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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2435779 No.2435779 [Reply] [Original]

Why are men so attracted to breasts?

>> No.2435784

Bullshit, I'm not.

I only like flat chests.

>> No.2435792


>> No.2435798

breastesses are surrogate buttcheeks to look at since we started to stand straight and thus gained the ability for face to face sexy tiem.

>> No.2435802

enjoy your pseudoscience

>> No.2435804

Being attracted to big breasts improves the chance that offspring will get nutritious breast milk. Thus the genes for the aforementioned attraction are selected for.

>> No.2435815

... even though the correlation between breast size and milk production is pretty poor.

It just *convinces* you that is the case, and that's good enough for natural selection.

>> No.2435832

>implying there is a reason
The majority of the morphological phenotype of any organism has no adaptation and is arrived at by neutral evolution. Sexual preference evolution (what you're asking for) doesn't have to have a reason, one mate simply has to have a preference. Why do peacock females like huge ass tails? No reason.

This is the biggest load of crud I've ever heard of.

>> No.2435846

My guess is that it's more cultural than genetic. Breasts are a body part which looks different on women and which is covered up in public. And they're prettier than vaginas. And not all straight men are attracted to breasts anyway, as has been already pointed out.

>> No.2435851

Cause boobs are awesome.

>> No.2435855

>This is the biggest load of crud I've ever heard of.

yet it remains the prevailing opinion. Get to work advancing a superior alternative. Go.

also there is a reason peacocks have huge-ass tail feathers, as you well know. Handicaps that are costly to produce and maintain display vigor like nothing else.

and fuck a sexy son also.

>> No.2435860

>My guess is that it's more cultural than genetic. Breasts are a body part which looks different on women and which is covered up in public.
Then why did the breasts evolve in the first place?

>> No.2435863

I find it silly that men are so opposed to fat women, yet they obsess over breasts which are just large bags of fat on her.

>> No.2435867

>there is a reason peacocks have huge-ass tail feathers
Yeah, females get horny when they see it.

A guy gets horny at larger than average (a cup) bewbs, he impregnates his mate 20 times more than the average. His "I liek boobs" and her "I haf boobs" genes are passed on.

>> No.2435870

In some cultures, women don't cover their breasts. New people who go to that village/area are often called "Man-who-stares-a-lot" for a few weeks.
The current residents just stopped seeing breasts as an erogenous zone.

>> No.2435877

>yet it remains the prevailing opinion


>> No.2435881


confirmed dull.

There doesn't have to be a purpose, but there does have to be a cause. You're so busy denying teleology that you've gone and denied reality.

>> No.2435889

the current consensus is that larger breasts are arousing because they look a bit like butt cheeks, and men like to look at butt cheeks while they fuck. A holdover from when we used to only be able to doggystyle.

>> No.2435902

Am I denying that there was a cause? OPs not asking for how the whole thing evolved, but why men are today attracted to breasts.

Answer is there is no reason.

>> No.2435908


>fallacy of defective induction

prove it saying -evry1 els think so!- is not valid

>> No.2435911

you learned a little logic, but not enough.

there is no proof in science, nor deduction.

there is induction, which means if another can advance a better hypothesis it will rise.

that is all the proof science has. Only you would ask for more.

>> No.2435914
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It is against my will but i enjoy the ride.

>> No.2435920

in the US "how"="why"="reason"

I suppose exceptions must be made for differences in language.

>> No.2435922

I call bullshit, everyone says this, but it just seems like something someone has thought of as slightly logical and everyone has started sprouting it out like 10% of brain shit.

And since when did asses have nipples which i find so attractive.

>> No.2435925

>there's no proof in science, nor deduction
Obvious fallacy is obvious.

Keep your philosophy/religious bullshit out of /sci/.

>> No.2435929

not everybody's saying it. I am. It's not my work though, and I'm not personally invested in it.

some support for the idea can be found in sexual displays of asses in every single other ape. would you guess this is a lot of convergent evolution in a number of lineages, or is there perhaps something about apes that makes them like ass?

>> No.2435931
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This thread is now about philosophy of science.

>> No.2435933


science is induction

religion is deduction and proof.
so is math.

you don't know this?

>> No.2435940

Wider hips which are essential for a nice ass help humans and to a lesser extent apes give birth easier.
A round nice ass shows fat is stored in the right place for survival but its not saggy shit shows age and such.

>> No.2435948

>Handicaps that are costly to produce and maintain display vigor like nothing else.
THAT's actually the biggest load of crud. It's mind-numbing idiots looking for a way to claim "if it helps, the evolution selects for it, and if it hinders, then evolution selects for it -- there, I've explained why everything exists in evolution". Bullshit.

>> No.2435961


we know we like tits for one of the same reasons we like ass... they both display fitness.

now is it odd that a fitness display much like the fat on a nice round ass managed to evolve on humans about the same time that humans began to stand erect and thus became capable of ventral sexual displays? and is it also coincidence that that ventral display didn't happen to evolve on other animals that don't have face to face sex and thus would be hiding the display?

