a retard, good sir?

>> No.2489175

moar troll pics, less getting trolled

>> No.2489189

well because /r9k/ was filled with lonely beta-faggots, but /b/ is filled with retards, why do you think they are called /b/tards? And birds of a feather man.