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File: 39 KB, 670x580, Screen shot 2011-02-05 at 2.44.31 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2480499 No.2480499 [Reply] [Original]

I pose a challenge:

Let's say it were possible to drill a hole several meters wide straight through the center of the Earth at the equator and reinforce it against heat and pressure through some means. This hole will be open at both ends, but with each opening contained in some sort of way so that the entire length of the tube can be removed of any atmosphere. I will then, wearing appropriate protective gear, fall into the opening. Assuming I make no contact with the tube walls and that there is no friction inside the tube, how long will it take me to reach the other opening?

>> No.2480513

Twice as long as it took to reach the middle.

>> No.2480522

just as long as it would take in a straight line from any point on the surface to any other point

>> No.2480532


>> No.2480536

This question has a definite numerical answer, but I can't remember it, and I don't feel like calculating it right now.

But here's an interesting fact: Even if you drill that hole at an angle, it would take an object the same amount of time to reach the surface again, regardless of the angle at which the hole was drilled. This is assuming no friction, of course. I can't remember how to prove this, but one of my professors did it once... or maybe I simply misunderstood what he was saying; I'll leave it to some dedicated /sci/entist to prove or disprove this claim.

>> No.2480538

lol im pretty sure i saved the physics hw that asked to express the frequency of oscillation.....its also in my diff Eq book somewheres, its not that difficult

>> No.2480545

42 minutes.

>> No.2480550

The cool thing is that you are probably going to appear on the other side at the same velocity that you fell. Means you will be almost stopping and falling again, but you step forward instead.

Also, don't fall again or you're screwed.

>> No.2480552

42 minutes

>> No.2480556

just over two hours

assuming acceleration due to gravity is a constnat 9.8 m/s/s

which it would not be

>> No.2480557

I think OP forgot to mention that, in order to solve this problem with ease, you have to assume that the Earth has a uniform density (which, in reality, it surely does not).

Are we allowed to make this assumption, OP?

>> No.2480569 [DELETED] 

> assuming acceleration due to gravity is a constnat 9.8 m/s/s

Yeah, that would give you a much different answer.

At each point of descent, the acceleration must be calculate based only on the gravitational pull from pieces of the Earth that are closer to the center than you are. The concentric "shells" of Earth that lie "above" you will no longer affect your acceleration.

Basically, this means you have to set up an integral to solve this properly.

>> No.2480577

> assuming acceleration due to gravity is a constnat 9.8 m/s/s

Yeah, that would give you a much different answer.

At each point of descent, the acceleration must be calculated based only on the gravitational pull from pieces of the Earth that are closer to the center than you are. The concentric "shells" of Earth that lie "above" you will no longer affect your acceleration.

Basically, this means you have to set up an integral to solve this properly.

>> No.2480580

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's 42 minutes between any two seal-level points on the Earth's surface so long as gravity is the only acting force.

>> No.2480581

also all I did was a simple conservation of energy then v = at

then doubled the time

>> No.2480588


Yeah, I forgot to mention that. We can assume that for simplicity.

>> No.2480592

>the sheels that are above you don't effect your acceleration

yes they do they pull you the other way.

>> No.2480593

Well that's not good enough. "a" changes as a function of your depth, so you need an integral.

>> No.2480594

It's impossible to not make contact with the tube walls. At the surface, the Earth gives you a certain speed at which you circulate the planet. When you go down, the lower parts cycle on much lower speeds and therefore making you hit the wall for sure.

>> No.2480604

Okay. Then you can sit out while we do this solvable conceptual problem.

>> No.2480620

> yes they do they pull you the other way.


A hollow, spherical shell of uniform density will have no gravitational effect on objects which lie inside of it.

If you're in the center of that hollow sphere, the reason for this is obvious. If you're on the edge, however, you'll still feel no gravitational pull because, while you're closer to one side of the sphere, most of the mass is now on the other side with respect to your position.

It can be proven mathematically, and I'm too lazy to do it. Feel free to argue about it while I go get lunch.

Anyway, if you think of the Earth as being composed of an infinite number of concentric spherical shells, you can see conceptually that, if you're below the surface of the Earth, only those shells "below" you will exert any gravitational force on you.

>> No.2480613

this has been done over and over


>> No.2480612

I addressed that fact in my original post

>> No.2480619


learn to Gauss law of gravitation

>> No.2480628

Okay, well you basically said "it's 2 hours which it's not." So why bother posting anything at all?

>> No.2480631







>> No.2480648


But does anyone in this thread actually know how to set up that integral?

>> No.2480659

because I felt like it?

