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File: 199 KB, 804x652, left racist double standard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2428744 No.2428744 [Reply] [Original]

This will sound incredibly racist for all the fanatic liberal cocksuckers on this board but will blond people still exist in the future especially with all this media promoted miscegenation going around?

>> No.2428755

> pic implying studies haven't actually shown that all children of all races in the US prefer white dolls

>> No.2428766 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 505x529, 1244181265074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I don't give in to trivial political ideologies

I only fight for Terrans.

>> No.2428780
File: 34 KB, 505x529, 1244181265074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I don't give in to trivial political ideologies

I only fight for the Terran Entellechy.

>> No.2428799

Blondes are stupid. If they disappear, it'll just be evolution doing its job.

Fuck your aesthetic preferences.

>> No.2428806 [DELETED] 

What about brunettes with blond or green eyes? Still recessive genes.

>> No.2428810

What about brunettes with blond or green eyes? Still recessive traits.

>> No.2428822

>I have no idea how genetics work
Miscegenation doesn't destroy genes, even recessive ones.

>> No.2428829

It suppresses traits.

>> No.2428839

The genes still exist. Two carriers of recessive traits will still produce the trait. What combination of circumstances would lead to the complete disappearance of blond hair? Really, I'm curious.

>> No.2428850

> pic implying studies haven't actually shown that all children of all races in the US prefer white dolls
>children of all races in the US prefer white dolls
>in the US
>implying the reason isn't because they've been brainwashed by society

>> No.2428852

And nothing of value was lost.

Seriously OP, what's the matter? And yes, you are racist and you are holding us back as a society.

>> No.2428854

If the gene doesn't get passed on. You can lose a recessive trait in 2 generations. You can do a simple Punnett square to confirm.

>> No.2428856

And I am aware that I would technically be discriminating against blondes in my post. I'm blond. I guess that means I can say that. u mad?

>> No.2428860

No. No, that's not how it works at all. The gene doesn't get destroyed or disappear.

>> No.2428862

You mean those people that used smart people with brown hair and brown eyes to device methods to commit genocide against other races?
Yeah they're pretty likable people

>> No.2428870

>is just waiting for a blonde haired blue eyed black chick without the floppy black tits, also can leave the ridiculously fat arse behind too

this would be amazingly odd to see and I have no idea if it would be attractive to me.

also, no one cares

>> No.2428871

brown/almond skin:
Roman master race
blonde/green/blue eyes:
Barbarian scum

>> No.2428874

no because they will die of from skin cancer

also chicks did big cocks

deal with it

>> No.2428878

As a scientist, its very common that peers and friends come from different countries and we all speak different languages. We get along perfectly fine, most of us are good friends and what not.

We have more things in common,(i.e our education, humor, hobbies) than superficial differences like language, or race.

It seems that the so-called problems that multiculturalism bring, are mainly caused by ignorance, and racism.

>> No.2428884
File: 86 KB, 600x1144, 600px-Punnett_Square.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this pic, the recessive gene is gone in this scenario.

>> No.2428888

Because that statement wasn't racist.

>> No.2428891

Look up the definition of racist, dumbass. Also how is this holding back society?

>> No.2428892

Blondes are constantly devolving and you can't blame interracial breeding for that one.

Check Vikings vs modern day Skandfags.

Brown-hair whites FTW. Superior race.

>> No.2428893

Prosperity whitens. "Favored" white traits like straight hair, light colored eyes and hair will become more prevalent around the world.

>> No.2428894

Or that cultures can't all coexist together and the notion that they can is proven wrong time and time again.

>> No.2428900

Greekfag brownie approving this post.

>> No.2428901

Citation needed.

>> No.2428906

I'm pretty sure that in ancient times they would have picked the less pale looking barbie had it not been for white people's use of Muslim and Asian technologies to rape and pillage the rest of the world like a swarm of termites

>> No.2428910

wow, this is a gay thread

nothing will ever die out. ranga's and albino's are proof of this.

people's culture probably still has more to do with what they find attractive than their genetic background.

>> No.2428911

No it's not. I don't know what you're trying to show with the circles and the arrow, but all of those lowercase letters are recessive genes. If two carriers mate, a quarter of their offspring will have the trait. Have you ever seen a Punnet square before?

