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2441173 No.2441173 [Reply] [Original]

Thought experiment time, /sci/.

You have been teleported into an exact copy of Earth in 5000BC, with no humans existing and no human creations whatsoever. You dont age and if you die you will immediatly reincarnate where you began with all memories intact and the changes in the world you did also remain. You are also completely naked with no tools or equipment at the beginning.

You are the only human alive on Earth but you know theres an base on the Moon, populated by humans who will give you company if you get there. They dont know that you exist and they wont interfere with Earth at all.

How long it would take to get to the moon?

>> No.2441181

>no humans existing

>> No.2441185

10,000 years, exactly.

>> No.2441199

well will we have any special ability?
are we strong as hell?
will we get bored easily?

>> No.2441205


>moonbase at 5000bc

I think the general gist was that you are alone, but you missed the point.

I say, never.

one man simply cannot build up all the skills needed for even basic metallurgy before he goes insane from isolation and starts talking to random objects. And even building a a simple car is very, very far from building a spaceship.

>> No.2441207

Far longer than that.

>> No.2441209

I would assume if I could get their attention they would see me as some kind of demi-god what with my powers and try to rescue me asap. It would probably take hundreds of years, given that I have already know what took humanity thousands of years to learn (physics, math, chemistry, etc.)

>> No.2441213

2 solutions:

Build a giant message thing in the ground and hope the moon sees it

Bring an eve, become adam, fuck like bunnies, wait 7000 years

>> No.2441214


I dont think you'd be bored while FIGHTING FOR SURVIVAL ALONE AND NAKED.

>> No.2441225

implying that you'd care

>> No.2441231


>Build a giant message thing in the ground and hope the moon sees it

>They dont know that you exist and they wont interfere with Earth at all.

>Bring an eve, become adam, fuck like bunnies, wait 7000 years

First, you are alone. Second, inbreeding. Third, you would reincarnate again an again so you would be fucking your daughters, granddaughters etc.

>> No.2441233

Never - it wouldn't be on my to-do list.

Why the hell would I want to go to the moon, and listen to other people's problems?

Cure for roneryness?
Get a dog. or a chimp, or any animal.

>> No.2441243

you know what this isn't for sci its for b
you give a completely illogical situation and don't even explain it?
are we fucking babies? are we teens are we elderly?
how strong are we?
gtfo now

>> No.2441250

NASA took millions of combined man-years to do what it did, so working alone would take a long time. Breeding chimps or something for intelligence might be a good strategy given the timescales we're looking at here.

>> No.2441252

op this is too easy...

2. monitor the offspring, select the most intelligent, verbal ones you can discern.

3. start mining metal and chemicals to build solid fuel rockets.

4. ???????

5. profit

>> No.2441255



Do you?



I think you kinda missed that part.

>> No.2441256

If the humans on the moon wouldn't respond to a giant symbol on the surface of the planet then they can get fucked.

>> No.2441270
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>implying i wouldn't take advantage of the fact that i reincarnate to start a quasi-religious terrorist group when humans evolve and then bankroll myself using a mysterious substance that has crashed to earth near the tiber river

>> No.2441272


how would you even find food or shelter? it would take years and several respawns to even learn how to survive in the wild, hunt and gather

then you would need bone and wood tools to make a shelter, collect wood and build a proper house

then it would take years to become skilled in geology so you could even find ores and veins you could smelt, and you would be smelting by trial and error and after you got your first piece of pig iron you'd have to start learn blacksmithing

it would take decades to even have a primitve iron hammer and hovel

>> No.2441273

Just need a loooooooot of computer

>> No.2441292


Do you know what metals and chemicals you will need? Do you know how to manufacture every single one of them? Do you know how to build the machinery able to manufacture them?

Basically, it would be a single man rebuilding the entire civilization himself from the ground up, the only advantage he has is that he atleast has a concept about advanced technologies.

>> No.2441336


>implying i wouldn't take advantage of the fact that i reincarnate to start a quasi-religious terrorist group

>i reincarnate to start a quasi-religious terrorist group

>terrorist group



Multiple personality disorder, fuck yeah!

>> No.2441500

It would take a very long time but outside of the builder going insane I cant see why would it impossible. He just needs time to learn craft after craft, after he built a neat little smithy/laboratory for himself it would speed up greatly.

>> No.2441570


this is obviously coming from some city kid that doesn't know his ass from his elbow unless their selling it at the mall or supermarket.

you start "farming" the first year, at the base of mountains near where rivers form, so you have plenty of time to study/survey the mineral content while your monkey babies are growing up.
by the time the first batch of monkey babies are old enough to work, mining starts, 15-20 years later, refining, smithing, compounding fuels and aerodynamic experiments start,
moon in under a hundred years, guaranteed if op is chemist

>> No.2441629

not sure if srs.
You've obviously played too much minecraft, you don't just start "farming" it's winther atm, meaning you wouldn't be able to plant your seeds before several months. Don't even get me started from where you would get these seeds from. Your harvest would then fail, reason being, animals/insects, fungus, and other sicknesses

>> No.2441644

Considering I dont know anything about physics or electronics" 1,000,000 years.

Also wtf I can just make love to monkeys etc, dont need to go to the moon.

>> No.2441665

In the northern hemisphere dumbass,

and i suppose you think crop fail because unless they were purchased by registered transaction from monsanto and treated with 2 tons per acre of glyphosate then they surely no crop could grow, right?

you get seeds from plants, it takes one season to collect seeds and you plant them the next, you don't have to eat, because you respawn dumbass, you just have to farm to feed the monkey babies, because they do not respawn...in this world your workers are far more valuable than your own life.

also, is anything on 4chan srs retard?

>> No.2441677

I would probably start my own fucking group with the what ever humanoid exist and fuck all the women non-stop.

