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File: 9 KB, 200x248, feynman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2446345 No.2446345 [Reply] [Original]

>IQ 125
Is this true? If it is, that's pretty motivating and inspiring. Also, check out those doubles jiggling against each other.

>> No.2446355

yeah he was pretty dull

>> No.2446356

IQ doesn't mean a thing. Anyone can be intelligent.

inb4 naturalism

>> No.2446354

it's bullshit, feynman did putman with ease, there's no way someone with slightly above average iq will do that.

>> No.2446373

IQ is an imperfect measure, and there is a lot of variance. That doesn't mean it's worthless.

>> No.2446381



what the fuck is wrong with people on this website?

>> No.2446400

Not to shit on Feynman, but he worked in a time when you could do very interesting, fundamental things without $10bil equipment.

On top of that, his colleagues have commented that he spurned awards and honors but had a pretty big ego (the kind of guy who would sandbag an IQ test).

If you read his books, the guy was wonderfully insane. He quit drinking (for life) because he blacked out and was concerned with not being able to do physics if he kept it up. If I had that sort of dedication and "fuck everyone" nerdiness I'd probably make a better grad student.

He was also a stubborn bastard who liked to fuck with people. He is not famous among Anon of our generation for his mental horsepower but his personality. Anybody know anything about Hans Bethe? If Bethe liked strippers as much as Feynman you probably would.

>> No.2446405

That's like a 1 in 15 IQ, nothing at all special and you would not expect someone at the forefront of physics to have such a low one

>> No.2446408


>implying IQ matters more than knowing your shit

>> No.2446416


its actually 1 in 25, using standard deviation which as we know isnt very accurate outside of eastern Asia.

>> No.2446417

Fuck, you guys really care about IQ? I would be impressed if he had an IQ of 70, but come the fuck on, IQ doesn't mean absolutely shit.

>derp how come my runner lost? he had the longest legs...

>> No.2446428

I have never taken an IQ test.

I'm very afraid of the result.

>> No.2446539

He was a savant. Case closed.

>> No.2446562

When developing theories in physics, knowing your shit can only take you so far. He wasn't just a divorce lawyer, he was a fucking physicist.

>> No.2446569

Read his accomplishments. He isn't an example of not amazingly smart people do amazing things, he is an example of how the IQ test sucks. Did you learn calculus and diffy Q by 15?

>> No.2446630


This. IQ scores are a good indicator of a person's intelligence at least 90% of the time. Feynman's IQ score is an example of a time when it went wrong. His IQ score did not accurately reflect his intellectual abilities but most people's IQ scores do.

Why this is hard for most people to understand is beyond me.

>> No.2446629

Creativity and desire to inovate can get you even further than IQ, bro.

IQ is all about finding patterns really and even for that, it's highly doubtful. So yeah, you need a good deal of skill in finding patters among abstractions to be a physicists, but you don't need to be extraordinary in that to achieve extraordinary results. There is much much more to it, IQ test is the tip of the iceberg. You know that round block in round hole, square block in square hole test for kids? It's the same fucking thing.

"Intelligence", as in competence for thinking things cannot be measured on a perfect scale, because it's not from point A to B, but a sphere of possibilities that includes personality, imagination, will, confidence, experience and even enviroment.

>> No.2446648

I actualy have a good freind who I think learned calculus around that age, I'll have to ask him...
Also IQ tests are shity ways of mesuring intelegence.

>> No.2446832

genius is not measured on the Sanford Binet scale. It is the ability to synthesize new information. Many Idiot savants can do incredible mathematical calculations in their heads. You miss his true genius.

>> No.2447060

Being gifted with an above average IQ is just "the universe" opening a door for you. You still need to walk through it.

I have a 98% percentile IQ and for a good portion of my life I lived frustrated that stuff didn't just fall into my lap. There seems to be a cruel meme going around in the western world, particularly in the US that if you are brilliant it gives you a license to be lazy and compensate with your intelligence. The sum of their being just ends up being average as a result.

