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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2476017 No.2476017 [Reply] [Original]

>Watching History channel (Try also American history channel, religion channel, [citation needed] channel)
>Program about inventions from the ancient times, showing the airplane and heavier than air vehicle concepts
>"This Assyrian statue have many features in common with the modern conception of the airplane such as winds, control surfaces, tail and even flaps"
>think to self: "cool ancient civilizations already gasped the concept of flight it just took millenniums to turn the idea into reality"
>that prick on the pic finishes with: "This is clearly an evidence early human civilizations where taught by aliens how to create planes"

>Turn TV on history channel during commercials
>"Nostradamus effect", "the bible code", "signs of the apocalypse", "Monster quest" for the day's schedule
>Fuck this shit I'm going back to the internet.

It sucks so hard when the only show on that channel I still like to watch occasionally is "The universe" and even that one has is full retarded moments.

ITT: Moments we raged on content of allegedly history and science channels and websites.

Remember the time when Discovery channel had science and medicine instead of slow motion explosions and history channel had actual history ?

>> No.2476052

who is that guy ?

>> No.2476063

He is an idiot that regularly appears on the show "Ancient Aliens".

>> No.2476067

I agree. The universe is kind of good, but sometimes it goes nowhere and starts talking of some shit that has no reference to the main theme. I don't like it.

bring back carl

>> No.2476074

Faggot from Ancient Aliens 'documentary'.

At least they still show Modern Marvels, I really enjoy that show.

>> No.2476075

Every time I see a conspiracy video. EVERY day there's one, and it's always the same bullshit.

Videos like Secrets of the Dollar Bill are cool, but shit like Illuminati make me loose it.

>> No.2476078

The only good show is Food Tech.

In a fucking history channel, how ironic.

>> No.2476094
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>> No.2476106

History Channel should really rename itself to, "Pseudo Scientific, Mildly Religious Channel... with some History."

>> No.2476108

nobody remembers the discovery channel before explosions because nobody watched it....

hey remember when America wasn't filled with dumber than fuck troglodytes? no, your imagination doesn't count

>> No.2476113


I used to, but for some stupid reason they don't show anything outside USA or the anglosphere.

I just got tired of the channel and decided to browse the internet instead, but it is quite sad going to a science channel and just finding bullshit most of the time.

>> No.2476121

Oh, and another thing: why are shows like American Pickers and Pawn Shop on the HISTORY Channel?

I like those shows, but they aren't even close. The closest they get to actual history is really old stuff, and not really worth the time.

>> No.2476125


>nobody watched it....
>I watched HC when it was good
>thus I am nobody

Sure I had a massive military hard-on at the time and still do, but for someone who still likes history there is no excuse for what HC has become.

>> No.2476128

Fuckin' loled.

>> No.2476127

Because history is made everyday.

>> No.2476132

I liked the History Channel better when it was the Hitler channel.

>> No.2476138



>> No.2476152

Ourstory Channel

>> No.2476183


Coolstory Brochannel

>> No.2476206

I only used to see the history channel to watch war-history documentals. Awesome shows.

>> No.2476232

>remembers when the history channel used to be HISTORY and Nazi shit 24/7
>Now its like the worst of /x/ if they had a shiity little TV channel.


>> No.2476236
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>> No.2476267



>> No.2476288

OP, I know that episode you're talking about. What was really retarded was that the "plane statues" they were talking about were FUCKING FISH that were just carved full-retard as is typical of ancient art.

>> No.2476300

>History: Made Every Day
According to them everything is history.

>> No.2476298

Discovery channel is supposed to be nonfiction media and it does have nonfiction media (most of the time.)

History Channel on the other hand has everything except history.

>> No.2476303

His hair was invented by aliens.

>> No.2476305
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Monster Quest

>> No.2476307


Ha, too bad I rage quit before I could see that.

>> No.2476308

like Modern Marvels

>> No.2476318

Monster Quest is stupid. hate to break it for you but THEY WILL NEVER FUCKING FIND said monster ever ever .

>> No.2476327

That guy is such a racist prick
>Clearly brown people are too stupid to figure out anything on their own, and they had not made contact with the wise and gifted White Man yet so aliens must have taught it to them

>> No.2476332

but he's orange

>> No.2476336

I'm pissed by the "science" channel, almost all I ever see on there is fucking "How It Works", "How Its Made", or "Build it Bigger!" The fuck is that shit I want to watch specials about science not constant engineering shit.

