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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 140 KB, 351x331, Picture 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2452104 No.2452104 [Reply] [Original]

So this smug bitch demands your direct evidence of macro-evolution, "From one species to another" ( I guess she wants a video of a fish suddenly becoming a human being on the beach).

She says that distribution of animals around the planet, all plants and animals (etc.) sharing common DNA are just "commonalities" not evidence.

She claims that all fossils are not evidence and that they are in fact a hoax because some people wanted to become famous or rich through fraud thus all scientists are frauds.

She says that scientists are stifling "debate" on the subject of evolution by not letting laymen (with no college education) to comment on research with equal footing and respect in the field.

How do scientists deal with this? It's like everyone with a fucking Flikr account claiming they are an "artist" while shitting up the world with their dreck.

But really, DEFEND YOUR THOUGHTS. Lets hear your arguments. Scientists have shitty PR because 40% of Americans think evolution is up for debate or not real. From the video, it seems like she's on equal footing with Dawkins because of her confident, shit-eating grin and attitude.


>> No.2452110

Is it me or is her forehead abnormally small?

>> No.2452118


>> No.2452119

that's an indication. smaller than average cranium.

>> No.2452120

People can do whatever they want. The only mind you can control is your own (if that). As long as the information is available, intelligent people can find it and benefit while stupid people can continue to slip in their own drool. The lady is annoying but she has the right to free speech.

>> No.2452126

Lol america.

>> No.2452156
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Narrow minded auto responding lizard christinsane alien is what she is.
Dawkins did a good job but she's playing fucking dumb. OR can one be as dumb as her?

>> No.2452161

I've never really understood this "macro evolution" this bitch slut claims

what exaclty does she fucking want?

>> No.2452166

She has the right to free speech, but she doesn't have the right to her outreach and platform and respect that she has.

This is where scientists are failing. You people have shitty PR and educational outreach. Jesus Christ, Wal-Mart and Pepsi probably teach more people about their companies and products on a daily basis while scientists barely manage to get one fucking fact out the door.

You guys need more than that annoying Jap and the charming black dude.

Also: Carl Sagan is really fucking dead. REPLACE HIM.

>The whole thing reminds me of the black rights movement oddly. Influential minds like MLK and Malcolm X are dead and everyone is left with fruity fraud jigaboos like the Reverend Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Lulz.

>> No.2452167

Really? Americans believe evolution is up for debate?

>> No.2452172


creatards don't realise that the difference between species is just millions of years of accumulated small genetic changes.

>> No.2452177

Not all of us. The South tends to be dumber, for whatever reason.

>> No.2452179

loled hard at the pic, nicework

>> No.2452184

God, I've never seen someone so smug and content with their ignorance.

If I was dawkins I would of made it about 40 seconds in before I punched her.

captcha: peptide apeciall

>> No.2452189
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They cherry pick the science that makes their Jesusanity look silly.

They don't bitch about fields like geology- that is until you dig up bones. oops.

>> No.2452198

It's easy, you just ignore these fucking idiots and continue working.
Seriously, speciation has been observed in the lab and in the fucking field.
When people outright ignore the fact there's evidence by saying "that's not good enough" then their only argument is ignorance.

>> No.2452205

But the world is only about 6,000 years old. This kind of dramatic change isn't possible in that short amount of time. There is science and evidence to support this FACT.

>> No.2452212

Just saw this posted on FB:


>> No.2452213
File: 11 KB, 300x57, captcha nigga please.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck is this?

also, video loads slow as shit, thank god

>> No.2452224

I call fake right there (captcha)

>> No.2452244

inb4 baptist forums
those are only for satirical purposes.
yes they have hired professional trolls to flood the forums and make multiple accounts in order to troll you

>> No.2452252

mfw christians disregar emergence.

>> No.2452254
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 1243232461192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't ignore them. While you are in the lab or the field, they are getting on the school boards and committees to re-education the world according to them while they CUT YOUR FUNDING.

These people are just as busy as you, and you are winning the battle while they are winning the war.

Remember, America has 100 million evangelical christians (holding snakes, speaking in tongues, prayer healing, ugly women, tooth decay, "these colors don't run" bumper stickers, etc.) That means the equivalent of 100 million Taliban living right here at home.

Wake the fuck up.

>> No.2452272

then what do we do?
I mean, a cool thing about scientists is that they're tolerant, that makes them cool and easy to like them.
But if they start targetting religion and religious figures I fear america will go into a massive shitstorm.

