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2440618 No.2440618 [Reply] [Original]

So /sci/, what did you faggots think of the new Zeitgeist: Moving Forward?


pic unrelated.

>> No.2440630

Bullshit mixed with more bullshit.

>> No.2440638

Sounds about right.

>> No.2440650

Not a whole lot to be honest.

>> No.2440651

I know people who actually believe in this shit.
How do I convince them that it's bullshit?

>> No.2440669 [DELETED] 

Well you have to specific, for one. What was bullshit? And what reliable facts do have to support your notion of what was bullshit?

I'm watching it now for the first time....

>> No.2440676

You are just as bad as the people taken in by the claims the movie makes without thinking about it. If you are so smart and know it's bullshit for sure, you should be able to tell them why without help.

>> No.2440679

Step 1: Ask them if they want people living in houses. If they do, then we need hammers, saws, nails, etc., and the only way that's happening is if we have specialization of labor.

So, how does the hammer maker get food?
1- He barters his hammers for food.
2- He sells his hammers for money, and buys food.
3- A ridiculously complex system whereby the state controls all aspects of the economy.

Proceed to ridicule 3 as unpracticable. Inform them that it's basically impossible to program a computer which could actually run the economy to any satisfactory degree.

>> No.2440680

Well you have to be specific, for one. What was bullshit? And what reliable facts do have to support your notion of what was bullshit?

I'm watching it now for the first time, so I'll see I guess.

>> No.2440694

Why you saging my thread, negro?

>> No.2440716

Why is this thread posted twice a day!? Why was /new/ deleted, now all the tinfoil hatters come here.
Saeg for pseudoscience.

>> No.2440724

The Venus Project sees clothes as something that they could easily do without. Seriously. While this could be appealing for the viewing of beautiful women, the majority of people have disgusting bodies.

>> No.2440726

Forgot my sage. (Yes, I realize sage is useless, I'm just that mad.)

>> No.2440728
File: 42 KB, 704x400, terrible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn it, why so many FUCKING ZEITGEIST THREADS.

fuck this gay thread fuck this gay thread fuck this gay thread fuck this gay thread fuck this gay thread fuck this gay thread fuck this gay thread fuck this gay thread fuck this gay thread fuck this gay thread fuck this gay thread fuck this gay thread fuck this gay thread fuck this gay thread

>> No.2440736

Basically, I thought this

>> No.2440739


>> No.2440761

Tried watching it, but after about 15 mintutes the bullshit was too much.

At the very start they say that "one of the most dangerous notions is that behaviour is genetic". They use the word "dangerous" to try and end the debate.

Behaviour is almost 100 % genetic. I behave like a human because of my genetics.

>> No.2440770
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>> No.2440783

Apparently, that 's what they thought too, if you kept watching. Not that I don't blame you. One of my conspiracy friends on facebook posted an angry rant about that, that's the only reason I know. Apparently saying behavior is genetic is grounds to throw a fit on facebook, condemning a whole movement. The whole thing's silly either way.

>> No.2440784

I know I'm absolutely right and there is absolutely no way I'm wrong, so I ignore facts because my opinion trumps them.

>> No.2440788

I haven't watched it and personally think these threads don't belong here, buuuuut..
dude, behaviour is to an extremely large extent determined by cultural/social/parental contexts. Of course there are certain biological certainties, such as your "behaviour" of eating, breathing and wanting to fuck, but what you said is just stupid.

>> No.2440792


I'll bite. because the ARTIST that makes these movies openly admits he doesn't care about facts.

also go fuck yourself dipshit, there is no fucking burden of proof for people subjected to this inane speculative turd.

go buy some fucking land and start a commune and show an example of your bullshit theories if you believe them so much. then let some random criminals, idiots, pricks, and several other cultures in and see if it still works. too hard? do what you're really motivated to do and go die of old age working for a gas station bitching about the man. just shut the fuck up.

>> No.2440795

>contributing to the debate

choose one

>> No.2440808

Not samefag.

>> No.2440814

>I'll bite. because the ARTIST that makes these movies openly admits he doesn't care about facts.

That sentence alone would have been fine. I just wanted to know what parts of the movie to look out for, calm down bro.

>> No.2440813

> behavior is genetic
Yea, my memory is genetic to. Assassin's creed isn't a video game, its an interactive documentary.

The only thing supporting the genetic behavior theory is anecdotal circlejerking.

>> No.2440824

And the many studies which all show that humans share a similar innate Kantian morality.

Except well documented evidence like that.

