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2471103 No.2471103 [Reply] [Original]

Where does consciousness go....when you are no more.

>> No.2471114

They go *POOF* and disappear.

It's a grim world out there, kid.

>> No.2471111


>> No.2471117

Well, you see, it snaps off and never returns again and then your brain is eaten by worms or bacteria or really just anything that sees fit to eat it! Awesome huh?

>> No.2471120

It ceases to exist.

>> No.2471123

Into non-usable energy.

>> No.2471115

It's just like a 404.

>> No.2471133

Well, when you die it's gone. So is time and space, you can't interpret anything when your dead so it time ends and keeps going for you at the same time, so to you there is no difference between seconds, hours, or the billions of years when time stops/universe ends.

It's actually a nice thought, you don't just see black, your dead. Scary to think about, but that's one of the burdens of human intellect.

>> No.2471139

Says the engineer.

>> No.2471142

But why do you say there is still black? Or any color for that matter?

>> No.2471150

I didn't, I said you don't see black. You don't know what black is, your non functioning brain can't see it, there is no color, sound, or time.

>> No.2471154

It goes nowhere.

>> No.2471158

Where does democracy go....when you kill all the congressmen?


>> No.2471159

Consciousness isn't real, so not only does it no go anywhere after death it was never anywhere to begin with.

>> No.2471160

the concept of nothing is impossible for the human being.
And this is where god lies.

>> No.2471164


>> No.2471168

The best way to understand what is going to happen when you die, is just to imagine before you were born.
Does it feel scary? not really you werent there.

>> No.2471169

No one cares about the government.

>> No.2471177

This man is wise.

>> No.2471180

I think the electrical signals in your brain stop firing and you just disappear. Cease to exist.

>> No.2471182

You mean God lies about being something?

>> No.2471186
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Reading these posts makes my heart sink and get a bad feeling inside. I wish I was an animal, ignorant of my own fate.

>> No.2471189

Speaking of which, how about the OP tells us what it is like once this thread 404's.

>> No.2471199

i mean god is nothing, after life is nothing.
The whole universe came out of nothing.
Nothing is the most amazing subject a human can think about cause it is the only think out of our grasp.

>> No.2471200

OP i hope you're happy to know we live in the age where you'll be able to 'download' your conscience into a computer and live forever

>> No.2471208
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Not really. You have to stop grasping.

>> No.2471206

Tis the price of sentience.

>> No.2471205
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I never see pure black anyway

in darkness all I see is colorful fuzz

>> No.2471215

Ok now you guys tell me, if there was no nothing, how could we know there was something?
Nothing is apart of being something, if there was no nothing there would be no something.
Yng Yang my friends.
Also sorry for bringing up this kinda religious related topic but i think it has everything to do with the subject.

>> No.2471216

More like copy yourself, it's not your conscience, it can be your memories, thoughts, and feelings, but it's a separate being entirely. So when you're copied over you're dead but your copy is alive.

>> No.2471219


>> No.2471225
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>'download' your conscience into a computer


>> No.2471231

Hot defines cold in human experience. Lack of temperature does not define temperature. You cannot remember a nothing state. It cannot form a contrast.

>> No.2471239

nothing contrasts with something

>> No.2471242

But we have never experienced the nothing...at least, we never remember the experience of nothing, but nothing cannot be remembered. Ergo, we cannot contrast it to anything.

>> No.2471244

actually anti-something contrasts with something

>> No.2471246

>it's not your conscience, it's a separate being entirely.

The point of doing that would be to continue your own conscience, though. You, or whatever it is in the brain that makes you 'you', gets moved over into a computer or android.

>> No.2471254

We cant in the way you are thinking about it, the way you are thinking about it is irrealistic.
What im talking about is existing and nothing existing.

>> No.2471263

neuron-silicium connection ship implanted in your brain. hardwire to a harddrive device, upload your consciousness.

>> No.2471275

Yeah. We've all experienced it preutero, but none of us remember it, thus we can only imagine what it is like. And with all the somethingness surrounding us and defining our universe, nothingness becomes unimaginable.

>> No.2471290

go to dreamless sleep. bam, you know what death is.

>> No.2471293

Yes we cannot imagine what is nothing, but we know what it is, this what i meant.
If there was only particles and no void, there wouldnt be no particles.

>> No.2471297

You are aware that, even in our everyday existence, there is more void than particles, right?

>> No.2471300

>nothingness becomes unimaginable

not really. just picture all black, no sound, no temperate, no sensory input, etc.

like being in a floating isolation tank.

>> No.2471307

>all black

what is this retardation? You'd have to imagine no color, and you can't.

Silence as we know it is still a sound, there is noway to come to grip with the totality of any of it

>> No.2471308

Yes, and it wouldnt make any sense if it was the contrary

>> No.2471319

Of course not, the whole point of it is nothing being able to think about it!
That is way there is so many mystical stuff about this subject, those are ways of trying to prove something that is impossible to understand using stuff that we understand.

>> No.2471326
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If you guys are interested in this subject, just go ahead and watch some Alan watts videos.
He talks alot about those things.

>> No.2471330

Not being able to think about it*

>> No.2471338

If we repeat our existence again and again, living the same life over and over as the universe recreates and destroys itself..then the moment you die you are born again, with no knowledge of a time lapse.

>> No.2471579
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Everyone tells me linear algebra is much easier than calc. I'm up to calc 2 so far and it's like a walk in the park compared to linear algebra.

You know shit is bad when you can't understand the question.

I'm no genius, but I usually go to lectures, listen to the professor and watch them solve a few problems for all classes like physics, chem and calc, review a bit before exams and everything is going well so far.

It's not working with linear algebra. This russian guy gives some strange questions that does not slightly resemble anything I have ever seen before, make me sick to my stomach.

What do you think I should do? This class is an elective, but I do not want to drop it because it would cost me the tuition.