>> No.2452274

Who cares?

It's just another loud mouthed, ignorant cunt spewing trash. The world is full of them, sadly some manage to make it on television.

>> No.2452289

But she is right, isn't she? Are there any evidence of macroevolution.

>> No.2452293

She is the leader of concerned woman of america.
she's like the head of an angry mob
do not fuck with her

>> No.2452304

I am not saying go all "culture wars" on them. You will lose the battle while promoting their ideas.
But you need to take the Carl Sagan approach. Draw people in and show them amazing things that are true. He was a preacher for science and the method worked for educating Americans. Did he "debate" people? No he calmly educated.
When you debate dumb cunts like this, it makes her look just as sophisticated/important as Dawkins. It makes her LOOK like it's an even debate.

>> No.2452318
File: 38 KB, 453x382, PalinFail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the problem Scientists. Every time there is national coverage on evolution someone just like this bitch is on TV.

It looks like it's an active, two sided debate.

Scientists = FAIL.

>> No.2452326

but what kind of approach will we take when programs of christians start rising up calling those kind of preachers "the right hand of satan" and preaching only lies to decieve us.
You know, like for example when a preacher appears in T.V. and starts saying "x is bad for you, listen to me, god commends it".
it's inevitable when the potential to make money off it and people will buy into it.
god I feel like we're getting close to a stalinist approach

>> No.2452341

Yeah, you can't debate with something that gleefully retarded.

She's like a 80yr old Jessi Slaughter.

>> No.2452342


>mfw creationists have no fucking clue what entropy actually is

>> No.2452351

>but what kind of approach will we take when programs of christians start rising up calling those kind of preachers "the right hand of satan"

That's the time when you ignore them and "keep working". You need to advocate while not "debating" every step of the way.
They have an agenda, scientists don't. Don't give into it.

>> No.2452356

Why does this surprise you?

>> No.2452372


I guess it doesnt. I just find it hard to believe that they actually think that "disorder" can be measured like its a substance or something. its just unusable energy its not like anti-complexity juju or some shit like that.

>> No.2452375
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it's like watching retards mate.

>> No.2452381

Also they think the Earth is a closed system. Not receiving energy from an external source.

>> No.2452394


also they misquoted the hell out of that harvard professor.

>> No.2452395
File: 66 KB, 350x498, jesus-christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>energy from an external source.

You mean. . . like JESUS?

>> No.2452396

80 year old?
holy she looks healthy for her age.
must be the fact that she doesn't sin

>> No.2452410
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my face the entire time

>> No.2452427
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>> No.2452434

First off, every scientific theory is up for debate. Theories have been proven wrong before, and it's how we hammer inaccuracies out of the system.

That being said, it's very difficult to argue against evolution. At least, there's a fuck-ton more evidence for evolution than there is for Bearded Cloud Man making mud people.

Also, that video made me rage hardcore.

>> No.2452460

no one in this thread actually argued her points. I guess the bitch wins.

>> No.2452482
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part 4.


>> No.2452509
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>> No.2452527

"She says that distribution of animals around the planet, all plants and animals (etc.) sharing common DNA are just "commonalities" not evidence."

One has to consider that there's also fossil evidence backing this up. You find fossil evidence that suggests evolution, and then find DNA evidence that suggests evidence, then provide a mechanism of action for how it all works that stands up to scientific test, you have yourself a solid theory. You cannot just say "They have commonalities cause God all made them". That does nothing to detail how it works, or make useful predictions or understanding.

"She claims that all fossils are not evidence and that they are in fact a hoax because some people wanted to become famous or rich through fraud thus all scientists are frauds."

The vast majority of fossils are not hoaxes, and have withstood scientific scrutiny. This argument makes about as much sense as "a black person mugged me therefore all black people are muggers".

"She says that scientists are stifling "debate" on the subject of evolution by not letting laymen (with no college education) to comment on research with equal footing and respect in the field."

Does anyone question the fact that generals by and large do not include civilians in their debates about how to deploy military forces? No. And for a good reason: You need a certain kind of expertise to be of any use. Fact of the matter is, it's almost impossible for a person's imput to be useful when they do not even understand the subject matter.

It's worth noting that this is by and large an AMERICAN phenomenon. It's AMERICA where scientists need better PR.

>> No.2452534

Part 4 falls off a fucking cliff. She actually tries to get Dawkins to admit a that a retarded child doesn't have a soul and deserves to die under Darwinian law.

