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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2466957 No.2466957 [Reply] [Original]

Women's studies

>> No.2466965

Yeah yeah... it's called gender and sexuality studies now.

~Sociology fag

>> No.2466978

It better be, 'Women's Studies' sounds so sexist...

>> No.2466986

No fucking way? The liberals actually caved?

>> No.2466994

at my school they did... i think they may keep "women" in the title, but it's something like "women's, gender, and sexualities studies"

>> No.2466996
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You have to study hard, memorize hard concepts and do difficult math to get your degree. All they have to do is say men are responsible for everything bad in the world. Their degree is as valuable as yours. How does it make you feel?

>> No.2467005

Ever hear of a professional gender and sexuality scientist?

>> No.2467007

Ever hear of a professional Christian scientist?

>> No.2467010

I've met professional theologists. God knows what they do all day but it must be pimp.

>> No.2467013
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I know you are just trolling but it's quite funny how science/maths students laugh at women studies.

>"It's not important"
Oh they are the only reason you are alive today

No wonder you ain't getting laid son

>> No.2467015


Social science contains science to some degree...

>> No.2467016
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Einstein, Gauss, Riemann...

>> No.2467022

Chicken and the egg man.

Also I was perfectly contented not existing until that bitch (my mother) soaked up a load of atoms and spat them out as a self propelling bio-mechanical cynic.

>> No.2467024


I'd take a 60 minute final exam over a 10 page essay any fucking day.

>> No.2467033

I'm sure if you worked at it for a few years you would learn how to write how 'Men did this' and 'Men did that' at great length

>> No.2467034
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>implying there is some universal ranking system which actually proves one is harder/more intellectual than the other.

>> No.2467042

Yeah it's easy, since history is written by men. You could just write about World War II and say Hitler and Stalin were both men.

>> No.2467054

women studies maybe a useless thing, but i think most subjects have a value to society.
i dont understand the overemphasis on science and math nowaday.

>> No.2467056

Also a sociology fag, currently studying Sociology of Mental Illness (shit's moderately cash)

You fags can brag all you want if it really makes you feel better, but I enjoy what I study and even if I think a lot of people in my major are useless, I feel it's something I can use eventually.

Eat a bag of dicks if you think social justice and organizational structures don't matter because
>conceptions of social justice are what so constrain your precious science (ahem, stem cells and abortion)
>you'll be working in a bureaucratic clusterfuck if you're anything like most science majors

>> No.2467061

Exactly. No moralists. Unrestricted scientific progress.

>> No.2467071

previous sociology fag
mental illness is pretty cool. Deviance if a fun class.

Doing sexism and sociolinguistics myself.

Keep being awesome!

>> No.2467075
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No moralists, no morality.
Oh the joy

Why don't you take that view to the nearest stem cell lab and kill yourself you stupid fuck

>> No.2467076

same guy you're responding to
I actually disagree with this, but I think the whole idea of abortion and the use of stem cells needs to be reconstructed in the public's mind if we're going to make a huge push for it in the near future. Not so much away from any moral/ethical guidelines (informed donor consent and treatment/enhancement distinctions are good things, imho), but to a view of an aborted fetus as something that could improve the life of a living person rather than something which takes away from a potential person.

sorry if tl;dr, just a stupid fucking social science major

>> No.2467080

You too, m8.
This quarter and one more, then I'm done.

>> No.2467089

Both of you make me wtf my face off. Stem cell research is a point already conceded by moralists. Way to live in 2005.

>> No.2467096


If he believes morality shouldn't restrict scientific research, he should be running to sign himself up to experimentation was my point. (He r retard, u geddit?!)

>> No.2467098


i respect what you and others with social sciences etc. do. they help us to understand bigger processes within our societies, since you seem to always find the same structures in big networks.
like the brain isnt much diffrent to an energy grid in a country.
peopel here just need to realise that society is a complex of things and everything plays into that.
even religion, looking back into my countries history, the monasterys have been the ones to preserve knowledge and even do research before the renaissance. it isnt all about god, but about the institution of the church that supressed people but on the other side since they had the money did bring a lot of great things as well, look alone at the wonderful buildings humans have dedicated to "their god".

people of course are a bit centred on the subect they do, but i appreciate it if they still try to think about the big picture.

>> No.2467099

ho ho ho

Okay. Let's see you say that if/when we get another Republican President.

>> No.2467100

You are on quarters too? I thought we were the only school... you poor bastard.

You doing MA or undergrad?

>> No.2467108

Nail on the head, brother (or sister?).

>> No.2467112

Undergrad, just turned 21.
I'm in the UC system so most of our schools are on quarter system.

>> No.2467130

UC being Cali, Colorado, Cincinati...

>> No.2467131

Oh no I wouldn't go that far. I just think that non scientific lobbies should have the power to affect research they don't understand. IE genetic engineering, LHC ect...

>> No.2467134


...sister, how did you know...
btw. i study biochemistry, so i am not blowing my own horn here.
i am serious about what i said.

>> No.2467135

Cause you look like a bitch

>> No.2467138


how do you know how i look?

>> No.2467142

I can see. your. words.

Damn feminine words everywhere!

>> No.2467144


They aren't?
They are simply trying to safeguard human and animal rights. What is so hard to understand about that?

Last time i checked, ethical philosophers/moralists had a fairly decent idea when they talk rules about treating animals/lifeforms.

I think many of you are confusing ethics with religious extremes (which i guess can sometimes be somewhat similar)

No one intentionally tries to slow down progress to science (except fuckwit capitalists)

>> No.2467154

Somebody doesn't know what ethics are.

>> No.2467161

/sci/ is for /sci/ence. Not /gen/eral college chat.

>> No.2467182

Hahaha, capitalism is the greatest friend of technology, because profit encourages people to continually improve products and innovate. Governments slow down science and technology because they are held accountable to the morals of the ignorant. Democracy is the enemy of technology. I'm not saying democracy is bad, it's good for a government to be held accountable to the people. But corporations are free to invest in whatever they want, while governments invest public money so they are held to arbitrary moral standards. Profit drives innovation, governments don't have a profit motive so they stagnate. See: NASA vs. Space X

>> No.2467190
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>> No.2467191


In some aspects i would agree they help yes.
But it doesn't take much understanding to realize how patented products slow research.

>> No.2467198

sociology isn't a science faggots

>> No.2467243


No, profit margin only motivates to earn more profit, not to progress. If the market hits a stand-still they become stagnant extra-quick, choosing not to advance at all because their profit has become all tied up in the production of the product that they have invested their time in to. This being said, capitalism is not totally feeble at advancing. It is quite good at it when it is properly disrupted from their tendency toward stagnation and conservation of profit.

That being said, government is far better for technology and the sciences. Right now we are speaking using many technologies that were first really invested and researched because of governments. This being said, government has its own flaws, mostly involving the problem of being forced into the safe bet. But historically government has been the investor in innovation and development of new technologies.