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File: 33 KB, 500x367, wtc7-bbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2436722 No.2436722 [Reply] [Original]

It still hasn't been explained how the BBC knew that WTC7 was going to collapse.

Their excuse: "we had a lot of information floating around that day. It was coincidence". lol okay that settles it.

I don't believe in conspiracy theories but this couldn't have been a coincidence.

>> No.2436725

Go find another board. This isn't /new/

>> No.2436739

It was on fire and had some shit fall on it. They just fucked up and reported it wrong.

>> No.2436757

And so what?
Look, we all know we live in a corrupt society controlled by evil, manipulating, manics. But So What? Its not like there is anything anyone of us can do about it. Try and protest and you will just be labelled a nutcase, accused of being a terrorist (or if you actually manage to have an effect, get killed).

Time has well passed the window of opportunity for change, the world is now more or less the property of people without any shred of decency, compassion or ethics. It's time you faced the facts and accepted this.

There is no use in rebelling, you will fail. Rather try to find a place for yourself and your descendants in this system so your genes will survive until the time this system fails (usually everything fails on a long enough time-scale).

>> No.2436763

Nono. OP is right. It must have been the work of pastafarians. They prayed for it and then FSM brought it down.
with his noodly appendage.

>> No.2436776


>Time has well passed the window of opportunity for change

I don't buy that. Change is always occuring even without manipulation by "the few" and your post also contradicts itself.

>> No.2436777


I didn't say it was a conspiracy, I'm asking if there's an explanation better than what the BBC gave.

Calm down and stop getting butthurt over anything.

>> No.2436805


>> No.2436809


wow well done, the thread was on the second page and i was about to delete it, but tell me, what did that achieve?

>> No.2436817


>> No.2436819
File: 23 KB, 363x365, problem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2436820

>....and your post also contradicts itself.
really? how so?

>> No.2436821

They used a delayed footage so, if any shit went down that they couldn't broadcast live, they could kill the feed.

>> No.2436822

Everyone knew for 4 hours that it was going to collapse. That's why they pulled the firefighters out. What's the fucking mystery? Are you stupid?

>> No.2436830


They knew there was a chance it was going to go down because that's what the inside scoop was. So basically the bbc knew that the word was that 7 was very likely to collapse and had already prepared transcripts to read off of in the case of such an eventuality(isn't that what happened during the course of this video?).

>> No.2436834


No it was live, 8 minutes before it collapsed it was shown in the UK. can people stop saying it was old footage.


How did they know then, genius?

>> No.2436841

You have the mind of a teenager, and a dimwitted one to boot. That could be because you are a teenager, but if not I think it's time to grow out of it.

>> No.2436843


You said to just give up and watch the show. They you said that the circus would collapse one day. So on one hand you say it's futile to resist but on the other you say the system will collapse one day and to just wait for that day. Basically you are handing the task of change to an unknown entity whilst paradoxically claiming change cannot be effected.

>> No.2436851


You're a mod?

>> No.2436856


not the guy you're replying to but i don't see a contradiction

the collapse itself is part of the current system. there's nothing you can do to change the current system, which will eventually collapse.

>> No.2436858

You americans don't put much effort into your buildings

Given the love affair with Asbestos as well its impressive that so many steel framed buildings collapsed on the same day

>> No.2436863

ad hominem has no value in regards to facts. if you claim that i contradict myself, state the contradiction clearly.

oh, and incidently I am 43 y/o, and own two businesses.

>> No.2436896


There's plenty you can do to change the effect the current system has on you. You can also change a little part of the system by joining it. Basically my point was that anon was proposing to just act like a squirrel that takes it's nuts to the nest and hibernates but that's just self defeating and pointless. There's plenty to learn in terms of how to game the system and lots of important choices to make.

>> No.2436898

yeah, note that i also wrote "on a long enough time-scale"
that could be hundreds or even thousands of years for all we know.

There have been quite a few empires throughout history where criticism of the rulers equalled certain death. History teaches us that the best option (from the perspective of your family and genes) is to adapt in a "if you cant beat them, join them" fashion.