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File: 140 KB, 1600x1143, Tornado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2463732 No.2463732 [Reply] [Original]

Suck it up, Austrailia. It's a tropical cyclone. The American Midwest gets tornadoes with double Yasi's wind speeds every year and they're still here.

What makes this cyclone so significant?

>> No.2463748

Suck it up, America. The rest of the world gets snow storms with double downfall the recent USA snow storm, and we're still here.

What makes your snow storm so significant?

>> No.2463751



>> No.2463755

Who's talking about snowstorms? Tornadoes, man. 'Murrica gets them stronger than any other place on this planet.

>> No.2463761

Minnesotafag here. All other statefags are wussies. That is all.


>> No.2463762
File: 79 KB, 459x599, 459px-Cyclone_Yasi_2_February_2011_approaching_Queensland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tornados are not hundreds of kilometers wide and cover numerous entire cities at once.

>> No.2463763

> stormchasers.jpg

>> No.2463769

Hurricanes don't hold the world record for lowest recorded atmospheric pressure and highest recorded wind speed by a landslide.

>> No.2463778

maybe its because its just a bit larger than a tornado(something about 150 times)

and no tornado with 600km/h winds have ever been recorded

>> No.2463794


>> No.2463807
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>Average 80m wide

>Hundreds of kilometeres wide
>295 km/h winds (for yasi)

>Implying the later is not much more damaging seeing as its that fucking windy everywhere, not just if your house is unlucky enough to be in a direct path like with a tornado.

>> No.2463845

>thinks a hurricane is more damaging to your house than a tornado

When a hurricane passes over your house, at worst, your roof would be gone and you'd have water damage. When a tornado passes over your house, it ceases to exist. There is literally nothing left there at all.

>> No.2463897

The eye itself is approx 20 miles diameter. Also australia aren't prepared for this, so everywhere could be damaged beyond repair. they may have to rebuild everything, all over...

>> No.2463907

It's closer to 80km in diameter.

>> No.2463914

Think about it like this: Who's stronger? The family in Australia whose shingles got ripped off and their house got a little flooded after a storm hovered over them for an entire day, or the family in Oklahoma whose house was completely demolished down to the very cement foundation unexpectedly in 10 seconds? Who cares that it's widespread? What matters is what happens individually.

>> No.2463916

With luck, your house will be whisked away to somewhere nice. Maybe Thailand.

So long, Australia!

You Fritzls will have to abandon your subterranean family entertainment complexes, though.

>> No.2463918

whats your point?

oklahoma tornado 1999: 2 billion in damages
katrina: 81 billion

>> No.2463923

>yfw the majority of a hurricane's wind damage is caused by weak, embedded tornadoes.

>> No.2463929

A tornado will only destroy a few houses, a hurricane could render every house in a city uninhabitable because of structural damage.

>> No.2463932
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Its all 'bout the gradient bro

>> No.2463944

your house = gone
your city = devastated
your state = sympathetic

>your house = a little battered and flooded, but can be fixed
>your city = a little battered and flooded, but can be fixed
>your state = a little battered and flooded, but can be fixed

Tornadoes aren't a national threat until, like, maybe climate change allows them to grow to the size of hurricanes. Hurricanes are sensationalized only because they affect a wide area.


>> No.2463950

demolished > "uninhabitable"

>> No.2463952

>yfw even if its true, you don't have a point

(we all know the amount of trolling here, but I got nothing to do, really.)

>> No.2463968

I'm not trolling, and it is true. The eyewall is made up of many mesovortices, which are weak, embedded tornadoes. And the eyewall is the most damaging part of the hurricane in terms of wind speed.

In fact, the highest "non-tornadic" wind speed ever recorded was from a mesovortex in a hurricane in Australia.

>> No.2463970

everything can be fixed or rebuilt with money.So the more total damage, the worst



>> No.2463979

It takes a lot more to completely rebuild a house down to its foundation than it does to repair the roof/a few windows/some water damage.


