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2450925 No.2450925 [Reply] [Original]

In your opinion, what's more difficult, statistics or intermediate algebra? Any Earthlings have a good description of what an average work load or subject matter might be? Work's sending me down to Earth to study your mathematics.

Pic related.

>> No.2450933

What do you consider "intermediate" algebra?
High school algebra?
(College) Linear algebra?
Group theory?
Higher than that?

>> No.2450952

The college involving the mission places intermediate algebra between beginning algebra one and two and college algebra. College algebra was completed through an earlier mission involving what you Earthlings call "CLEP" exams.

This help?

>> No.2450953

Intermediate algebra is basically kicking my ass. I can't even fucking imagine what stats would be like. To give you an idea of what I mean by intermediate algebra, the portion that most worries me about the next test is a section concerning exponent rules. I can't keep all those fucking rules straight.

>> No.2450958

Please know the fundamentals of algebra before you take any statistics course or you will be a nightmare for your professor.

>> No.2450961
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>> No.2450966

Hmm, I'm not the best agent for studying your lower level mathematics, so this may prove a problem.

Do you think it might have been easier to take intermediate algebra online instead?

>> No.2450968

Hey no fair, if you're gonna study our mathematics you should let us study yours.

>> No.2450969

If you mean exponent rules like:
(x^a)(x^b) = x^(a+b)
(x^a)^b = x^ab
Then you're probably not ready for statistics. If you can't remember these rules it's because you don't understand what exponentiation really means.
That being said, I found college-level algebra to be harder than statistics.

>> No.2450970

Oh god I lol'd.

>> No.2450979

how does a guy that claims to be smart still use fucking tanning beds? i'm like, really? I belived in you bro, and your gonna do this shit...awwww fuck man

>> No.2450985
File: 45 KB, 400x300, peru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now i`m curious, who is that guy, what is he talking about ???

i`ve seen him many times here but donn`t know the original vid.

>> No.2450994

Look up Ancient Aliens, a documentary series on its second season

>> No.2450998

Yeah, they won't even let you apply for stats courses until you're at least two courses past the course I'm in now.

>> No.2451005

I'm a retarded alien so my company is sending me to study your Earth math. If I could help you out I would.

Could you possibly describe to me what stats is? Which of the two would have more formulas and letters?

I got a 433 on the fundamentals of college algebra DSST, which is passing, but I absolutely hate math.

>> No.2451019

Statistics are slightly less difficult than partial differential equations. Linear algebra is fuck easy.

>> No.2451040

This is what confuses me on the subject. Some Earthlings say "Oh man, stats is all just common sense and such. Take it!" and others say "Man, stats is horrible. Intermediate algebra is like eating cake."

>> No.2451128
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Any more thoughts?

My alien sensors state that this picture of "tits" will be satisfactory for further answers.

>> No.2451155

will this be your only math course or do you have to take more?
can you link to the course descriptions?

>> No.2451175

Na, I already tested out of college algebra last year. I just need either intermediate algebra or statistics to finish my basics.

Intermediate Algebra: Basic algebra skills are extended in this course to provide the background necessary for further mathematics courses. Topics included are linear, quadratic, polynomial, radical and rational equations; systems of linear equations; rational exponents and polynomial factoring; rational and radical expressions; complex numbers; and graphs of linear and quadratic functions.

Statistics: This course provides an opportunity for students to develop critical and functional understanding of data. Topics include frequency distributions, measures of central tendency and dispersion, probability and probability distribution, sampling concepts, estimating means and percentages, and hypothesis testing.

>> No.2451194

Your image is very "Jersey Shore".

>> No.2451200

If you hate math and you want an easier workload, take statistics for sure.
Intermediate algebra will be all new math, statistics will be new applications of math you know.

>> No.2451248

Thanks for the straightforward answer, human. So from the stats description you think it's more common sense mathematics and not all the logs, functions, and crap I don't understand?

Would it be possible you could give me a bit of info regarding statistics?

>> No.2451302


Isn't Intermediate Algebra the class before College Algebra?

>> No.2451321


Algebra = fucking around with numbers and variables that can lead to trigonometry and geometry, eventually calculus and functions. It's useful for figuring out pure math.

Statistics = fucking around with samples to figure out something about the whole group. It's useful for any phenomena that happen with a large group of things.

Stats is easier, but you need basic algebra first.

>> No.2451349

At first I was told that college algebra was the requirement for my degree, so I took the fundamentals of college algebra DSST and got out of it. Earlier today I was talking to an adviser and they changed things where now I need to take one of the two and there's nothing I can do about it. Mind you, though I passed the exam I don't understand algebra at all.

Stats seems to be more realistic for what I'm doing, and I've got basic algebra down. It's just upper level stuff that gets to me. Thanks, again.

>> No.2451363
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>using the words "difficult" and "statistics" in the same phrase

>> No.2451367

i learned algebra before delving into statistics, so, uh...


>> No.2451376

Can you elaborate please? Any information is helpful.

>> No.2451421

Intermediate algebra is a remedial high-school-level course whereas you may actually learn something new in the statistics class. Taking classes where you already know the material is stupid.

>> No.2451451

I don't want to take either, and neither will be useful for the rest of my degree or job after. My goal is to take the easiest of the two since I'll also be taking public speaking, English 2, astronomy, and western art at the same time. I need the one with the least work and the most straightforward concepts.

Every website I find has half the people saying "stats is horrible and harder than calc, take algebra" and the other half saying "stats was extremely easy and common sense". Thus, I'm hoping that I can get as much feedback as I can from you geniuses of math.

>> No.2451779

Go to bed Trevor.

>> No.2451834

These aren't the aliens you're looking for, man.

Other than that, I think I'll stick with statistics. Thanks, multinons.