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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2432113 No.2432113 [Reply] [Original]

How do I become good at math, besides hard work and studying?

What is it that makes some people good at math and others not?

>> No.2432117

Chance. Some people are born with brilliant minds.
Gifted - natural
Talented - Worked for it
A football player is a good example

>> No.2432125

1) can your mind handle the mental activity??
(my sober hyper mind can barely keep up, i do a lot better when im stoned cause im cool, calm and can think about my actions/steps)
2) practice 1000000 problems
3) make sure you can apply your understanding

and you should become better in math but honestly
its all work!! how hard it is, is up to the individual

>> No.2432137

This is why I hate stoners

>> No.2432142
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>mfw his post said nothing about anything you had in yours, and you still decide to stereotype him and declare your hatred for him

>> No.2432146


>How do I become good at math, besides hard work and studying


>> No.2432155

umm mayybe youre just a retard that doesnt like weed??

i didnt tell the guy to smoke weed, all i said is that im always high on life and extremely hyper, so pot helps bring me back down to earth so i can actually sit down for how many ever hours and legit just study

so fuuck off fagggot just cause people who smoke weed are more successful, and more intelligent than your sober mind


>> No.2432159
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>mfw you made one of the stupidest possible responses to what he said

>> No.2432166



>> No.2432168

stopped reading there

>> No.2432171

>besides hard work and studying
Sorry to break you this...

>> No.2432178


Thank you for proving that potheads are retarded.

>> No.2432194

i maybe 'retarded' yet i guarantee you i would school 90 percent of douches on sci in the mathematics field so smoke a bong load and get over it

>> No.2432203
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butthurt retard confirmed

>> No.2432209

dumbass cocksucker alert

>> No.2432210

yeah, since this retard is a pothead, it follows necessarily that all potheads must be retards.

And all /sci/-regulars are retards, hence all potheads must be /sci/-regulars.

Airtight. Bulletproof. These are just two of the words I might use to describe my aforementioned argument if it weren't a complete twaddle.

Also: I'm not stoned, just haven't slept in 2 days.

>> No.2432220

do you really think i care what anyone on 4chan, says or thinks?? you put to much emotion in this if you think im butthurt over the internet

>> No.2432237 [DELETED] 

What you're doing right here is giving a bad name to all cannabis users who aren't complete fucking wastes of oxygen, like you are. I myself smoke pot; usually 3-4 times weekly. However, I'm not going to claim through anecdotal evidence that smoking it will actually improve my efficiency in a particular subject. Please do us all a favor and remove yourself from the gene pool. At the very least, try your best not to reproduce. I'd rather not have your genetic filth of your descendants in proximity of my descendents and their god-tier genes.

>> No.2432246

What you're doing right here is giving a bad name to all cannabis users who aren't complete fucking wastes of oxygen like you. I myself smoke pot; usually 3-4 times weekly. However, I'm not going to claim through anecdotal evidence that smoking it will actually improve my efficiency in a particular subject. Please do us all a favor and remove yourself from the gene pool. At the very least, try your best not to reproduce. I'd rather not have the genetic filth of your descendants in proximity of my descendents and their god-tier genes.

>> No.2432261

uhh im an innocent bystander and i have to say youre even dumber than the stoner kid

1) youre a weed-smoker not a stoner
2) he didnt make a universal claim
3) smoking weed can help him concentrate
if he has ADHD, who are you to say it cant??
4) you must be fucking retarded honestly

>> No.2432265

>On-topic post

Becoming truly "good" at math, contrary to popular belief, does not involve endless hours of memorizations of steps/processes/formulas, nor does it require excess practice.

It all boils down to logic. People who end up "bad" at math are consequently "bad" at logical reasoning. Remember in elementary school when teachers taught "1+1 = 2 because when I take 1 object and put it with another 1 object, I have a total of 2 objects." Yeah well, many people are unable to extrapolate that same idea to say 12+7 because their parents forced flash cards on them to memorize their basic addition, multiplication, etc.

tl;dr: Go back looking at math and figure it out using logic. I mean go all the way back to basic addition. Then work your way up until you TRULY understand it all. Don't BS it. Don't memorize steps. Don't use formulas unless you understand the proofs behind them/why they work. Don't look for shortcuts until you understand the logic and concepts powering them.

>> No.2432273

Understand basic logic relations first by studying truth tables as well as logic operators. Then test your skills on some simple set related proofs.

>> No.2432277

hey guys, how do i smart?

>> No.2432278
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>2) he didnt make a universal claim
3) smoking weed can help him concentrate
if he has ADHD, who are you to say it cant??

>Doesn't know the definition of anecdotal evidence

>> No.2432281

>im always high on life

jesus, you are fucking stereotypically stupid.

and i agree, most pot heads are fucking retarded.

>> No.2432283


>> No.2432292

"im always high on life so the pot helps bring me back down to earth"

>> No.2432301

>How do I become good at math, besides hard work and studying?

You can't, unless you want to be a phony. Every great mathematician I've met has become one by hard work. Sure, one could argue that they had natural ability, but I say that accounts for nearly nothing compared to determination and willingness to learn which makes the hard work form them seem like fun. Euler was a really hard worker, and he was brilliant.

