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2484190 No.2484190 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best way of taking down a rival scientist?
I was thinking of planting child pornography and anonymously alerting the authorities, but that seems a little overdone. Thoughts?

>> No.2484202

shoot him/her? Works pretty well for me.

>> No.2484207

Whatever you do, there's a fairly high probability that it will have the unintended side effect of giving him superpowers.

>> No.2484214

call him a racist

>> No.2484217

Make a finding that contradicts what they want to show? Show that the work they have been doing is based on philosophically shaky ground? Rip apart some finding they claim to have made by poking holes in their research methodology?

Those things would be constructive, probably, and push the cause of humanity forward.

You could also be constructively selfish. You could find and fuck that other person's high school crush, or achieve in some other way what they wished to but never could. You could forgive them their faults and simply live a good life in spite of them...

You could ruin their life using the legal system. It just seems like a bit of a dick move.

>> No.2484220

maybe you could try to push your limits and become better than him/het

>> No.2484250


>maybe you could try to push your limits and become better than him/het
I'm already better than him.

>You could find and fuck that other person's high school crush
I've already had sex with his daughter, Now's not the right time to send him the pictures though. I'll be using those to twist the knife once he's already been stabbed if you know what I mean.

>> No.2484262
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>a little overdone

>> No.2484331

and that's not enough? don't be petty.

>> No.2484360

Legal system hacks are the lowest of low. At least be a man about it.