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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 15 KB, 460x276, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2461967 No.2461967 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw it's 20 fucking degrees in Austin, Texas, and feels like 9 with wind chill.

>> No.2461969

>Implying 20 degrees isn't still warm

>> No.2461973

>implying 20 degrees
>20 degrees

>> No.2461976

>20 fucking degrees
>room temperature?
Oh wait, he's American. No one understands his pagan measurements.

>> No.2461974
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20 degrees is like a summer day in Europe, why are Americans complaining

>> No.2461978

>my bad, radians

>> No.2461983
File: 76 KB, 604x453, 19140_105698826123701_100000507522359_146997_7349344_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we go out larping in -10 C in europe

>> No.2461984
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>mfw i see someone moaning about 20 degrees in living in cold windy rainy manchester

>> No.2461988

20 degrees Fahrenheit you Euro bitches. I'm from Texas. I used to hot and not so hot. Give me a break.

>> No.2461990

Yes because every form of measurement used in Europe is superior

>> No.2461991

-22 C here in Canada.

>> No.2461992

Austin is the greatest city in the world though. Stop complaining faggot.

>> No.2461993

op here here I'm*

>> No.2461994
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>complaining about 20 degrees fahrenheit aka -6 celsius

>mfw it's -30C/-20F degrees in Canada

>> No.2461996


>bitching about weather
>call us bitches

>> No.2461997


OP here.... Yes, I am aware of this fact. I live there. HOWEVER, a great city doesn't balance out this ridiculous weather.

>> No.2462001


>> No.2461999

C and F both originated in Europe. Every developed country in the world, except America, has adopted Celsius.

>> No.2461998

>lol retard degrees

How much is that, like 0 °C? Pah, last year we had -18 °C for a week, the streets were covered by slabs of ice and no amount of salt could prevent it from freezing with that kind of temperature.

You Americans are pansies.

>> No.2462005

~ -30c. Northfag here. I love it.

>> No.2462007

-18 C is easy modo.

I know that feel.

>> No.2462011
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>> No.2462015

Consider that I live in a place where in summer it's fairly normal to hit 35 to 40 °C. The morons in charge of keeping the streets clean have no idea how to deal with this kind of situation.

>> No.2462017

-30C bros!

Although I don't know how it feels, I'm completely isolated in a hermetically sealed house with the heaters on high

Not brave enough to leave house, afraid eyeballs will freeze over

>> No.2462018


sounds like Hungary, but we still not bitching about the weather

>> No.2462024

>mfw its almost 3am and its still 30+ degrees outside I cant fucking sleep
gotta love Australia

>> No.2462026

That takes nothing away from the original remark. It's different than what is done in Europe, thus it is stupid. Americans use a different form of measurement and because they haven't switched to metric they're stupid. They didn't switch to Celsius in the sixties and they're stupid. It seems you people love to hate on Americans simply because they're American

>> No.2462033



is that were Draculas come from?

>> No.2462036


and because they are stupid

>> No.2462038

Only in Hungarian irredentists dreams.

>> No.2462045

Dracula comes from Transylvania, a province in Romania, although vampires in general are a Slavic (Russian, Polish, Ukrainian) invention, along with the werewolf.

>> No.2462047


more or less. The actor for the first Dracula Movie was indeed a hungarian guys. Also Dracula aka Vlad Tepes comes from a place called "Erdély" aka Transylvania. Now its part of Romania but back than it was part of Hungary

>> No.2462051

You people piss me off. OP is bitching about the weather because the average high in Austin this time of year is 60F/15.5C. He doesn't have a right to complain? He might have chosen to go to Austin specifically for the warmer weather, and now he's getting fucked over. Stop trying to prove who's got the biggest dick, fucktards.

>> No.2462054

>likes warm weather

Typical retard.

>> No.2462056
File: 26 KB, 471x355, shiit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw all Eurofags are trolls

>> No.2462057
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>> No.2462058
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>> No.2462061

Yeah, that's why more top-flight universities are in the US as opposed to any other country.

