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2463110 No.2463110 [Reply] [Original]

When will anti-matter be used for space propulsion and for other useful stuff?

>> No.2463118

Never. It takes too much energy to produce even a tiny amount of it, and storage is out of the question.

>> No.2463119

>other useful stuff
Like what?

>> No.2463121

never, because there's no point in going to space

also spoilers don't work on /sci/

>> No.2463122

When it can be produced in large enough quantities and stored safely. Probably not for a really long time.
In the mean time, there's magnetoplasma and nuclear rocketry to research.

>> No.2463127
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Once we find unobtanium.

>> No.2463130

They work on greenoval.

>> No.2463131

Great for bombs though

>> No.2463137

nasa has a boner for plasma engines right now

>> No.2463148

Seriously, why not just use Nuclear weapons for rocket launches, too? It can be safely contained and you'd have the payload in orbit in seconds.

>> No.2463155

With fusion bombs one needs only a layer of traditional explosives that sets of a fission reaction that sets of a fusion reaction. With an antimatter bomb one needs complex containment equipment. The cost and size of the bomb seem to be outweighed by simply using a very very big fusion bomb. I could only see it being used if there was a mass restriction on a very very large bomb, which might be the case if you were trying to devastate an entire gawdam planet, but even then a bunch of nukes would work better than a single antimatter bomb.

>> No.2463156


>> No.2463164
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>It can be safely contained
Are you retarded?

>> No.2463166

Because you have to protect the surrounding areas from highly energetic radiation, and the pusher plate has to be really big. Nuclear thermal rocketry is better, smaller, and much reduced health hazards.

>> No.2463181

you dumb faggots if you used a nuke to take a ship to space the g force would kill every one the the space ship so it is going to need to use a gun powerd rocket to take off till it is in space.

>> No.2463183

Anti-matter technology will only be developed when it becomes possible to effectively weaponize it.

>> No.2463186

Sadly, this.