>> No.2428912

>implying white people didn't develop their own technologies.

>> No.2428914

Pretty much reality.

Light eyes yes but blond hair? most people are like "meh" about them these days.

CAPTCHA: worleader finding

>> No.2428919

>Walk into any upper level Math lecture in any top university
>Not a single blonde in sight

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.2428920

have a shave you hairy walrus

>> No.2428922

>implying they did

>> No.2428923

Capitalism and the nation state

the rest of the world had no chance

>> No.2428926

Yeah, the recessive gene isn't chosen and it's history.

>> No.2428928


Yes, that is what a monohybrid cross looks like.
The gene didn't disappear, even in your pic.

What happens in a monohybrid cross with one purestrain dominant and one heterozygous recessive is half the progeny receives a recessive trait from the heterozygous parent, half doesn't. None of them display the trait because the purestrain dominant conceals it.

The allele frequency is preserved.

Sure is highschool level genetics in here.
L2 read pundette squares

>> No.2428932

They did, look up most of the inventors in world history and look at their skin color.

>> No.2428935

It wasn't their inventions that lead them to renessance and industrial revolution.

>> No.2428937

...isn't chosen? Are you serious?

>> No.2428943

You just mad for my rugged masculinity.

>> No.2428944
File: 93 KB, 600x1374, 600px-Punnett_Square.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the recessive gene now?

>> No.2428945

i think that intelligent people like i have the opportunity to deal with in a constant basis, are more aware of their environment and are more connected to ideas that come from different parts of the world.

I do believe that Muslim that grew up in a tribe in some small village in Afghanistan would fine out very weird and freighting to live in new york.

Again, its just a matter of ignorance, which a lot of sub-cultures take advantage of this ignorance so they can manipulate people by reinforcing stereotypes on them.

This is nothing new, this strategy was used since the crusades, and in WWII by both sides.

>> No.2428946
File: 5 KB, 130x100, s1650540039_78156_7846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it flew to...... uranus.

>> No.2428948

Selected. OK. geez I have to use exact language on this board or you'll run into an exception error.

>> No.2428949

Genetics 101: the blonde hair reccessive gene will never dissapear unless every person that has sex is tested to make sure they don't have the gene.

aka: reccessive traits may dissappear but the allele will never completely dissapear

>> No.2428950


>Recessive gene isn't chosen
>You started out with 4 genes total, and in both cases the frequency of the recessive gene shows up at the same frequency it was originally in in the parents.
>All you have to do is know how to count in order to understand why you are wrong.
>You are fully retarded, leave my /sci/ immediately

>> No.2428952

Bottom right of the second square expresses the recessive trait.
Look, it's clear you're too stupid to figure this out, so just read this: http://www.snopes.com/science/stats/blondes.asp

>> No.2428953

Hey just because people want to have sex with a dumb blonde bimbo doesn't mean they want to have kids with them

>> No.2428956

I wasn't objecting to your language, you're just an idiot.

>> No.2428966

Then the extinction of blondes is post-pawned 'till contraception methods are perfected.

>> No.2428980

Blondes are either jocks or rednecks
I'm guessing OP is the latter

>> No.2428982


I love how unscientific the white supremacist arguments for the scientific prowess of the white race are.

>> No.2428987

Are you this dumb that you can't understand a simple graph if the recessive genes aren't passed onto kids there is no way there will be a recessive trait seen again.

>> No.2428996

They are passed on. Again, all of those lowercase letters are the recessive gene. In fact, the bottom right of the second square, the one with two lowercase letters, even expresses the trait. Lrn2Punnet

>> No.2429002
File: 45 KB, 526x421, ihasafunny-rednecks-gene-pool-closed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no jocks on the internets... but where the heck do rednecks plague their internets on?

>> No.2429006

Each of the four squares represents an offspring, you don't see all those genes in one offspring. lrn2Punnett.

>> No.2429013

they need the internet for faux news

>> No.2429016

Maybe in the future if 99% of the population dies from some some massive disaster. At this point humanity is retaining everything.

>> No.2429017

He thinks that a 25% chance at eliminating an allele equals a 100% chance of it occuring with every new born.