>> No.2463981

Fuck you, I wont google it.Even if its true you don't have a point is because OP is comparing isolated tornadoes with hurricanes.If there are tornadoes in hurricanes, it doesn't matter.

>> No.2463992

It does matter. It proves that tornadoes are stronger than hurricanes, and without them, a hurricane wouldn't be as big of a deal. Tornadoes are the king of wind.

>> No.2464007

so what? there is no additional damage


my dick is called tornado.
do u wanna suck it?

>> No.2464023

Who cares about additional damage? I mean, would you feel safer with a tornado going over your house than a hurricane? Yeah. That's right.

>> No.2464024
File: 103 KB, 450x337, They_see_me_spinning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do cyclones completely destroy house too, right?

>> No.2464029

ITT: merrycunts upset that they have tornado shelters etc and can't handle heavy winds like australia (who dont have shelters and are not prepared for this what so ever). seriously, australians are tough, and we can beat this shit. merrycunts, go have a cry knowing you'll never be as good as us.


>> No.2464032

How about destroying an entire town
Cyclone Tracey entirety destroyed Darwin in the 1970s
destroyed more than 70 percent of Darwin's buildings, including 80 percent of houses
41,000 out of the 47,000 inhabitants of the city homeless
That was only a category 3 cyclone

>> No.2464037

omg, you mean those poorly-built 3rd world structures... were "completely destroyed?!?!" How could that have happened?!??!

Meanwhile, a tornado completely destroyed a skyscraper once in the early 90s.

>> No.2464045

>you reached fullreatard. Id like to contribute with your trolling, really..but thats too much for me

>> No.2464054

2007 Greensburg, KS tornado
1.7 miles wide
Greensburg KS is 1.5 miles wide
95% of structures completely destroyed, remaining 5% damaged beyond repair
A meteorite housed in a museum went missing for a while after the storm - was finally found hundreds of yards away from the museum. A fucking meteorite... was airborne inside of that storm.

September 16th, 2010
EF-0 tornado hits NYC
Shuts the whole city down for a day and kills one woman


>> No.2464061

>aka I don't know what I'm talking about and have run out of bullshit to spout out of my mouth

>> No.2464092

Living in a hurricane line myself, I'll put my comment into this trollfest.

A hurricane, although it's winds aren't usually faster than 250km/h, they do some serious damage from heavy rain and floods, if you live by the sea, a flood would be your mayor concern.
Hurricanes last for days, or maybe a week, a week of heavy rain, sustained fast wind that will eventually come from every direction possible, coming from the north at first and as it advances the wind direction changes making some worrying structural damage, if you are injured a hurricane can trap you in your house for many days rinking an infection, it can also throw cars or light boats and rafts, sink medium sized ships and piers.

A tornado doesn't last more than an hour, it's small, let's say 1 km in diameter being gentle, although it's winds go over 500 km/h, they don't endure for over an hour and fade, heavy rain doesn't come with them nor does a flood.

A hurricane is stronger taking on the image the amount of energy it syphons from the ocean, it's size and it's longevity, tornadoes are only stronger because of the velocity of the wind, but the hurricanes carry more threats with them, because even when the hurricane is gone, it could take days for the help to get there.

>RL;DR Hurricanes are worst.

>> No.2464109

yeah but what about avalanches?

>> No.2464128

They happend all the time on remote places, rarely striking any major city, they would be an isolated accident for unlucky/dumbass people.

>> No.2464135

You're right, tornadoes are quite shortlived compared to hurricanes. Yet look at the damage tornadoes cause compared to hurricanes. Hurricanes can last more than a day.

EF-2 tornadoes can throw cars. There are still three more levels of strength past that. And in terms of the rain, any storm system can flood an area. Some pretty significant rainfall rates have been associated with tornadic storms, and even just low pressure systems moving across a country can flood an area just as much as a hurricane can.

