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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 22 KB, 625x469, the zeitgeist movement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2432587 No.2432587 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/. Wanted to share this new documentary called Zeitgeist: Moving Forward with you.


Essentially, the film's about human behavior, economics, science, technology and social design.

It advocates a new society called a resource based economy, which is essentially the application of science towards social design for the betterment of all mankind (As opposed to, you know, businessmen, politicians and lawyers controlling everything).

>> No.2432597
File: 1.93 MB, 700x700, contraption physics.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2432607

w000t 14m 73h supp04r7z

>> No.2432609
File: 61 KB, 720x389, carl sagan space galaxy beautiful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay. I'll come check on this thread in 10 minutes.

>> No.2432664
File: 252 KB, 817x700, konata cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol why do you guys not like my thread :(

>> No.2432774
File: 47 KB, 800x446, loic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping once more.

>> No.2432810

Does this have anything to do with those bullshit 9/11 conspiracy theory movies?

>> No.2432839
File: 122 KB, 600x603, GTFO bitch I'm doing science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We don't like your thread because you (or a small group of other people, including you) have been hawking this movie all over the board for days.

You're advertising. It's annoying.

Go away.

>> No.2432963


Z:MF doesn't talk about 9/11 at all.


It's called spreading information. Excuse me for not posting another religion vs sci thread like everyone else does...sheesh

>> No.2432974

Without a price system a society cannot rationally allocate resources. The abolition of indirect exchange would send us all back to the dark ages.

>> No.2432981


Nothing about 9/11 or religion. That was the old one.

Most people only saw bits and parts of the first one, then are thrashing this one as if they've seen it.

>> No.2432986


Automated systems could simply make things available. Economics is bullshit that isn't based on science.

>> No.2432995
File: 672 KB, 984x539, near 546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah. It's unfortunate that even /sci/entists are rehashing the same old "hurrdurr communism old movie" arguments instead of thinking about the ideas.

>> No.2433010

If it's from the same people as that conspiracy theory bullshit then I'm not very interested.

also stop spamming this shit all over the board. we have enough threads about this goddamn movie already.

>> No.2433017

No, it couldn't. There are laws of economics (e.g., ceteris paribus, the price of a good goes up if demand for that good goes up) that can't be broken just because you don't like them.

>> No.2433018
File: 84 KB, 640x466, 1272546034750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2433023
File: 49 KB, 450x338, konata 456345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh? I haven't seen any threads about the movie yet, but I'm sorry if that is the case.

It isn't a conspiracy theory at all. The fact that you would even say that before watching the movie leaves me to believe you're somewhat closed-minded.

It's advocating a society based on science.

Seeing as how you lurk an underground science image forum, I thought you might be interested in that.

>> No.2433028

>laws of economics


>> No.2433035


We now have the technology to produce electronics, food, water, shelter and the like in great abundance. At one of the MIT engineering labs I saw them printing a whistle and a flute from an industrial printer.

In a few decades we'll have the technology to produce any materials we need as long as we have the gross materials (which are in abundance)

so tl;dr economics is gay and you must be an econ major.

>> No.2433042


haha, well put.

>> No.2433043

4chan is hardly "underground."

Link to one of the other Zeitgeist threads: >>2430380

>> No.2433045


If you wanted to spread butter on a piece of toast, would you use a stroke of a butter knife or multiple swings of a hammer? Both work. The difference is that one ruins the toast, and the other doesn't.

The point is that you should probably look at the front page, preferably before you post, and notice that there's already one (two?) active thread(s) discussing this stuff. No need for more.

>> No.2433061


The ideas are bad. There is not a 1:1 ratio of value between objects of separate materials. Nor is there a proper way of quantifying "effort" and factoring it into the exchange of goods. Pseudo-intellectual rambling is not science.

>> No.2433073

It's more like a movie about angsty hippies, whiny people and fags who can't do shit about the world.

>> No.2433078

so what's the difference between the venus project and marxism, really (this is coming from a marxist btw)

also, to achieve their ends, do you advocate reform or revolution?

