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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 78 KB, 550x550, fake-moon-landing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2468611 No.2468611 [Reply] [Original]

"Once on the Moon, on the lunar surface in the dress, in the life support system, you couldn't see the camera. They couldn't bend their head that far down to see the scale ... They had no viewfinder - they had to aim by moving their body."

Jan Lundberg, chief designer of the Hasselblad

"They had to effectively guess where they were pointing the camera."

HJP Arnold, the Kodak executive who supplied the Ektachrome film for the missions

If you would do reasearch on the internet about time-lines, you would know that radio technology was not as advanced as today, back in 69, thus, the "radio folks" couldn't have tracked the launches the whole distance claimed. Whatever else is on the moon was dropped there by unmanned probes. It is STILL not possible to get to the moon in a larger, MANNED shuttle plus get the men back alive because of the many types of radiation in outer space and the van allen belts. If you seriously believe we went to the moon wake up.

>> No.2468613

They can fucking fire a laser at a specific point and get a reflection.
Its not a coincidence, or a conspiracy, its evidence.

>> No.2468615
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moonies make truthers look like grassy knollers

>> No.2468617


yes i'm sure that's what the government told you

>> No.2468624

the world is flat as well. and 911 was a hoax. and president obama is actually a scarecrow with a puppet hole in the back of his head

>> No.2468625
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COnsidering the GOvernment lied about WMD war on terror. What makes people believe they would NOT lie about this so called "moon landing" way back then where black people had no rights ect?

Feeding the fooder for mass idiots.

>> No.2468636


not to mention they were desperate to beat the soviets to the moon and there was no way they were going to get to the moon much less land on it. not to mention the giant belt of radiation they would have had to go through.

>> No.2468646

Yeah. The government was also able to reduce the force of gravity and pump all of the air out of a large studio.

>> No.2468650


>implying you can't get the same effect with bungie cords and a slowed down camera


>> No.2468655

trolls trolls everywhere but not a troll to troll

>> No.2468656

>bungie cords remove air resistance

I don't what?

>> No.2468663


Yea because the moon has wind DERP DERP.

>> No.2468677


there are still so many things that science has yet to explain such as the flag waving with no wind. objects lying in front of camera crosshairs the c rock shadowns going in multiple direction from supposedly one light source. blurry earth picture no stars. It could be more obvious it was a lie. zealots like you are even more ignorant than christions.

>> No.2468678

but where did it come from?

>> No.2468684

watch the mythbusters special

>> No.2468692


oh wow mythbusters real credible source

>> No.2468700

watch it and then tell me how credible it was

>> No.2468709


What belt of radiation? Where do you people come up with this crap?

>> No.2468712

>there are still so many things that science has yet to explain such as...
lurk moar, everything you listed has been explained

>> No.2468715


Yes, it could be more obvious it was a lie, because it wasn't, you idiot.

>> No.2468719

tinfoilhat forums

>> No.2468725
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sage for fuck you get out of my /sci/

>> No.2468729

Posts Avatar, a movie so full of plot holes given the technology described in it that it falls apart instantly.

What's next, the Matrix? You gonna tell me I need a little pill and call us sheeple. I hope you use a matrix quote because that film is even dumber than avatar.

Why do humans in fiction often suck so bad at war when we are utter masters of murder in real life? Just point the starship engine at the spess elves you fucktards.

Also we landed on the moon, and travel through the van allen belts does not instantly fry you.

>> No.2468730


Van Allen Belt. It seems like all of the astronauts have developed or are developing cataracts, which are a common symptom of radiation exposure. This actually makes the moon landings more credible.

>> No.2468731

Okay I agree moon landed did happen.
Troll - 0 sci - 1

Just testing you guys sooner or later u will slip and fail though.

>> No.2468740

So the government and the NASA orchestrated an immense lie involving thousands of people which still today cant be proved, and somehow they forget to simulate the most basic things and nobody in that supposed studio noticed that fake rock with the C?

>> No.2468751

NASA has a huge vacuum chamber the size of a hangar, that + bungie cords + slowed down video = moon landing

Ask NASA where the original tapes of the moon landing are


>> No.2468752

The thing that kills every Moon conspiracy dead is this: if we didn't land on the Moon the Russians would have called us on our bullshit.

>> No.2468755

> many types of radiation in outer space and the van allen belts

many types of radiation

the belts are 5 metres thick they were in them for exactly 2.8 seconds.

Learn to 101 physics.

And the ENTIRE SOVIET NATION determined to disprove the landings..... didn't find any evidence of hoax...... well maybe they were in with the US government that they were at war with...... or maybe they never looked cos they knew about the.... aliens.....911..... erm ....photos.....mars man....ufos.....