>> No.2464148

>hurricanes are worst

Worse for what? I mean, would you actually rather take a tornado passing through your house over a hurricane?

>> No.2464164


Hurricanes can live for weeks, and they can move so slow that you could feel it's effect for a week, I've lived that, Yes, tornadoes are fast and have the fastest wind speed recorded, but they don't endure too much, damaging an entire country or federative entity is much more devastating than some kilometers of total devastation, even the death toll is larger on hurricanes than tornadoes, because of the floods that come with it. Sure it rains a lot vefore and after a tornado, but the rain doesn't las for days, and sure, it can flood an area, but kilometers long shoreline can be flooded by tornadoes?

Don't think so :x

>> No.2464199

>Implying my house is the only one affected by either a tornado or a hurricane.
A hurricane is a concern on a large area, entire countries prepare for a hurricane, tornadoes only strike "small" areas, by small I mean some kilometers, not more than 80 kilometers, which is the eye for this particular hurricane.

If it would be an isolated event, just 1 tornado in my town, I would be concerned, but an F5 hurricane that will last for more than a week with heavy rain and flooding in my entire federative entity with no help coming for over 3 weeks, my biggest concer is bleeding to death due to windows breaking.

>> No.2464404

So you agree, that the main reason why people worry about hurricanes is because they affect a lot of people.

I mean, do you think it's rare for people to be trapped under the wreckage of their homes for days after tornadoes, not because rescue service can't get there, but because their screams can't be heard and they aren't discovered until after the damage is removed? So the whole "stuck in your house, injured" thing applies to both. And likewise, if we're so worried about the rains from hurricanes, then we should be just as worried about any low-pressure system that produces persistent rain.

>> No.2464425

Gulfcoastfag here

Suck it up pussies, we deal with hurricanes all the time.

>> No.2464468

Amerifag here!

I apologize for the trollness of my Ameribro here.

>> No.2464511
File: 539 KB, 890x704, Prepare Your Anus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Wind speeds of 500mph
>The size of North America
>Last for months

These could form if the oceans were only a little warmer.


>> No.2464593

You wanna talk hypothetical?
>F12 tornado
>Nothing stopping this from happening. It only needs very specific, large-scale conditions

>> No.2464611


>> No.2464616

> What makes this cyclone so significant?

t'was caused by a cat's fart

>> No.2464618


500mph over the entire North American continent is a little worse than 774mph winds in a 2 mile diameter.

>> No.2464624
File: 140 KB, 1000x750, 1294894828065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non-American detected.

We don't apologize for shit. We fuck shit up and blame someone else like the French.

Anyway, ausfailia is getting floods and hurricanes because god and mother nature hates kangaroos and convicts.

>> No.2464629

Except that the 500 mph wind speeds AREN'T over the entire continent, just near the severe parts.

>> No.2464636


The eye is 120 miles across. The severe parts are hundreds of miles across. This is sustained for weeks to months. Others can form due to the increased sea temperature.

You think an F12 tornado would be worse than multiple hypercanes?

>> No.2464648

"multiple hypercanes"

How about multiple F12's? Tornado outbreaks can last several days.

>> No.2464658


I am a Amerifag--one that generally hates nationalism.

>> No.2464660

Well since we're making up horseshit now, oh sorry hypothetical storms, how about a nitrocane: a hypercane with an F6 tornado for an eye.

>> No.2464664

How about an F12 tornado the size of the United States that remains stationary over the entire continent for 5 weeks straight?

>> No.2464671

>Implying all tornadoes are above F2.
They're not.
Also, if a hurricane is heading your way YOU WILL GET HIT.
If a tornado heads your way, your neighbour might be fucked up the ass, and you might lose a few shingles.

>> No.2464672


We're not making shit up. We're talking about things that could theoretically happen. That couldn't.

>> No.2464674

But if you do get hit...

