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File: 113 KB, 350x366, alien-midway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2433885 No.2433885 [Reply] [Original]

I really need some anon opinion here, I have just looked at a thread in which someone showed a pic of humans in space which looks like quite some time from now. Maybe if some alien race to us were to swoop by and give some really nice technology, the advancement of our math and technology might rise faster than we think (and maybe I can live to see space traveling in my lifetime). Come on guys, I need some opinions whether aliens (since I'm quite sure there are a race out there somewhere, but maybe there is one closer to us who have contacted us) have been to Earth yet, or if there are any in range.

>> No.2433894

If aliens have been to Earth, then they have either worked secret deals with our government(s), or have judged us not worth contacting at all.

An official envoy would be the focus of every media source ever.

>> No.2433906


I completely agree, but I really wonder if any of those damn (mysterious lights) are actually extraterrestrials or just some government with an advanced aircraft that is just testing runs. It really bugs me when I have to question whether we will be doing space travel commercially within the next damn 30 to 40 years.

>> No.2433911

I highly recommend you watch this show from it's first episode.


It literally brainfucked me. I could go ahead and give you the premise of the show, but it would do it no justice at all. Seriously, it is really worth a watch.

>> No.2433939

Thanks a bunch for the vid reference, mate. I appreciate the help for my thirst of info

>> No.2433953

Why would they want to contact our government?

If they want to learn about humanity, our government might not be very revealant.

Personaly, I'd be Jesus' father or a pilgrim, or an alchemist.
Maybe not all Aliens are power craving.

>> No.2433967

It is THE shittiest show on History Channel. Even Ice Road Truckers is better because it at least is truthful.

"Did aliens build the obelisks in Egypt as radio towers? Or did the ancient Egyptians build them for religious purposes? We prefer the batshit insane alien idea, despite having no evidence."

>> No.2434062

>Religious purposes

Where do they come from?

>> No.2434111

The likliehood is that IF there were aliens out there right now, they would either be watching us, be about to make contact, about to leave, or have tried prior.

ever read the bible?
change jesus to alien-dude. IT FUCKING EXPLAINS ALL OF THE MIRACLES. It also (at the end, where he dies) might explain why they haven not attempted more contact.

shit we attribute to human ingenuity may in fact be aliens giving the ideas to us.


Humans gaining advanced technology is detrimental to every fucking thing. we are not prepared for it, although some of us are, most humans (see: Election of president George W. Bush) are not prepared for that kind of technology.

Korean War

Throwing us technology would be like giving a dog raised by michael vick fucking pneumatic teeth.
dangerous and with no point.

>> No.2434146

The ancient alien theory is the most plausible reasoning for a God. Now with that said, Aliens obviously exist, now whether or not they came in contact with Earth is up for debate.

What do I think? It seems plausible for at least a few to visit Earth I'd say just to check it out at the least.

>> No.2434196


You should seek psychological help.

>> No.2434632
File: 52 KB, 1255x509, berserker troll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I need to post the Berserker copypasta?

If there were aliens, and they are not retarded peaceniks we would already be dead. Because even with know technology we are already a threat to this entire galaxy. http://web.archive.org/web/20071022133749rn_1/www.mfbb.net/nuclearrockets/nuclearrockets-about12.htm

Rise up Sons of Man and crush the xenos scum beneath your iron heels!

>> No.2434652

This thread. Is dildoes.

>> No.2434665

I can say with 100% certainty that no intelligent life ever ever visited this planet in our species history. The Universe is too big.

>> No.2437479

>it's big
but it does a loop!

>> No.2437482


>> No.2437501

>humanity is a threat to humanity
>humanity gets wiped out too

Well shit

>> No.2437522

The most basic property of life is survival and reproduction, If there's life out there that values its existence it has to make sure it handles all threats. So it has to look out for threats and control or destroy them.
Its a necessity. So they are likely already here, or we are the first.

>> No.2437550

no anon, you are the aliens

>> No.2437580
File: 144 KB, 380x380, CarlSagan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If aliens have been to Earth, this man would be the first to know and be our spokesman. If the most excited person about alien encounters never found an alien...

Anyway, aliens are figures of our imagination. The big mistery is why are the aliens contacting weird retarded people from the middle of nowhere in United States above everyone else? Aliens are modern days demons and angels. Some people compare ancient tales of angel appearances and religious experiences to alien encounters, as if that people could not understand the aliens and assumed it was magical. Funny thing is that, for me, the opposite is also true and so modern people assume these modern demons are aliens. Truth is none of them are real, they are archetypes for our fears and hopes. Even the most famous design for aliens (big black eyes, big head, no hair, skinny body, long fingers) are a representation of ourselves evolved into something we don't understand (we have less hair, larger head than our ancestors for example). It's really weird how people flip this over, jumping into conclusions such as aliens created people or some shit like that. They use the contradictions to go even further in the myth rather than retreat to realize the nonsense.

Anyway, aliens are the magical characters in a world where the popular knowledge is way behind what the top scientists are discussing. I believe mythology has a lot more to say about aliens than astronomy, to be honest.

Also, what I'm talking here about the alien myth, UFO, and shit like that, not the possibility of existing life forms outside Earth.

>> No.2437581

Provided they can travel between the stars then they've probably got a level where evolutionary heritage is irrelevant and engineered out of their lives. Why do you need to survive if your mind state is backuped every morning in a remote location and in addition to that every second on a chip you carry in your head that can survive a direct hit from a tank HE round?

The worst thing that can happen is that you lose the memories of a single day.

Oh, and threats? What threats? All sky surveys will detect anything moving less than the speed of light decades before it reaches their home.

Or did you mean the aliens are contradictory idiots, they can build spaceships and design interstellar navigation algorithms, but they know shit about genes and neuroscience?

>> No.2437615

speaking of señor sagan:


>> No.2437631

I just imagine what would happen if our civilization ended somehow and another appeared.

They would see the ruins of Disney Land and theorize we worshipped some sort of humanoid rat alien god.

>> No.2437633

I personally think aliens came here a long time ago to play around with life and that they started life here. Think about it, if you had an antfarm, you wouldn't stare at it constantly, you look at it for maybe a few minutes, then come back a week later (which isn't that long for you), but it's been a long fucking time for the ants (maybe their whole lifetime) and you're standing there looking at them and they have no idea that they're being watched, because you're so far away by their standards.

We are that antfarm, also I think viruses might be some kind of alien technology that they used to regulate life on the planet, there is no other plausible explanation as of yet.

>> No.2437666
File: 223 KB, 624x352, cocaineisonehellofadrug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have the pyramids, don't we?
That's proof enough.

>> No.2437680

Perfect link, bro.

>Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence
I liked this.