Holy Shit.

>> No.2452546

but evolution has a theory and is a fact

>> No.2452551
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Serious question:

Are Americans Christians persecuted and punished for their beliefs?


>> No.2452553


>> No.2452559

Wendy Wright is great troll, or greatest troll?

>> No.2452569

Seriously. She's uneducated. What's his excuse? I'm going to become a creationist just to make him mad.

>> No.2452570


She's 10/10 troll.

I'm raging a rage that will pierce the heavens.

>> No.2452572
File: 36 KB, 315x500, 11992797_5d35c1a242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she sees a few fossils out on display at the Smithsonian and goes "hmph! Some evidence!"

If he would waive his credentials and name drop "Dr. Dawkins, let me in the back" and take her to the back storage/research parts of the smithsonian she would shit herself at the massive stock of bones and fossils that the Smithsonian and other major museums have.
Less than 10% is on display. They usually have so much crap they haven't cataloged it all.
Many times "major scientific discoveries" happen when someone opens a 30 year old box in storage.

>> No.2452580

She sees a disabled girl, unable to walk, and concludes that a loving god must have crippled her.

>> No.2452587
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If only Dawkins has the cruel wit of a 4chan troll.

>> No.2452591

honestly, he's a brilliant biologist.

watching him debate someone who has no understanding of anything is slightly awkward, because you know she's totally out of her element and is trying to string together as many phrases as she can.

so, this video doesn't upset me. it makes me feel bad for people who are so absolutely ignorant that they think she even made a point.

>> No.2452597

I just made the world a better place.

>> No.2452605

despite her being totally fucking wrong, she's a more effective teacher/indoctrinator than most scientists including Dawkins.
Her ability to sting words together actually creates the illusion that she knows what the fuck she's talking about.

>> No.2452606
File: 34 KB, 413x384, 1293332066014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Also: Carl Sagan is really fucking dead. REPLACE HIM.

Hey screw you buddy.

Sagan lives in both our hearts and memories, well as the cosmos itself.

>> No.2452617

Easiest way to fight this kind of shit is with the words "citation needed"

>> No.2452618

*Americans don't, but the right to free speech is perverted and scientific thought is stifled using vague language and sophism. It is not up for debate within the scientific (biological) community.

One of my old professors would really harp on evolution being the only logical explanation for speciation, of how no other proposal was nearly as elegant as descent with modification. What he never, ever told the classrooms (and only confessed to me behind closed doors) was that he was a Christian. However, in light of the ubiquitous evidence of evolution he had been forced to modify his own personal beliefs so that they did not conflict with what he saw every day.

The people who deny evolution are those who don't know enough about science to be able to understand how fundamentally it challenges everything they think and believe. I also give Wendy Wright a lot more credit than most people in this board. She is excellent at debate, and for those who aren't familiar with how the "16 children" of a hypothetical couple could be dissimilar (crossing over), she may present a convincing argument. I personally feel that she is well aware of the science behind evolution, and is merely ignoring Dawkins' arguments in order to push her own agenda. That Dawkins keeps her to task without becoming overly aggressive is a testament to his self-control.

The entire debate is a dance, with both partners setting snares and hoping the other is stupid enough to step into it. If you notice on part 3, she begins to tell Dawkins that there are Christians who have no problem at all believing that God created the universe but then let shit run how it may, but then she backed out because she knew that would make an excellent soundbite and would erode her foundation.

She's smart, guize. Strict atheist here, by the way.

>> No.2452626


>> No.2452628

It's a shame this only comes in 480p; I'd love to watch it on my big television while eating popcorn.
Also lol at the way /sci/ love to trash creationists- normally I'd say let them believe whatever the fuck they want but these threads are just SO MUCH FUN.

>> No.2452629
File: 241 KB, 319x475, 1233127543023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckola, you need a new one. Sagan is dead, he can't advocate science anymore.

You need a smooth talking, very likable spokesman because the stupid tart in Ops video is more likable and charming than stuffy and cold Dawkins.

Sagan speaking:
>"The universe is wonderful!"

Dawkins speaking:
>"For the love of fuck, just listen to the words that I am saying. Fossils. F.O.S.S.I.L.S."

>> No.2452631

NOTHING is a fact. How do you know that ANYTHING is real? Your memories? Is MATTER real? Have you ever EXPERIENCED matter? You haven't. YOU have only experienced neural impulses that you have learned to interpret in a certain way. You cannot PROVE the existence of anything.