>> No.2432302


>> No.2432310

this is a complete retard and most certainly not even a math grad.

Nobody listen to his lies.

>> No.2432316
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>> No.2432327

This way obviously!

>> No.2432334
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>mfw I've been the best person at math in my grade my whole life and always understood what was going on easily.

>> No.2432332

you have to memorize a SHITTON of stuff to be able to combine it in a coherent argument beyond trivial.

That's why todays mathematicians aren't allrounders like they were a few decades/centuries ago. Today you have to specialize otherwise you'll toil in obscurity.

>> No.2432342

If you actually do math by memorization I pity you. Seriously.

And if you're talking about stuff like "olol trig derivatives, etc." that stuff will come naturally once you understand the processes behind why they work.

>> No.2432350

I lol'd so fucking hard.

Yeah, use logic. Faggot.

>> No.2432358
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nuff said

>> No.2432359

listen to this post please

i cant take it if there are any more logical thinkers in the world

>> No.2432370

>I "MAYBE" retarded

successful troll is successful

move along folks

>> No.2432381

>my grade
yep, next one.

>If you actually do math by memorization I pity you.
You have to memorize a lot of stuff if you want to be able to prove ANYTHING or just be able to follow the proofs of others.
The Feit-Thompson theorem is 255 pages or something like that and those pages aren't easy and self contained. You have to bring a lot of knowledge otherwise you'll simply be lost.

Also most of the times mathematicians are extraordinary lazy and try to apply the same argument to every situation possible. So you have to have a big "proof idea memory", simply to be able to be creative.

For example, a prove scheme used again and again in the intersection linear algebra/algebra is (assume V to be an F-algebra)
"If V is n-dimensional and x in V an element, then the elements 1, x, x^2, x^3, ..., x^n can't all be linearly independent."

If you'd actually visited any kind of math lecture you'd know that.

>> No.2432384

If you're memorizing definitions and theorems *which you know how to prove*, that's one thing. To say that memorization is universally bad is an overstatement. But remember that most of the population doesn't have the first clue what mathematics is, and thinks that being good at math amounts to memorizing a bunch of rules and applying them blindly to homework exercises. THAT is what we are trying to discourage.

>> No.2432386


you should become a mod just for that post

>> No.2432388

after reading this thread they should remove the math sign on top. its kinda deceiving.. 95% of these retards would get only to college calc. so yeah its worthless

>> No.2432396


The best method of memorization is understanding. Memorizing linear algebra concepts isn't anywhere near as effective as understanding the concepts.

>> No.2432411

math how does i become god?

>> No.2432417

This a million times. Memorizing the names of theorems, etc. is fine when you know how to actually apply them and what they mean. Anyone can flip through a dictionary and spout back some definitions verbatim. That doesn't necessarily make them intelligent if they can't use them properly.

>> No.2432427

>The best method of memorization is understanding
I have no objection to that at all, and I certainly didn't want to imply that one simply should turn one's brain off and memorize letter by letter.

But I did want to note that being a mathematician you'll have to memorize a lot of stuff, even if you do it by working through the material.

>> No.2432422

I suck at rational discussions, when im encountered with an irrational opinion i cannot express myself in a way to counter argue with the person, i guess i just have a hard time finding the right words to describe what i want to say but im very good in mathematics, does that make sense?

>> No.2432429
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>mfw I was referring to grade school, i.e. when most people learn the basics of mathematics (and when it's most crucial to really understand the concepts not just memorizing).

>> No.2432433
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>> No.2432435


>youre even dumber than the stoner kid
>1) youre a weed-smoker not a stoner

and you're more retarded than them both.

>> No.2432453


How about you just go fuck yourself and I'll just keep on building house without knowing fuck all about fucking numbers and still make a fuck load more fucking cash than you, you total fucking mathcunt.

>> No.2432459


Yea, that makes sense. It sounds like more of a problem with communication than with actual logical thought.

>> No.2432467

actually, pre-college math is completely irrelevant. You of course wouldn't know.

>> No.2432469
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>> No.2432495
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>> No.2432507


wow what?

>> No.2432520

OP, while what these other people have been saying about logical reasoning being an essential skill in mathematics, I wouldn't say that that supplants the need to practice. The amount you need to practice certain things can be reduced with a good, logical mind, but the practice is still necessary. You will understand things better if you practice, and even if you can completely remember something conceptually you don't necessarily have the predictive ability necessary to be effective at doing come types of problems. Things like integration by parts and substitutions in integration are really good examples of this. Conceptually, they're dead simple, but you have to practice to be able to see what would be an effective substitution, or even when you should use one of those techniques instead of just algebraic manipulation.

Seriously, I see lots of bright kids in college calc have difficulty with that for a while because they refuse to fucking practice it. EVERY GODDAMN YEAR.

Things get less formulaic as you get into higher math, too, and being "good" at it is just as contingent on your trained judgement as your understanding.

>> No.2432675

that's what i've been doing


>> No.2432721

Thank you for making the other ardent pot smokers look even dumber then we really are.

As strange as this might (or might not) sound, logic puzzles helped me tremendously.

>> No.2432849

than* you dumbass fucking pothead keep killing brain cells

>> No.2432893

how does i gud at math?

why does if math is cuz of hard work that sum kids seems to gud at it without working much hard?