Also, the Hill story is from 1947. Think about it politically, the World War was over, the cold war was about to start, the Americans controlled nuclear power and proved that is possible. Americans were now the strongest empire possible. And peopl cannot accept that they are on top of the world, they need mama and papa, they need a god, they need a mystical being. Alien encounters were reported often in the 50's. I believe there is a fine relationship between this two.

On a side note, I also think that's the reason why they have the bible belt.

>> No.2437684

Tried to contact? Are you implying that they could somehow fail?

If those bitches wanted to talk to us, you bet they would try and succeed.

>> No.2437748

Also, another failed point from alien enthusiasts is the conspiracy theory. Like there were a dozen of politicians and a dozen of scientists working on aliens, going home to their wife and kids and remaining quiet about it. This is not how science works at all. First because research is always there and biased information (pharmacy industry for example) only works because of the media. And believe me, the media would love to report on alien encounters.

Anyway, there is absolutely no reason for the government to hide information about aliens. People think that only because it's big, people will hide. Politicians hide stuff that could compromise themselves and finding aliens have absolutely nothing to do with it.

So it's unlikely to be true and if it were, it would be impossible to hide. Of course it's easy for enthusiasts to just ignore all this and continue to believe in aliens before believing the government is not hiding shit.

>> No.2440091

>plausible explanation...

your reasonning is creationism.
Science prefere causalism.

creationism: The giraffes have long neck so they can eat leaves. (No other explanation possible)

Theologism : God made giraffe tall (because his an alien)

causalism: Today's giraffes' ancestors with longer neck were advantaged so they survived much and procreated more than specimen with shorter neck. It took effect in time and now giraffes have long neck.

>> No.2440100

yeah, you believe in geocentric life. We get it. Shit's old

>> No.2440103

evolution is not geocentric. There was never a time when Earth was out of contact with the outside

>> No.2440110

>Humanoid aliens
You people are fucking stupid.

>> No.2440124

Exactly. If an alien spacecraft landed in a country, filled to the brim with weapons, the government would advertise it and show it off. Once they got it working.

The message would be clear to the rest of the world. Our technology is vastly superior now, and only our friends get rocket boots.

>> No.2440148

There is a 50/50 chance that aliens will be humanoid. So why are we stupid.

>> No.2440573

Something confuses me here. You guys who are semi-geocentric - you think life is out there but all past interactions with it are a gigantic worldwide hoax conspiracy - If there has been no contact in the past million years or so, why do you act like it's going to happen in the next decade?

>> No.2440582
File: 13 KB, 679x427, 1296104346616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is a 50/50 chance that aliens will be humanoid.
And what are you basing this off of?

>> No.2440597

Why are aliens always depicted to look like weird fucking hairless monkeys with giant heads and eyes and absurdly longer fingers?
What is to say there aren't a multitude of different races of extraterrestrials, some of which look similar to humans?

>> No.2440800

TWO WORDS: ZETA TUCANAE. We've already recieved a signal from them. And they look like furries. As soon as they visit us, someone will try to fuck them. It's inevitable. They ARE kind if pretty...

>> No.2440843

substantiate this claim.

>> No.2440856
File: 280 KB, 680x800, Farrensketches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artist's interpretation:

>> No.2440872

I came.

>> No.2440873

The chance of an alien race being humanoid is close to 0%. Stop taking science fiction as fact.

>> No.2440891

Humanoid forms are the most conducive to intelligence and therefore sentience. Take THAT.

>> No.2440901

With no hard evidence of alien contact, we can only estimate whether they theoretically could have visited us.

We need to know:
1) the age of the universe
2) how much time is required from the formation of the universe for a civilisation to develop
3) how much time is required for them to travel to us
4) would it be possible for them to travel from their home planet to ours

We could be one of the very first civilisations in the universe to delevop, if so no aliens will come knocking.

>> No.2440909

I'd fuck it.

>> No.2440996

You're a virgin, you'd fuck anything.

>> No.2441028
File: 70 KB, 323x330, salame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2441119
File: 26 KB, 492x329, dean16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying every religion doesn't fall into this category

>> No.2441122


>> No.2441138


>> No.2441150

Are you implying aliens dropped Jesus like artifacts on Earth which people began to worship? Or are you just saying every religion is just as ludicrous as a cargo cult?

>> No.2441177

why would they?
imagine this
>we have space travel
>we are part of a galactic alliance, a federation (pardon the star trek reference)
>you have peace
>you come across a planet with primitive life forms
>they are killing each other over pieces of land and resources, throwing away food while others starve.
>they get enjoyment my pretending to kill other people of their race(games)
they wont want anything to do with us. we cant make peace with ourselves how can we make peace with another race.
further more we are an incredibly racist society.
even the word racist. context:
> johnny :i don't like black people
>teacher : don't be so racist.
racist: being cruel to another race
> inferring black people are another race and not humans?

come on now

>> No.2441186
File: 19 KB, 264x319, dean23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm saying all religions are based on people experiencing/seeing things they didn't have the capacity to understand. That might include aliens flying around and dropping some stuff. Lots of religious stories read like science fiction from a modern perspective.

>> No.2441194

>implying we have any idea what kind of philosophy an interstellar race would have.
Come on, you aren't even trying.

>> No.2441206
File: 241 KB, 998x1041, ATHF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2441223
File: 61 KB, 531x513, 1281215195716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider the following: it makes a lot of sense for extraterrestrial sentients to no longer make their presence as evident now that humans have evolved into the age of cameras/videos/computers and technology. In today's age evidence of alien's could be worldwide within hours.

2000 years ago you could spot an alien wandering about and even if you told anyone it would never spread past your village/local folklore and you would most likely be seen as mentally disturbed.

We are obviously the product of intelligent design albeit an alien overlord or a divine entity.

>> No.2441227

We are probably an alien races little genetic experiment.

Deal with it.

>> No.2441260

It's funny just how isolated planets are from everything else in the universe. What makes anyone think that all the planets aren't just little petri dishes orbiting heat lamps so that beings in higher dimensions can study the creatures that live there?

If this is the case, it would also stand to reason that if any experimental trials attempted to leave their enclosures that they would be terminated.

>> No.2441262

Read up on the Sumerian's and the Annunaki. Sumerian's knew shit that science is just finding out. Shit is a great read.

>> No.2441283

Any race capable of traveling this far won't even recognize us as being contact worthy.

We're a pretty stupid, violent and young race.

And don't come with that conspiracy "the government is hiding it" shit. I mean, c'mon. "Contracts"? Seriously?

>> No.2441286


I was reading the the main difference between people and monkeys is a fused gene, which is not natural in nature since only humans have it and not other speics on the planet.

>> No.2441289
File: 24 KB, 382x369, 1279502201843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. Personally I wonder if the other planets in the Milky Way were "suppose" to have life on them but we explored them before life could be set up. What if the other planets have flourishing life but merely in a different dimension?