>> No.2476343

I find it funny how they see a painting, toy or piece of art from the ancient world that looks completely retarded, and jump to the conclusion that it's about aliens. Why can't they just realize that people in the ancient world were fucking stupid and terrible at anything art related.

>Oh look, it's a crude, ancient painting of a man hunting a small animal

>> No.2476346


>"it looked like a big animal but it wasn't a ordinary animal, it left several footprints on field"
>Yeah those wolf/big fucking dog footprints should already tip off you dumb fuck
>"All right we found this really big dog body with unusual wounds on it, our veterinarian claims those are ice burns indicating this is a stray dog, but we will ignore it anyway and keep looking for the monster "
>That is the "monster" you blind fuck
>"The beast was big and had canine features but it was tall, like and werewolf, but it was dark at the time and I couldn't see much"
>"Whatever was the [random small crap town] beast we will never know but we will keep looking for it, stay on for the next monster quest"

>> No.2476354

I love how it's made and how machines work, but I guess I'm just gay like that.

>> No.2476398


no, How it's Made is fucking awesome. Its the people who don't like it who are gay

>> No.2476404

i love you, OP
i used to watch the history channel all the time but now...its starting to have as much programming to do with actual history as much mtv plays anything music related...

>> No.2476463

>Why can't they just realize that people in the ancient world were fucking stupid
People today are just as stupid. Just go to the History channel.

>> No.2476475

Holy shit, OP. I came here to post the same bitch about these channels - I just looked at the lineup "Gold Rush Alaska" "American Pickers" "Modern Marvels" and fucking raged.

Then was going to ask here if anyone actually watched this bullshit and why the fuck it was on these channels.

>> No.2476563

My sentiments exactly OP:

Also TV related rage:

-When techTV sold out to G4, and it hasnt stopped getting shittier ever since.

-When the discovery network took out the aviation channel and replaced it with the military channel. (However the channel is actually a bit better with the random military pieces, but I want planes 24/7 damnit)


-TV guide channel has only 1 channel at a time scrolling with retarded shit playing (I have cable but still...)

-Weather channel moving to a different channel 4 times


-and worst of all: when TLC became nothing but bridal shows and house flipping mothers.

>> No.2476582

>no news on newstations
>no cartoons on cartoon stations
>"educational" channels hosting stupid shit

all of my sage

>> No.2476587

Time Warner ONLY has the tv guide channel on digital cable.

Yes, they're that retarded.

>> No.2476590

All three of those piss me off. There is no double standard. 'News Magazine' shows are especially suited to 24 hour news networks.

>> No.2476605

I have the first three seasons of The Universe on DVD, being treasured a couple years ago because it was the only show I could stand then. I know the first couple of seasons were pretty good at talking about basic science of the universe, though it sometimes delved into the realm of pop science like colonizing Mars. I haven't watched very many of the episodes though, does it really get bad? Should I just watch Cosmos instead?

>> No.2476656


Oh and I forgot to mention:

Cable In The Classroom.

>> No.2476671
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>flip to History channel
>"The Search for Noah's Ark"
>throw remote at TV

>> No.2476720

When I watch the History Channel, I'd rather see Ancient Aliens instead of that new show with Larry the Cable Guy. I think it's called Only In America with Larry, and the first episode features Larry shoveling coal into a steam engine and yelling "Git R Done"

>> No.2477243

Every day i look at what Discovery channel is airing.

And every day it's the same thing, 6am-5pm: AMERICAN CHOPPER

>> No.2477270
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>> No.2477322

That makes me really, really sad.

/Unless/ they are looking for the boat which the Mesopotamian king (or whoever) hijacked during that local flood, which gave rise to the Noah's flood myth. That's ok.

