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2465875 No.2465875 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm watchin this documentary on Netflix Instant, "Foodmatters", where they claim that cooked food actually stimulates your body's immune response if your diet is roughly more than 50% cooked.

And goes on to say if you supplement your diet with raw fruits & veggies, that this doesn't happen. They claim that with the immune system having to fend off enough as it is, keeping it from triggering during food intake leaves it more time to pay attention to other shit, thus having a healthier body.

Is there any truth to this, or is it purely speculation? They aren't exactly saying "Go vegan" or "Go green", but more like... "cook less, eat more raw foods."

>> No.2465886

I've eaten raw foods only for various amounts of time and it definitely has positive effects on your body.
You also get some excellent poop in the beginning.

>> No.2465893

Well, I do not know about all that, but I do know that cooked (steamed or boiled) spinach is better than raw spinach.

>> No.2465896

How do you know that?

>> No.2465904


Because it tastes better

>> No.2465908

That's separate from nutritional content. A candy bar tastes even better than that.

>> No.2465910


Science told me so.

>> No.2465948

your immune system is triggered based on how much nutrition you've absorbed...in raw diets you absorb a lot less nutrition, so you get a lot less immune respoinse

>> No.2465967

bump for interest

>> No.2465996

If you're one of those people who always has a lot of mucus, I guarantee that most of it will be gone after a few days on raw foods. You may also lose acne and various other conditions. I dare you to try it.

>> No.2466019

id say their logic is flawed. they start of with the crazy assumption that food stimulating your immune system is a bad thing. why?

being around a sick person stimulates your immune system. walking outside stimulates your immune system. these are all good things.

>> No.2466031


yea this works great for a while, you know what else would do the same thing, fasting

i've seen a bunch of people on this raw foods kick and they are all severely undernourished, if this really was what it claimed athletes everywhere would be doing it

>> No.2466045

Being undernourished just happens because you need to eat such a large quantity of raw foods to get enough energy. Many people on raw food diets don't eat enough, but that's not a problem with the diet as much as a problem with the people who can't follow it properly.

>> No.2466163

The quality of the food itself is also a significant factor, a lot of "fresh" produce can spend up to 3 months in cold storage where it will lose much of its nutritional value before it even gets shipped out to stores and supermarkets, and even longer in the freezers the supermarket has out back. Often, frozen goods will actually provide greater nutrition and be safer to eat than their fresh equivalents.

>> No.2466183

Perhaps, but that's still not a fault of the diet.

>> No.2466246

It's BS everything you eat contains millions of bacteria you can't just wash them away. Your immune system is only strained by new things cause it has no idea what do.

>> No.2466267

Bacteria aren't all deadly, either. Did you know that vultures subsist on rotting meat and they don't drop dead all the time? Our society seems to think that uncooked food is instant death when it's not. I'm not advocating human consumption of raw meat, but raw vegetables are great. Why do you think the water turns green when you cook spinach? Because some of the nutrients of the spinach leaked out into the water.

>> No.2466296
File: 43 KB, 518x389, 1271917549565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the water turns green
>boiling vegetables

What the hell are you doing?
pic unrelated

>> No.2466299


but they do cause an the immune system to respond which the OP heard raw veggies don't do.


1 we're talking immune system not nutrients

2 it turns green from CELLULOSE not nutrients which will be in the stuff cooked or not

3 watermelon has better nutrition than spinach so i'll eat that thank you

>> No.2466308
File: 96 KB, 767x677, 1233031390522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

raw foods are better, but probably not for that reason. sounds like bullshit to me

pic related

>> No.2466339


Another anon here.

Yes, it does happen. The water has a slight green color (like watered down green tea, perhaps).

>> No.2466347

I'd eat that. But only because it looks like a challenge.

>> No.2466374

how can burger into mouth??

>> No.2466375

It is bullshit.
Cooking food for long duration can break down certain compounds(vitamins), that's the only bad part, unless you char the food while frying.

Otherwise, cooking food increases the bioavailibility of the food components, that is, you absord more of it. For example, eat a raw egg and you might absorb 60% of the proteins in it. Eat a cooked egg and that goes up to 95%. Numbers pulled out of my arse but that's the general idea of it.

As for immunostimulation: just no.

>> No.2466505

A component of raw food vegetarianism is that the body can absorb amino acids from plant cells if the acids are not destroyed by by the heat from cooking. True or not?

>> No.2467805

>in raw diets you absorb a lot less nutrition,

Kinda the opposite... cooking destroys a lot of nutrition. Eating raw, you get the most nutrition.

>> No.2467813

Take a multivitamin. Eat whatever you want. Live forever.

>> No.2467822

except that most raw food has very low bioavailability.

>> No.2467828

A lot of nutrients are captured incide cells. Boiling breaks cells that your body cannot.
For example: Spinach

>> No.2467832

you can't exactly absorb those nutrients with that pesky insoluble fiber and cellulose blocking it, can you?

>> No.2467839

Do your own research.


>> No.2467859

How come when it comes to things as basic to our human needs as eat, sleeping, and sex there seems to be all manner of opinion and very little agreed upon facts?

It strikes me, and it should every /sci/entist that when it comes to food you are perfectly likely to hear almost any statement about it. That means that there is almost no real information.

Everybody in this thread mixes opinion with speculation with science with philosophy in this thread. Each person makes his statements with perfect conviction.

This is not isolated to 4chan.

Conclusion, humans are stupid about the most basic things they need to live.