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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2472601 No.2472601 [Reply] [Original]

Why is complex analysis so beautiful? The over-celebrated Euler's identity has absolutely nothing on some of the things I'm reading in Rudin.

>> No.2472619

Rudin is shit.

>> No.2472638


Suggest a better one, then!

>> No.2472646

Why is classical music so beautiful? The over-celebrated Beethoven's Fifth has absolutely nothing on some of the things I'm hearing from Wagner

protip: It's like this with all disciplines.

>> No.2472648

Can't wait to get there... I'm still stuck sifting through Calculus classes that I already half know.
Numbers are pretty.

>> No.2472649



>> No.2472652

i fucked that up somehow.


>> No.2472663
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>> No.2472677


That book is a book on real analysis. <_<

At any rate, the music analogy only makes it worse: why in the hell is all this cool, awesome shit so well-hidden?

>> No.2472688


Yeah, you'll get a giant boner when you live in a place where functions that have one derivative have every derivative, power series representations are available around every point and have radii of convergence as large as possible, the value of differentiable functions are determined by integrals around the points... shit is so cash.

>> No.2472693

euler's equation = mindfuck

complex analysis is pretty cool though

>> No.2472748

It's not hidden?

>> No.2472773

I agree with you!!
I've read "Complex variables and applications by Churchill"
This is a goooood book ^^

>> No.2472963
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>Why is complex analysis so beautiful?

>Thinks tautologies are beautiful

>doesn't realize math is just fancier ways of stating A=A

oh boy here we go. jpg

>> No.2473010

So beautiful.

>> No.2473024

Meh, the logic to get there and the general form is so much cooler.

>> No.2473040

Logicians are as useful as English majors. They only care about form.

>> No.2473056

Just wait until topology rolls around.

>> No.2473067

>math is just fancier ways of stating A=A

You do not understand the difference between equivalence and identity; you are clearly not a mathematician.

>> No.2473071

It bothers me that there's no differentiating symbol.
2x=4x+5 is vastly different from, say, sin^2(x) + cos^2(x) = 1.
The = means something totally different.

>> No.2473079


um, the = in your two exampes means the same thing - equality.

equivalence is more like 7 = 2 mod 5.

>> No.2473083


>> No.2473086

2x is not necessarily equivalent to 4x+5 (for example, when x is 12, or -3).
sin^2(x) + cos^2(x) = 1 is true under all circumstances.
sin^2(x) + cos^2(x) IS 1. Period. They are two expressions of the same thing.
2x and 4x+5 don't share this relationship.