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File: 41 KB, 725x632, yellowstone-volcano.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2441745 No.2441745 [Reply] [Original]


what do you think about this /sci/entists?

>tl;dr michio kaku helping to analyze sea level growth up to 10 inches in parts of yellowstone park in the past few years, super volcano inevitable.

>> No.2441765

shit happens, dealwithit.gif

>> No.2441766
File: 8 KB, 240x240, 1249884735273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in MT


>> No.2441779

See Alberta up there? I'm in Edmonton, I'm just barely outside of it. What does this mean?

>> No.2441787
File: 21 KB, 200x246, face58_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To my knowledge there are no extinction events that match up with Yellow Stone eruptions. It may cause some local troubles, but nothing that will mark a new chapter in the history books.

>> No.2441783
File: 43 KB, 330x267, 1294559656862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2441790

wait what? wasn't he the guy who wrote all those pop science theoretical physics books...?

why is he volcanoes

>> No.2441789
File: 30 KB, 506x383, 1291183475006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW Im in winnipeg, just outside the blast zone.

>> No.2441788

This has been recorded to happen throughout the years. Look at the info of land rising.

>> No.2441794

Looks like I might move from Portland after all.

>> No.2441799 [DELETED] 

tl;dr michio kaku helping to analyze sea level growth up to 10 inches in parts of yellowstone park in the past few years, super volcano inevitable.
>analyze sea level growth up to 10 inches in parts of yellowstone park in the past few years
>sea level growth up to 10 inches in parts of yellowstone park
>sea level growth
>yellowstone park
>sea level

>> No.2441802

>tl;dr michio kaku helping to analyze sea level growth up to 10 inches in parts of yellowstone park in the past few years, super volcano inevitable.
>analyze sea level growth up to 10 inches in parts of yellowstone park in the past few years
>sea level growth up to 10 inches in parts of yellowstone park
>sea level growth
>yellowstone park
>sea level

>> No.2441804

Thats what I thought, then I remembered he is the Kaku!

>> No.2441806

Uh I'm pretty sure it means that Yellowstone park is now 10cm higher above sea level than it previously was.

>> No.2441817

I really don't think Michio Kaku would make any claims about geology. He isn't a geologist, he's a theoretical physicist. His ego is too huge to make claims on something so... tenuous as this.

>> No.2441852

I hope they televise it.

>> No.2441854

That anchor is soooo hot..
Her interview with evan o dorney was amazing..
Im surprised that evan didnt become a meme

>> No.2441855

Physicists show up in a wide range of projects. Perhaps Kaku took an interest in what they were doing and offered to lend a hand. Who would turn down a resume like his?

>> No.2441866

I am happy with this becaaaause:
-I don't live in that zone
-A good portion of human population will be gone

>> No.2441867

i think he gets so many TV gigs because he explains things clearly for a tv audience. Discovery really put him on the map, so now sources like cnn can just expect him to explain scientific shit or something..?

he's still cool as fuck

>> No.2441884

Agree that chinese guy is cool. Unlike most scientist who are fuckin terrible social skills. They are good with science talk nothing else.

>> No.2441891

I like how bluntly alarmist Kaku is about this.

Sometimes I wish FDR's internment plan had been permanent.

>> No.2441897
File: 254 KB, 1327x1080, Troll_Face_small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hes american

>> No.2441898

I don't know about you all, but I'm perfectly happy with this if it kills more Americans.

>> No.2441907

AMERICANS?!??!?!? or just the WEST, I mean.. the EAST usa is pretty legit, aside the district of columbia

>> No.2441914
File: 7 KB, 277x247, 1296366136557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW I live in New York

>> No.2441915

To be completely honest, as a permanent emigrant from America who has seen its worst people, it wouldn't bother me if every last one of those fat, shambling armchair warlords called Americans bit the ash. Let 'em roast, I say.

>> No.2441932

>destruction sends an economically shaky world into downward spiral
>US military disappears overnight as US consolidates to recover from natural disaster, sudden geopolitical power vacuum causes brushfire wars across the globe
>technological development slows
>environmental shifts worsen
>cheap fossil fuels run out, alternative technologies not yet enough to pick up the slack, global economy falls further
>larger and larger wars erupt as resources dwindle
>despite being pushed to the brink, humanity's good sense has succeeded in keeping nuclear arms out of use... until one is used... which is followed by one more... then all of them
>two thousand years later humanity exists as city states fighting over shards of titanium and farmland in a dying world. Without the fertile environments of the past and without fossil fuels humanity never attains past technological heights.
>one hundred thousand years later, the last human hunter gatherer dies.
We will be lucky if we make it off of this rock even without the ground underneath our feet exploding. Every economic downturn, every mis-allocation of resources could be the last straw that tips the scales towards extinction.

>> No.2441940

A chill pill, you need one.

>> No.2441941

>wars across the globe
>technological development slows

Technology accelerates according to how much we need it. It would definitely now stagnate under such circumstances.

>> No.2441953

Kaku always seem like the typical Fox news retard to me.

Something like Glenn Beck for science.