>> No.2452632

effectiveness has nothing to do with truth or science.

most of her audience who could consider her a better teacher have also been indoctrinated since before they could think to believe in a deity with human qualities who behaves a certain way.

r.d. has a much harder time, because he has to show how something as unintuitive as evolutionary biology is not only a "theory", but actually a fact that we observe in science NOW.

my point, is that r.d. has a specific disadvantage because people are going to accept something that seems intuitive, especially when its been beaten into their conscious, than they will accept something that takes a whole new infrastructure of thought and understanding, i.e. evolution.

when i watch this video, i don't feel angry or upset, because i realize that anyone who isn't already indoctrinated with a deity, who has studied a basic level of science, sees just how tipped the scale is.

>> No.2452636

Where's the material evidence of macroevolution? Fuck you bitch, where's the material evidence of creation?

>> No.2452649

>No but there is evidence
>But look. Okay. This is an example of the evidenc-
>Hnngh. Please listen to me, you uneducated bitch
>But.. that's an ad hominem

>> No.2452650

Of course it doesn't, but she even perverts "Science" by repeatedly stressing how we should welcome any controversy or debate, no matter how ridiculous it is. Besides, her argument needs to be effective at swaying the minds of non-scientists in order to affect legislation, not to have any sort of merit. That is exactly what she is after.

>> No.2452659

dat laugh


>> No.2452661


>> No.2452662

oh, i know what she is after.

faux debate. teach the controversy is what they want, because then their non-scientific ideas are debated as if their is a controversy in science.

i don't admire this woman, or her adherents. i take pity on them. in my opinion, holding patently and provable incorrect notions of what reality is should be considered a mental illness.

>> No.2452671
File: 165 KB, 381x344, Picture 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My faith and my beliefs. Now where is your evidence again?

>> No.2452673

>I'm confused as to what you're saying
Derp derp derp derp derp derp derp

>> No.2452675
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Part 6.



>> No.2452676

I've only managed to watch this all the way through once. Normally I ragequit around the 3rd video.

I have no idea how Dawkins keeps his cool throughout that interview. He's a better man than I am.

>> No.2452684

Mfw that bitch would value a braindead human over a thinking chimp.

Might as well value a large boulder.

>> No.2452690


she cant even PRONOUNCE ad hominem. she says ad hominen throughout the entire interview.

>> No.2452697

>implying Carl Sagan ISN'T the cosmos

>> No.2452704
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>> No.2452707

hominem, hominid, and homonym are some super-confusing words. this woman barely has a grasp of the english language. at least she's attempting to use multi-syllable words, even if she's doing so erroneously.

ever heard sarah palin speak? kinda similar in their misuse of "big words".

>> No.2452713

In the end of the day you can just choose to ignore her and her beliefs and you'll both be a lot happier.

>> No.2452722

>implying Neil deGrasse Tyson isn't made of fundamental elements forged within a dying star

>> No.2452724

that involves her ignoring me and my beliefs.

>> No.2452729
File: 134 KB, 640x2770, 1287256121617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Creationist Effect.

Pic related.

>> No.2452731

>someone made a point
>better laugh mockingly

>> No.2452745

No, no it doesn't. It just involves you not trolling /sci/ with her videos and, if heaven-forbid she ever comes up to you and starts spouting off about creationism, side stepping and continuing to walk in a forward direction.

>> No.2452748
File: 61 KB, 500x364, lolangel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best comment
>Trying to talk sense into a creationist is like playing chess with a pigeon: No matter how well you play the game, the pigeon will just knock over your army, shit on the playing board and go tell to other pigeons about her victory.

>> No.2452759

umm... I'm not trolling /sci/ with videos and shit. Hell, that was my first post in this thread.

>> No.2452760
File: 342 KB, 569x424, slugma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See crazy bitch creationist.
See english guy claiming "i can do science, me".
Argument goes in circles due to stupid bitch saying "god=real because i believe. now show me EVIDENCE for evolution" (disregarding evidence given)


>> No.2452779

I'd tap her so fucking hard

>> No.2452792


So you're saying when you stop applying abitrary rules to things, and just do what's in your heart, you win?


>> No.2452794
File: 15 KB, 252x270, Challenge accepted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also: Carl Sagan is really fucking dead. REPLACE HIM.
I have long hair and a goofy smile, smoke pot but did something with my life, I have a closet containing a few turtleneck sweaters, and I can say Uuumans with a straight face.