>> No.2477335
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dunno what this guy's name is but hes becoming a meme round these here parts

>> No.2477340
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>live in portugal
>they have been airing Einsteins story and a couple of space related programs
>Discovery channel has a couple of science programs
>mfw they all air between 2am and 6am

No problem, I'm on vacations

>NGC is okay because I love the wild life / tribal rituals as well and that's what airs most of the day anyway

>> No.2477354

i liked their series, "America A History of Us". even though it was not completely precise

>> No.2477363


Giorgio A. Tsoukalos

>> No.2477364


I keep seeing this motherfucker. Who is he? Is there a clip of where he specifically says there must have been aliens? I don't want to sit through a full documentary - too much cursory information.

>> No.2477386
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>> No.2477387

/rage @ those homosexual reality shows taking over all the above channels.

I miss the good old history and natural documentaries.


>> No.2477430
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>> No.2477456

I don't mind it as a show, but when it goes up on a channel made for history, it gets pretty aggravating.

and i'm not that guy. just commenting.

>> No.2477487


Not going to read through this thread but I was watching that show too.

Some batshit insane guy said about the stones at stonehedge:


goddamnit i lold

>> No.2477505

I remember when truTV(court tv) aired court and law shows.
Now it's tow truck drivers and shitty comedians telling people they're dumb.

>> No.2477520
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>> No.2477801
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>> No.2477945
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>> No.2478020


History Channel should be renamed "Pseudoscience, Religion, And Some History Channel"

Discovery Channel to "Reality TV Channel"

Science Channel to "Hot Gay Sex Channel"

>> No.2478022

from wikipedia

Tsoukalos attended Ithaca College in Ithaca, New York, where he graduated in 2001 with a degree in sports information communications.

Boy, that sounds like the guy I'd want as an expert on a show about ancient civilizations.

>> No.2478034
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>> No.2478201
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While we're raging on the History channel, did any of you catch "The Earth's Black Hole?" Black holes cause things to disappear. Things disappear in the Bermuda Triangle. Therefore there is a black hole in the Bermuda Triangle. White holes make things appear. There is spreading of the ocean's floor at the mid-Atlantic rift. Therefore the Earth also contains a white hole.

God, I could feel myself getting stupider as I watched.

>> No.2478218


>implying all tv doesn't make you stupider


>> No.2478230

was it me, or as a kid was the history channel more relevant to.... history. they actually had good doccumentaries about WWI, WWII ect., and fucking modern marvels.
now its fucking megajail
american pickers
this new gold show
history channel went down the drain, man

>> No.2478242

talking with a friend over Trillian:

Me: >flip to History channel
>"The Search for Noah's Ark"
>throw remote at TV
Him: haha
Him: at least it's not
Him: the search for hitler's ark

>> No.2478244


i remember my teacher in middle school having us do research from historychannel.com, i actually learned shit, for real

>> No.2478250

>throw friend into eyjafjallajökull

Or are you a fucking pussy?

>> No.2478254

My research adviser was on ancient aliens. He was laughing at the premise the only time he mentioned it.

It was pretty goddamn funny. It seems like they cut him off half the time.

>> No.2478261

he looks like the guy from tim and eric

>> No.2478266
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>that feel when I watch History International and realized they used to show cool shit like that on History

>> No.2478317

I saw that show too, I can't even listen to someone who would let themself look like that. It is pretty trippy they made little model planes 5000 years ago or whatever.

>> No.2478334
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>> No.2478384

Only new show I really liked from HC was Holy grial in America. Shit was mind blowing. Everything else though.. Can pretty much burn in hell.

>> No.2478396


You know what I'd love to see?
A "documentary" that tried to prove that the Eiffel tower, Brooklyn Bridge, and Big Ben were all made by aliens. Selective evidence, jumping to conclusions, inflating the importance of simple coincidences, and all that.

Also, something that does "bible code" shit with a Dan brown novel. That ought to be worth a laugh.

>> No.2478398

Now van Daniken is a fucking bro. He separates conjecture from facts and makes a point of saying 'we don't know but isn't it cool to wonder?'

And there's nothing wrong with wondering, if you delete all the wonder from the world you're left hollow.

>> No.2478409

so you've actually watched this show. wow.

everyone who has ever watched this show for more than 5 minutes or has watched this show for less than 5 minutes and was not either raging or lauging the entire 5 minutes, please g2:

>> No.2478414

HC used to be good now its just retarded. I watch it some times just for the lulz.

Discovery has chnaged as well. They have dumbed down thier content. But its still more educational then HC.