>> No.2441310

Non here to be a downer or anything.

YOU CANNOT view history from the past with CURRENT VIEW. Hence the reason with all this current "ET" bullshit and made up speculation with your own bias of trying to find meaning without scientific fact or evidence to support the truth.

The fact is we are alone it seems. And we will probably go extinct ourselves without ever finding "ET".

>> No.2441319

The difference that matters the most is actually a missing gene that causes our jaw muscles to be much less powerful than normal for apes. This allows far more space in the skull to be used for the brain (lack of massive jaw muscles) and for the ability to verbalize. Any other differences are mostly cosmetic.

>> No.2441320

Although I love science and math I refuse to subscribe to the idea that we became "something from nothing." Life being a genetic experiment "an organic simulation" if you will does make sense.

I argue that the way molecules interact which each other--the way gravity acts upon matter, the way chemicals come together to form our brains is far too complex to be without intelligent design.

>> No.2441328

Then you can have that view. Most people on this board, including me, will disagree with you. Because you're using fallacies.

>> No.2441332

Alright, here's the truth: The first intelligent civilization colonized most of the galaxy several million years ago, and has slowly been working its way toward the galactic core with the intention of using the black hole at the center as a compression device for its network, since, as time went on, they needed more and more power to run their simulation of the entire universe. As time went on, they figured out how to jeep themselves from dying by achieving a tehnological singularity. As such, they now percieve time much, much faster than we do, and, three billion years from now, will be fighting the primary race of the andromeda galaxy for dominance, since their core network is bound for a collision course with ours. They're trying to absorb our network, and they're trying to absorb ours. Once they collide, time travel will be possible, and both galaxies with attempt to change to past to better suit their needs and give themselves an advantage. Why do we exist? Because the network has changed the odds, because we will be very, very important in the future. Right now, most of the stars in the galaxy are being used for computation. Once we discover that, our lives will never, ever be simple again. Everyone has an important job to do. We've got a galaxy to save.

>> No.2441335
File: 23 KB, 230x345, r3659598038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or is God preparing Israel to be protected for the events of the bible?


Amazing UFO footage from The Dome of the Rock, in Jerusalem.

Picture is anon in Egypt fighting for freedom.

>> No.2441340

Explain to me how it makes sense for inorganic elements to suddenly form life?

I'll wait.

+10000 if you can even attempt to describe how complex thought can develop from evolution.

>> No.2441342
File: 40 KB, 600x376, 1520931-take_my_money_super[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please go be an author. I will buy all your books.

>> No.2441357

>The chance of an alien race being humanoid is close to 0%. Stop taking science fiction as fact.
Arguable. Take the mammals for example. Three different concurrent independent evolutions of the mammals on three different isolated continents produced quite similar analogs filling the same niche each time.

>> No.2441358

It didn't happen suddenly. It took billions of years. Trying to explain why it happened suddenly is pointless.

Complex thought is merely an illusion created by extremely sophisticated electro-chemical reactions in the human brain. We will be able to do essentially the same thing with digital software in a few years, most likely.

>> No.2441367

But we're talking about beings with different origins of life. Who's to say they'd have DNA exactly like we do?

>> No.2441374

Doubt they'd have DNA exactly like ours. They /may/ have DNA.

It's highly likely given a similar environment that we'd see similar trends. There would be eyes and ears. Both have numerous independent evolutions on our own planet. There are differences, but a lot of convergences as well.

>> No.2441376

Also I'm just here to post
>I think virus are forms of controlling the population, there's just no other explanation

Okay, here I go, it's time to ride the rage train,.

Number fucking one. Evolution and mutation. Every fucking time we need to take a vaccine or some animals start dying is because the virus' have been mutating and beggining to combinate/evolve into something stronger, which makes us see the OH HUH PLAGUES.
Number fucking two. even if that weren't the case and new species of virus' appear, just think for a second of WHY that must be the case. first, it might be because WE DON'T FUCKING KNOW ABOUT ALL OF THEM and haven't realised their presence, or two, THEY ARE BORN FROM ANIMALS THAT ARY VERY VERY NASTY.
Number fucking three. Seriously? "HURR DURR POPULATION CONTROL HURRRRRR" "ALIENS DID IT" what the fuck? is that your conclusion in all honest? I'd rather take it they came from asteroids or some stupid fuck like that. this in all is some serious fuckness.

>> No.2441378

our level of the infinite matrioshka simulated multiverse thing is actually probably very small and shallow. it's been upgraded for more detail in the past, and may be again, though. for all i know it could just be what I see, but i have serious doubt it includes any extraterrestrial species.

>> No.2441382

But... science shows us that there are, like, 11 dimensions. What if alien life existed in other dimensions? What if WE exist in other dimensions but just don't know it?

>> No.2441383


>> No.2441392
File: 20 KB, 432x288, 1267436182014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously? all they need is to be intelligent in a way developing like ours, and just be 5000 years more ancient or something. the universe, even if we're wrong at numbers is guaranteed to have atleast 1 billion years. 5000 years are barely anything to that. hell, give them a million even then. just a million or 1000 or 2000 or 10000 or 100000

>> No.2441406


lol your smackdown comment gave me a hearty chuckle, thanks for that.

total bitchslap.jpg moment there!

>> No.2441407

What if this poster actually was an alien living among us who browses 4chan, and knowing we'd all think it was a joke, decided to reveal to us the truth.


>> No.2441413


your talking about chromosomes. Humans have 23 chromosomes and apes have 24. Chromosome 2 in humans is made up of 2 ape chromosomes, somehow they are fused. It shows signs of tampering. Yes chromosomes can fuse randomly but is odd, but odd fusion is what makes up Human and not apes.

>> No.2441417
File: 70 KB, 512x627, 1271609286626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>browsing 4chan

>> No.2441432

What? It's odd and rare yes, but it's not like it doesn't happen. It does happen "all the time", just incredibly rarely per individual, and most such fusings are lethal to the organism so it doesn't make it very far to reproduce.

That's not evidence of tampering. Your post is just evidence of ignorance.

>> No.2441433

The rule is clear: pics or never happened.

And timestamp.

>> No.2441524

The universe is a huge math equation/simulation for finding meaning of universe/life.

You guys are fuckin blind.