Once I get my PhD, there will be no ignorance in my world. My armor is skepticism. My shield, knowledge. My sword, truth.

In the Emperor's name, let none survive.

>> No.2452827

dont punch your monitor dont puch your monitor dont punch your monitor

>> No.2452862


>I can say Uuumans with a straight face.

not possible.

>> No.2452877


Dogs, dogs are the biggest evidence for micro evolution: Humans bred them from wolves, and now we have dachshunds..

There you go people dachshunds were once wolfs, the concept of micro (and therefore macro) evolution proved.

>> No.2452960

every time she say something particularly stupid she smirks after the twentieth time this started to bug me.

>> No.2452971


I see it now and I love it.

>> No.2452997
File: 34 KB, 548x410, tv_licence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Wal-Mart and Pepsi probably teach more people about their companies and products on a daily basis while scientists barely manage to get one fucking fact out the door

TV ads. Run an ongoing television ad series. One fact a week about the universe/science.

Problem: Funding. Corporations and religions have shitloads of it. Scientists use all their funding in the lab/field (rightly so).


>> No.2453000

Only someone without feelings could be in the presence of such overwhelming stupidity and not have it get on their nerves.
The fact that such people even hold sway in America proves how backwards we are as a nation.

>> No.2453016

that is fucking HILARIOUS.

>> No.2453044

Other problem: Corporations find it in their best interest if people remain ignorant so they don't question the dangers of aspartame in drinks or lead in toys. They also continuously lobby governments for greater power while at the same time pretending they give a shit about communities. With such an astounding web of deception, no wonder true honest endeavors involving expanding one's mind are underfunded (except when it comes to developing weapons and other shit for our grossly overfunded military).

>> No.2453065
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God speed.

>is that one word or two?

Captcha: Hamlake orkinger

>what the fuck, captcha?

>> No.2453088
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Part 7


Last part before bed. ARE YOU EXTREME ENOUGH?!?!

>> No.2453090

>drinking aspartame in sodas
>a part of me
Sounds good to me

>> No.2453108
File: 56 KB, 500x360, 1232771761226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not corn too? Have you seen wild corn? It should be ASHAMED.

>> No.2453151



Damn! I too should be ashamed! Ashamed for forgetting corn!

>> No.2453175

solipsism is retarded, just like you

>> No.2453202

solipsism. is that like nihilism with cerebral palsy?

>> No.2453236

Its the philosophical belief that its impossible to know for certain if anything exists outside of your own mind.

Its retarded because 1.) you react to stimuli outside of your awareness, 2.) there needs to be an environment besides yourself in order for your mind to even develop in the first place, 3.) it uses one piece of scientific evidence and ignores literally ALL other evidence, and lastly 4.) it doesn't even matter. If you think about it, it really doesn't even matter if its right or not. Its not right anyways, but the way the argument is set up in such a way that IF it just happened to be right, it wouldn't make the slightest difference to how people live their lives.

>> No.2453247

okay, so it is nihilism with cerebral palsy.

>> No.2453261

yea pretty much

>> No.2453272

Okay, okay, okay.
I am on part 5 and it's getting really REALLY hard to watch.
Can I do this? It's so fucking hard.

>> No.2453278

I'm right there with you.

>> No.2453280

lol @ atheists in this thread making shit up to justify their religious beliefs.


>> No.2453290

lol @ christian so bored and lonely that they come onto an image board to make fun of people, and don't even do that correctly


>> No.2453291
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>> No.2453292

the problem with ignoring this sort of thing is that by ignoring it and not fighting it can hurt us in the long run.
Immagine, not fighting it and it gains political power. All of a sudden they start teaching the lies of a contraversey. that there has been any SCIENTIFIC controversy. Litteral christians will start teaching bible studies and calling it science. Sure the really good ones will come into science as SCIENTISTS. but alot will go towards a very pious anti scientific viewpoint. The kind that distrusts evolution, global climate change, and the age of the universe being several billion years old. (10-15)
it would push back the public view of science, and all of a sudden we would have WAY fewer good scientists, or scientists at all.
it would just push back education. and THAT is the threat of not teaching science. Don't teach it, and the discoveries might go away. that would suck.

>> No.2453335
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Look at this grin. It's practiced. It looks like it would hurt if she had the neural brain power to feel pain.

She knows how to do that smug righteous grin so she can play the victim at any moment as a cop out.