>> No.2433082


What are you talking about? It would require a minute minority of the human population to operate the technical aspects of the social environment. Pretty much everyone would volunteer to help if they realize its in their own benefit.

sure I'll join the other thread.

>> No.2433091

Dammit guys. We already did this thread. We've done it lots of times over the past several days.

Zeitgeist is proposing a centrally planned economy. But this is inefficient. Scientifically, it is a bad idea.

You see, money is a very useful mechanism for communication supply and demand, as well as the relative value of goods and services. Central planning will never be as flexible or responsive.

You can fix all the problems that Zeitgeist brings up by just implementing a more progressive tax, and giving universal education and healthcare, along with good unemployment benefits. You can scale the amount of socialization as required.

This is already working very well in Europe. But the ones who socialize too much quickly collapse, just as the ones that are too capitalist become corrupt and unjust. There is a happy medium, and it doesn't require the neo-Marxist idiocy in Zeitgeist.

Not to mention all the bullshit in it. American indians were peaceful, and sickness increases GDP, even though it means they can't contribute to the economy? Suuuuure.

>> No.2433096 [DELETED] 

Dammit guys. We already did this thread. We've done it lots of times over the past several days.

Zeitgeist is proposing a centrally planned economy. But this is inefficient. Scientifically, it is a bad idea.

You see, money is a very useful mechanism for communication supply and demand, as well as the relative value of goods and services. Central planning will never be as flexible or responsive.

You can fix all the problems that Zeitgeist brings up by just implementing a more progressive tax, and giving universal education and healthcare, along with good unemployment benefits. You can scale the amount of socialization as required.

This is already working very well in Europe. But the ones who socialize too much quickly collapse, just as the ones that are too capitalist become corrupt and unjust. There is a happy medium, and it doesn't require the neo-Marxist idiocy in Zeitgeist.

Not to mention all the bullshit in it. American indians were peaceful, and sickness increases GDP even though the sick can't contribute to the economy? Suuuuure.

>> No.2433104

The movie is so fucking awesome, some parts are even funny.
Those that oppose it should watch it until they oppose the pixels and why they work.

>> No.2433105


in b4
>345 posts and 140 image replies omitted

>> No.2433111

>Those that oppose it should watch it until they oppose the pixels and why they work.
How are those drugs treating you?

>> No.2433108

I only watched the first part. I'm a biology major anthro minor and I can tell you it seems pretty bullshit.

While it's true that hunter-gatherer societies were mostly egalitarian, they were by no means non-violent. Back then there was a very, very small empathic drive (yet very very strong) for kinship, however anybody outside of the "clan" was considered mostly dangerous and an outsider. People within the "clan" wouldn't dare lay a finger on another, but there was plenty of inter-clan homicide.

>> No.2433115


>> No.2433117


>Pretty much everyone would volunteer to help if they realize its in their own benefit.

I think you underestimate the general stupidity of people.

>> No.2433119

>hunter-gatherer societies were mostly egalitarian, they were by no means non-violent.

Watch this video, everyone. Watch it. We're one of the least violent societies in the history of the world.

>> No.2433121

Zeitgeist is an epic troll attempt that fools a lot of dumbass teenagers into some really shit ways of thinking. 10/10 Zeitgeist makers, epic troll

>> No.2433196

it's about more than just simple standard of living, it's about exploitation and alienation of labor. capitalism requires exploitation to function.

"I am not interested in dry economic socialism. We are fighting against misery, but we are also fighting against alienation. One of the fundamental objectives of Marxism is to remove interest, the factor of individual interest, and gain, from people’s psychological motivations. Marx was preoccupied both with economic factors and with their repercussions on the spirit. If communism isn’t interested in this too, it may be a method of distributing goods, but it will never be a revolutionary way of life."
— Che Guevara

same thing applies here

>> No.2433209

I have an idea, whoever you are...
Fallacious logic is not cutting edge.
Not at all.