>> No.2464679

american't get wind speed at 378mph......ya i did'nt so ether you faggot

>> No.2464687

and where did you read that f12 are possible?

>> No.2464688


If we're arguing how fucked a family would be:

I'd rather be in a city that was mostly OK but my house was totalled, than a city that was extremely badly damaged where my house is still standing but not habitable.

At least with the first scenario you can find shelter.

>> No.2464689


With Hurricanes, there is no motherfucking "if."

>> No.2464690

amerigot wind speed at 318 mph. ausonly 253... from an embedded tornado.

>> No.2464691

If the tornado was heading your way, you would have noticed it from afar.
From afar, it would have already altered it's course.
Right to your mother.

>> No.2464694


I didn't. I'm just going on the trust of the guy who said it "could happen under very specific conditions". To be honest, I doubt they are possible, but I was giving him the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.2464697

And that's a good thing, because tornadoes are fucking devastating compared to hurricanes.

>> No.2464702

You would rather have your house totaled - everything you've ever worked for gone in 30 seconds. Yep. That's reasonable.

>> No.2464705

An F12 tornado will happen before a hypercane. A hypercane needs some serious global alterations to go down. An F12 tornado just needs warm, moist rising air in a specific way.

>> No.2464708

it's not some much how fast the wind speed it that causes most of the damage. it's how long the wind has been blowing in the same area. tornado- 10 seconds if that

hurricane 12 hours-a few days

>> No.2464714


>Implying that a ruined house is any more valuable.

>> No.2464717

It's easier to fix than fucking nothing.

>> No.2464720


But we're not discussing likelihood. We're discussing who's worse off if they get hit.

To be honest, we both know that a hypercane would devastate a country, if not a continent, and that an EF-12 tornado would likely destroy Bumfuck, AL.

>> No.2464727

well a f5 tornado is about a mile wide.

how wide whould a f12 be?

20,30 miles?

>> No.2464728


Not really, a lot of houses have to be demolished anyway.

>> No.2464733

You can still salvage something. There was an F5 in Jarrell, TX once that destroyed fucking everything so hard, there was literally nothing left. No debris, nothing. Just little tiny bits of anything embedded in the ground. You had to get down close just to see that anything was ever there.

>> No.2464734


Yes, but you've got to take into account the areas where they form. Hypercanes would likely form in the Pacific and would devastate all of south-east Asia. Tornados form in mostly uninhabited states in the south-west US.

>> No.2464740

Oooooh so if we're discussing who's individually worse off if they're hit... then tornadoes win when reverting back to the original debate. Would you rather have a tornado go over your house or a hurricane?

>> No.2464751


I already covered this in a previous post.

However, if we take out the factor of local services and shelter etc. being destroyed, then yes, I'd prefer a hurricane to go over my house.

>> No.2464752

winds in saturn:1800km/h (>speed of sound at 20C)
you jelly?

>> No.2464754

this faggot is trying to imply 200-300 tornados do not show up in canada every year in uninhabited areas. not to metion the rest of the world

>> No.2464758


That's the point. They're uninhabited areas.

>> No.2464761

FUCK YES fellow Minnesotafag!

If you don't live in Minnesota, you're a pussy. 20-45 below 0 wind chill earlier and I saw no shortage of people at the University of Minnesota.

>> No.2464763

Canada had its first F5 not too long ago. Death toll - fucking no one. US still holds the record for most powerful tornadoes, though. You can thank the Gulf of Mexico.

>> No.2464766

canada would like to have a talk with you eh

>> No.2464771

Most people in Canada live near the US boarders, though. Maybe extreme northern Canadians would like to have a talk with us, but they can just go over to Alaska if they want.

>> No.2464780
File: 11 KB, 236x186, 1293315151437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alaska has the coldest climate in North America. In fact, the coldest temperature ever recorded in North America was in Alaska. US also gets the highest and low elevation records. Canada gets NOTHING.