Honestly who gives a shit about humans when you get access to all the pussy you want every age. ect

>> No.2441687

Non-scientist retard detected

>> No.2441690

>Only human civilization is 363,104 km away
>Barriers include gravity well, vacuum, interplanetary dust and nasty radiation

>fap all day

>> No.2441700


clearly....he doesn't understand the distinction between thought experiment and fap time.

>> No.2441726

> I would probably start my own fucking group with the what ever humanoid exist and fuck all the women non-stop.
> Earth in 5000BC, with no humans existing
Homo sapiens sapiens (or humans) existed for ~50000 years, which means they'd be around. If humans are not around, what about their nearest neighbour (homo sapiens, ~160k years before us), if not them, nearest primate, etc?

>> No.2441731
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Yes. I have a Sc.D. in agricultural engineering come at me

>> No.2441753

>compounding fuels and aerodynamic experiments start, moon in under a hundred years, guaranteed if op is chemist
>moon in under a hundred years

are you fucking retarded?

give me a basic plan for designing and building a craft in less than a hundred years that would get you to the FUCKING MOON alive.

couldn't be done without knowledge about god damn everything and probably equipment you simply couldn't make in that time frame.

>> No.2441759

I encase myself in rocks to minimize my impact on human evolution for several millenia. In the meantime, I learn to do advanced math in my head, for I cannot move. When humans are advanced enough for me to give a damn about them, I begin my empire, and dedicate it heavily to science. It should only take a few hundred more years before we have a good space program. By then, we will have been sending communications to the moon people for ages, and they can join us if they want, or no, either way we'll be surpassing them shortly.

>> No.2441760

Simply knowing what is possible is a HUGE deal. Having all the general knowledge I do now about our technology, I don't think it would take me longer than 500 years. I don't have to invent this stuff, I just have to know it CAN be done, and figure out how they did it from there.

I'd rely on trial and error a whole lot, and I wouldn't have to worry about failure. It'd be really neat actually.

>> No.2441810

>You dont age and if you die you will immediatly reincarnate where you began with all memories intact and the changes in the world you did also remain.

I build a tower to the Moon out of my own corpses.

>> No.2441828


Think really hard to develop a cool social structure capable of sustaining itself for thousands of years. Help the evolution of the human race and develop a master race of beautiful women and mindless slaves(ugly, strong, and obedient humanoids who can't reproduce), make my self god and fuck any girl for EVER.


>> No.2441829


>> No.2441834


A brave new world....

>> No.2441837

>5000BC, with no humans existing and no human creations whatsoever.
stop reading

>> No.2441838


i stand by my 100 years projection, i'm not giving you all the details cuz then you could beat me to it. get your own plan. see you on the moon bitches

>> No.2441860


inbreeding is only detrimental after the first few generations. eventually the gene pool will reach homeostasis and detrimental artifacts will be weeded out by natural selection.

>> No.2441864

there is no person alive who knows enough to build a ship to the moon ... there is no person alive who could know enough to build a ship to the moon even if he lived forever ... this amount of knowledge requires socially distributed knowledge over huge numbers of peope. so your best bet would be to start a school and start teaching the cavemen what you know, so that they can discover what is needed to be known to get to the moon. but even if you knew all the science that was known in 1900 (which you don't), you would still need the human economic system to develop for many centuries before the material conditions existed to make space travel possible (starting with metallurgy).

>> No.2441873

Build a huge block and place it where my re-spawn point would be.

Kill myself



>> No.2441874


>> No.2441882

before one can rocket anything to the moon,
one must be able to make a toaster


check out this guy's attempt.

>> No.2441894


Think about all the knowledge you'd keep from trial and error...assuming you don't age and become weak, or that the information doesn't somehow delete itself if you "know" too much. You can learn and develop many things a lot faster. However, for building new things you might need some man power, but you can devise new way around it by using animals, develop the engine...that isn't really hard if you know how it works. It would be pretty quick, I would assume.

>> No.2441906

I would kill myself over and over again until the earth is simply saturated with my corpses, at which point I will simply climb atop my mounds of corpses until I reach the moon.

>> No.2441909

inb4 Minecraft

>> No.2441912


then become super rock man?

>> No.2441916

You won't.
You will die.

>> No.2441918

well it would be hard to keep track of everything even if you lived forever...and don't forget that in addition to running experiments, you'd have to have huge industrial programs to make materials and build rockets, etc...you need a whole CIVILIZATION to get to the moon.

>> No.2441919

I wouldn't try I would just round up all humanoids and make a tribe where I get access to all that nice pussy.

>> No.2441920

>hypothetical situation
>hurr durr this no make sence to me

>> No.2441921


It would take huge amounts of energy to even climb the mountain of corpses. Also, when you die, you respawn back to where you first began.

>> No.2441922

To build a latter that long? I don't know, 30 years?

>> No.2441926

>watch the video
>mfw he didn't realize people used to make toast with fire

>> No.2441930


This scenario is stupid. If there are fucking people LIVING ON THE MOON I would guess they have more advance technology than I have because I'm naked. Instead of building a fucking space ship why don't I just build a fucking signaling device to send them a message if I want to get beamed up so bad?

>> No.2441945


What fucking part of this >they wont interfere with Earth at all.

Did you not understand? Follow the fucking rules moron.

>> No.2441946

probably 100 years to build a nice setup that required minimal effort yet managed to keep me warm, sheltered, and well fed.
then probably 100,000 years of solid work to get to modern day technology levels.
then probably 1000 years to build the rocket alone.

>> No.2441957

i'm with you...except instead of 100,000 years I'd say "practically forever"...just think: you have to get past every situation where actual human progress required just another pair of hands to pitch in.

>> No.2441971


This is why it would be better to help whatever humanoid is available evolve, help give it technology your ass thought up and helped contribute to, while still getting all the ass you wan't. Then go up to space when the shit is ready.

>> No.2441981

That is logically retarded. By the time I can manifest enough robotic power to build a fucking rocket ship it would be pointless to even go to the moon to meet a bunch of dicks who didn't want to help me at fucking all.

