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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 10 KB, 900x500, yourMajor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2482788 No.2482788 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2482801

Man, I'm too lazy to make this properly but still
>What people think it is
>What it actually is

>> No.2482822

That's so true!

>> No.2482899


>What people think it is
Making things.

>What it actually is
Solving equilibrium and thermodynamic problems.

>> No.2482905
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>> No.2482912

Cognitive Neuroscience

>What people think it is
the matrix

>What it actually is
the matrix

u mad boring major fags?

>> No.2482925

Computer Science
>What people think it is
The Matrix, if Neo were an IT guy
>What it actually is
Theory everywhere, bending you over and forgetting to lube up

>> No.2482926

Computer Science

A heavy focus on how computers work and methods to manipulate them

>what i got
a light focus on what comprises a computer and programming

i could of learned this shit on my own

>> No.2482937



>> No.2482943

What a shitty school you must attend.
You pay money for that?

>> No.2482958

Fuck yeah, fellow neuro-related majorfag here.

>> No.2482963

>What people think it is
>What it actually is
Filter classes. Filter classes everywhere.

>> No.2482973

Electrical engineering

>What people think it is
academic people: apollo 13
business majors: resistors
faggots: fixing light bulbs

>What it actually is
shit that makes modern society work

>> No.2482977

>What it actually is
Trust fund babies and football jocks buying into the delusion that they'll be the next House

>> No.2482980

What do you mean by filter classes?

>> No.2482990

>what it actually is (more)
interesting math, physics chem and some faggotry graduation requirements

>> No.2482991

theres like 164167456753786737 EE students and that's why I chose chemE.

and the "shit that makes modern society work" would hurt my pride if I had one;.

>> No.2482996

>What people think it is
I had little idea
>What it actually is
I have little idea

>> No.2482998

Do you go to a state school?

There are a lot of classes thats are completely unnecessary and irrelevant standards to grade someones grasp of Biology by. It's one of the most over compressed majors somebody can bother to take on.

>> No.2483005

yea i considered chemE at one point, but i don't seem to mind EE.

chemE = >$300K/year?

>> No.2483006

>What people think it is
A fake science
>What it actually is
A real science. Haters gonna hate.

>> No.2483015
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everybody is jelly.

>> No.2483016

i considered EE at one point, but i don't seem to mind chemE.

I don't have the balls.

>> No.2483017


>what people think it is
working at a pharmacy
or useless theoretical physics

>what it actually is
fucking simple shit (undergrad)

>> No.2483022

it's a soft science at best. Not that theres anything wrong with that, but don't kid yourself.

>> No.2483025
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>> No.2483029
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>> No.2483035

Computer Science

>what people think it is

>what it actually is
It can be mainly programming if you want, but I've chosen a more theoretical route so I barely touch computers.

>> No.2483042


You've actually met people that think this?

>> No.2483051

What type of classes do you consider filter?

>> No.2483054

>>working at a pharmacy
What the fuck?
>>useless theoretical physics
Well, now I just feel insulted.
>>Is a theoretical physicist.

>> No.2483066

Electrical engineering
Electrician for big things
Shit of bull.

>> No.2483080


my guess is people go full retard and think physics = physician = pharmacist

>> No.2483091

orgo and physics to start with. Even gen chem is made redundant by high school chemistry and any number of concepts covered in core bio classes.

>> No.2483115


Because I'm looking at the list of classes required in order to graduate with my major, which is neurobiology, and I wouldn't consider any of them filter. Maybe it's just because I'm neurobio and you're bio or just how the colleges are set up.

You mind if I ask what school you go to?

>> No.2483118


Don't you mean "(underage)"?

>> No.2483141
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this works pretty well for Astrophysics

>> No.2483164
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>> No.2483170



>> No.2483210

It's all relative and depends on what you want to do with it but I can guarantee you right now, if you are planning on turning that degree into medical school, most of that shit isn't going to come in handy. I go to UCONN but this shit is basically the same everywhere.

>> No.2483258

What the goddamned fuck? I'm going to UCONN, bro. How fucking coincidental. I'm going to be majoring in Physiology & Neurobiology.

You still here, bro?

>> No.2483264
File: 377 KB, 1752x990, what I studied.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My contribution to this thread

>> No.2483289

Nice choice of stripper.

>> No.2483307
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>> No.2483313

>What people think it is
Mixing chemicals
>What it actually is
Particle/atomic physics

>> No.2483350


>> No.2483359
File: 326 KB, 1277x481, my major.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could appreciate my major more

>> No.2483363

That's nuts. It's a pretty great school if you don't mind being that it's in a total farmtown and you are going to be one in a hundred kids in all yours classes.

