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2437157 No.2437157 [Reply] [Original]

Ask someone in lab on a Saturday anything

>> No.2437163

Do you like waffles?

>> No.2437164

Yes. I prefer them over pancakes

>> No.2437165

Schedule? early morning/late nights? Do you like it? why? why not?

>> No.2437167

what type of lab/subject?

>> No.2437168

I prefer syrup over mine.

>> No.2437171

I was just about to go into lab today myself.

Captcha: research itservit

>> No.2437174

can you make LSD

>> No.2437187

I usually come in around 9 depending on what I need to do. And then I stay until I'm done with what I'm doing. Sometimes not till 8. I don't dislike it. The only time I don't like it is when I don't get a chance to eat.

Technically it's in the genetics department. We work with human embryonic stem cells and developmental neurobiology.


>> No.2437201

Time to genetically engineer a cocktopus.

>> No.2437204

Senior Design?

If, so why aren't you working your ass off so you can get out of the lab as quick as possible and play the vidya?

>> No.2437208

why would you want to make LSD? >>2437174

besides the fact you'de "trip" if you did make it theres no way you would know the correct dosage and what concentration the product you have just made would be without over9000 anylitical chemists helping you.

>> No.2437226

I don't know what you mean by "Senior Design."

I'm not working my ass off because there's nothing I can do to speed it up. Polyornithine only dries so fast. So I have about another hour and a half until I can coat it with Laminin.

>> No.2437236

you'd dissolve some of the pure stuff in ALOT of water, then give it a try :D

also, you'd make it because you'd want it to be 100% pure

>> No.2437333

how much was your last grant for?

>> No.2437353

the most recent money we got was from the new york stem cell foundation for I think 1.5 million

>> No.2437363

sounds like a well funded lab, what journels have you published in? cell, PNAS, nature, science, Journal of Clinical Investigation, Stem Cells and Development?

>> No.2437375

Personally. I haven't published at all. I'm a first year. Although if what I'm trying to do works it will probably be able to get me into some top tier journals.

My PI has published in Nature, PNAS, human mol gen. and been on a bunch of other papers.

Our lab just got a paper accepted to Cell Stem Cell like last week.

>> No.2438001

do you work at a university or a private facility?