>> No.2441955

>black plague sends an economically shaky Europe into downward spiral
>European militaries disappear overnight as soldiers die like mayflies
>technological development slows
>cheap labor run out, immigrant serfs not yet enough to pick up the slack, global economy falls further
>larger and larger wars erupt as resources and manpower dwindles
>despite being pushed to the brink, humanity's good sense has succeeded in keeping theocratic armies out of use... until one is used... which is followed by one more... then all of them
>two thousand years later humanity exists as city states fighting over wagon wheels and farmland in a dying world. Without the fertile environments of the past and without organized government humanity never attains past technological heights.
>one hundred thousand years later, the last human hunter gatherer dies.

>> No.2441961


>> No.2441962
File: 20 KB, 508x385, 1294126277303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It means that instead of dying immediately, you'll be able to enjoy slowly suffocating on ash and fumes while the hot air scalds your skin.

I'm in Vancouver :(

>> No.2441964

>mfw nobody listens to important science news like this and US is totally devastated

>no face

>> No.2441974

That's not how volcanoes work, dumbass. If you're outside the ash radius, you're not catching any direct heat from the blast. There is no force outside a solar flare capable of issuing that kind of energy over that distance in a fell swoop, and even if there were, you'd have enough time to escape.

>> No.2441977


>> No.2441983

>live in vancouver, WA 20 mins from portland.

Looks like I could actually be safe

>> No.2441991


Alright, enjoy your climate change and crop failure.

>> No.2441998
File: 95 KB, 830x467, ncr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I do and thus I will be better suited to survive if the time comes both because of preparedness and because everybody who wasn't prepared won't be around to compete for resources

>> No.2442005

So I live just at the edge of this ash cloud, how should I prepare? What are gasses going to be like on the very northern edge of the shaded region?

>> No.2442007


>> No.2442012


Rape imminent.

>> No.2442013

I don't live anywhere near that circle why should I care?

>> No.2442016
File: 150 KB, 327x327, face94.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when supposed ash cloud area of effect is a perfect circle and not adjusted for prevailing winds
Who the fuck made that? That image isn't on CNN is it?

>> No.2442017

oh noes rape? St Boniface! (not french,just live here)

>> No.2442018

lol at all you faggots celebrating about not being in the sudden death zone. That's where you WANT to be if yellowstone goes off.

>> No.2442024

>implying we could predict ahead of time what the prevailing winds would be

Thats why they showed all the areas the winds could take it.

>> No.2442022

If it were to blow, I wouldn't be surprised if everyone from there to the East coast with any sort of breathing problem died within a week. Also, the blast could hurl fucking boulders across the country, just imagine if a volcano of that magnitude were to erupt, there's going to be a LOT of shit getting thrown into the atmosphere. Mostly, everyone in the US probably dies, wars would then likely erupt.

>> No.2442025

That area is also a huge basin with mountains in all directions. It's obvious it won't be a freaking circle.

>> No.2442029

sorry for long response, i'm in EK

>> No.2442031


>Also, the blast could hurl fucking boulders across the country

nah, any thrown hard enough for that would reach escape velocity.

>> No.2442032


why would you fuck that hambeast

>> No.2442039

our city is tiny. it isnt often i run into other winnipeggers on here.

>> No.2442055
File: 13 KB, 414x353, dfsgds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're where?

>> No.2442059
File: 17 KB, 189x182, face77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The prevailing winds never go west.
>mfw you think they go in any direction moment to moment

You are referring to the circle on the OP's pic aren't you?

>> No.2442091

I never said anything about moment to moment, I said that we cant predict which way their going with high certainty on some random date in the future.

>> No.2442101

Well they sure as hell aren't going to be blowing the fuck West. Any child who watches the gawdam Weather Channel would know it should be an ovoid with it's tail pointed Eastward.

>> No.2442129
File: 98 KB, 725x489, yellowstone-ashfall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, there you go :D

>> No.2442160

take away his sign!

>> No.2442175

why ppl keep posting this girl.shes creepy/scary

If the volcano actually explodes, maybe americans will move to africa and fix it

>> No.2442196
File: 10 KB, 376x327, 1295999011790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>creepy/scary? imokwiththis

>> No.2442213

Volcano erupts. Utah and the Mormons are destroyed. American food production drops by 50%. World goes into food crisis. Americans are still able to import food at high prices. A billion people starve in the poorest countries in the world. American crops recover after a year. Food supply goes back up. Poor countries are no longer burdened by huge populations, and they begin to develop quickly. Everyone is happy.

>> No.2442222

>American crops recover after a year

Nigga no. Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.2442235

The majority of crops that would be affected would be in WA, NE, OR, SD, and a little bit more into the midwest. Those areas would have far less ash, and it could be removed. The area close to volcano has cattle grazing and potatoes. So... we eat chicken instead and have rice and wheat instead of potatoes.

p.s. nice quads

>> No.2442247

she has small eyes, nose, mouth compared to her big head, no lips..psycho stare and massive jaw..she looks like charles sheen..dunno, maybe its just me


>> No.2442268
File: 11 KB, 356x346, sdfsafa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you don't appear to like the features of my face

>> No.2442284


>mfw the volcano kills all the bad states in the midwest and texas

Seems like it'll kill all the right people. Now all we need to get is a southern super volcano and we're good to go.

>> No.2442286


It's like sand, you can't really dislike it... it's just there.

>> No.2442321
File: 12 KB, 300x370, sheen-775736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2442404
File: 10 KB, 404x342, 13635679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm in EK

>> No.2442412
File: 56 KB, 574x528, 1295151577654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you really be that surprised to find someone who's fucked you posting here?

>> No.2442419

i guess not.

>> No.2442427