>> No.2483438

Saying whatever you want, or psychology.
Rigorous argumentation about abstract topics employing mathematical logic and computational linguistics.

>> No.2483447
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>> No.2483467

>your major
Electrical engineering

>what people think it is
hurrdurr design light bulbs

>what it actually is
hurrdurr design blinking light bulbs

>> No.2483491

>What people think it is
Oohhh fancy...
>What it actually is
A-T, G-C, protein folding some other gay chemistry shit.

>> No.2483520


fuck I was going to post that

>> No.2483524


this made me lol

i'm going to be majoring in pharmacology in about a week, what can i look forward to?

>> No.2483533

>Your major
Aerospace engineering
>What people think it is
Rocket science and/or pre-astronaut
>What it actually is
Building all of the parts that make up an aircraft or spacecraft.

>> No.2483544

>What people think it is
>What it actually is

>> No.2483547

>what people think it is?
>What it actually is?
everything dealing with money and resources...
from profitability, risk assessment, and the grand scheme inter-workings of current economic systems.

>> No.2483549

>your major

>what people think it is
Hurr durr u wanna be a doctor

>what it actually is
Hurr durr I wanna be a doctor


>> No.2483558

>Your major
Mechanical Engineering

>What people think it is
A glorified mechanic.

>What it actually is
Hurr durr applied physics

>> No.2483563

Mechanical Engineering

I don't think anyone I know knows what MechE is

I don't think I know what MechE is, but fuck are the classes fun

>> No.2483565


I was about to type that. I will now refrain. It's fucking gay though.

>> No.2483575


what's gay?

The fact that it is actually true for bio majors?

>> No.2483583
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>> No.2483584

Your major

>What people think it is
Learning complex financial regulations in an attempt to make money

>What it actually is
Doing matrix math to find out the percentage demand had the role in the price increase of good A in a market B

>> No.2483595

Mechanical Engineering
>What people think it is
Building cars and shit with your hands
>What is actually is
Thermo, fluids, vibrations, structures

>> No.2483596

i have a math degree and a economics degree.

don't pretend your "matrix math" is anything special, at all.

Economics is the degree of choice for those who get kicked out of the business school for letting their grades drop too low.

>> No.2483601
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>> No.2483606
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>> No.2483614

If you are a biology major and aren't blown away by the shit you learn every single fucking day, you are doing it wrong. Yeah, theres a fair amount of bullshit you need to deal with in the way of lab reports and secondary classes but honestly, I can't imagine any other major making me feel so insignificant and so complex at the same time for the same goddamn reasons. It's an incredible major and does not need more faggots taking it for granted.

>> No.2483621

So you battle undead Templars with your math?

>> No.2483625

Actuarial Science
>What people think it is
Some sort of engineering
>What it actually is

>> No.2483632
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My perception of archaeology was severely skewed as a child.

>> No.2483638

So true man, so true.

>> No.2483643

>Your major
Dropped out
>What people think it is
Flipping burgers
>What it actually is
Driving around smoking weed all day a la Pineapple Express

>> No.2483647
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>> No.2483652

same here.
luckily, i came to my senses before i began my studies.

>> No.2483660

Doubt you're still here, but I don't think I will mind that.

>> No.2483663


That and the fact that everyone assumes you're premed if you're a bio major. If I was premed, I'd have any other major to distinguish me from the ungodly number of biofags applying to med school.

I'm not even human bio.

>> No.2483664
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>i have a economics degree
>Economics is the degree of choice for those who get kicked out of the business school

so you got kicked out of business school? why bother majoring in it if you hate it?

>> No.2483672


>> No.2483676

is majoring in electrical engineering worth it?

>> No.2483677
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>mfw you nerds are jelly

>> No.2483696

Medical schools are looking at your GPA and MCATS more than anything else. Being a bio major doesn't give you any real edge when applying but tot being a Bio major is definitely a strike against you in a lot of places

>> No.2483698

Get Engineering Degree
Any cock I want
300K starting

>> No.2483705

Switch the last 2 pics and it seems about right.

>> No.2483707

enjoy learning to hate music via theory

>> No.2483712

wildlife biology

>What people think it is:
hurr durr save the animals

>What it actually is:
hurr durr save the animals

>> No.2483724

better check the polarity on your image editor.

>> No.2483726

Political science w/ premed

>What people think it is
Hurr durr person must be retarded to take easy courses

>What it actually is
Any med school I want.