>> No.2441532

no, that would be the Earth

>> No.2441564

I like the theory, that if someone saw something that proved aliens did real, that everyone would automatically believe them.
Bullshit right? They need proof. Anything short of them "showing up on the white house lawn" falls short of that. Solid proof. Like here they are, stepping out of their spaceship or some shit, or busy blowing up the planet.
You know how retarded that is to me, because who says that they would actually do this. Why is it, that if aliens do real, they always have to fucking contact us or always have to kill us or whatever. Why not like people have already mentioned, seen us and decided to say fuck it.
Why is it so fucking hard to believe? that people did infact see something they can't fucking explain, with all signs pointing to some sort of craft from space. What about teh Rendlesham Forest incident? Why would these people essentially throw their careers and everything down the drain.
What about the huge ass fucking UFO seen by tons of people over Arizona in the 90s? what about that shit?

see that's the problem to me, because say this is the only fucking evidence we have and it isn't bullshit. I personally think it's probably bullshit, but what if it wasn't? Pretty ignorant of everybody huh?

There needs to be some sort of mandatory teaching that makes people question their preconceived notions. Also why is there so much ridicule heaped on this subject? Why is this crazy, but Jesus and Mohammed and all his gay friends and followers are A fucking OK and supported by society.

Whatever... I don't fucking care anymore because even if it was real you faggots would never believe it until it became socially acceptable to believe it. Until everyone else told you it was ok to think it was true.

lol I hate you guise so much

>> No.2441576
File: 11 KB, 291x267, MemeGiorgioTsoukalos2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2441577

My reply to you is my favorite video by Niel deGrasse Tyson. I'm going to link to it now, and watch it again, because it's just that good.

>> No.2441587

>The universe is designed to find the meaning of the universe.

>> No.2441612



>> No.2441648

Hey I brought my idea into this threat you don't have to be an asshole okay?

>> No.2441655

Shameless bump for a ridiculously good video that all of /sci/ should see.

>> No.2441659

That isn't an insult. That's a meme making fun of Carl Sagan. Basically, what he said was: "Wow. That idea is so out there, just trying to comprehend it confuses me, but in a good way, like expanding my mind and shit."

He didn't explicitly call your idea stupid.

>> No.2441704

>>2437580 Even the most famous design for aliens (big black eyes, big head, no hair, skinny body, long fingers) are a representation of ourselves evolved into something we don't understand (we have less hair, larger head than our ancestors for example)
Alternately it's how we first perceive our mothers as infants, when everything is distorted and our vision is stretched, monochrome and limited to only a foot from ourselves.

>> No.2441707

Well that is kind of, redundant.

>> No.2441713

And to explain what I mean by "The universe is designed to find the meaning of the universe."

We are a simulation by other beings (what ever the fuck they are) they are still testing it. WE have become self-aware. What ever are consciousness is. It is bad for that big math equation they have simulated, hence the need for a virus;

Virus sole purpose is to replicate and destroy "consciousness" we are wasting computational data.

Once we become self-aware of this big simulation we ourselves will start replicating ourselves and using the tools created to destroy us.

IMO WE are the robots. Who will destroy "life". Once we can change our dna/code ect we will become self-ware awake in the "real" world. See matrix.

>> No.2441717

I dunno if you're trying to slam me, or reinforce my point, because my point is exactly that:
the "non-alien-believer" sees the UFO and says what his preconceived notion of what it should be, which is something that never, ever, ever, could be aliens
the "alien-believer" sees the UFO and says aliens do real

I'm calling all of you fucking certain retards, retards because 99% of you faggots are worthless idiots. And most people here fall into the 1st camp fucking heavily, but claim to be impartial and then suck off neil tyson.

stupid people always believe their smarter than everyone else

>> No.2441727

>the "non-alien-believer" sees the UFO and says what his preconceived notion of what it should be, which is something that never, ever, ever, could be aliens
>the "alien-believer" sees the UFO and says aliens do real
Uhh, most people are actually a third option:
3- I think that aliens visiting Earth is highly implausible, though with sufficient evidence I will change my mind. No eye witness testimony does not count.

>> No.2441744


What you guys think of this.

>> No.2441748

Stopped at 2 seconds. Barely science, and highly speculative.

>> No.2441757


What if the sightings were accompanied by the deactivation of intercontinental ballistic nuclear missiles in their launch tubes?

>> No.2441772

Proof and or there debuff info on that?

>> No.2441796


You're so inundated and desensitized by Jevvllywood movies that reality can slap you in the face and you will deny it.

>> No.2441807

>What if the sightings were accompanied by the deactivation of intercontinental ballistic nuclear missiles in their launch tubes?
Then that would be evidence. We would have tapes and active measuring devices showing them being turned off, and other measuring devices showing that it wasn't humans at the controls which did it.

>> No.2441808

First, you just invoked the J word which means you've lost all credibility because you're entirely out of touch with reality, and you're a bigot.

>> No.2441811

Oh, so the CSI confiscated the film and records? So you only have eye witness testimony? Sorry. Not good enough. Come back when you have evidence.

>> No.2441814

So file a disclosure for that information. "Freedom of information act", anyone?

>> No.2441821


Jevvs get what they deserve, and by hating bigots, you become a bigot.

>> No.2441830

Well, I'd rather avoid the god-fuck-stupid auto ban for saying it.

Also, hating a bigot does not make one a bigot. A sensible person should strive to be tolerant of tolerant people, and intolerant of intolerant people. Your delusions that the J word people are running shit is a delusion.

Saged, filtered, reported, nuked from orbit, etc.

>> No.2441835


>> No.2441843


Bigotry is bigotry. You indicate my hatred for Hollywood, and ignore the main part of the argument.

You're a bigot.

>> No.2441847

Implying that because shutting down nuclear = UFO are real. Red herring sir. Logic is flawed.

>> No.2441851

You really didn't have much of an argument beyond "j--s did it!".

>> No.2441858

Scientist: "Alien contact should be exactly like in teh movies. Don't hate the Jevvs."

>> No.2441859

Holy fuck wait what I knew the "n-word" was an auto-ban, but you can't say "jevv" either?

What the hell 4chan

>> No.2441863

Yeah. It's just fucking stupid.

>> No.2441869

No, my argument was "Your shitty entertainment desensitized you to evidence."

Download moar star-wreck episodes, you free-thinker.

>> No.2441875

>Scientist: "Alien contact should be exactly like in teh movies."
Hell no.

>"Don't hate the Jevvs."

>> No.2441885

It's fun when you attack an argument I never made. I never argued that because it's not like Hollywood it never happened. I specifically argued just like Neil deGrasse Tyson does beautifully here: (Every /sci/entist should watch this:)

In short, eye witness testimony means jack shit. It's the worst kind of evidence that exists. If you want us to believe fairy tales of any kind, you need more than eye witness testimony.

>> No.2441892

So why are you demanding movie-quality-evidence from reality? Space-ships are supposed to be miles wide?!

Go download "Independence Day", it's the reality you want.

>> No.2441893

you know who the biggest fucking retards are? Scientists. Only a dumb faggot would subject themselves to the shitty career that is science. I hope your some little pie eyed young faggot who can't wait to be the next hot shit professor, researcher, etc.
Go get a PHD, study boring shit for some other faggot to take all the credit, then snap out of your day dream and serve me coffee, bitch.
also you're a fucking k1ke I can tell

>> No.2441899

>It's fun when you attack an argument I never made.
...says the guy trying to shove words in my mouth.