>"You're name calling and persecuting me and my beliefs. Also you want to kill disabled children because you're like Stalin"
-Wendy Wright

>> No.2453342
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"I find it to be quite demeaning to say we don't read, that we don't read books..."

-After Dawkins suggests that she look over the facts some more.

>> No.2453380
File: 152 KB, 284x317, yumadthoscientists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this face. You hate this face.

This is the face of someone speaking for over 500,000 Christians within her own organization, with tremendous a great deal of political influence.


>> No.2453385
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> to re-education the world
> to re-education

Hulk do science! Puny man no cut funding!

>> No.2453390
File: 29 KB, 350x450, 4_22_schiavo_terri2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh she's read ALL of the books. Every fucking one of them. And she's seen ALL of the evidence, as much or even more than the scientists working in their field.
She's on another level than a scientist. She has faith and doesn't need college. She is entitled to an even platform.

Scientists need to show both sides of the story and stop stifling debate. Scientists need to learn to accept her world view and stop lying about the creator and oppressing people and their beliefs.

>> No.2453393

my favorite part was when she said that it was insulting that she didnt read books, and didnt know how evolution worked. Then she said that she had been in a museum before. As if a museum gives her adequate knowledge on how evolution worked. Thats like saying being in Ottawa clearly explains how a parliamentary system works.

>> No.2453400

Watching her dance around points was actually pretty entertaining for me. It's like a ballet. Dawkins should stop trying to be a spokesman because he sucks cock at it.

>> No.2453414

They would call off the interview in a second if he actually put the thumb screws to the questions. It's more fun watching them avoid questions because you know they can't give an honest answer.

>> No.2453425

what, you don't glean a Ph.D. from an afternoon wandering around a museum? I know I do.

>> No.2453445

the difference is that Dawkins is capable of giving a purely honest answer.
Slippy McSuckercunt genuinely believes her own bullshit and cannot stray.

>> No.2453448

I got 14 PhD's like that, then I walked through a museum in Kentucky and now all I got is a Masters in Full Retardation.

>> No.2453452

My example of parliament was a poor one, given thats how half of the MPs got their understanding!
(that was a joke on canadian politics.)

>> No.2453456
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What really cracked me up was when she was trying to equate Communism, atheism, and Darwinism and say that the 100 million deaths were due to blah blah blah. The USSR didn't accept formally evolution as fact until the 1970's because they thought that a "survival of the fittest" model was a capitalistic construct to help solidify the case for individual competition and a free market.

>> No.2453476

I love her arguments are "There is no evidence, it's just pictures in books. No actual real fossils."

She insists that pictures in books and i guess books themselves is no indication of research and evidence. It's amazing to see someone say these things out loud. She wants to undermine not only science, but the very basis of knowledge and language to justify her shit.

>> No.2453478

thats especially funny since theyre closer to the truth. after all, evolution has been one of the DOZENS of examples of the application of evolution. similar to memetic theory.

>> No.2453491
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>> No.2453494

Get off 4chan Rachel. No one likes canadian parliament jokes, not even you.

>> No.2453518

how did you know my name anon?

>> No.2453532
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Anyone else think she looks a little like pic related?

>> No.2453539

You might as well be namefagging at this rate. No one on earth has that bad humor.

>> No.2453572

what? femanon on MY /sci/?

>> No.2453579

Im a boy. i just happen to be named rachel. whats your problem.

>> No.2453586

oh for fucks sake.
fuck off

>> No.2453590



>> No.2453632
File: 90 KB, 646x536, carl_sagan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's how we fix this:
1. If someone asks a question, don't go LOL SERIOUSLY HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW THE 4 FORCES OF EVOLUTION, answer their question respectfully and don't give them an even greater aversion to science and math.
2. We need someone to step up to the God Tier and make science popular. Someone needs to try to be (Keyword: "try) to be on par with Carl Sagan, channeling your passion for these beautiful subjects into enthusiasm to share with any and all who sound even remotely interested.