>> No.2483732


Why should I have to fucking study music to be "appealing" enough to med school committees.

If I wanted to be a musician I'd study music.

But no, I want to be a doctor, and biology is involved in medicine. I find biology interesting. It's fucking annoying that knowing what my fucking passion is makes me 'boring'. Fuck that. Fuck all the faggot music majors that want to go into medicine. They don't want it enough. I'm studying biology so I know every last facet of life/biochemistry/the human body and biological function, so that when the time comes I might be able to save someone's life, develop a novel drug, etc...

So what the fuck.

>> No.2483744

>What people think it is
Hurr, you want to be a doctor (a lot of my fellow biochemers thought that too)
>What it actually is
Law School bitches. With my science degree and patent law specialty, I'll make more than all but the most well-paid doctors.

White coats don't make green

>> No.2483751
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And you know what? I'm perfectly alright with this.

>> No.2483753

I want to be sick.

>> No.2483756

So fucking true.
I'm a Bio major with an Astronomy minor, both kick my ass into a chair daily with the grandeur of the universe laid in front of me.

>> No.2483757

Fine Arts
>What people think it is
lolol easy mode college hipster
>What it actually is
still life, still life, still life, still life

>> No.2483760

hard times coming

>> No.2483770


Please see


>> No.2483780
File: 100 KB, 1277x481, whatIgotpsychology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This version of the meme is way better than OPs.

>> No.2483793

LOL i should have studied psychology.

>> No.2483795

Where did you people come from? The deleted boards? This is literally the first time we've done this that I've seen more than a few non-science/engineering majors.

>> No.2483796

not poster who you where talking to but that's why I'm getting a BBA in economics

>> No.2483817

>>Your major
Psychology w/ premed

>>What people think it is
Easy way into medical school.

>>What it actually is
Fuck yeah!

>> No.2483862

>>Your major
Double major in aerospace engineering and mechanical engineering, with a minor in math.

>>What people think it is
Genius rocket science.

>>What it actually is
Fucking fun.

>> No.2483874

Network security and analyzing
>What people think it is
>What it actually is
Hacking for money

>> No.2483878
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>> No.2483886


Anybody, and I mean anybody who's serious about become a professional economist has to take advanced math courses, whether its required by your university or not.

Graduate school committees won't take you seriously otherwise and it's why probably over half the people who pursue a Phd in economics are from math or engineering disciplines.

captcha: hedonic regrs

>> No.2483905

>What people think it is
>What it actually is

>> No.2483915

Horticultural Engineering
>What people think it is
Sooo, like farming or something?
>What it actually is
2 words:
Hydro. Ponics.

>> No.2483918
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I really don't understand why everyone gets neuroscience and neurosurgery confused. Yes, they both have the word "neuro" in them, but one is a fucking medical field and the other is a scientific discipline.

>> No.2483933

>What people think it is
Long division to the umpteenth digit
>What it actually is
Beautiful art

>> No.2483966

Agreed, this recent trend of "we only want interesting people" is really pissing me off. It's not just med schools either, but law schools, corporations, and really any form of higher education that isn't grad school.

It's really stupid considering that a guy who's qualified out the ass but has devoted his life to that one area will get passed over in favor of a person with only a passing knowledge of the subject but who boasts a wide range of "life experiences" like club activities, study abroad, and volunteering.

Call me crazy, but if I find myself looking for a doctor I want the boring nerd who knows the most inane details about biology, not the ex-sorority girl who spent a summer building schools in Africa.

>> No.2483979

>Your major

>What people think it is
"oh good for you!" or "wow that's hard"

>What it actually is
Should have went into chemical engineering. Dumber chemistry, phenomenal pay and job prospects

>> No.2483990


>What people think it is
Gay sex

>What it actually is
Gay orgies

>> No.2483997

1. Genetics
2. Statistics
3. Neuroscience

>> No.2483999

fucking this. at least at undergrad level.
theyre great tho. challenging means i've always learned more

>> No.2484000

>What people think it is
Nuclear bombs and shit
>What it actually is
error analysis

>> No.2484001

fucking undergrads, honors/PhD/Post-doc = making shit

>> No.2484006


>> No.2484007

Computing and Mathematical Sciences (programming)
>What people think it is
Hours slaving away at a desk, staring into a computer screen all night long.
>What it actually is
Minutes slaving away at a desk, staring into a computer screen, the rest of the time doing whatvever the fuck you want.