>> No.2440832

Watched, good vid, don't exactly agree with him on everything but he knows econ

>> No.2440848

Speaking of cranky economics, anyone else here use Bitcoin? 1BTC=40 cents, which is pretty crazy for a completely made up currency. I'm putting all my video card's runtime into processing hashes of all pending transactions, earning shares in the additional bitcoins created as an incentive to do so.


>> No.2440853

>enact study to determine if morality is universal
>don't account for the fact 99.9% of people will answer what they think you want to hear when present with moral dilemma.
Divide by derp.

>> No.2440855

Behaviour is 100 % genetic. My genetics define my physical make-up, including my ability to sense and interact with the surrounding environment (it gives me ears and eyes and arms etc). Therefore without any senses I cannot behave.

Problem /sci/?

>> No.2440858

wait, what?

>> No.2440861

>don't account for the fact 99.9% of people will answer what they think you want to hear when present with moral dilemma.
Citations please.

Oh wait, you're just pulling that out of your ass.

>> No.2440869

bitcoin kinda snuck into legitimacy by being one of the very few ways to move money anonymously.

>> No.2440866

Without genetics Andrew Wiles would never have been able to prove Fermat's last thm.

Thus the proof Fermat's last thm is completely genetic.

Also bicycles and condoms are genetic.

>> No.2440899

Yeah, there's one guy on the Bitcoin forum who's trying to take down the Chinese government by trading Yuan for bitcoins. He only has 500 yuan, and if you "buy" them he just keeps them at his house unless you come over to get them from him.

Not to say serious people don't use it and just stay a lot quieter than the nutters.

>> No.2440940

Basically it uses public key cryptography to "sign" any transactions you send out with your key and that of the recipient, so everyone can see that you've sent off money and the recipient can prove they're the ones who got it (because they have the private key for the public key they use to send out money). Everyone has a list of all transactions made so by adding it up you can see how much money is associated with which public key. Oh, and to encourage people to work on keeping this list of transactions current those who put their computer time to it get rewarded with bitcoins (which is how they get created in the first place). There's an upper limit on how many can exist in total, though.

>> No.2440973


Stop making yourself look like an asshat.


Ditto, seriously.

>> No.2442033

Well it's light years better than the original since it at least doesn't devolve into conspiracy nonsense. The ideas presented are interesting and probably could "work" on a smaller level. And by "work" I mean it could function as a system and not break down but wouldn't deliver to any major degree the utopian promises it claims the system would bring. Basically they are suggesting making the world one giant control system, which I suppose could be done in principle, but you'd need an army of engineers to pull something like that together, even at a smaller scale it would be very difficult. The Soviets had a similar system and they found it impossible to continue as the economy grew and diversified, plus it didn't work particularly well. I do think however that this sort of system could be used for some future Mars colony or a small test village for proof of concept. I'm not as dismissive as a lot of people about this honestly, though I don't think I'll be holding my breath on the inevitability of this system.

tldr; interesting idea, but probably impractical for the near term due to limitations in technology, though they should try it on a small scale, also won't deliver the bill of goods promised. No debunking needed either, not conspiracy crap.

>> No.2442043

Beast. My generation (generation X from 1990's) already thinks this way. Every child from my generation agrees with this. Cya dumb hick war generation of 1930

>> No.2442060


Oh, I should also just mention as a way to expand on my comment that this isn't really a new idea per se. Lot's of these ideas grew out of Cybernetics, which has been around in one form or another for around a hundred years. Also the Chileans experimented with a tangentially related system called Project Cybersyn. Also many factories use enterprise resource planning systems with great success. Also the Soviets, though they were even more limited by technology. So yeah I think the potential is there, but the idea is embryonic at the moment.

>> No.2442076


One final thought. I see the seeds for totalitarianism in the utopian vision of eliminating all violence, the 5% they were talking about wouldn't be changed by lack of social stratification etc. Reconfiguring entire societies to fit the needs of a tiny minority usually end up in tyranny. It's the old question of positive liberty vs. negative liberty. This is why lots of people bash liberals, they want everyone else to pick up the slack for or kowtow to some perceived oppressed minority. Also why identity politics are so corrosive, but that's another conversation entirely.

>> No.2442078

My eye is twitching from someone quoting Beast from X-Men as a reliable source on scientific discussions... Please don't do that.

>> No.2442098

i liked the idea of a fully mechanised labor force. I don't see any down side from it besides some stupid hicks losing there jobs and complaining

>> No.2442183


>zeitgeist starts talking about gpd and living standards
>make sweeping and inaccurate generalizations
>zeitgeist fails