You know what I could do with my time instead of that? Build a bunch of fucking robots and study artificial intelligence creating my own fucking matrix. Why would I use that energy to go to the goddamn moon?

>> No.2441985

I don['t think it would be too hard to broadcast a radio transmission with enough power to broadcast into space and let those on the
moon know you're there

>> No.2441986

100 years to get yourself sheltered warm and fed?

i hope you can do that in the first day for shelter and warmth, first week for food..

>> No.2441992


>mfw you missed the point.

>> No.2442003

Not 100 years to get sheltered and fed, 100 years to build a system that required minimum effort from me but managed to keep me sheltered and fed (so i could spend 99% of my time working on getting to the moon).
That is, something like an irrigated farm, as well as a nice house with things like easy access to fresh water and a toilet.

>> No.2442015

I think the hardest part would be just learning to keep yourself motivated and thinking about problems in innovative ways.

>> No.2442027

Do I have to eat?

>> No.2442034

Actually, probably take me 12 hrs or so. I'd make fire then light every part of the forest on fire.

With a blaze that eventually would spread across north america they would come down and see, that there's a human in the middle

>> No.2442036

machines dumbass.

It's not rocket surgery, just fucking make machines powerd off steam and coal, the simplest one.
remember why we're humans? how we made it this far?
because we use tools to make other tools.

>> No.2442042
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If I die, does my body remain? If so, I don't have to worry about food.

Could I force my heart to stop, reincarnate, and then revive my past self? If so, I'd get to the Moon in no time.

>> No.2442045

you'd have to commit suicide the old way.

>> No.2442054

By splitting a rock against another rock and then slitting my wrists?

>> No.2442058

or making a rope and hanging yourself, or throwing yourself of a cliff, etc.

it's gonna be painful, but give it time and im sure you're going to get used to it.

>> No.2442066

Make it to them? fuck that, I'd rather make a nuke and fire it at them.

>> No.2442067

Do I have to eat though?
Where the fuck is the OP?

>> No.2442070


I would just wait around until humans evolved, then I would give them a poorly written book and call myself God, I would then wait a little while longer, call myself the son of God, write some more shitty book, get killed, resurrect myself and troll humanity epically.

>> No.2442074

Guise i found it.. dieing a billion times or more.. making the earth's gravity much more stronger moving the moon as close as possible.. and you are able to go to it.. cause i am handsome.

>> No.2442082

I'd hope you have worked out a painless suicide method before you attempt the enrichment process. I would imagine you would receive deadly amounts of radiation several times. It would be a horrible thing to accidentally drop two near-critical pieces of material together, receive several lethal dose's worth of radiation, and be too weak to commit suicide for the agonizing week before death.

>> No.2442090

Oh well, such is the price we must pay.

>> No.2442123

I would collect organic fuel to fuel my rockets.
Then I would train monkeys to do mining labor and melt all the metallic parts into rocket-ish and then I would make some huge ass balance calculation so it would actually hit the moon.

>Send rocket to moon, but with no people in it.
>Put message to people on moon in rocket
Sending the rocket wouldn't be too hard. Being IN it would be impossible.

>> No.2442148

I would turn myself into a cyborg first, capable of resisting all kind of bullshit.

>> No.2442158


Yes, you do.


Hmm, cool approach but I think we should count death as complete and irreversible brain death.

Also, you would always spawn in a location close to the previous but no chance of immediatly dieing.

>> No.2442163


Do you know how to calculate the trajectory of a rocket?

Hell, you'd had to invent physics too.

>> No.2442177

what if I die flying to space?

>> No.2442184

about tree fitty.

>> No.2442188

I think I could do it within 10 years.
I would need 2 years to find iron deposits and master iron working. With steel I can build the hull of my space rocket, there goes another 2 years, its only big enough to fit me.
Now I cast some massive sheets of iron, and cylinders to fit it rolled up in, add salt water and I have capacatince.
I then build two large steel girders, find graphite and lube it up, and build some kind of rack.
Now I find some kind of magnetic material (LOLMAGNETS), smith some wire, and build a generator to charge my capacitators.
All charged up, I release the capacitors through the metal girders with me and my hull inbetween, and whoosh, moon time.

>> No.2442189


Respawn on earth as usual.

Botching the landing and dieing must be a bitch.

>> No.2442194


>2 years to find iron deposits and master iron working.

durr what?

>With steel I can build the hull of my space rocket, there goes another 2 years, its only big enough to fit me.

so you could make industrial grade tools and stuff in 4 years despite never seen a blacksmith from the inside?

get the fuck out

>> No.2442195

You didn't say if my dead body would remain. Do I have to hunt to eat or do I just need a sharp rock to commit suicide with?

And what about psychological trauma. I can damn near assure you after dying many times and remembering everything I would become mentally unstable, not to mention I am living an unnatural period of time and have no social contact.

>> No.2442197

Assuming the rocket can be built in 50 years, I could try over and over until i find a plausible ratio

>> No.2442199

I would probably find a way to clone myself in my own uterus before I tried to go to the moon, I would much rather have help then work instead of waiting for generations of my own life to build a ship.

>> No.2442201

Wait, couldn't I just crash our rocket into the Moon? I would respawn nearby, die, respawn nearby, die, respawn nearby... until I either find the Moon base or they find me.

>> No.2442209


Your body would remain.


Nope. You would respawn on earth. They also wouldnt care about you because crashing the rocket would be still just a more elarborate and flashy signal you send if you die within it.

>> No.2442211

Without years of training for this exact same scenario, this will take at least 10.000 years.

First of all, the earth is not in the state that it used to be in 5000 BCE.. If you are lucky and end up in Europe or the Near East (which has a mild climate, almost no venomous animals and plants and easily accessible raw materials required for basic industrialization. The mediterranean region has spawned early high cultures. So we will use this as a basis for our scenario

Your first problem is locomotion. Have you ever been in an actual forrest? Not one that is being maintained by humans, a thick green wall full of thorns and trees. There are no roads, not even paths, you can only move very slowly and painfully.

