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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2431487 No.2431487 [Reply] [Original]

How much does /sci/ drink average each month?
How does it affect your work?

>> No.2431496

I rarely drink. Alcohol is overrated.
For the record, I am over 21.

>> No.2431497

I usually drink about 3-4 times a week. Sometimes more, sometimes less. I usually drink beer or vodka and tonic.
It usually doesn't effect my productivity to much. Though, I was hungover as shit when I went to my thermo class this morning.

>> No.2431505

Pretty heavily one night a week.

>> No.2431509

Usually about two beers a week.

>> No.2431517

Rarely, as in once a month wouldn't be unusual.

>> No.2431526

about the same. i could definitely be classed as a functional alcoholic. successful phd student in engineering though. left to my own devices 8-10 good beers or half a 750ml of hard liquor are pretty common, weekend or weeknight.

>> No.2431529

probably get drunk drunk about once a month.

My hangovers consist of depression though so I try to avoid it if possible.

>> No.2431534

I take some liqueur or mix a nice drink a couple of times every month. It has a relaxing effect and makes it easier to put my mind to studying.

>> No.2431552

Rarely, by that I mean once to thrice a year. However I can't go over a day without pot before I begin to lose my grip on sanity. Without it work would be the least of my concern.

>> No.2431567

like a 6 pack, or 4 arrogant bastards (just found out about those beers, and IPAs) shit is cash

>> No.2431596

>How much does /sci/ drink average each month?
1-2 beer a day.

>How does it affect your work?
Not at all, I rarely heavy drink.

>> No.2431606

drunk every second day

i dont work

>> No.2433674

Great replies, thank you!

>> No.2433681

1. Drink every day
2. Fuck Bitches
3. ????
4. PROFIT!!!

>> No.2433866
File: 35 KB, 576x384, mathematician.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drunk all the time, it does impact my work. I'm slower to react and less attentive and more lazy.

>> No.2433873

Don't drink.
No job.

>> No.2434437

Used to drink about 4 times a week. It was pretty detrimental to my work, injecting mice with ketamine when you have the hangover shakes isn't really conducive to anything. Now I rarely drink at all, maybe once every three months or so, and I'm far more productive that way.

>> No.2434441

Don't drink. Not worth the hangover.

>> No.2434486
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Math student. I drink and derive.

>> No.2434498

7 days a week.
Relax, only one quality craft beer or a glass of single malt scotch with dinner.
I don't drink to get drunk.

It does not affect my life in a big way.

>> No.2436326


>> No.2436337

sometimes I drink a lot, sometimes less
doesn't really matter, I don't get drunk or have hangovers anymore

>> No.2436343


thanks, bro. You've given me an opening line for the rest of my life.

and probably cost me about 50 sec's

>> No.2436375

usually get drunk and go to parties twice a week, but after I got a GF it's gone down to once a week. Only affects my work a little(dont get much done sundays)

>> No.2436386

My main interests are maths and lifting weights. Drinking doesn't go well with either.

>> No.2436407


>> No.2436442

One or two a day. When i go out five or six. Never get drunk since i hate hangovers (and don't like being drunk in general.) Doesn't interfere with work.

>> No.2436440

I was told that math students shouldn't drink and derive.

>> No.2436734


>> No.2436740

you know the entire point of alcohol is to get drunk rite?
nobody drinks it for the taste.

>> No.2436743

average a month would be around 25 beers. Doesn't affect work at all. I only drink after long days of work with friends and on the weekends.

>> No.2436748

I dunno about you but I need to drink a LOT to get drunk. The point is not necessarily to get drunk. It's a social lubricant as well.

>> No.2436751

I would drink beer even if it didnt contain alcohol

>> No.2436753

well getting drunk is no on/off switch, its a gradual process, the amount you drink is proportional to how drunk you are.
so you like being slightly tipsy, and it makes you more social, its still the same effect as being drunk, just a lower concentration of it.

>> No.2436755

buy non-alcoholic beer then
oh wait, your not going to are you?

>> No.2436756
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Fuck alcohol

>> No.2436759
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this guy!

>> No.2436764

I guess we're debating semantics here. The point (for me) is to get tipsy, not to get shitfaced. If you wanna call that (tipsy) drunk, than sure, the point is to get drunk.

>> No.2436767

I go out drinking about 4-8 times a month. I don't think it affects my work that much, it social drinking for the most part and I only drink on Friday and Saturday. It's a nice way to come down after a hard weeks working. I do tend to get quite drunk though.

>> No.2436769

Alcohol is just a plus for me

>> No.2436781

well, to the argument that the whole point is to get drunk, i disagree.
i generally get fairly drunk a couple times a week, but will drink another couple of nights per week as well, because it helps me to be less socially awkward when i'm at least sipping something... or smoking. or rolling a cigarette.

>> No.2436804

Heavy drinker here, drink about 3-5 a weeknight if I've got nothing else to do (don't feel anything come morning). One weekend a week I usually go on a spree (more than 12 drinks) drink a fuck lot of water before sleep and don't feel too shit come morn.

>> No.2436810

On average?
Umm... about one 3/4l bottle of whiskey per six years. Make that 10cm³ per month.

>> No.2436818

You do know you've probably already damaged your liver, right? You should do something about that, because that sounds like a drinking problem.

>> No.2436827
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i don't drink that much but i smoke a metric fuckton on the regular

>> No.2436849

I usually only drink late at night, so it doesn't affect my work.

>> No.2436875

Most likely... problem is though I exercise a lot so I can't see any outward signs (weight gain etc). So keep putting it off. Also doesn't help I was raised in country Australia and still have many bogan mates so have been part of a drinking culture since I was about 12.

>> No.2436884

Man up and stop drinking. If you're friends play the pussy card, you should be alpha and not give a fuck.

>> No.2436915

The mates have never played the pussy card that I can recall problem is that hanging around people while drinking if your sober gets boring and if you aren't driving or something you have no incentive to not :p. I am better than I have been though, cut out a lot of weekday drinks and have stopped the in between lecture visits to the oncampus pub.

>> No.2436938

Former "alcoholic here" I wasn't alcoholic in the sense I had an alcohol dependency though it was in the sense it impacted upon my life. If I drink heavily (I did drink heavily at parties and stuff) I don't passout/throw up I have a tendency to have blackouts and just generally do stupid shit. i.e. get into fights, drink drive, do dumbass stunts. The last straw was when i threw a brick at a cop car and busted the window, they didn't catch me but still that was a good sign to stop that. Now when I do drink I only drink beer because I just get bloated quickly and can't drink anymore.