>> No.2464788

WTF is nationalism doing in my /sci/?!

>> No.2464789

you have a higher chance of dying in a tornao than a hurricane. in the actual storm itself, though, not because fema sucks.

>> No.2464798

comparing a pop over 300 million to 39 million HMMM

aslo you stupid faggot the last f5 in canada was in edmonton alberta it killed 28 people and caused over 550 million bucks in 1987.

now go fuck your self

>> No.2464821

That wasn't a confirmed F5. It's officially a "strong F4." Also, LOL at Canada for still using the F scale instead of the EF scale.

>> No.2464900

This. The only reason why Katrina was such a big deal is because the levee broke, FEMA sucked, and black people complained.

>> No.2465762

Okay. Here's the difference between tornadoes and hurricanes.

In a tornado, you're more likely to die because of the storm itself. That storm can pick you right up off of the ground and fling you for miles in a giant blender of death. In a hurricane, you're more likely to die after the fact, because you're kind of stranded with no help and no way in or out.

After the average severe thunderstorm, sometimes roads are washed out or blocked with trees, so help can sometimes be delayed, but the inaccessible roads aren't very widespread and can be fixed quickly or avoided completely. A hurricane is basically a really big severe thunderstorm, so the same thing that happens to roads during a severe thunderstorm happens during hurricanes, only all over, so it is much harder to move about and it takes much longer to clear all of the roads.

Tornadoes, on the other hand, can strip the asphalt right off of roads. So if you want my opinion, I'd be more concerned about tornadoes rather than hurricanes. You can prepare for your stranded status after a hurricane. Not so much for a tornado. I mean, the NWS actually says that even if you take the proper precautions during an EF-4/EF-5 tornado, there's still a pretty big chance that you won't make it. People have been sucked right out of their basements. I'm not belittling the power of hurricanes at all. But in terms of the actual storms themselves, I'd say tornadoes are much worse.

>> No.2467513

So no one died in this "worse than Katrina" storm. What pissed me off were the people talking about "roaring" and "freight trains." These people have obviously never heard the mile-high columns of twisting metal and wood we call tornadoes.

>> No.2467516
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>> No.2467524

>boo hoo people have different weather to me

>> No.2467533

And it didn't kill anyone. No one died in this "megastorm" that lasted pretty much all day yesterday. This proves that only idiots die in hurricanes.

>> No.2467535
File: 443 KB, 2272x1704, katrina-new-orleans-flooding4-2005[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2467543

guys, guys...

you shouldn't compare a third world country like the USA to a first world country like Australia when it comes to something like this. Of course USA is going to lose.

>> No.2467552



>> No.2467555

New Orleans =/= the rest of America.

>> No.2467557

ITT: We assume a tornado is 1/5 the size of the USA.

Yeah, ok than.

>> No.2467571


>> No.2467577

New Orleans isn't the only place in the states to have been hit by hurricane.

>> No.2467594

I hope people realise that acouple days before the cyclone there were floods, now all the water in the cyclone causes another flood

>> No.2468192

Exactly. And New Orleans is the only place in America completely devastated beyond repair by a hurricane. Now if that don't tell you a thing or two about America, I don't know what else will.

>> No.2468210

ITT: We focus more on size than power

>> No.2468494

A hurricane is like a fap session that lasts all day, makes your dick dry, and makes your arm incredibly sore for a week. It's pretty inconvenient and your whole week is pretty much gone as you're living like a shut-in because of it.

A tornado is like a 10 second fap session with an orgasm at the end that is so fucking intense that you come your balls right out of your dickhole and it reduces you to a quivering pile of cum on the ground, your eyes rolled into the back of your head, your heart beating 10 times a second out of your chest, and then you shit yourself while on the ground from the sheer power. An ambulance comes and takes you to the hospital, you spend a few nights there, but you're back in action soon, just with no testicles.

There. /thread.