>> No.2429021

Also If the offspring with the 2 dominant alleles is the only one the parents have their bloodline ceases to carry the recessive gene.

>> No.2429022

moot is blonde
he's also a fag
by the transitive property blondes are fags

>> No.2429031

Are you retarded? Each square represents 1/4 of all of the offspring produce by that particular cross. Since that cross happens any time those parental genotypes cross, there will be many, many of those crosses. 1/4 of the offspring will express the trait and 1/2 will carry it. The gene may not appear in a particular individual (only 1/4 of the offspring) but it doesn't disappear from the genepool.

>> No.2429042

I never said that, I said in this situation if the 25% chance happens the recessive gene is out of the family.

>> No.2429046


>You think a pundette square is a graph

Have you learned to count yet? Here, I'll count for you.
Case one: You have Yy, YY parents.
And you have two Yy offspring, and two YY offspring.
Notice the fractional abundance of having two Yy and two YY offspring is identical to the original fractional abundance, which was one YY and one Yy. The pair of parents had 3 Ys for every one y, and in the offspring, you have 3 Ys for every 1y.
The fact that the dominant gene has "more" of it does not matter in the slightest, because the FREQUENCY is preserved. You are not seeing the frequency of y diminish in any way.

Next square, you have 2 parents, both Yy.
You have two Yy children, and one YY child, and one yy child.
overall, the frequency of Y to y is again, the same.
Where exactly, do you see the little y's disappearing?

>> No.2429051

And how does that eliminate all blonds again?

>> No.2429052

It can disappear from the genepool if only children with dominant alleles are born and when the parents carrying the recessive alleles die off.

>> No.2429056

If there are only YY offspring the y's are history.

>> No.2429060

That is astronomically unlikely.

>> No.2429061

Blond is a recessive trait.

>> No.2429063

I was saying to you what the troll in this thread is thinking. He thinks that if the rec allele is gone in one birth that theres a chance of it being gone in all births. He obviously doesn't know statistics.

>> No.2429065


Very good, they indeed would. And that would mean yy is a recessive lethal allele.
Now explain to me why you think this applies to any recessive allele.

>> No.2429066

Our existence is unlikely, the unlikely tends to happen.

>> No.2429067

There are millions and millions of those crosses. The odds of ONLY YY being born are so absurdly small as to be practically impossible.

>> No.2429072

Yes, that was the premise of this entire discussion. As we have seen, even recessive genes are passed on in 75% of cases.

>> No.2429073

i thought he was a ginger

LOLCAPTCHA: chastiti which

>> No.2429075

As recessive traits become less and less prevalent in the course of centuries they may die off.

>> No.2429078

>The unlikely tends to happen.
No. The unlikely tends not to happen. THAT'S WHAT MAKES IT UNLIKELY

>> No.2429082

Our existence makes perfect sense given the environment that lead us to here.

>> No.2429084

Couple that with low birthrates and it's more likely.

>> No.2429085

But they don't, they're still passed on 75% of the time. Unless there is some selective force against them, the ratio is preserved.

>> No.2429086

its only mean if you want it to happen

>> No.2429090

Sorry, the unlikely happens rarely. But it still can happen.

>> No.2429093

No, it's not. Your misunderstanding of biology, statistics and probability are appalling. How old are you? Be honest.

>> No.2429095

Yes, it becomes LESS and LESS but NEVER ZERO. This is why the nazis couldn't go through with the "stupid gene" because even they figured it out.

Its the same as a line approaching zero but never reaching it.

>> No.2429100


Doesn't matter. Blonde is a desireable trait, meaning a certain segment of the population is going to be predisposed to pair in such a way as to increase the likleyhook of offspring presenting the trait.

People don't always just fuck randomly, and with abortions mistaken offspring of bad pairings are eliminated early.

>> No.2429113

Even if being blond was completely undesirable, there would still be tons of carriers, ensuring that the next generation will always have blonds.

>> No.2429114


If you have lower birthrates and higher dieoff of young offspring the amount of offspring with YY and Yy die at a rate proportional to yy, that is, 1 YY for every yy and two Yy for every yy.

So no, you still don't lose the yy.

>> No.2429117

He has a point. Populations that trend "racial purity" and get anal over light-pigmentations are more likely to die out of inbreeding and passing ressecive inherited diseazes.