>> No.2480662
File: 15 KB, 555x559, pdg_inside_earth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T=2π*sqrt(R/g)=84.44 min
so roughly 42 minutes
but it's not that easy, see pic

>> No.2480674

fascinating graph is fascinating

>> No.2480681

Well then it was a curious move to defend your original, meaningless, post.

>> No.2480704


>> No.2480725

>if you're below the surface of the Earth, only those shells "below" you will exert any gravitational force on you.
lolno. The mass above you exerts a force as well.

>> No.2480741

Actualy .. is that right? I cant see it happening. Maybe in the center, but not close to the surface.

>> No.2480743

assuming a vacuum inside the tube, the center of mass is still at the center of earth, so you will just be going simple harmonic motion, so the exact same time. you'll oscillate forever

>> No.2480784

The deeper you fall the less gravity there is...

>> No.2480792


gtfo you idiot

>> No.2480811

You would go into a perfect oscillation like he said. The time it would take you would be irrelevant since you will never perfectly make it to the other side. the amount of gravity acting upon you will change due to your relation to the center of the earth

>> No.2480822

yeah son you will fall one way tell gravity starts pulling ya the otherway. or else if gravity is stronger than we think. You will be torn in half at the center of earth and your legs will end up chili. and your torso in Kazakhstan

>> No.2480825

Asuming perfect conditions, no friction and perfect sphere. He would arive exacly at same distance how he started. So if he started 1m over surface, he would "stop" 1m over surface on the other side.

>> No.2480842 [DELETED] 

<span class="math">\oint_{S}\vec{g}\cdot \vec{dA}=-4\pi GM[/spoiler]

<span class="math">M=\rho V[/spoiler]

<span class="math">V=\frac{4}{3}\pi R^3[/spoiler]

<span class="math">\vec{g}4\pi%20R^2=-4\pi G(\rho \frac{4}{3}\pi R^3)[/spoiler]

<span class="math">\vec{g}=-\frac{4}{3}\pi G\rho R[/spoiler]

<span class="math">\frac{\partial^2 R}{\partial t^2}=-\frac{4}{3}\pi G\rho R[/spoiler]

solving the differential equation:

<span class="math">R=R_0cos(t\sqrt{\frac{4}{3}\pi G\rho}+\phi )[/spoiler]

The period is:

<span class="math">T= \sqrt{ \frac{3 \pi}{G \rho}}[/spoiler]

The time to get to the other side is half the period, so under ideal conditions it would take:

<span class="math">t=\frac{1}{2}\sqrt{ \frac{3 \pi}{G \rho}}[/spoiler]

Simply plug in the approximate density of the Earth and evaluate:


So it would take about 42 minutes.

>> No.2480846
File: 27 KB, 500x404, 1258678517015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another science challenge for dr tyson.


>> No.2480867

<span class="math">\oint_{S}\vec{g}\cdot \vec{dA}=-4\pi GM[/spoiler]

<span class="math">M=\rho V[/spoiler]

<span class="math">V=\frac{4}{3}\pi R^3[/spoiler]

<span class="math">\vec{g}4\pi R^2=-4\pi G(\rho \frac{4}{3}\pi R^3)[/spoiler]

<span class="math">\vec{g}=-\frac{4}{3}\pi G\rho R[/spoiler]

<span class="math">\frac{\partial^2 R}{\partial t^2}=-\frac{4}{3}\pi G\rho R[/spoiler]

solving the differential equation:

<span class="math">R=R_0cos(t\sqrt{\frac{4}{3}\pi G\rho}+\phi )[/spoiler]

The period is:

<span class="math">T= \sqrt{ \frac{3 \pi}{G \rho}}[/spoiler]

The time to get to the other side is half the period, so under ideal conditions it would take:

<span class="math">t=\frac{1}{2}\sqrt{ \frac{3 \pi}{G \rho}}[/spoiler]

Simply plug in the approximate density of the Earth and evaluate:


So it would take about 42 minutes.

>> No.2480870
File: 83 KB, 670x580, jhjjj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Masses pull you.

>> No.2480875

>Actualy .. is that right?
lolno. Everything exerts gravity on everything else. It's just that some things can be neglected or considered point sources in some assumptions. This is not one of those times. The entire mass of the planet and its location relative to you is important.

>> No.2480883

I wasn't really defending my post, just explaining how I got that answer.

>> No.2480904

You won't make it to the other end of the tube. Unless you bring along some climbing gear, lol. You'd still have to consider it taking you less than a week.

>> No.2480932


No, you're an idiot.