>> No.2453651

I actually liked him untill he fucked up and starting suggesting you should be a stoner.
A stoner is not cool.
An educated person drinks alcohol and smokes cigars, while taking care of his education and shit.
Not saying that marijuana is bad, but take in account its cultural taboo, just like satanists, why would you hate satanists even if you're an atheist? reason being is because they're fucking nuts who kill virgins every winter solstice

>> No.2453668
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>> No.2453684

I suggest you look up LaVeyan Satanism
It's basically atheism only you get to eye-for-an-eye the fuck out of people and troll Theists

Besides, as an atheist I don't 'hate' anyone. Although my brother is an atheist and he's pro-life and a vegan, I'm pro-choice and practically a carnivore. So basically assumptions. Assumptions errywhere

>> No.2453686

typical, go be a junkie somewhere else.
Untill the day that junkies make a better name for themselves is the day I'm gonna fuck off

>> No.2453697

>accused of troll
>push the act further
Not only a troll but a poor one on motherfucking /sci/

>> No.2453699
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>> No.2453705


It's ironic as the Bible is just words in books, yet clearly she's devoted.

>> No.2453713
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>> No.2453721

okay, I'm on video 7 and Dawkins is getting his ass kicked. She just rambles on with a huge amount of confidence making her look competent while Dawkins gets disillusioned.
She has actually moved onto being sympathetic to Dawkins and she's even being patronizing towards him.

What the fuck, seriously.

>> No.2453729

Yes, that's what happens when you argue againts a creationist with a 138% on speech

>> No.2453735
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me too

>> No.2453737

That's her tactic. It's a symbolic 'victory' at best, but it will help to reinforce her position within her organization. This whole debate has been a power struggle, with Dawkins trying to reason and her trying to troll him (literally) into making a mistake based on emotion. She's trying it up now.

Like I said, I actually give her a lot of credit due to her tactics, even though I raged during every single clip. When she releases the edited version, it will look like she kicked his ass. And, those who will be viewing it will already be sympathetic to her side.

>> No.2453745

Tagging Science was a bad idea, I knew it!

>> No.2453755

Okay, next time give Dawkins shittons of Mentats.

>> No.2453757

He should've tagged hand to hand combat, then he'd make the speech worthless

>> No.2453760

in the same clip (#7) she actually said "Why do you need me to think like you?" which tripped up liberal Dawkins, then proceeded to say "We know what's best for society to understand moral law, and to believe in a loving creator, and what's best for people, etc. etc"

She's such a little fucking dictator. So righteous.

>> No.2453772

Nah, tag science, use guns and Steady.

>> No.2453788

>from fallout new vegas
>138% speech

>> No.2453799

Dawkins is bitter and stuffy like some fat old menopausal virgin school teacher. He's a bad spokesman for science.

>> No.2453823

Alright guys. I think everyone needs to realize that scientists are just too damn busy to fight the good fight against these super political crazies. It takes nearly every ounce of your being just to contribute something minor to human knowledge. Scientists have their hands full, this job should be for activists.

>> No.2453840

before I wasn't advocating arguing or debating. I say scientists should educate and even entertain alla Carl Sagan.

This back and forth banter made Dawkins look like the ignorant one in this video series.

>> No.2453844

worst part is so far he's the best we have. Other than maybe hawkins. What we really need is another einstein. Someone who made some damn good predictions and then became totally known as an icon for how awesome science is.
only this guy also has to insist on how legit science is.

>> No.2453846

we just need some apples and apple pies. You can explain anything using that.

>> No.2453848

No comments.

>> No.2453855


if you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first... invent the universe.

>> No.2453862

Is Dawkins even a notable biologist? Or is he just a really shitty, polarizing version of Carl Sagan?

>> No.2453869

then be prepared for Jesusism and it's crusade against devil-magic-science.

They have every sense to be righteous too because you are oppressing their faith and beliefs with your "theories" and "research".

>> No.2453871

learn to googlescholar

>> No.2453886


He's a really shitty polarizing version of Carl Sagan.

>> No.2453917

Dawkins came to prominence with his 1976 book The Selfish Gene, which popularised the gene-centered view of evolution and introduced the term meme.

hai guize, he said meme first!

>> No.2453924

dawkins' agenda is probably one of the most useless in science
what good does arguing with creationists over the literal existence of god do for humanity? dawkins doesn't even have a good understanding of theology

>> No.2453939

Thanks to people like this woman, I'll never be able to explore the space.

Fucking retarded humans.

>> No.2453967

You mean
>Thanks to people like this woman, people much more talented than me will never be able to explore the[?] space.

>I'm so rational everyone else is a retard

I remember being 14

>> No.2453997


>you accept his central premise that people like this woman are impediments to progress, but just make the presumption that he is untalented and attack him for seemingly no reason

>what a douchebag

I remember being 15

>> No.2454015

Holy shit, I can't believe I made it to the fifth vid.