This leads to your second problem: Predators. There are wolves, bears and the European lion (which has not gone extinct yet) and while they have no idea what you are supposed to be, they will find you very tasty.

Next problem: Crops. If the scenario means that we are facing an exact copy of Earth but without people, we are lucky. There will be some grains that we can recognize and grow. Of course we would have to know something about farming. We can at least live on a farm that was built by a human and use their tools (if we recognize them) and grow their crops.

If humans have never existed or everything they have influenced has vanished, we have to dedicate a few hundred years at east to farming. Most modern crops are not around yet, as there has been nobody to breed them to maximize their utility. If we are lucky, we can grow some primitive crops that will not yield much and supplement the rest with fruit like figs.
We can supplement our diet with fish, if we can construct a net. If we are very lucky, we might find a few goats that we can domesticate for milk. Meat is not practical without tools yet.

>> No.2442212
File: 15 KB, 313x313, sagan_oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you high?

>> No.2442219

I'm a fast learner, and this thing isnt going to be big, about the size of a refrigerator

>> No.2442226


Tools are the next problem. Unless we have the tools that the humans of 5000 BC left us, we have to start from scratch. Obsidian "knives", pointy sticks and big blunt stones will be all we have for the first decades at least. Then we can move on to carved bones and eventually we can get to metal tools. But how do you do that?

Well first we have to know enough about geology to find coal. Or we make charcoal which can be figured out by a lot of experimentation. Then we need metal to work with. Copper is quite easy to work with so it would be our basis. So all we need now is enough knowledge to figure out where to find copper, get there, extract enough for our needs and figure out how to refine and smelt it.

And that is just the basics. It will very likely take up to a century to get to iron tools. Especially if you also want to eat.

On the subject of eating. Did I mention that we also need to invent pottery and figure out a way to keep food from spoiling? Another fifty years at least to get it right.

>> No.2442233

firstly, a steel rocket isn't going to get you to the moon
second do you really think you can even make something like a welding torch without a massive pressurized facility?

>> No.2442238

We should expand this idea as a challenge. Like crafting a radio from specific parts that aren't from an existing radio.

>> No.2442248

>Your first problem is locomotion. Have you ever been in an actual forrest?
Game trails dude. They are the highways of nature.

>This leads to your second problem: Predators.
1) Death leads to respawn. It couldn't even be called a setback
2) There is nothing more deadly on this planet than a well trained human with a sharp stick.

>we have to dedicate a few hundred years at east to farming.
Farming would take up most of your time. As one person with no fear of death, I'm sure there would be plenty of food simply as a hunter gatherer. You are only one mouth to feed. At most one would burn down some section of forest and plant some of the more edible plant life. One will naturally get better over time so one need not dedicate 100 years just food initially.

Just some thoughts.

>> No.2442273


Did you know that you need to figure out how to make a recording device? Clay tablets, papyrus, animal skins, or even paper. So that you can keep records and not lose sight of your progress during the centuries.Will you really remember how a computer works after being a hunter, gatherer, farmer, miner, blacksmith, architect, mason..... for 7000 years?

We could continue this all day. The task is not easy at all.
The plants, animals and resources that you need will be spread out across huge distances. You better be able to navigate using the sun and stars in unfamiliar terrain without a map and a compass with nobody to defend you from predators in dangerous terrain.

Even if you ditch the most basic necessities and rather freeze and starve to death (as you will reincarnate anyway) and live as a hunter-gatherer. That _could_ buy you some time.

Without cultural artifacts, the task is next to impossible. Without going crazy, impossible.

>> No.2442294

So when you go back to the start... And this happens every time you die...

Well, I'd be on the moon quick as you please. I'd have lots of help from the squillions of previous and future incarnations of me.

>> No.2442306

>Game trails dude. They are the highways of nature.
If you find them, they will very likely not go where you want to go.

>2) There is nothing more deadly on this planet than a well trained human with a sharp stick.
How many years of getting killed every night in your sleep does it take for you to develop a viable defense mechanism.

Do you reincarnate on the spot? How many clones can a single bear eat before being fed up? Do you reincarnate at home? How many days of travel to the copper mine have you lost?

>> No.2442312
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>Or we make charcoal which can be figured out by a lot of experimentation.
>Or we make charcoal which can be figured out by a lot of experimentation.
>Or we make charcoal which can be figured out by a lot of experimentation.

>> No.2442338
File: 186 KB, 800x600, Datei:Meiler 5..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you have no idea how to mass produce charcoal. You think you can just collect the half done scraps from your camp fire and be done with it?

For metalwork you need a crapload of charcoal.
You need to build a kiln. Do you know how to get it exactly right? Which woods to use, how long to dry them? Without creating too much wood gas and blowing the shit up?
How big or small can it be?

>> No.2442364

I've just realized how fucking much tech know-how even the simplest things require and how overspecialized people are.

>> No.2442365

practice. practice, practice

as an upper estimate, I'd give it 5000*7000000000 years
lower estimate, 1000 years.

>> No.2442428


you need 10.000 hours of practice to be really good in something

>> No.2442442

>Do you know how to get it exactly right?
efficiency doesn't matter, I have all the resources on earth
>Which woods to use, how long to dry them?
wood type only matters if you care about the tar, dry enough to burn is dry enough to pyrolyse(again, efficiency doesn't matter)
>Without creating too much wood gas and blowing the shit up?
gas is only a problem if you're pyrolysing the biomass like a faggot scando

>> No.2442448

you a fan of malcom gladwell?

>> No.2442452

uh, never.

>> No.2442459

i'd eventually build a radio. much easier than building a space capable vessel.

>> No.2442469
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>> No.2442483

I'd use my meager skills at "Making sharp objects" and "Running the fuck away" to ensure my dominance over a local tribe of...homo whatevers, and proceed with teaching the natives how to suck a dick without peeling it first.