>> No.2468770

>they did
>no one listened
>then they collapsed
Ask any Russian today if the Americans landed on the moon

>> No.2468775

yeah a incredibly gigantic vacuum chamber and invisible bungie cords, right?

>> No.2468793

regular people from Russia believes in the moon landing hoax, therefore the moon landing is an hoax

>> No.2468795

>gigantic vacuum chamber
Yes, they have one, why is this so had to comprehend?

>invisible bungie cords
Because in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon Chow Yun-fat was on the moon

Are you even listening to yourself?

>> No.2468800

>regular people from Russia believes in the moon landing hoax, therefore the "soviets called NASA on it"

Nice strawman though, almost raged

>> No.2468839
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fuck everyone that posts in this thread.

>> No.2468853

>image from 2011
>martial arts movies dont use bungee cords, they use metal or other types of cables which aren't elastic
Even if you can find an extremely thin elastic cord you can't replicate the effects of low gravity with a vacuum chamber, bungee cords and slow motion, stop being so stupid

>> No.2468892

>you can't replicate the effects of low gravity with a vacuum chamber, bungee cords and slow motion
Yeah, you can

>> No.2468905


>> No.2468919

Apollo 15 left a retroreflector on the moon which we can interact with using high intensity lasers.

Also, moon-hoax conspiracy theories are retarded, Occam's razor OP.

>> No.2468923

tell me how to replicate the movement of the dust

>> No.2468937

There are differences, there was an article in new scientists about some fish embryo that got deformed in low gravity chambers but not in space

>> No.2468942

The entire tank was filled with a clear fluid.

>Apollo 15
>Apollo 11
>spot the difference

>> No.2468943

they just slowed down the speed of the film not that fucking diffacult to do

>> No.2468948

Really? They had a fully functioning moon landing program, AND faked the whole thing, exposing them to the full risk of exposure with no benefit?


Oh, and the Russians never called bullshit, even though you know they would have loved to. QED.

>> No.2468956

>they just slowed down the speed of the film not that fucking diffacult to do
>not that fucking diffacult
>a cult
It all makes sense now!

>> No.2468958

This thread is trolls.

>> No.2468984

there was a show on the discovery channel about this. NASA had one guy disprove all these conspiracy myths, i it was really cool.

the astronauts carried this camera around for months practicing like at birthday parties and such until they got really good at it.
theres no air resistance on the moon so when they planted the flag the hollow aluminium flag pole would continually vibrate.
amateur astronomers can calculate the distance to the moon with the laser "mirror" that was placed on one of the missions

>> No.2468997

hey guys, just watched a documentary about big foot on the history channel.

i think this may have something to do with that.

>> No.2469017

>They had a fully functioning moon landing program

But to "beat" the soviets in the interim and score a propaganda victory they faked the first one

>> No.2469038


The arguments used to promote the Apollo 11 conspiracy are all invalid seeing as we have proof Apollo 15 left equipment on the moon. Fuckhead.

>> No.2469059

which was placed by space bigfoot you moron, open your eyes, its an hoax!

>> No.2469069

i'm going to build my own space ship and go to the moon and find out for my self.

fuck you all i'm not going to tell you what i find ether

>> No.2469089

How so?

>> No.2469092

> van allen belt
Note it is not called the Van Allen Sphere. You can go around it.

>> No.2469094


well anyway, maybe it's Anunnaki conspiracy. No?

>> No.2469100


>> No.2469102
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>> No.2469108
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>this thread

>> No.2469113

If they successfully faked Apollo 11 landings, then why would they risk faking FIVE more, and having the soviets calling them on their bullshit?

>> No.2469129


>> No.2469141

They didn't fake five more, quit using strawmen

See >>2469017

NASA just needed to buy time

>> No.2469144

This thread is trolls. I don't think a single person here really believe that moon landing was a hoax.

>> No.2469149

So, the Soviets intentially threw the Cold War? The entire Cold War was a sham?

>> No.2469159

op is artard

>> No.2470059


It wasn't just the Soviets, but yes, you have a point.

>> No.2470253
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also, look at the reflection in Armstrongs helmet

>> No.2470261
File: 98 KB, 500x536, surprised.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I speak for all /sci/ when I say I stand corrected. Moon landings so fake.

>> No.2470270

still laughing

>> No.2470273

It was all a plot by the Illuminati, amirite?

>> No.2470280
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>> No.2470292
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>> No.2470298

>no one is refuting my arguments
Glad you agree

>> No.2470304
File: 130 KB, 500x498, einsteinguitar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sage. /sci/ is for /sci/ence, not conspiracy theory neckbeards. Also, Einstein with a guitar.

>> No.2470315

So many americanfats in denial.