Don't want to watch anymore.

It hurts.

>> No.2454022

>you actually believe that stupid people and religion are impediments to progress and aren't just annoying

>you are just as ignorant as they are

I remember being 16.

>> No.2454063


>You actually believe that these people aren't the only reason why we aren't using nuclear power throughout the world right now. PG&E has been trying to do it for years but the government and protesters keep cockblocking them because the ignorant masses won't let them put a nuclear power plant anywhere near them because HURR HIROSHIMA MUTATION NUCLEAR WASTE DURR COSMOPALINOBYL

I remember being 17

>> No.2454080

in four minutes we'll be a hundred years old.

>> No.2454093

>implying the fucktarded hippies stopping nuclear power are the same people as the fucktard creationists who are being obnoxious but not really accomplishing much

>> No.2454096

>you actually believe that we'll be a hundred years old due to the faggotry of two individuals

>what a child

I remember being 99

>> No.2454139

time passes by, and in the end of the day you notice that all you have done in your life is troll people in /sci/.

>> No.2454153

its way more than 40% op, something like 10% firmly accept evolution

>> No.2454155

God damn, I watched this before but it always makes me rage.

-Yeah so there's evidence in homo habilis, homo erectus etc
-but that is the evidence
-yes it does its

>> No.2454156

>in the end of the day

>> No.2454166
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stop being dense on purpose.

>> No.2454201
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How do I bible?

>> No.2454215
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>teach controversy
>don't teach actual science
I don't know if I can do this

>> No.2454238

Of course. Let's teach the controversy about evolution by natural selection, /but/ only if they get equal time to discuss the larger controversy around the truth of the Jesus god story. Present the evidence, and have a fair civilized discussion.

>> No.2454244
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>ask for evidence
>immediately interrupt his response by repeating the question like a dumb sack of fuck

>> No.2454265
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>186 posts and 41 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

why are you so stupid?? seriously, this a fucking obvious troll. the whole argument is completely pointless and time exhausting, you could be learning something else, or discussing more relevant maters, and yet you prefer to throw it away in this bullshit. Always remember, that as you speak this bullshit in the internet there are countless children that dont have access to clean water. You are in such a privileged position, but you prefer to waste it in threads like this.

fucking die you fags.

>> No.2454268
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>talking about people who "don't buy into evolution"
>I don't buy into gravity
>floating achieved

>> No.2454306
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brainwashing begins at an early age - to get the creator out of the adult's head, society must first implant the prehistoric fable before 1st grade bible class

>> No.2454386

Finally finished the whole thing. I feel stupider just listening to her arguments.

>> No.2454391

That's impressive. I love Dawkins, and I've watched a shitton of his stuff on youtube, and even I won't sit through that drivel.

>> No.2454399
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"derp show me the evidence"
>here you go lol
*tosses evidence in trash
"show me the evidence!"
>I just gave it to you
"no you didn't!"
>okay then how about you show me evidence of god then.
"I don't have too lol"
also loud=right to creationists apparently

>> No.2454607

It's amazing that we scientists evolved from lowly creationists.

>> No.2454639

ITT: butt hurt people rage about creationist

when in all actuality their claims about evidence make sense, becuase evidence doesn't mean much in westernized scientific process

correlation does not imply causation.
Until people produce legit experimental data
unlike the amino acid experiment that yeilded mostly tar. Neither said has anyright to argue on the grounds of 'science'.

>> No.2454652

You misunderstand science. Science is all about making falsifiable predictions, not experiments in labs.

For example, evolution predicted that one of the human genes would correspond to two (other) primate fused genes. We just recently sequenced the genomes of both. Guess we what found? Guess what scientific theory predicted it?

>> No.2454656

I also finished the whole thing. I lost faith in humanity x99999

>> No.2454666

You seem to have misunderstood the very essence of science, which is:

EVERYTHING is open for debate, always.

>> No.2454683

Dawkins man... you gotta stop doing this
NOBODY can be that patient indefinitely

go back to writing evolutionary biology books, I liked those...

>> No.2454800


Dawkins obviously

>> No.2454796

Darwin had that "nigga is you serious" look like 15 times throughout that video

>> No.2454829

As Plato pointed out two thousand years ago, people prefer to look at an object's appearance rather than its essence. Natural selection is one hell of a scary monster compared to the Paternalistic Universe Maker. This is why he preached to keep out the masses out of decisions making.