>> No.2442485


Here is a good point that a man alone no matter what talent or knowledge cannot do much by himself.

>> No.2442489


Except you fail at the set conditions then.


5000BC without humans or human creations, no hominids left

>> No.2442497


Okay, since I literally have all the time in the world, I set about educating and selectively breeding ocotopuses.

Fuck your shit I'll stick my dick in something one way or another.

>> No.2442501

>wake up
>no people anywhere
>nothing but trees
>punch trees

>> No.2442502

Phase 1: Scout region, asses location based on climate and wildlife. Build a shelter, find edible foods and refine hunting methods. Practice ways to make ink and paper. Burn down sections of forest and plant edible plants. Write down everything I remember that could be useful (I'm a physics major so I'm in relatively good shape in this respect, chemistry might have given me a better jump start though). Come up with plan.
(e.t. 10-20 yrs)

Phase 2: Attempt to domesticate a ridable animal for locomotion and companionship.Scout out geology. Mess around with seemingly useful rocks. If metals are attained, dig out the area. Write down processes used and type of rock used. Repeat with different metals. Write down metal properties using standards I am developing. Practice methods of forming metals into different shapes and in purer forms. Practice combining them. Gain better tools. Mess around with concrete. Build more permanent shelters that I can rely on being around over several centuries and store documents there in the driest locations possible. Scout wider and wider areas. Create glass and lenses. What I wouldn't give for a near the surface oil deposit...
(e.t. 100-200 yrs)

Phase 3: Spend a century or two building pyramids and shit in random places for no reason. Each one built honors one member of a pantheon of gods I am creating, each named after me, except for the god of beauty which is so like me that he doesn't even need to have my name, it simply goes without saying. Grumble about things like everyone on the Moon better being hot buxom blondes with short hair and glasses. Write down a bunch of movies from memory as well as books. Write some of my own stories.
(e.t. 100-200 yrs)

>> No.2442506

Phase 4: Oh please, oh please, oh PLEASE let me remember the Bayer Process! Spend a very long time trying to find bauxite and turning it into aluminum. Work on combustion engine. Mess around with chemicals all the time, spending several years making up for every minute I was paying attention in class. Make reliable clocks. Create refrigeration units. Try creating plastics. Work on electric motors. Work on isolating hydrogen and oxygen via electrolysis or other methods. Make first attempts at launching small rockets, each one of them engraved with "Fuck the Moon!".
(e.t. 5000-12,000 yrs)

Phase 5: Make rockets bigger and bigger. Work on parachute systems. Work on pressurized cabin and life support. Once big enough, I become the payload. See if I can make it into orbit. Try using maneuvering thrusters. Always carry suicide tablet in case I get stuck in orbit. Spend a lot of time doing math.
(e.t. 8,000-20,000 yrs)

>> No.2442509

Phase 6: Begin testing rockets big enough to get to the Moon. Estimated time to construct a big enough rocket, several centuries. Estimated failure rate 95%, optimistic.
(e.t. 20,000-60,000 yrs)

Phase 7: Quit because it is fucking impossible.
(e.t. 1 second)

Phase 8: Star building giant rockets again for the sole purpose of blowing up the Moon colony for wasting more of my time than humanity was chucking spears. Phase ends when I succesfully begin crashing rockets into the Moon.
(e.t. 50,000-100,000 yrs)

Phase 9: Decide to hitch a ride on one of the rockets. I die. Try again. I die. Try 10 more times over the course of several thousand years. I finally succeed. Land on the Moon. Moon people find me and incarcerate me for crashing rockets into their home since before their great great great great great great great great great great... great great great great grandparents were born. I relearn how to speak. First words, "do you guys have internet"?

>> No.2442510

Building a house is a two man job. You simply can't do shit by yourself.

>> No.2442517

It's not possible.

You'd be marooned...

>> No.2442518

You are the only human alive on Earth but you know theres an base on the Moon, populated by humans who will give you company if you get there. They dont know that you exist and they wont interfere with Earth at all.
you didn't say how I would get to the moon. by building a radio, they'll know i'm here and come pick me up, without interfering with Earth.
again, /thread.

>> No.2442522


Why the hell would I build a house?

Caves are just fine.

>> No.2442524

Major problem.

How to extract metal from rocks?

We have no labs, no tools, no refined chemicals. So you see a giant band of red streching across rocks: so what? How are you gonna get the iron from that?

>> No.2442525

>hours later
>16 bit alu built on levitating blocks

>> No.2442528

pickaxe, then furnace, etc.
build the tools and labs. if you die you're fine

>> No.2442529


spaceships aside, the scenario is exactly the same

>> No.2442534


Oh god I lol'd.

>> No.2442538

im an aerospace engineer so i'd just build a system to take me to the moon like i do everyday of my life

>> No.2442549

All of you fuckers are really stupid.

>Climb to top of mount everest
>Keep dying and respawning on your own dead body
>body pile grows so massive and tall that you're outside the atmosphere
>float around orbit until you hit moon
>???? profit

You can probably get a good 500,000 suicides in a day if you tried. Be at the moon in a couple months.

>> No.2442550


>List tools made from metal


>> No.2442556


>> No.2442557

Same way ancient humans did. Dumbass.

>> No.2442558

Soft metals with stone tools.

Harder metals, soft metal tools.

Diamond nipple clamps, hard metal tools.

Baby steps.

Given 500000 years? Yeah, sure, your above average achiever could probably pull some hilariously complex shit we overlook day to day now.

>> No.2442564

your telling me none of you would use this event to have lots of sex with the humanoids? Don't tell me you will just be building space ship to go back to the moon.

>> No.2442567


That's kind of the point of building the spaceshuttle, isn't it?

A trip to the moon for ass.