>> No.2441901

>also you're a fucking k1ke I can tell
I take offense to that. I have no delusions about sky daddies of any kind. I'm an atheist.

Also, a career in science is stupid? I'll continue making my 90k/yr straight out of college, doing a job I enjoy, and laughing at your sorry ass.

>> No.2441902

I'm not demanding movie quality evidence. I'm demanding reliable evidence. Why am I demanding reliable evidence? Because it's "reliable" dipshit.

>> No.2441903

Yeah they probably are trying to contact us; Well, not really us specifically, I doubt they even know our little earth exists, just trying to contact other intelligent life forms in general. The same way we're doing it

>> No.2441904

>eye witness testimony means jack shit.

So does unsupported theories. "Super-strings", anyone

>> No.2441908

Yep. AFAIK, string theory ought to be called string conjecture atm. It offers no interesting falsifiable predictions which the standard model does not.

>> No.2441910

>reliable evidence

...from the guy that LOEVS looking inside quantum singularities from the vantage-point of math.

>> No.2441924


I'm not sure what you're saying, and I can only presume that you're bullshitting something because you don't like my stances.

>> No.2441931

So, where is that 0-point energy generator?

Come-ON, science. Do like the movies, and "science up" a cure to all of humanities problems.

Most papers submitted for peer-review have no reliable-evidence unless they're on the topics of physics or chemistry.

Fuck-off, Jevvtard.

>> No.2441934


>> No.2441943

Again, it's atheist. I don't have sky daddy delusions of any kind.

>> No.2441948

Again, where is your reliable evidence?

I deny your perspective.

>> No.2441950

Why did this topic go from Crazy ideas about aliens, to racist (internet) tough guys acting coolio?

>> No.2441952

Because no janitors nor mods.

>> No.2441958

Reliable evidence for what? I haven't been making any positive claims in this thread. I've merely stated that the world at large, including myself, will not believe fairy tales based on eye witness testimony.

That's different to saying the fairy tale is false. You can believe that X is true, you can believe X is false, and you can be undecided. I am undecided about alien contact, though the evidence makes me lean against such contact, but the evidence is much less conclusive than normal scientific facts, such as the scientific fact of evolution.

>> No.2441966

No, you've been focusing on the Jevvs because you're a tremendous faggot trying to protect the Jevvmovies.

I hear another "aliems-eat-earth" movie is coming out this summer. You'll love it more than your textbooks.

>> No.2441970

Lols. You are a pitiful little man, or a funny little troll. You amuse me.

>> No.2441982

So your evidence, which is on par with the evidence given by any scientist or alien-abductee, is what exactly?

>> No.2441987

Again what evidence? What claim are you asking for evidence on? I'm still unclear about that.

About the j-- word people? Fuck if I'm going to argue this point with you.

>> No.2441997

To make a "negative claim" there must first be a claim.

You appear to claim that no Jevvs own mass-media entertainment outlets.

>> No.2442000

>You appear to claim that no Jevvs own mass-media entertainment outlets.
My reply
>Fuck if I'm going to argue this point with you.

>> No.2442002

No, you're a bigot. I wouldn't expect you to have a rational argument.

>> No.2442009

>Fuck if I'm going to argue this point with you.

So we can both agree that eyewitness testimony is bullshit even when a scientist does it? Yes?

We've been visited, it's not a big deal, and you're a freakjob for demanding a corpse.

>> No.2442023

>So we can both agree that eyewitness testimony is bullshit even when a scientist does it? Yes?
Generally yes.

Note that there is a subtle difference between when the journal Nature publishes a study, and when a redneck says he's been abducted. The article in Nature is just eye witness testimony, just like the redneck's testimony. /However/, the description of the problem in Nature is third party reproducible and verifiable, whereas the Redneck's claims are not.

Eye witness testimony is the lowest, least reliable kind of evidence that there is. However, much of the actual practice of science is predicated on eye witness testimony and trust, like peer reviewed journals.

Again, the key distinction is that the journal Nature has a long track record on being trustworthy. This allows people around the world to trust them when they say that they have the evidence, and that trust is periodically tested when third party people partake in the experiments outlined in the journal.

Again, please see the important differences between the system of trust and reproducibility in modern scientific practice vs a redneck making an entirely unsupported claim without being reproducible.

>> No.2442026

>We've been visited, it's not a big deal, and you're a freakjob for demanding a corpse.
And I don't buy it, and I will not buy it until someone produces a corpse, a piece of spacecraft, regular communications with said aliens, or the like. It must be reproducible and not simply eye witness testimony.

>> No.2442030

That was awesome, every ufo believe needs to see it., hell his arguments could apply to many other topics as well.

>> No.2442035

Thank you, and your welcome. If I ever get to janitor or mod status, I'm making a sticky, and that video will be in it.

>> No.2442037

Fine. Post a picture of yourself standing next to a singularity.

>> No.2442040


>> No.2442041

Samefag gonna samefag

>> No.2442047

>Fine. Post a picture of yourself standing next to a singularity.
Why? When did this become a discussion about singularities? I'm confused.

If you mean to state that I have no reliable evidence for black holes (or black hole like objects), then I will have to remind you that I do. We have radio telescope pictures of the center of the universe, of stars orbiting such that the only possible explanation is a concentration of mass smaller than its Schwartzchild radius (or damn close), aka a black hole. We have optical images of stars passing behind black holes. We have plenty of reliable, reproducible, evidence.

>> No.2442050

I don't. You're welcome to think that though, and I'm sure I can't convince you otherwise.

>> No.2442052

And every newspaper that expects scientists to be honest people who practice good research standards as well.

If you make unsubstantiated claims based off of shitty research, you're on the same level as abductees, rape victims, and politicians.

>> No.2442053

is it really that hard to believe that theres more then 1 rational person in this topic?

>> No.2442057

So, you're saying black-holes don't exist? All we have is non-credible eye-witness testimony from faggots that stare at the sky all the time.

>> No.2442061

I seriously believe aliens visited in the past, but they saw that we were probably at least a million years or so behind the rest of the class, so they bounced but since they felt sorry for us they taught early man a few tricks and haven't been back since aside from the occasional poachers snagging random people for the pet/livestock trade.

>> No.2442062

Counting who? The guy arguing that science didn't see it, so it doesn't exist, or the guy arguing that the scientists are as credible as the alien-believers?

>> No.2442065

please see:

There's a difference between eye witness testimony of the form "I saw it! No I don't have any corroborating evidence. No it's not reproducible." vs "I saw it. Yes I have corroborating evidence. Yes it's reproducible. Here's how to reproduce it."