>> No.2484017


lol glorified plumbers

>> No.2484024

> Your Major
> What people think it is
Learning all about cool abstract theories, memorizing trivial facts about the universe, and being Gordon Freeman
> What it actually is
Lots of tedious mathematical work, some theory as background for the methods used to solve various problems, and working harder than non-physics majors

>> No.2484029




>> No.2484034


>What people think it is
Long equations, graphs, and statistics

>What it actually is
How to think logically and philosophy.

My mind is blown every day.

>> No.2484036

almost every girl i talk to doing psychology seems to be under the impression that they're some kind of genius because they're doing "science" while all their friends etc are doing arts n shit

my god

Psychology is a joke
Neurology is the true science

people try to say "oh but psychology is so similar/same" but it's not, not enough

sure a top tier psych student will probably go on to do work that a neuro student would, but honestly...if i had to give an analogy

a typical biochem student can't do what a chemist can
but a typical chemist can do what a biochem student can

true shit

>> No.2484037

lol no
if linear algebra and quantum are hard you aren't cut out to be a physicist.
error analysis for experiments is the hardest thing there is.

>> No.2484042


almost every girl i talk to doing psychology seems to be doing it in a vain attempt to solve their own crushing psychological issues

>> No.2484044

>What I majored in
>What I expected
Aha! That's what I'll do!
>What I got
FUCK I don't know what to do!!! Someone halp!!!

>> No.2484063

Math is indeed beautiful art.
I wish someone would incorporable that in to a textbook the likes of Vesalius.

>> No.2484071

yes. very true. i seriously wonder how far some of these bitches get? these people and those that get degrees in "business" where do these people end up?

>> No.2484079

>What I majored in
>What I expected
>What I got

I knew what I wanted, and I got it.
Boring but true.

>> No.2484086


You're a faggot. Did I say linear algebra was hard? No.

I said physics majors work hard, which is true unless your college is a fucking joke. Even when the work itself is easy, we get fucktons of it, and it takes forever.

Furthermore, error analysis is absolutely not the hardest thing in physics. It's the easiest. You must have taken physics at a community college.

>> No.2484095


Trolled hard

>> No.2484102


99% of the users here are trolls, but it's still hard not to call them out on their bullshit.

Yes I mad.

>> No.2484111

Anthropology focus historical archaeology

What people think it is
Indiana Jones

What it actually is
Living on per diem, drinking to much, excavating at the break of dawn to beat the heat. being dirty. shoveling like a ditch digger. naming your trowel. writing grants. writing unit summaries. writing a dissertation. writing journal articles. drawing on maps. having a jeep full of shovels and machetes. teaching undergrads. eventually being a broken down old man like an iron worker or brick layer. possibly being an iron worker or brick layer if you dont get tenure.

>> No.2484121

I want to hear what genetics majors think of their major as well.

>> No.2484122

Architecture technology
>what people think it is
contracting, building, constructioning
>What it actually is
...i don't know so far. mostly computer drafting so far.
no other architectbros? ;_;

>> No.2484126

Management Information Systems


Essential to any serious company

MIS is more of a science than psychology.

>> No.2484136

this is unrelated but do you know any good architecture blogs? That stuff, specifically urban design, interests me greatly but I can't ever talk about it because I don't know the first thing about it.

>> No.2484145
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>> No.2484154

My Major


What People Think It Is

> LOL lumberjack

What it actually is

>> No.2484179

>Engineering Technology
What People Think it Is
>Engineering for idiots
What it actually is
>Engineering with less of a focus on theory and other fluff and more of a focus on using the proven principles of engineering to solve problems in the real world

>> No.2484183


Is geology interesting? Do you like it? It never crossed my mind as a major choice because biology, chemistry, and physics are always emphasized as THE sciences (and math) so I never had any exposure. Maybe I'll take an intro class next semester and see what's up.

>> No.2484197

Neurofag here

It's a science that's got something for everyone. Biology, chemistry, physics, computer science, anthropology, psychology, hell, even economics; all of that has managed to carve a niche in the field. Of course, the flip side to that is that you also have to have at least a basic grounding in all of those sciences as well (the one exception being computer science, but if you do know how to program you'll go VERY far just off that alone). It's not enough to be a quantitative or qualitative guy like you can be in the other sciences, you have to be good at everything.

Also, be aware going in that your current perceptions of what neuroscience is and how the brain works are probably completely wrong. For one thing, "brain chemicals" don't really matter much in the scheme of things. That's what we manipulate with medications, but what neuroscience is really about are the (cellular, molecular, and electrophysiological) properties of neurons and the networks they make. Also, things that probably sound easy to a layman like brain scans, neuron recordings, and looking at brain sections under a microscope are, in fact, extremely time consuming, monotonous, and stressful to carry out.