>> No.2435959

Evolutionary biologists have discovered that a lot of the physical traits we consider attractive have a sound basis in genetics. Choosing the right mate obviously is a very important decision - so our genes have, over time, learned to help us out. We tend to find indications of health to be attractive. Signs of disease, malnutrition, or general unfitness are perceived as unattractive.

How does this explain the male fascination with big breasts? Well, it sounds like a reach, but here it is: humans are the only primates that have sex face-to-face. All other primates choose the front-to-back position. Human females are along among the primates in having large breasts even when not nursing. Evolutionary biologists theorize that large breasts look like a butt! Crazy as it sounds, all the evidence fits: all primates are turned on by butts - except people. Only humans have large breasts and mate face-to-face. Therefore, maybe big breasts evolved in imitation of buttocks.

Here's another explanation that's easier to believe: larger breasts indicate adequate stores of subcutaneous fat, which is a sign of health. Flat breasts may indicate a post-menopausal woman who is no longer able to have children and therefore not an ideal mate from the evolutionary perspective.

>> No.2435962

No, you fucking retard. Wild-ass suppositions with no supporting evidence and no falsifiablility, are NOT how science works, no matter how many people buy into the bullshit.

>> No.2435966

false dichotomy

evolution isn't one mechanism or another. it's both. sorry if the complexity threatens you.

>> No.2435971

But i dont think its directly because they mimick asses, more because they fill the same role.

Also chimps have boobs.

>> No.2435973

it is your job to provide a better explanation, not mine.

that's how science works.
maybe not your science, but mine.

avoid green biology, you won't like it.

>> No.2435975

>why girls like dicks?

>> No.2435979

because they are sluts.

>> No.2435981

all mammals have boobs.

chimp boobs are smaller than a lot of human boobs. chimp dicks are smaller than a lot of human dicks.

so you believe that sexual displays on humans happen to be on the front and back purely coincidentally?

>> No.2435984

Starving woman has flat chest
Starving woman dies before your babbies are born
No little copies of you

Obese woman has large tits
Obese woman gets ate by rhino
No little copies of you

Fit woman has decent tits
Fit woman don't starve and avoids rhino
Yay! Babbies!

>> No.2435991

I'm only attracted to breasts when they've clothed or covered. Naked breasts do literally nothing to arouse me. Is this weird? I feel the same way about a woman's ass.

>> No.2435994

No i meant they way breasts and ass are attractive evolved convergently, not that they happened to come about like that and then we happened liked them because theyre like an ass.

>> No.2436003

Completely covered, like with a shirt, or covered in a way that shows off cleavage? The latter makes sense because it displays possible intent to have sex. Clothed breasts are also perkier because they're being held up by a brassiere. And different people have widely different sexual tastes, so that's not even close to being weird.

>> No.2436005

because it makes them more 'womanly'

>> No.2436007

I am fucking crazy for tits. My girlfriend has DD's, and I can't help but go Fred Flinstone on that shit whenever she whips them out.

Then I overheard my mom talking about how it took her forever to get me to stop breastfeeding.

I didn't need to know that, but it explains a lot.

>> No.2436012

Not related, you dont even remember shit at that age.

>> No.2436016
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>implying you have to remember something in order for it to be a subconcious trait.

>> No.2436027

How is breast feeding gonna make you love breasts a bit too long gonna make you love breasts

>> No.2436030
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>gonna make you love breasts a bit too long gonna make you love breasts


>> No.2436045

>oh god what have i done

How is breast feeding a bit too long gonna make you love breasts.

>> No.2436048

I'm not a psychologist or know that much about how a person's mentality develops, but I suspect a stronger dependency on breasts if someone breast feeds longer than a normal child.

>> No.2436053


Men love the melons even without the breast feeding.
If it's a factor, it's not a significant one.

>> No.2436054

There is no proof in religion or philosophy and never was, you're confusing terminology together.

>> No.2436056

imo well-distributed fat in breast area meant good health and fertility. This lead to runaway sexual selection.

>> No.2436059

A tangible connection between breasts and pleasure/sustainance

>> No.2436066

theology rests on a number of a priori arguments that can be proven deductively yet have no correlation to reality and thus lack inductive evidence.

you are a pedantic fucker, aren't you? I'm off to bed. best of luck to you.

>> No.2436068

That's theology though, not religion.

>> No.2436150


Big ol' titties means the woman has some fat on her, which means she's more likely to survive long enough to have the kid.

>> No.2437211

Big ones sag with age, so it makes it easier to tell if a woman is young and in her prime.

>> No.2437740

Rhinos eating people?
what is this James and the giant peach?

>> No.2437774

big tits are hot because they are hot

hurray for non-scientific answers

>> No.2437791
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Engineers don't like women.