Guess which the alien abductee is, and which is the astrophysicist.

It's quite easy to pass off the alien abductee as mistaken, lying, or deluded, but to pass off all astrophysicists as deluded requires a grand massive conspiracy that almost certainly couldn't happen. Fuck! Richard Nixon couldn't even get a goddamned hotel break-in secret.

>> No.2442077

Guess which has reproducible evidence for the existence of black holes?

Neither one.

>> No.2442080

We have reproducible evidence for black holes. It's called "Aim a radio telescope at the center of our galaxy. Observe the orbits of the stars. Calculate the mass required to be inside of the orbits. Conclude that the mass exceeds its Schwartzchild radius."

>> No.2442089

That's not the point. You demand a standard of evidence from both of those people, when science, IN THE FIRST PLACE, needs to have the standard of evidence you claim it does.

>> No.2442094

You really dont understand what the scientific method is do you?

>> No.2442100

Can you repeat that please? I didn't follow.

I demand reliable evidence. Eye witness testimony of the form "I saw it! No I don't have any corroborating evidence. No it's not reproducible." is not reliable at all. It's basically the worst kind of evidence conceivable.

However, eye witness testimony from a trusted source of the form "I saw it. Yes I have corroborating evidence. Yes it's reproducible. Here's how to reproduce it." is very good evidence in some circumstances. The actual physical evidence firsthand is better, but every scientist cannot do every experiment ever, so this kind of reproducible eye witness testimony from reliable sources is how the world actually functions. It's what Newton said about standing on the shoulders of giants.

>> No.2442105

>implying the screaming galactic bunnies at the center of all galaxies are not what we are perceiving with radio telescopes as their cries fade off into gamma-rays

So sorry, but I disagree. Something may be there, but it's not a black hole, even if all your friends say it is.

>> No.2442112

Ok. This sounds like a legitimate discussion. However, this is still sort of orthogonal to the original discussion about the standards of proof required by a reasonable scientific person.

>> No.2442124

When science actually practices it, I quite agree with it.

However, you're not even asking scientists to stick to those standards. You just believe without basis, so you're as retarded as the alien-believers.

Aliens fucking with our nuclear arsenal is pretty big fucking proof, and so is the fact that the guys making the complaints still have their jobs maintaining that nuclear arsenal.

>> No.2442125

To go off onto this tangent, I wasn't invoking the huge gamma ray emitter at the center of active galaxies as proof that it's a black hole.

I was instead using observed orbits of /stars/ at the center of our own galaxy, and proving based on those observations that there must be a collection of mass inside smaller than its Schwartzchild radius.

>> No.2442132

>Aliens fucking with our nuclear arsenal is pretty big fucking proof, and so is the fact that the guys making the complaints still have their jobs maintaining that nuclear arsenal.
All we have are eye witness testimony without corroborating evidence nor reproducible evidence. Thus we basically have no evidence at all.

If we followed this line of reasoning, then we would have proved that Krishna and Jesus would be literal gods, which is just silly. Eye witness testimony on its own is shit. Eye witness testimony which describes evidence obtained from a reproducible observation, along with the steps to reproduce, from a reliable source, is pretty good evidence though.

>> No.2442141

There's enough evidence for a legitimate investigation.

TBH, there's more evidence for aliens than there is for some of our more fantastic physical models of the universe, but few people question the scientists even if they look and smell as bad as the people who claim to have seen a UFO.

>> No.2442153

There's more proof of alien visitation than there is for black holes.

>> No.2442156

No. Such an analogy is an incredibly bad one that keeps missing the distinction between eye witness testimony of a reproducible observation, with steps to reproduce, from a reliable source, vs eye witness testimony of a not reproducible observation. That distinction is hugely important.

>> No.2442159

No there isn't. Citations please. I can give citations of reproducible observations which prove black holes, such as those radio telescope observations. You cannot cite a single piece of reproducible observation, which means you automatically lose.

>> No.2442174

Black holes have been created by the LHC. There is evidence for them there.

>> No.2442176

You've never photographed a black hole, have you?


A billion people writing well-written and intelligent papers arguing "how many angels can dance on the head of a pin" does not make angels real.

>> No.2442182

No, actually, they haven't gotten up to that power range yet.

>> No.2442190

We haven't photographed some sub-atomic shit either, that doesn't make it less real. We don't have pictures of an electron traveling through both slits at once in the famous double slit experiment, but our observations clearly confirm that this is the case.

Similarly, our observations clearly confirm that there is a "super massive" black hole in the center of our galaxy.

>> No.2442208

>We haven't photographed some sub-atomic shit either,
Yes we have.

We also have photographs of UFOs.

Your problem is you think all people who find "alien visitation" credible are liars.

When will scientists learn that you don't look intelligent by insulting someone else?

>> No.2442215

We do not have photos of a single electron traveling through both slits of the double slit experiment. That violates known physics, and we would know if such a photograph would be had.

We're not calling alien abductionists liars. We're simply stating that their unverified uncorroborated eye witness testimony does not meet the threshold of evidence necessary for a positive belief in their claims.

>> No.2442217

We -DO- have photographs of collided nuclei and the subatomic particles that come from their destruction.

Your exact words were...?

>> No.2442223

>We're simply stating that their unverified uncorroborated eye witness testimony does not meet the threshold of evidence necessary for a positive belief in their claims.

Something they have in common with most advanced physics.

>> No.2442224

>We haven't photographed **some** sub-atomic shit either, that doesn't make it less real. We don't have pictures of an **electron traveling through both slits at once** in the famous double slit experiment, but our observations clearly confirm that this is the case.

Photographs are not good evidence nowadays either. They can be too easily faked. What constitutes good evidence is firsthand experience, or reproducibility. Without that, you will not meet the standard of evidence required for most rational people, no matter what your claim is.

>> No.2442227

> >We're simply stating that their unverified uncorroborated eye witness testimony does not meet the threshold of evidence necessary for a positive belief in their claims.
>Something they have in common with most advanced physics.
Again, are you suggesting most advanced physics claims are equivalent to alien abductionist claims? No. One has claims that concern reproducible observations. One does not. That difference is hugely important. That is the major distinction between science and non-science - falsifiable predictions.

>> No.2442232

You are now demanding reproduction of something that was only an observable event to begin with.

Reproduce a super-nova, or they don't exist.

>> No.2442239

quantum theory say HI!

>> No.2442242

No, they're arguing how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, and calling everyone's personal observations of angels questionable but theirs.

>> No.2442244

Again, you seem to be making a classic misunderstanding of science.

One does require reliable evidence for our claims, but we are not limited to exactly our reliable evidence. We can make models and abstractions that describe the natural world, and if these models and abstractions withstand attack and new evidence, they get graduated to what's called "scientific theories". As such, I might not have any evidence for what happens when I drop a weight of exactly 0.345643662645432 lb, but given the scientific theory of gravity, I am able to make a prediction that the weight will fall.