>> No.2442569

>couple of months
It would be a lot longer than that. And you do realize that by the time you actually reach the Moon the Earth/your corpses will be the second most massive object in the solar system?

>> No.2442575


Yeah suddenly whipping up a Jupiter size pile of corpses would do all sorts of bad shit.

>> No.2442578

Build corpse tower to the moon.

>> No.2442600


Uh yeah its called fucking Einstein dude.

I'm Einstein 2.

I just mindfucked your problem by over-massing the entire sun itself thus pulling the moon to ME.

Way quicker than building a rocket ship, morons.

>> No.2442614

Phase 7: Quit because it is fucking impossible.
(e.t. 1 second)

First time I have laughed out loud in three days!

>> No.2442621


That'd be an interesting solution.

Increase the Earth's mass by such a uniform amount so as to pull the moon closer with it's own gravity.

Wonder how many corpses it'd take, given average height, weight and assume say, 30% surface coverage.

Though I suppose you'd want to cover the ENTIRE surface uniformly, to not fuck with it's tilt and orbit around the sun...

Just some rough napkin math but say, covering the earth's entire surface in a 100mile thick layer of corpses (or at least, matter) would do the trick.

>> No.2442637

Why would you even want to get to the moon?

Anyways, I'd first try to get a livable and sustainable environment (food, shelter, water, etc) while attempting to remember/rederive math/physics/chemistry.

On the side, I'd be interested in building a human civilization. I'd look for the closest homo sapiens relative that can still be bred with (as disgusting as I find this), and see if it would be possible to eventually reach a genetic code close enough to mine (inbreeding aside). If you remove all such possibilities (for example, if primates never evolved), one would have to advance technology by oneself until cloning is possible. Since I'm male, a female clone could be made. You're out of luck if you're female here. If no chance of raising a human civilization, I'd probably have to do everything myself, and this will take a very long time.

Regardless of the rate of progression (with civilization being raised in parallel or not), I'd attempt to reach a state where electronics and after that, the integrated circuit becomes possible to manufacture. Of course, this will first require inventing a lot of other technology before it's possible.

If a society was possible, getting to the moon should be possible within sane timeframes, otherwise, if I would be left doing everything by myself, I'd have to rely on automation a lot (assuming I reached the integrated circuit stage). Another possibility would be for me to attempt to build human-like AIs with all the time that I've got to dedicate to it and just forget about moon for a while.

>> No.2442645

>no humans existing and no human creations
Easy, I'll ask one of the Yithians/Serpentpeople/Flying Polyps/Byakhee/Old Ones/Atlanteans/Melniboneans/Shriltasians/Elder Gods/Ithaqua/Mi-Go/Asari/Protheans/Precursor/Melnorme/Orion/Antaran/Valheru/(other nonhuman intellect) to either give me boost to the moon or make sure I die a final death.

>> No.2442653

No, no it wouldn't be quicker. What are you going to kill yourself with once the Earth is nothing but a pile of your naked dead bodies? Over time the Earth would become unlivable and every time you respawn you would suffocate to death. If it took 10 minutes for complete brain death after every respawn then you would produce 3*10^7 kg/yr. To reach the mass of Jupiter you would have to go on dieing for a 6*10^19 years, that is several quntillions of years.

>> No.2442659


>What are you going to kill yourself with once the Earth is nothing but a pile of your naked dead bodies?

I laughed to tears.


>> No.2442662

Possibly one of the uniquer sentences ever posted on /sci/, wouldn't you say?

>> No.2442673

All other species weren't around at that point and humanity is gone. Have fun mating with the naked ass of a bonobo.

>> No.2442674

Lucky us, we humans have extensive knowledge on how to kill humans fast and efficiently.

>> No.2442680

What are you going to kill yourself with once the Earth is nothing but a pile of your naked dead bodies?

>> No.2442684

The only thing you would need to learn is how to build a fire, learn that wood burns, and start burning the fuck out of everything in sight!
I'm sure someone on the moon would notice the massive rock in the sky on fire and investigate.

>> No.2442687


My teeth + veins and arteries = GG full bleed out in 1 minute

>> No.2442691

They do not come to the Earth. Learn to read.

Then read these:

>> No.2442692

i would have no interest in going to the moon. seriously this scenario sounds like paradise. i would smoke weed and eat fruit and fish and such. i have good knowledge of plants and animals and geology from uni. make boat, live on tropical island. have sex with animals.

>> No.2442695

I don't know what the other guy does, but I'll prepare for a few minutes by gnawing out a couple of ulna from the bodies, snap them in half, making two pointy implements from each, then stab myself in the jugular and rip the bone back out diagonally to enlarge the wound.

>> No.2442699

Try bleed out in 10 minutes even if you felt no pain and were gruesomly efficient. It would be an additional 10 minutes until you are brain dead.

For fuck's sake, reread (>>2442653) you stupid asshole. Then google quintillion.

>> No.2442711

You are now aware that doing that until your bodies reached the Moon would take longer than how long you have until every star in the universe dies.

>> No.2442714

I am immortal.
The Earth is a desert of rotting me.
It's not like I have much else to do with my time but kill myself an infinite times.

>> No.2442719

Are you from Australia?


>> No.2442722

The 'kill yourself' choice a countless number of times sounds pretty boring and painful, although I suppose you'd get used to it after a while as you're supposed to retain your memories. Wouldn't it be more interesting to make a paradise out of earth or attempt to build some kind of civilization and THEN visit moon.

>> No.2442724

Once the bodies pile up above your spawn point, and the pressure becomes such as to crush you to shit every time you spawn, the death time will decrease exponentially.

Like, once you've got a pile of corpses double the mass of the Earth, you're going to have Earth-core temperature and pressure fucking you over down there. This would get faster and faster until you get past the schwarzchild radius, at which point the death time is like a fifth of a nanosecond (speed of light is a meter a nanosecond in vacuum, your head is one fifth of a meter maximum)

>> No.2442726
File: 260 KB, 719x671, treeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite a while.