>> No.2429119

reported for this being /new/fag shit

>> No.2429127

How does that in any way validate his misunderstanding of genetic?

>> No.2429142
File: 58 KB, 372x426, gohan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't.

I was just sayan'.

Btw. Does the super-powerful half-sayan concept follow Mendellian principles?

>> No.2429136 [DELETED] 

>implying I misunderstand genetics.
Time and time again I had to point out to you nitwits that it the YY is constantly selected for the y disappear from the genepool. Yes this is unlikely, but it could happen.

>> No.2429147

>implying I misunderstand genetics.
Time and time again I had to point out to you nitwits that if YY is constantly the offspring then the y disappears from the genepool. Yes this is unlikely, but it could happen.

>> No.2429150

The carriers are still there. The gene is still passed on. What don't you understand?

>> No.2429156

y carrier are there if there are only YY, nice try, looks like you don't understand genetics.

>> No.2429169

...but there aren't only YY. Look at the chart again. 75% of the offspring have the recessive trait.

>> No.2429175

Yes because every parent has 4 kids. It's 75% chance. Chance. Chance. There is no guarantee that 3/4 offspring will all have a y.

>> No.2429178





>> No.2429180

>Yes because every parent has 4 kids.
NO. Each square is 25% of the offspring OF ALL CROSSES OF THOSE GENOTYPES.

>> No.2429181

this thread is slightly more interesting than i thought it would be.

>> No.2429190

What part of probability don't you understand?

>> No.2429199

That's not how probability works. It's possible for every oxygen atom in a room to concentrate in one corner, suffocating everyone. How often does that happen?
Look, there's no reasoning with you. Read the snopes link, it's dumbed down enough that even you can understand it.

>> No.2429206


>Hurr durr I think that any mating pair will have 4 and only 4 offspring.

>> No.2429209

The snopes link is not promising, there was no no proof that blondes won't go extinct just a little rebuttal at the bottom with hardly an explanation.

>> No.2429212

For all intents and purposes human genes work through 2*2 punnet squares if they're of similar races
Lets just leave it at that

>> No.2429216

HURR DURR I didn't even imply that, And you, HURP DURP have trouble with reading comprehension.

>> No.2429223

There's an entire wikipedia page about what a dumbass you are.
>The extinction claim is based on a misinterpretation of recessiveness in genetics. However unless blondness is positively selected against, it cannot become extinct, and the blond gene, or alleles for the trait cannot disappear by simple breeding

>> No.2429224


Anyone who thinks probability is on their side for dictating that recessive traits -or blondes- will go extinct either has a huge head full of fail in either genetics or statistics. Your pick.

>> No.2429232

Yeah that's the proof in the pudding, lol no. Until I see a formal whitepaper I'm not convinced.

>> No.2429235

Jesus, white supremacists have no fucking idea about genetics
Big fucking surprise
I'll explain it one last time: If a trait has neither favorable nor detrimental impact on the individual it WILL NOT decrease in frequency in the gene pool, because there's no selective pressure acting on it. It is quite possible that less blonds will exist some time in the future, but the blond trait can never be "extinct"

>> No.2429238

I never said that probability was on my side, I stated time and time again this is unlikely in the near future. But as breeding continues we may not see and blonde chicks in the distant future.

>> No.2429240

>Until I see a formal whitepaper I'm not convinced.
There's a lot of whitepapers on that shit

>> No.2429243

>the World Health Organization, or other experts, published a report claiming that people with blond hair "will become extinct by 2202."
Oh no. What will happen to my great-great-great-great grandchildren!

>> No.2429245

>can never be extinct.
If the offspring all have two dominant alleles where does the recessive allele go?

>> No.2429246

>Implying it's hard to write a formal white paper on the subject
>Implying a serious geneticist will actually give a shit about writing something like that to begin with, given that this is argument is based against the most trivial genetics shit that your typical bio student will learn in an intro genetics class.

>> No.2429254

>Hardy–Weinberg law states that both allele and genotype frequencies in a population remain constant—that is, they are in equilibrium—from generation to generation unless specific disturbing influences are introduced. Those disturbing influences include non-random mating, mutations, selection, limited population size, "overlapping generations", random genetic drift, gene flow and meiotic drive. It is important to understand that outside the lab, one or more of these "disturbing influences" are always in effect. That is, Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium is impossible in nature.