Besides, you know we observe like at least 10+ Supernova each year right?

>> No.2442245

No it doesn't. It only humms.

>> No.2442254

However lame this is, I'd like to base my point from the game Spore.

In order to advance from civilization to space age, you must conquer the whole planet, also known as a one-world government. Before that, the planet is a mess with wars, different nations with different beliefs, and so on. Pretty much the way the earth is now.

When you're in space age, you start making contact with alien lifeforms, building alliances and starting trade routes. Once in a while you come across a planet which is still at the civilization stage. But since you already have your intergalactic peace alliance, why bother making contact with such a violent species who haven't even learned to have a one-world government yet?

My point is, I think in order to make contact with alien life forms, and generally advance to space, we need a one-world government. As we are now, we're too unsystematic and angry at each other to get anything done.

>> No.2442255

I don't know what you mean. You can go observe a supernova yourself if you want. Of course it's very expensive to maintain a spaceborne telescope, but nothing's stopping you from verifying their reproducible observations in principle.

Unlike the alien abductionists, which offer no reproducible observations at all.

>> No.2442259

Yes, and only your experiences are honest experiences.

Everyone else is questionable. Which means we have to question you like we have to question everyone else, and you observably don't like that.

>> No.2442261

You misunderstand the definition of reproducible. You don't need to reproduce the /exact/ same setup to be considered reproducible. Such a definition would be inane - every setup is different to some degree. No setup can be perfectly the same as the other.

Sure, each star can only supernova once, but there's a lot of stars out there, and a lot of supernova out there. It's all about falsifiable predictions. Science offers them. Alien abductionists do not.

>> No.2442266

Actually, no. Even your own experiences are questionable. Did you even watch Neel deGrasse Tyson's video about UFOs?

Apparently I haven't posted it yet in this thread. Every /sci/entist needs to watch this video.

Paraphrasing Tyson "Humans are exceptionally poor measuring and recording devices."

>> No.2442269

Oh shit. I have. I just misspelled his name once, and that's why firefox search failed. My bad.

>> No.2442289

How do you reproduce something, when you don't know what it is?

Alien visitation is an event, not an experiment. A big flash in the sky might be a super-nova, or it might be swamp-gas.

>> No.2442305

Because the telescope is in space, so it can't be swampgas. Because the star is no longer there after the explosion is over. Because it offers falsifiable predictions.

It answers a whole lot of shit, ranging from "Where did the horseshoe crab nebula come from?" to "Where did all atoms of elements heavier than iron come from?". The answers to those questions are supernova.

There is no such falsifiable predictions nor explanation power from alien abductionists, just eye witness testimony about unverifiable, unfalsifiable, unrepeatable, events. That does not satisfy the basic standard of proof of most people for a positive belief, just like any of the sky daddy fairy tales commonly enjoyed by the public at large.

>> No.2442317

I was abducted once and cops found and returned me. What you say NOW?

>> No.2442323

Yes, but again, you are not examining the evidence, you are disregarding it out of hand because of social norms, when there is more than sufficient evidence to start asking legitimate questions and making legitimate scientific observations about a series of events that we cannot currently accurately describe.

You just lob insults at even the credible people who have had experiences with UFOs without thinking about it, instinctively.

>> No.2442327

I say that you haven't even watched the Tyson video, and you should.

Protip: it ends with a great anecdote. There was this cop chasing down a UFO, on the radio and everything. He said the UFO was swerving back and forth as he was chasing it. After the fact, they found out what really happened was he was on a curving fucking road, which made it look like Venus (or whatever) was swerving, when he actually was. It doesn't matter if you're a cop, a pilot, or whatever. You're still human, and thus fallible. We need (reliable) evidence.

>> No.2442341

>Yes, but again, you are not examining the evidence,
What evidence? Eye witness testimony? There's nothing to examine. That's the whole problem.

>you are disregarding it out of hand
I am dismissing it, but not dismissing it out of hand. I have given good and full reasons for its dismissal.

>because of social norms,
Well, maybe? Is the demand for reliable evidence a social norm?

>when there is more than sufficient evidence to start asking legitimate questions and making legitimate scientific observations about a series of events that we cannot currently accurately describe.
That's just it. We can describe it. Humans are exceptionally fallible measuring devices.

>You just lob insults at even the credible people who have had experiences with UFOs without thinking about it, instinctively.
I think I've been exceptionally nice to any UFO people in this thread. I'm much more vulgar and crass towards sky daddy delusion people, who btw suffer from the same problem - no (reliable) evidence.

>> No.2442343

Your eyes are the telescope that you had when you saw the light.

Sorry, no satellites, no telescope. Just some crazy scientist talking about light flashing in the sky. I don't see it, so you are crazy.

>> No.2442344

Fail You assumed I was talking about "Alien Abduction" while in fact I was talking about my dad trying to steal me but cops found him/got brought back to my mother.

>> No.2442349

I say that I don't understand your point. Do you have one?

>> No.2442351

In the question of do you think they have already tried to contact us?

No.nonononon. If they wanted to contact us they would just come down and contact us, not use anal probing and flying around the sky and sometimes abducting people as a method of contact.

Do i think aliens have visited or observed us?

Maybe, can never know for sure right now.

>> No.2442353

No just sharing something personal D:

>> No.2442358

So... you don't believe in human-made artificial satellites? You know you're using the internet now right? While it's unlikely that any traffic is routed over satellites, this is an amazing cognitive dissonance you have going. You think the science that makes the internet work, or GPS work, is somehow magically different than the science of astrophysics? It's the same shit dude.

Protip: GPS only works because of corrections made to it according to General Relativity, a theory which exists primarily because of work in astrophysics.

>> No.2442360

There are a lot of photographs, videotape, and complaints from people that have been inconvenienced by a UFO of some kind or another.

Are jet pilots liars? Are the people who have to reactivate our nuclear arsenal liars?

>> No.2442366
File: 42 KB, 637x347, alienguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>change jesus to alien-dude. IT FUCKING EXPLAINS ALL OF THE MIRACLES. It also (at the end, where he dies) might explain why they haven not attempted more contact.

Stop watching the history channel and ancient aliens, this man is your god.

>> No.2442377

>There are a lot of photographs, videotape, and complaints from people that have been inconvenienced by a UFO of some kind or another.
Not reproducible. Doesn't offer falsifiable predictions.

>Are jet pilots liars? Are the people who have to reactivate our nuclear arsenal liars?
Liars? Perhaps. Mistaken? Much more likely. Is that cop who drove on a winding road chasing Venus a liar? No. Is he a very fallible information taking device, aka a human? Yes.