Step 1: punch a couple trees to get blocks of wood.
Step 2: build a workbench out of said wood.
Step 3: build a wooden pickaxe
Step 1,000,000 build ladder to the moon

>> No.2442732


They wont interfere with you at all. Saving you is interfering.

>> No.2442733

>no humans
Are all of you retarded?

>> No.2442739


As I said before, you cant spawn where you immedietly die or die because of the consequences of spawning(ie. mountaintop, water etc.). you would simply spawn next to the previous corpse.

>> No.2442741

I think you're the one that needs to listen, sir.
He has said that the dead bodies do not appear on earth, and that you may not respawn in a point that gets you killed.

>> No.2442742

There isn't a single spawn spot and you sure as hell wouldn't spawn within your own dead bodies. You would spawn on the surface.

>> No.2442743


domesticate shit and train them, you literally have the time to raise intelligent species

feeding monkies with protein rich and easily digestable meals in a stimulating environment would do it in a few millennia with a few lucky mutations

>> No.2442747

Is your name Lamarck by chance?

Pick up a biology text book.

>> No.2442748

Options for having a civilization:
1) Build technology advanced to clone yourself (female counterparts if needed too)
2) Inbreed with closest homo sapiens or closest primates that you can find. Eventually you'll reach a genetic code close enough to yours, as long as breeding is still possible.
3) With all the time that you have, you develop science and technology until you can manufacture your own integrated circuits. Spend a long time until you manage to create a human-like AI.

>> No.2442752


>few millennia

can you read?

>> No.2442754

hey guise.
explain to me, WHY would this shit take thousands of years?
I mean, maybe if we were completely retarded, then never. but that isn't the case, the hypotetical is that we, at this very instant, fortunate or unfortunate enough get transported to that reality.
We know about tools, about farming.. about the moon civilization and what happens when we die.
We know such technology can be built.
But we don't really know ALL the stuff that's behind it. Why would it take thousands of years to do so?

>> No.2442761

paradise without people is hell

You don't understand.
I know this.
And I have planned for this.
After I reach the moon, I'll tell the other humans the plan, which is this:
When even the last stars have frozen down to cmb temperatures, I will keep on killing myself.

Human body is mostly water. Meaning it is mostly hydrogen and oxygen. Both of these are light, fusible elements.

If I die an infinite times, I can breed a new era of stars all through the cosmos.

And humanity will have made the formerly destined-for-heat-death-universe into a universe of constant creation.

And in this universe, the time of light and life never has to end.
All I have to do is die infinitely.
To that end, it's not a big sacrifice.

So get on the moon Anonymous.
I will sacrifice myself to give you life eternal.
Because I love you.

>> No.2442764
File: 11 KB, 136x166, kimiko22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2442766


>> No.2442769

doesn't explain shit.

>> No.2442773

Thank you. Always take your premise to the logical end.

>> No.2442779

to solve this problem is to solve P =! NP :)

>> No.2442784

I'ts as step by step as shit is going to get. You have to realize that you are going to need to feed yourself and recreate nearly every major technological step mankind has ever made by yourself. Resources will have to be dug out of the ground and moved by you. Thousands of miles to be traversed to accumulate the range of materials needed to create even a small rocket let alone one equivalent to a Saturn V. And without hundreds of people to double check your work you will fail nearly every time given the number of components involved in created the most powerful machine in human history.

If your time estimated is anything less than several tens of thousands of years then you are delusional.

>> No.2442793

build basic radio array with a natural energy source that is strong enough to transmit signal to the moon...

hmm, so build a generator that i can power with steam plus the radio appartus probably 20-30 years.

>> No.2442795

Which is why one should do everything they can not to everything by themselves, which essentially means either trying to clone himself, or try to select intelligence in mammals, or breed with close primates or advance technology enough and work on human-like AI and at least automation. Basically, trying to do all the manual labor yourself would be incredibly boring.

>> No.2442798

It would take even longer to create computers, and MUCH longer if you are planning on evolving a new species.

>> No.2442799

it's been stated that moon-people will not interfere with earth for any fucking reason at all, even if it fucking kills them.

For fuck sakes, why don't people read every post in the thread before posting themselves? Do you suffer from autism?

>> No.2442801

Then I'd build a big fucking gun and destroy the moonbase from Earth, like a big "FUCK YOU FOR NOT HELPING ME".

>> No.2442802

>they don't know that you exist and wont interfere with earth at all.

interefere does not equal interact.
>isn't it obvious that once they know i exist they will come to investigate.

hurr im a dumb dumb dumb.

>> No.2442803


Physically get there? Millenia, tens of millenia probably. Sending a message? Maybe within 1,000 years, either to build something large enough to see from the moon or to build a radio strong enough to actually break our atmosphere.

>> No.2442805

Longer than 100000 years? Why? This is 5000BC, homo sapiens sapiens should exist. If he explicitly wiped out homo sapiens sapiens, then you look for the next closest ancestor, meaning homo sapiens, if that was wiped out too, you look for the next and so on.

>> No.2442806

That's actually the proposed objective of some of us here.
interfere implies interact.

>> No.2442811


They wont come to help you. At all.

You can build radios, send unmanned rockets and smoke signals as long you want they wont help you and wont communicate with you until you knock on the door of the moonbase.

>> No.2442814

I love how people try to go the easy route saying "RADIO LOL I WIN XD" then get assmad when op says the moonfuckers arent coming the earth.

By the way, how could I destroy the moon? Building nukes? trying to find yellowcake, then enriching than building rockets sounds tedious and might aswell enjoy some moon pussy, rather than destroy them in a rage

>> No.2442822

fart in the moons general direction hoping that some of it will get pass through the natural shields of earth, and vacuum of space and reach the moons surface, pushing it away little by little untill you manage to move it from its orbit making it collide with the sun

>> No.2442828


Well, if I am some kind of demigod, would I die if I'm naked in space and would I need food?