The moon landing was an obvious fake but I don't really care to be honest. We can go up there anytime we want at this point. Back then it was impossible, and we needed to fake it for the Cold War.

l2politics and science

>> No.2470316

einstein confirmed for poser hipster.

>> No.2470346


>> No.2470356
File: 74 KB, 630x592, 1288175167203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on /sci/
>moon landing is fake thread.
>people agreeing.

Would you conspiracy theory faggots at least learn science before you try to disprove something?
Your faggotry shows so badly it hurts.

>> No.2470363
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>> No.2470369

You can do it yourself if you want.

>> No.2470377

the only points in the 7 hours of continuous film in which the flag "waved" were when it was moved by the astronauts themselves.
The crosshairs were bleached out by things behind them, the effect is widely known by those who use film cameras.
There were several thousands of pictures taken, I would be surprised if none of them contained shapes that could be likened to simple letters.
The shadows weren't going in multiple directions, you are assuming the moon is entirely flat.
There are no stars because the exposure time for photos taken was low and the relatively bright moon bleached them out. Try taking a photo of stars with any camera with a brighter light source in shot and you'll see what I mean.
Next kthxbai.

>> No.2470387

There are very extensive websites devoted to debunking this bullshit, detailing and supporting all your arguments and more.

But alas, here we are: /sci/ is for trolls.

>> No.2470390

Buzz Aldrin, at over 9000 years old, still beats the living daylights out of anyone he hears accuse the moonlanding of stagedness.

>> No.2470398

>There are no stars because the exposure time for photos taken was low and the relatively bright moon bleached them out. Try taking a photo of stars with any camera with a brighter light source in shot and you'll see what I mean.

Thanks for that, was just about to point it out.
I hate when they point that out. IT shows that they are either stupid or bandwagoning to look cool. Most of the time its both.

>> No.2470402

Meaning that one time he punched a conspiracyfag for getting right up in his face and calling him a liar and a coward. But yeah.

>> No.2470404

even though I'm no mooner this guy has a point

>Ask NASA where the original tapes of the moon landing are

they don't know where they are, meaning they have misplaced the most important film of mankind till now

>> No.2470407


The thing Einstein is famous for, General Relativity, isn't even the thing he won a Nobel for. He won the Nobel in Physics for the photoelectric effect. That's right bitches, he won a Nobel in Physics for something he did in 1905, then went on to practically invent modern physics in 1917 with General Relativity.

>> No.2470415

Soviet union would've been all over it if it was fake I don't see why this alone won't shut them up.

>> No.2470420

>civil rights
What, are you butthurt because Neil Armstrong is a white male?

Seriously, though. That has no fucking bearing on this discussion.

>> No.2470429

the photoelectric effect is far more relevant to most of modern physics than general relativity

>> No.2470436

It might have more practical applications, but relativity is definitely more important for theoretical physics/ experimentation.

>> No.2470446

We went over this, soviet union WAS all over it, but they can't very well transmit news channels into US living rooms

Then they collapsed

Nowadays, Russians still believe Apollo 11 never made it to the moon

>> No.2470447

mythbusters actually covered this i think

>> No.2470450

The photoelectric effect is one of the pioneering phenomena to establish QM.

Eh, debate is pointless. They're both important and useful. For instance, GPS satellites wouldn't work well at ALL without the SR time dilation corrections.

>> No.2470457

>We went over this, soviet union WAS all over it, but they can't very well transmit news channels into US living rooms
>Then they collapsed

LOL "The Soviet Union collapsed - sadly there are none of them left to tell the tale of their heroic struggle to inform the American sheeple of the incredible moon landing hoax"
You can't be fucking serious!

>> No.2470467

I'm with you.
Plus we wouldn't have satellites without relativity.

>> No.2470474

good point.
I think GPS would probably still be possible if the satellites just acted as geostationary beacons as opposed to as information broadcasters, but then of course there'd have to be more user side processing and manual updating.

>> No.2470476

>A 2000 poll conducted by the Russian Public Opinion Fund found that 28% of those surveyed did not believe that American astronauts have been on the Moon, and this percentage is roughly equal in all social-demographic groups.[11] In 2009, a poll conducted by the British Engineering & Technology magazine found that 25% of those surveyed did not believe that humans have walked on the Moon.[12] Another poll gives that 25% of 18-25 year old's surveyed were unsure that the landings happened.[13]
What's it like to be totally disconnected from reality? I bet it's kinda exciting.

>> No.2470481

Fucking owned.

>> No.2470486
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>Doesn't get the point

Soviet union wouldn't try to broadcast it to the US you dunce.
They would tell other nations about it and get the governments to not believe it, hence disproving it on a world wide basis.