> Isaac Newton proved the shell theorem saying that:
> 1. A spherically symmetric body affects external objects gravitationally as though all of its mass were concentrated at a point at its centre.
> 2. If the body is a spherically symmetric shell (i.e. a hollow ball), no gravitational force is exerted by the shell on any object inside, regardless of the object's location within the shell.
> 3. Inside a solid sphere of constant density the gravitational force varies linearly with distance from the centre, becoming zero at the centre of mass.

Read number two.

>> No.2480942

Sure it does. But there's an equally potent counter-force produced by the rest of the shell.

>> No.2480948

> Everything exerts gravity on everything else.

But inside a hollow sphere, the contributions to net gravitational force exerted by each part of that sphere will cancel out. The net gravitational force due to a hollow sphere will be zero for an object located at any point inside that hollow sphere.

This is a fact.

>> No.2481025
File: 13 KB, 663x309, g_inside_outside_earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So there is no gravitational acceleration at the center, but that doesn't mean there is no gravity. Bcause at the center, the aether densi.. *cough* (sorry) I mean gravitational potential is 3/2 times that on the surface. Which means your clock will run slower. How much so?

>> No.2481035

a bit slower

>> No.2481049

>implying the earth is hollow.
I really have no face at your collective faggotry.

>> No.2481051

> relativistic effects

Does this mean that the answer to OP's question will differ significantly depending on whether time is measured by the participant or by an outside observer?

>> No.2481077


> implying earth is a hollow sphere

>> No.2481088


Why are you faggots still arguing? >>2480867 already solved it.

>> No.2481095

Stop derailing the thread. No one said the Earth is hollow.

He was just trying to prove that Earth's gravitational pull varies linearly with distance to the center. When you're inside Earth, every layer of Earth above can be thought of as a hollow shell and its contribution to gravitational pull is 0.

>> No.2481103


Durp what? That's a shell. Not a sphere.

>> No.2481102

lolno. relativistic effects can be ignored.

>> No.2481106


You're such a moron.

Imagine that the Earth is composed of an infinite number of concentric spherical shells. The gravitational contributions from each of these shells can be calculated separately. Each shell below you will affect you gravitationally as though all of its mass were concentrated at a single point located at the center of the Earth. Each shell "above" you -- that is, each shell which now surrounds you -- will have no net gravitational affect on you. Individual pieces of the Earth will exert a force on you regardless of their location, but the net gravitational force exerted by any spherical which surrounds you will be zero, regardless of your position within that spherical shell.

Do you get it now?

These posts are factually correct:
Deal with it.

>> No.2481120

> That's a shell. Not a sphere.

Stop trolling. It clearly says "spherically symmetric shell." It's both.

>> No.2481140

>Calculating a sum when an integral can be performed.
The faggotry is strong with you.

>> No.2481241


No one said anything about doing a summation. We have an infinite number of infinitely thin shells; this implies that an integral will be used instead.

Stop trolling unless you're going to do it well.

>> No.2481264


Gauss' Law for Gravity. >>2480867 uses it in his solution.

>> No.2481322

Wouldn't one be under the influence of .5gs from all directions at the center?

>> No.2481349

>relativistic effects can be ignored.

Ok, I'll drop that question and try to solve it on my own.

But the graph I posted earlier (>>2480662) would allow us to arrive at a more realistic approximation by assuming constant g for the first 3000km followed by a constant slope to zero g at the center. Shouldn't be that difficult.

>> No.2481370

When you're OUTSIDE the earth:

<span class="math">g=- \frac{GM}{r^2}[/spoiler]

When you're INSIDE the earth:

<span class="math">g=-\frac{4}{3}\pi G\rho R[/spoiler]

where <span class="math">\rho[/spoiler] is the density.

>> No.2481419

Inside a uniform hollow sphere, there is no net gravity. You only have to worry about the radius of earth that is between you and the center.

>> No.2481456

I love this board.

>> No.2481467

Guys, we have to account for quantum teleportation!

>> No.2481603


Don't we all love sterilized pseudo science?
Ignore objective reality, parrot your math!

>> No.2481629

84 minutes was the period for one oscillation, I think. So you'd reach the other opening in 42 minutes.

>> No.2481685

>Fails to realize this was already posted: >>2480867

>> No.2481811


>> No.2481921


Trolls, trolls everywhere.

>> No.2481946

What's cool is that when you hit the other side, you'll start slowing down and eventually go the other way. Then you'll just spring back and forth, going less and less before eventually coming to a complete stop in the core.

I always find that idea amusing.

>> No.2483245

Actually, under perfect conditions you would continue to oscillate at the same amplitude.