Feynmann had several other critical attributes aside from his IQ that let him do what he did. He absolutely loved his field, he had a deep passion for it. There were no questions in his mind about what he should be doing.

Additionally he was motivated and he did the *hard work* needed to turn his ideas into something real that the rest of us can benefit from.

I learned my lesson from studying great men like Feynman, Einstein, Dirac, Euler etc. Also listening to older and wiser faculty members at my University. One went so far as to tell me that "brilliance is a dime a dozen, it's having the willingness to do the hard work that is rare." I only wish I learned this lesson early in life...

I realize I'm throwing carrots to starving rotweilers by posting this theory on this; but, I believe that is the truth of the matter. Brilliance is useless without passion and tenacity.

On the case of Einstein, he's what happens when you couple genius with a good work ethic. None of us can hope to come close to being as great as Einstein since he really seemed to have no weak points; both brilliant and driven. But, we can all be Feynmans! Just work your ass off.

>> No.2447647

whats the big difference between a "dull" person with an IQ of 125 and a Mensa member with an IQ of 132?

>> No.2447686
File: 35 KB, 544x400, 1296411905833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reported score was given by his sister and it's of dubious legitimacy and accuracy.

He may not have even been administered a full scale IQ test.

You can't take this rumor to heart.

It isn't common, but sometimes there are score variations between two full scale IQ tests up to 1-2 entire sigmas.

I read somewhere that he scored 162 (on a deviation of 22 or 24 due to how these tests work) on a test of general intelligence while at MIT. Not sure of the validity of this source due to it being iterated from another human being and not lets say...a book.

>> No.2447814


Fucking 7!

Are you dumb?

>> No.2447888

learning things isn't hard. you can teach a 6 yr old harder stuff than that source: mill

>> No.2447932

If you train someone to take IQ tests all day, it will score high.

Just the same if you train someone to do math all day, it will score high.

I have my doubts because the origin of IQ test was to test for deficiencies related to pattern recognition, hence why it's questions are mostly spatial patterns and sequences. The stanford-binet test was used to detect deficiencies in children, pattern recognition is a important skillset of the brain, therefore the test had application in determining whether the child have problem or not.

The whole high IQ circlejerk is just taking it too far but it's still funny to see them humiliated like that one woman who doubted a mathematical proof of Fermat's last theorem.

>> No.2447963

This thread is full of idiots.

Ironic that most people here probably bash psychology for not being a science, yet trust the IQ test for being accurate. IQ doesn't test intelligence, it tests some aspects of pattern-matching. It doesn't test at all creativity, ability to do math, art, science, or music, ability to learn or teach, etc. Beethoven was a musical genius but who the fuck knows how he would have scored on an IQ test.

Feynman wasn't a math savant. He was a very hard-working physicist who had a knack for solving math problems and inventing theories.
Sure he might have been a prick but that's irrelevant, sure he might have had an "IQ" of 125 but that doesn't mean shit. Most nobel prize winners are probably around that, if not maybe a little higher, and most extreme-IQ people don't do anything spectacular.

>> No.2448019

keep your head. Go away to college.

>> No.2448046

IQ tests in the 40's were basically tests of familiarity with pop culture. I'm sure if Feynman took a modern IQ test he would be at 170 or higher.

>> No.2448208

ITT: IQ is important
Every other thread (especially about race): IQ doesn't matter

>> No.2448215

Take it from me - IQ is terrible.

>> No.2448228
File: 472 KB, 508x270, 1295847231435.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddammit so Feynman scored "low" on an IQ test (even though that's incredibly impressive when you take into account that it's, what, two standard deviations away from the mean?) who the fuck cares he was an awesome guys why the fuck do you idiots care so fucking much IQ tests aren't the end-all to someone's accomplishments just look at what he fucking did for science and don't bother trying to compensate for his IQ score it doesn't fucking matter.

Also, what the poster above me said about ultra-high IQ people doing nothing with their lives: it's true.