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2473807 No.2473807 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't conservatives into science? Apparently Mars doesn't have a sun or moon(s) now.


>> No.2473815


>> No.2473818

>I know I'm gonna regret this, but...
open link

>oh shi...

<inane bs>
>HRRRRNNGGGHHH dat headache

Yep, amount of regret is immense.

>> No.2473820

You're dumb, you took what he said out of context.

Also, not science.

>> No.2474590

"You're desperate. You pinheads are desperate."

Oh yeah, we're the desperate ones here.

>> No.2474602

I couldn't watch more than 20 seconds of it.

Yes, I can explain it to you, you bible thumping fuckhead, the moon 'got there' when something collided with Earth in early planetary development and caused Earth to eject a chunk of stuff that became the moon.

>> No.2474605

Okay, sure. A meteorite hit earth. How'd the meteorite get there? Huh? Tides go in, tides go out. That's just how it is.

>> No.2474612

I think a big part of it is pride. People like being right. If you've been brought up to believe something, it takes some real humility to cast that aside and embrace a completely new view. I don't think O'Reilly is known for his humility.

>> No.2474613

I love how he attempts to mask his blatant stupidity with religion.

>> No.2474636

There is no way this man believes that. He is too smart to actually believe that. He is only saying that to placate his fan base. As much as I hate Bill O'Reilly, he cannot be this stupid.

>> No.2474640

That's certainly a possibility.

>> No.2474646

A collection of cosmic dust floating around in the universe condensed to form a star, the gravity of which caused accretion of everything from planets to asteroids to meteors.

The cosmic dust got there from other stars going supernova and vaporizing their solar systems. The other stars got there from more recycled cosmic dust which ultimately originated with the big bang.

>> No.2474652

I'm just going to go ahead and guarantee 200 replies by saying he has a point. We have no explanation for the bizarrely low entropy -- i.e. high amount of "order" -- in the early universe. This anomaly is what accounts for the 2nd law of thermodynamics, which doesn't follow from other laws but is merely an observation that something really weird was going on when the universe began.

>> No.2474674

Oh. First time I saw anything from that guy.

That's surprising that he could ever be taken seriously exaggerating his act like that.

>> No.2474683

Do people who are this dumb actually exist?

"So where'd god come from?"

>> No.2474716

David, Beverly Hills Florida, What do you mean when you refer to the Tides when you ask about the existence of god. Science explains the moon's pull on the ocean. How did the moon get there? All you pinhead who attack me for this. You guys are just desperate. How did the moon get there. How did the sun get there? how did it get there can you explain that to me? How come we have it, Mars doesn't have it, Venus doesn't have it. How come? why not? How did it get here? how did that little amoeba get here. Crawl out here. How did it do it. Come on. You have an order in the universe, you have order in the universe. tide comes in tide goes out. Okay yea, the moon does it how did it get there. Who put it there. Did it just happen? Okay if we have existence we have life on earth how come we do not have it on other planet. were we just lucky? Some meteor do this go PUHHHHHHH. Come on. You know I see this as desperate. As i have said many times it takes more faith to not believe than to think that this was all luck that all this human body intricacies of it all luck. Than it does to believe in a being.

>> No.2474721
File: 163 KB, 604x456, 1252244636702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some meteor do this go PUHHHHHHH

>> No.2474741

My Brain Hurts from watching this. Can you get dumber by watching videos?

>> No.2474792
File: 165 KB, 600x578, 1286486413510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where moon
massive impact
>where impact object
we don't know.
>therefore god!
The ignorance argument for God has never been a valid argument
>where sun?
collection of space dust
>where dust?
ejecta from a previous star
>where that star?
cosmic dust from big bang
>where big bang?
we don't know
>therefore God
See above: absence of evidence is not evidence of existence.


>> No.2475339
File: 26 KB, 340x257, oreillyie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some meteor do this go PUHHHHHHH.

>> No.2475345

I don't know, ask hipsters about auras and organic food.

>> No.2475378

okay okay he may be retarded, but he does make a good point at the end. It really does take more faith to believe in science than it does, for example the bible/god (again, before you attack me for this let me just say first that I have 99% faith in science and am an atheist)

>> No.2475412


You are wrong and stupid, and probably the worst atheist of all time.

>> No.2475419

Believing in anything takes the same amount of faith. His argument is invalid because it assumes atheists, or even scientists, to believe that science actually describes the world, in its "true" form. This is a strawman for all those who have an instrumentalist point of view.

>> No.2475431

>This is a strawman for all those who have an instrumentalist point of view.

do you even know what a strawman is?

>> No.2475444

pic = win

>> No.2475451

Okay, sure. cosmic dust. How'd the dust get there? Huh? Tides go in, tides go out. That's just how it is.

>> No.2475470

Yes. It is a strawman because he asserts that they believe in science, which they do not.

Do you even know what not being unintelligent is?

>> No.2475515

"Whoa, a phenomenom! How does this work?"
>God did it.
"No, I mean I want to understand how it works."
>God did it.

He should go back to the mudhuts if he despises science so much.