Your just going off that The soviet union hated america so hurr durr yea they are all going to say it didn't happen cause they dislike us. Just like you're saying you don't believe it cause "oh shit the government lies, that means they can't accomplish anything"

>> No.2470494

>28 percent

pfffhaha, and here i thought at least a few more would disbelief it just out of spite.

>> No.2470498

>However, the Soviet Union had been sending unmanned spacecraft to the Moon since 1959,[19] and "during 1962, deep space tracking facilities were introduced at IP-15 in Ussuriisk and IP-16 in Evpatoria (Crimean Peninsula), while Saturn communication stations were added to IP-3, 4 and 14",[20] the latter having a 100 million km range.[21] The Soviet Union monitored the missions at the Space Transmissions Corps, which was "fully equipped with the latest intelligence-gathering and surveillance equipment".[22] Vasily Mishin, in an interview for the article "The Moon Programme That Faltered" (Spaceflight, March 1991, vol. 33, 2-3), describes how the Soviet Moon programme lost energy after the Apollo landing.
Yeah, no. They monitored the mission, knew it succeeded, and gave up. If they had known it was a hoax, they could have proven it, gotten the first manned mission, and then shit amazing anti-US propaganda for DECADES.

But no - the Apollo 11 mission was real, and a success, and the Russians knew it.

>> No.2470499

actually, Russians are more likely to believe the moon landing was real than Americans are. Conspiracy theories in general aren't really marketed as much over there so it never took off.

>> No.2470500

theres a wikipedia that covers all of your arguments
you guys are amazingly stupid

>> No.2470504

GR actually has a bigger effect. Clocks tick faster at the satellites because they are high up in the gravity well.

>> No.2470510

I'm skeptical of that. The difference in gravity between Earth surface and LEO is not much - how far out is the orbit of the GPS satellites, anyway?

>> No.2470519

There's an easy way to find out. Do the needed corrections speed up the time reported by the clocks on the satellites, or slow them down? The GR and SR corrections are in opposite directions in this case, right?

>> No.2470520

If the moon landings were fake than explain Apollo 13.

Why would they fake a mission going horribly wrong?

>> No.2470522

Conclusive evidence that the apollo moon landings were faked:


>> No.2470524

But the difference between 0 and mach 20 compared to light speed isn't that great either.

>> No.2470525

Half-sane conspiracyfags say only 11 was faked, and 14 was the first real success. Bullshit. Russians would've called it on Apollo 11.

>> No.2470527

Good point.

>> No.2470532

history is determined by the victors

>> No.2470538 [DELETED] 

light speed is mach one million. thats mach 1,000,000. Also light speed is unatainable through conventional mechanics. So I'd say you're a cancer on this board

>> No.2470544

I was looking up a cite for you but it turns out they forgot to cite it too.

I read it on Rational Wiki's debunking of Conservapedia's idiocy regarding relativity:


It may actually be the acceleration/deceleration due to being in an elliptical orbit rather than the difference in altitude.

>> No.2470546

and the objective, verified evidence. There's quite literally no reason to believe the landings didn't happen

>> No.2470567


>> No.2470580
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We sent 12 men to walk on the moon.

How many REALLY walked on the moon, tinfoil hat retards?

>> No.2470585

Also, there was at least one amateur radio operator who picked up transmissions from the astronauts.

>> No.2470646

Where are the original tapes?

>> No.2470666

presumably in an archive somewhere. I don't see how this is relevant, and as all other arguments have been debunked it doesn't constitute evidence.

>> No.2471097

It would be cheaper and easier to fake a moon landing than do a real one. Occam's Razor.

>Thousands of people worked on it. You couldn't fake it involving all those people.
That's why they only told you thousands of people worked on it.

>The Russians would have called it fake.
Some did, and they were held up to international ridicule and so they abandoned the claim. China officially considered the moon landing a hoax all the way into the 1980's, and it was such a big deal that Chinese scientists would leave international scientific gatherings when presentations on findings of the moon landing were presented.

>There's a mirror on the moon, proving the moon landing.
It doesn't prove a manned moon landing.

Where is the hi-def crystal clear 1080p video from the surface of the moon? Isn't it funny how "pictures from the moon" suddenly dried up by the time we got good cameras? Just like UFOs and the Loch Ness Monster.

>> No.2471364


No Russian went to the moon because their cosmonauts almost instantly died of radiation exposure. The space ship would require so much shielding (making the ship multiple times heavier) that it wouldn't be possible to go to the moon even today.

We lied, no one ever went on the moon. No man will land on the moon in the foreseeable future. Maybe in another half century when advanced radiation shielding is developed.

>> No.2471409

>Instantly died of radiation exposure
You do realize that the dose needed to kill a full grown human instantly is about 4000 Sv in a second. Which is a metric fucktonne.