If no, assuming I have all the time in the world and the population on the moon doesn't die out ever, I would just built a giant ass tower high enough to penetrate earth atmosphere and swim to the moon?

if yes, I would need to figure a way to make a astronaut suit and enough oxygen supply for me to swim to the moon.

>> No.2442833
File: 53 KB, 450x439, 1251545040449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can swim in space? COOL!!!!

>> No.2442834

>humans on moonbase
"Why the fuck are we here? There's nothing here but gray rocks. Why don't we build a spaceship and go back to Earth? There's fresh food and water there for all of us! And we don't have to wear these stupid spacesuits every time we go outside!"

>> No.2442836

perhaps the moon is terraformed?
they will not go to earth, they will not think about earth, they will ignore what happens to earth, they will be douchebags to earth. they hate earth, they believe that earth is the scumbag of the universe and that god has given them the right to ignore earth.
therefor, they will not fuck with earth.

>> No.2442840

step 1:
kill myself in a way that allows for resuscitation if applied in a timely fashion, but still means clinical/practical death.
step 2:
respawn and resuscitate myself
step 3:
step 4:
divide myself into 'breeding' groups and worker groups.
step 5:
Build army and destroy moonbase with my space fleet.
step 6:

>> No.2442853


If you say no humans exist but myself, why are there humans existing on the moon?

>> No.2442858

>You are the only human alive on Earth but you know theres an base on the Moon, populated by humans who will give you company if you get there. They dont know that you exist and they wont interfere with Earth at all.

exact fucking words

>> No.2442859

by the way, clones that die of starvation or thirst get incinerated as fuel.

that way I dont have to do agriculture or anything similar.

>> No.2442864

you'd go bat-shit crazy in no time, and immortality would make existence torturous.

>> No.2442865

Build tower of Babel
Build pyramid (fulcrum)
Build epic lever
Rig something massive to fall off of tower and onto lever
Have some way to protect yourself 200Gs (golly, that's not asking much)
Launch yourself out of atmosphere so people on moonbase notice/care/are able to pick you up

>> No.2442872

Well, that is not interfering with earth at all.
But I think I read in this thread along the lines
>the moon wont' give a fuck about you unless you are right at their door step

>> No.2442878

you would never get there. Think about it, so many things are impossible to do alone. Take for example the fuel needed for a spaceship. You can't go get oil on your own, that requires a team/group of experienced people.

Sorry OP. However, if you were the perfect being and were together with another perfect being of the other sex, then it would be possible since you could procreate an army of immortals.

If you take that into consideration, then you could probably do it in about 2000 years, if you already had some rocketscience knowledge you would be able to teach your thousands of children. Enjoy

>> No.2442881

But if you miss the moon you'll be hurtling through space reincarnating every time you die (which will be really dam often)

>> No.2442886

I can't figure out how to get from outside of Earths gravity to the moon. Flap arms? No. Rainbow? Doubt it. A long enough grappling hook would be able to hit the moon since nothing would be slowing it down. You'd be iced by the time it got there though. If you had a laser or a giant mirror you could get the attention of the moonbase. But that's kinda pointless if they wouldn't come to you.

>> No.2442890

think about it, if you destroy the earth, you can destroy the moon colony thanks to the energy that will be released from it.
But how will you trigger such thing is beyond me.
But that's an alternative to fuck the moon people up.

>> No.2442906

it would take longer than it took the species. many thousands of years longer. and it may be truly impossible.

>> No.2442912

I'd probably walk to the moon in a few days and go to the spacestation naked, rape everyone, and if I get killed, reincarnate and do it over again

>> No.2442937

It would be impossible to get to the moon without enough people to breed and produce many generations for the development of the material sciences, mining, machine making, chemical manufacturing, not even to start on rocket science, which is probably the easiest part. Even with complete modern knowledge of a scientist, it will take many generations to relearn the mining and manufacturing and workforce-managing practicalities, not to mention policing and politics, farming, animal domestication, and economics capable of sustaining the people and providing enough wealth for a large number of them to work on industrial development and science.

You will also need to greatly expand numbers and explore new parts of the world, as this is the only way to get all the necessary raw materials, of which many are hard to find.

If there are people on the moon, it would be far easier to find a way to signal them.

>> No.2442966

If you could manage to build a radio, it would allow you to understand their situation better. I'd like to know why they won't interfere with Earth. Maybe ask them to come pick you up if you can catapult yourself out of Earths atmosphere. They have incentive to come get you; you're the ultimate test subject.

>> No.2442983

Uhh interfere means to

"come between so as to be hindrance or obstacle; "Your talking interferes with my work!""

you said they would not interfere with your work doesn't mean they can't help you once they are aware of your presence lrn2english.

>> No.2443005
File: 200 KB, 435x580, de .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be a creationist if you believe there would be no humans\"human like" simians 5000 years ago. Many civilizations, other than white, that have been around for 7000 years. Do the math

>> No.2443007

Are you saying that they could assist you once they became aware of you? So the question would be more about how do we signal them than how does one person get into space?

>> No.2443013


wtf? Seriously guys, do you know what a thouht experiment is? Nobody is cares what the reason is behind their un-cooperativeness is.

If you cannot use strict rules i beg you all think of it like this:

The moon peaople have lived there for centuries, they don't know how they got tehre, they don't believe humans ever existed anywhere else, They have no communication devices and spaceships, rockets. They have, however infinte oxygen, food and the ability to move around the surface in space-suits (which also self repair, so you dont ever run out of them).

>> No.2443029 [DELETED] 


Check out definition 2 of the word:


>> No.2443030
File: 59 KB, 621x389, head shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you mean thoughtless experiment.

At least we can spell

>> No.2443033


Check out definition three:

"To intervene or intrude in the affairs of others; meddle."


>> No.2443039

>an base

>> No.2443598

[SPOILER]this is what happened over 15 billion years ago[/SPOILER]