>> No.2462063

yep, low land prices are a blessing

>> No.2462066

Let's break this down one by one.

>That takes nothing away from the original remark.
Wasn't supposed to
>It's different than what is done in Europe, thus it is stupid.
It's also different than what's done in Asia, Australia, Africa, South America, Canada and Mexico.
>Americans use a different form of measurement and because they haven't switched to metric they're stupid.
It is stupid. Everything is divisible by 10 and we use a base 10 number system, how fucking easy and practical can it be?
>They didn't switch to Celsius in the sixties and they're stupid.
They didn't switch to Celsius in the 70s, 80s, 90s, or 00s either.
>It seems you people love to hate on Americans simply because they're American
Well I couldn't hate on Americans if they were Canadians now could I?

>> No.2462072
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>> No.2462092

Yeah, your entire argument makes sense. Americans are stupid because they haven't gone to the base ten system of measurement. They're stupid, yet they seem to understand a more complex system of measurement and haven't needed to go over to an easier to understand one.

And what does that have to do with anything?

>> No.2462111

>more complex system of measurement

1 mile = 1760 yards
1 yard = 3 feet
1 foot = 12 inches

Memorizing arbitrary numbers != complex system of measurement.

>> No.2462115

>protip: the scale by which universities are measured is made in america
Walking into a room and declaring to everyone that you're awesome and everyone else sucks is not a honest judgment of anything, it's just obnoxious

>> No.2462125

I'm confused, are you talking to the Eurofags on this board? It seems to me that every time there's a pissing contest on these boards, it's Eurofags claiming how they're superior. All this poster seems to have done was try to drop the fuckers down a notch.

>> No.2462126


so if someone can hammer in a nail with a stone than he is much more intelligent than someone who simply use a hammer?

>> No.2462132
File: 99 KB, 500x312, titanic2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like the Titanic,they told me it was sinking.
I was 200 meters above sea level and I kept getting higher.
These liberals just want to take our money for the "nature"

Pic related.

>> No.2462137


It's 11 am in USA, or some part of it. in Europe its somewhere 16-17. Wait a few hours and the amerifags will hold a pissing contest too

>> No.2462156
File: 60 KB, 750x600, Cowboy_Bebop_Demotivator_by_Galactia_3000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw, im only on /sci/ atm because i have a snow day.

>> No.2462164

It's funny how this was never meant to be a Europe vs. U.S.A. thread, yet it has devolved into one because the Eurofags instigate the argument. Eurofags, you just jelly. Quit starting shit.

>> No.2462173
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>> No.2462185
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>mfw I, a Canadian, instigated the arguments but Americans assume that I'm European under the false impression that only Europe dislikes America

>> No.2462188

>only Europe dislikes America

Is that what Americans really believe? Everyone hates America.

>> No.2462196


even america

>> No.2462197

> Everyone hates America.
Is that what European teenagers really believe?

>> No.2462202


Is that what american teenagers believe?

>> No.2462204

Last I heard the Poles were pretty OK with the US. And there's the obvious people who owe something to the US, like South Korea and Israel.

>> No.2462209

People who talk in absolutes are generally incorrect.

>> No.2462213
File: 58 KB, 400x300, handbanana26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ah, yes excuse me..... I'll repost with the correct info....

The whole world is jelly and instigates the arguments. :D

>> No.2462214

Yeah, but everybody knows that Canada doesn't count as a real place.

>> No.2462215


they are statistically negligible

>> No.2462216

And also the French don't hate Americans. They hate anybody that is not French.

>> No.2462220
File: 26 KB, 480x410, patrick-star-starfish-spongebob-pictures-f006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canada doesn't exist.

>> No.2462224

Sure, whatever you say.

And then there's the large group of people who just don't give a fuck either way.