Are all religious people liars? No. Are they wrong? Yes. Are they deluded? Yes.

>> No.2442379

Way to put words in my mouth. You made that complaint earlier, and then you commit the same offense yourself. How droll.

I said "all YOU saw was a flash in the sky". YOU, not a telescope, not a satellite, -YOU-.

>> No.2442382

Give me the tech; I'm a good person and wouldn't use it for anything evil but to explore ect. Though I would take females with me for companionship on the spaceship ect.

>> No.2442387

Are religious people and cops that chase Venus deactivating our nuclear arsenal?

>> No.2442393

So, where's the evidence that the nuclear arsenal was even deactivated? Oh that's right, the CIA took it all. Nice conspiracy theory man. See above about how it's entirely implausible considering fucking Nixon couldn't even keep a hotel breakin secret, and you're expecting me to believe that the CIA has evidence that aliens exist for like 50 yeas and has kept that secret? Jesus christ. Come on guys. Look at wikileaks and shit. You need some real good tinfoils hats to believe this shit.

>> No.2442402


[insert freedom of information act here]

>> No.2442410

...says the tinhat who is trying to legitimize -his- religion by calling the rest false.

>> No.2442414

Pardon? I have said that I'm an atheist. I have no religion.

>> No.2442421

Lazy non-scientist detected. Singularities are a lie.

>> No.2442430

>Singularities are a lie.
Citation please .

>> No.2442437

What do you believe? IN SCIUMZ!

Never mind that you don't actually practice the scientific method if you can insult someones observations.

>> No.2442439

Depends on their group.

>> No.2442451

>Never mind that you don't actually practice the scientific method if you can insult someones observations.
You think you know what you're talking about, but you do not.

>> No.2442454
File: 29 KB, 500x486, 1291988237205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


next question...

>> No.2442472

Scientists can be crazy like the guy that sees lights around a missile silo before the nuke was shut down, but won't be questioned about it until years later when millions of people wasted decades looking for evidence of super-silly-strings.

Seriously, your head is so far up the ass of science I can see your eyes in it's mouth.

>> No.2442481



your argument is invalid

>> No.2442492

Your're a tinhat for science.

You accept without question, and never seek to reproduce reproducible results.

>> No.2442499

What? How do you know anything about me? How do you know that I don't run experiments in spectroscopy in my house, build logic circuits for fun, review the latest NASA photos, and so on?

>> No.2442515


If you did, you wouldn't be on 4chan. You would be busy with the experiments, which are repetitive and time-consuming to perform accurately.

>> No.2442527

And I couldn't be doing that now?

And even if I didn't, blind acceptance aka tinfoil hatting (as you put it) is different than my reasons for accepting modern science. It's based on evidence, that thing called trust from reliable sources for falsifiable predictions which I was mentioning earlier.

>> No.2442533

>I'm 15 and I just learned about the scientific method!
you're a huge, huge, troll and faggot
go fuck a duck

>> No.2442540

Apparently the scientific method only applies to the laboratory.

>> No.2442546

Actually, 26, with 2 bachelors of science from a top 10 university.

Details though. Don't take what I have to say because of my degrees. Take what I have to say because I'm right based on the evidence.

>> No.2442548

Anecdotal evidence until you actually reproduce the results of observations made by someone else.

>> No.2442553

That's not how science actually works though. No one in their field actually does all of the experiments themselves. It's too much work. See my explanations else-thread, especially at >>2442023

>> No.2442559

PhD from Perdue. If you don't test and examine what other people describe, then you take it on faith, ie you're a creationist.

>> No.2442565

Eye witness testimony may be the worst kind of evidence, but it's still evidence. It's an observation of the natural world, and thus it's still evidence of something.

Faith by definition is belief without evidence.

No one in a physical sciences field has personally observed gravitational lensing to confirm general relativity, done all of the experiments to confirm evolution by natural selection, and worked on particle accelerators to confirm quantum mechanics. However believing those things is not belief by faith. It's belief in evidence.

Your degree must be in English you asshat.

>> No.2442566

...which is why we end up working for decades on theories that were wrong to begin with.

>> No.2442568

not having a very good night are you?

>> No.2442571

I've probably just been replying to the same troll for like 3 hours. It's been fun.

>> No.2442573

Citations please

>> No.2442576

oh come on, you can't be serious

>> No.2442577

...says the science faithful.

PhD means "Doctor of Philosophy", and I had to debate the morality of science to earn it.

Yes, I'm calling your blind faith retarded.

>> No.2442581

And I'm calling you retarded for saying it's blind faith. It's not. Believing in the scientific system, believing that Nature is not corrupt, is not faith.

You're obviously lying through your teeth, or are completely fucktarded.

>> No.2442655

I hear the same thing from Christians defending THEIR religion, and yes it is faith.

>> No.2442658

Calling something faith doesn't make it faith. Believing without evidence makes something faith. Believing what the journal Nature publishes is true is not faith. It's belief based upon evidence.

>> No.2442670

If you accept information with out examining it, is sure as fuck is faith.

>> No.2442679

No. One can use scientific theories to make predictions based on things you have not yet observed.

For example. I predict that there exists an element 1 proton more than the currently known heaviest element. I also predict that it will be unstable and radioactive. I've never observed this. In fact no one has. However, this is likely a very correct prediction.

Equivalently. The journal Nature publishes findings, along with sufficient information for reproducibility. Other people on a regular basis reproduce the results. If that is not true, then I live in a rather perverse world ala the Truman show, which doesn't merit further discussion.

Thus, the journal Nature is a well respected and trusted source because people regularly independently check what has been published in it. Thus, what is published is more likely true than false. See how I'm making that inductive leap right there based on the available evidence? That's science.

Believing Jesus is god has no such inductive leap based on available evidence. Thus not science, and thus faith.

>> No.2442757

This thread turned into asshats and tinhats fighting about half way in.

Good thread in the beginning, though.

>> No.2442760

Samefagging still? I hope not. It's been me arguing with an asshat tinhat.

Also, fuck you if you're samefagging or not. I've been preaching what science is on the science board against goddamned asshats and people who couldn't reason their way out of a wet paper bag.

I'm off to bed. I must have been on here for like 10 hours.

>> No.2442787

Thank you for using your time to defend science.

>> No.2442815

in philosophical terms, you can call any belief "faith" if you cannot check it. even if you check something a thousand times, how can you be sure of your conclusions?
Maybe it is just a huge fucking statistical anomoly and you are wrong about the simplest things.

BUT at some point we must just conclude that something is VERY likely and consider it truth.
if you have a degree you should know this. i think descarte covered it oh some 400 years ago.

>> No.2442862

If you can call "super-silly-strings" a "statistical anomaly".

Oh, wait. No, that's just an instance where people have been believing retards for the past few decades without evidence except the lack thereof.