>> No.2484205

Yeah. Earth science in high school is bull, but in college you realize it's a lot more than the study of rocks. Watch out for what class you take though. Many intro classes are just "rocks for jocks" classes. Things only get interesting in the upper division and grad level.

-Marine tectonics
-Paleoclimate research using isotope analysis of ice cores and seafloor sediment cores
-Geophysics studying Earth's magnetic field
-Seismology not only the study of earthquakes themselves but using waves to study the composition of earth


>> No.2484225
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>> No.2484234


Social-science bullshittery. Not entirely wrong here.

Getting paid to be a friend who gets to be an asshole but seem nice about it. Basically, trollface.jpg. Seriously. I listen to people talk for an hour or so, make notes, analyze the data, and tell them "Yep, you are(nt) suffering from this, this is what you do (not) want to do: "

Then I go home and study quantum mechanics.

>> No.2484239
File: 36 KB, 329x357, feelsgood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be psychologist
>fuck that happy perky "feel good" bullshit
>get hired by CIA
>torture people all day, e'rry day

>> No.2484259

>What I expected
"How does that make you feel?"
>What I got
Philosophy, medical science, neurology, semantics, logic, sociology, Jung > Freud, Psychiatry, chemistry, reading, psychoactive analyse.

>> No.2484266


>> No.2484277

>what people think it is
camera/microphone holder guy
>what it actually is
bringing celebrities coffee and spending hours editing background music for sarah palin's reality show on shitty 2006 macs.

But mostly coffee.

>> No.2484283


>What people think it is
You mix stuff together and blow stuff up and cure cancer with chemicals!

>What it actually is
Drawing pictures and memorizing pictures.

>> No.2484287

i like coffee

>> No.2484297

>What I expected
feeling good about helping the sick, 'hey i'll never have to go back to food service again!'
>What I got
'can i take your order please, you germ spreading sick, rude organism you?

>> No.2484636

who the fuck thinks biochemistry involves blowing stuff up?

>> No.2485382

>Your Major
Computer Games Development

>What people think it is

>What it actually is
Plane equations, Iconix process, software development methodology seminars, connectionism vs computationalism in AI.

>> No.2485516
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>> No.2485647


Holy shit I want that SO hard.
Goddamn Eastern Europian education system w/o double majoring and minors.

>> No.2485675

I hope you're trolling.
It makes me sad to think that a physics student makes so many errors in their writing

>> No.2485698
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>> No.2485705

Fuck yeah, Foxy Shazam

>> No.2485707

85% my as after 3 years in a uni that goes at you from first year to sort the wheat from the chaff we barely lost 30 out of 165

>you benefit from learning math in you free time
>don't have to memorise things
it's physics you know math or you wont pass
and you do have to memorise a fuck ton of equations and other stuff

>> No.2485708

Too bad they did'nt teach oyu gramamr.

>> No.2485715

>Aerospace Engineering

What people think it is
>Rocket science

What it actually is
>Fucking calculus

>> No.2485722

>Aerospace Engineering

What people think it is
>Projecting planes

What it actually is
>Having sex with horses

>> No.2485746

>What people think it is
Discussion of natural based phenomena and its explanations up to current theory.
>What I got
-Bunch of faggot high schoolers struggling to deal with their Sunday school.
-How do you do my homework guys? Help!
-So imma 16 and imma thinkin I want to be einstein--should I major in theoretical physics or awsome studies. im genius level so i will have no probs.
-If i do the impossible, what will then happen to the impossible guys. omg a pardadox.
-A serious, interesting science inquiry--> page 15 in two minutes.

>> No.2485770

you forgot religion talks. they would be nr. 2.
sry, me no good engrish
well good for you, but at my uni at least 150 died.
also, I don't memorise (thanks for the s) nothing. what would that be good for.

>> No.2485903

rofl so true.

>> No.2485906
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actuarial studies...

>> No.2485953
File: 423 KB, 900x559, 1296959316963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2486007

I've always seen actuarial science as people who haven't the talent or the courage to get into finance and selected a more chill, riskless major. The actuarial guys are soooo boring when they talk.. It's such a stereotype.

>> No.2486024

Mechanical Engineering

Boring redundant math over and over again

"What if we built it like this? have the computer run the math, then build a prototype."

Its actually quite nice to use computers. Makes this bullshit a lot easier.

>> No.2486400
File: 830 KB, 900x500, 1296968793627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]