>> No.2462227


they are just statistically lie

>> No.2462254
File: 69 KB, 648x413, usa_flag_burning_map.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only people who didn't burn a US flag are those who couldn't afford it.

>> No.2462262

>There's at least one US flag-burner in most countries
>Therefore everyone hates the US

By the same token, almost everyone in the entire world is Christian... AND Muslim, at the same time.

>> No.2462275

... and atheist, too!

>> No.2462283

Just wait until China displaced the US as the dominant superpower. You'll watch a rapid shift in what angsty teenagers bitch about. Not even because China might be worse either - it's just hating the guy with power.

>> No.2462290

Flag burning as in at major protests which caught the eyes of the press, not a guy in his basement rolling a joint with a tiny paper US flag.

>> No.2462296

But I hate the US because they are a bunch of filthy capitalists, I'd be perfectly fine with China taking over.

I'm already studying Chinese so I can be a better collaborationist once the time comes.

>> No.2462338

>But I hate the US because they are a bunch of filthy capitalists
>I'd be perfectly fine with China taking over.
Oh god what
Do you know ANYTHING about China? Their economy is even MORE capitalistic than the US! They're basically mercantilistic, as a country! Having an authoritarian central government doesn't change that.

Also, be careful what you wish for. You might just get it.

>> No.2462350

>implying state capitalism is capitalism
>implying merchantilism is bad

Brainwashed Ameritard spotted.

>> No.2462362

>implying state capitalism is capitalism
So, blueberry muffins aren't muffins?
>implying merchantilism is bad
LOL. If you don't like the US, I don't see how you can approve of mercantilism. Because if China is mercantilist, it means that China WILL fuck you over if they can. That's mercantilism.
>Mercantilism suggests that the ruling government should advance these goals by playing a protectionist role in the economy by encouraging exports and discouraging imports, notably through the use of subsidies and tariffs respectively.

>> No.2462369

State capitalism is called state capitalism because the STATE owns industries, unlike in capitalist countries where they are privately owned by a bunch of dumb capitalists.

>If you don't like the US, I don't see how you can approve of mercantilism.
>implying the US doesn't support the retarded doctrine of free trade

>> No.2462373

>retarded doctrine of free trade

>> No.2462386

>mfw im a socialist in the uk, no one even bats an eyelid
>mfw about 50% of americans would rape me even though they don't know what socialism is

>> No.2462398

The main socialist party in the uk(labour) has cut all ties to socialism. You mad?

>> No.2462406

In name, or in actual socioeconomic policy?

>> No.2462426


In socioeconomic policy. Ed Miliband is more left-wing than Blair or Brown, but he's certainly no socialist. Socialism has been dead here since the Thatcher years; that's why no-one bats an eyelid: they see socialists as irrelevant, like George Galloway.

>> No.2462429

Socioeconomic policies, Tony Blair changed clause 4 of the labour party constitution from the outlook for a state owned economy, to say absolutely nothing at all other then typical politition dribble

>> No.2462433
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>> No.2462442

Even though I admit socialism is irrelevant in the uk, I was talking about public perception of it. It's always been as normal to be a socialist here then it is to be a capitalist. In America socialists are irrelevant, but they're scared shitless of a threat that isn't there

>> No.2462467

It's amazing how much this thread has derailed.

>> No.2462470

The original topic was trolls anyway.

>> No.2462478


>implying its not now

>> No.2462483

No John, you are the trolls.

>> No.2462487


>It's always been as normal to be a socialist here

Are you a Northerner or a Celt?

Most people in the UK would consider it pretty strange for anyone over the age of 25 to be a socialist if they weren't part of one of those two groups.

>> No.2462515

By Celtic I assume you mean scottish, welsh or Irish, in which case yes.

>> No.2462524

> the numbers 4, 6, 6 have a smaller number in them than the numbers 5, 5, 5 so the average of 4, 6, 6 is lower too.
> mfw mathematical increases in averages is a lie.

>> No.2462535