>> No.2429263

guys, you're missing the best arguement of all for racial genocide against black people, more friend chicken and waffles for everyone else, AND we can use all the space they took up for something useful, like a land fill.

>> No.2429264

/new/'s cancerous racism is spreading quicker than an oil spill. Ridiculous.

>> No.2429269

Who will make the chicken and waffles? Whites? I don't want to live in that world.

>> No.2429274

>implying the government can't put eviction notices on the ghetto whenever it wants
They're going to have to eat chicken where they're told to

>> No.2429276

racism is against site rules.

I'm certain st0rmfags don't care, but reported anyways.

>> No.2429283

>billion people post in /new/ thread
>nothing has changed

>> No.2429285

>quicker than an oil spill

no, its not actually. I can graph that if you like. It's a matter of exponential expansion.

>> No.2429296

If this thread was about black people possibly going extinct no one would call it racist.

ITT: Liberal Double Standard at its finest.

>> No.2429317

nobody would care either way

>> No.2429330

If you substitute "black" for "white" in OP's post the thread would be called racist far faster and you know it.

you are the reason your old board is gone.

fuck off.

>> No.2429333


dude, we'll get the illegal immigrants to do it in chicken and waffle manufacturing camps.

>> No.2429351 [DELETED] 

Why because people like you can't handle a simple fact of life such as race? Also there was nothing racist about this post except for people insulting white Americans by calling them rednecks.

>> No.2429363

Why because people like you can't handle a simple fact of life such as race? Also there was nothing racist about this thread except for people insulting white Americans by calling them rednecks.

>> No.2429364

It would probably go like this
>black people will become extinct in 200 years

>> No.2429370

>>Also there was nothing racist about this thread
It fucking started out racist.

>> No.2429385

That's because liberals find all white people racist. And any notion of white trait preservation is racist to them too. It was merely poking fun at the fact that there was no mention of racial supremacy required for racism. And there wasn't.

>> No.2429394

Started out racist? Where? Show me the first racist statement.

>> No.2429400


>> No.2429404
File: 25 KB, 200x200, kimiko12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gone for an hour or two and look at what you guys do.

>> No.2429422


>Ctrl+f white
>First hit after OP's post

>> No.2429426
File: 141 KB, 360x598, troll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw 128 posts.


>> No.2429430

For example, miscegenation is a pretty loaded word. It's difficult to give hard facts on how words are used, but when someone uses "miscegenation" it usually means they don't approve of it. Implying that interracial parentage is a bad thing would further imply that you think people should discriminate who they breed with on the basis of race (hence, racism).

>> No.2429442


Giddahdahere, /new/ refugee, and take your cartoons witchyoo.

>> No.2429449


That was a racialist statement. Racism implies supremacy, there was no mention of which race is superior until people stared throwing the word white supremacist around without understanding the definition.

>> No.2429454


Uh-oh... /sci/ shows up to kick some ignorant /new/ ass...

>> No.2429465

Hey guys
Hitler had BROWN hair, so clearly having brown hair is racist, and as such an undesirable trait.

I win.

>> No.2429475

1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
>2: racial prejudice or discrimination

>> No.2429492

treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit: racial and religious intolerance and discrimination.

Again, not racism. I never said blonds were superior or inferior.

>> No.2429498

lol @ my 404
Not if only this thread could 404.

>> No.2429510

I can do that for you.

>> No.2429512


>> No.2429516

since when did /sci/ turn into /new/2?

>> No.2429524

Name a blonde-haired nobel prize-winning physicist.

You can't.

>> No.2429529


Since /new/1 got shut down

>> No.2429536

OK, but only if people admit that there is a liberal hypocrisy as depicted in the OP pic.

>> No.2429541

Wasn't Alfred Nobel himself blond?

>> No.2429551

Of course there is. I'm a liberal who hangs out with liberals. We have our own biases, though in general we're aware of many of them.

It's all about point of view. Your's isn't wrong, it just allows for less diversity, and counterintuitive as it may seem, it's best to limit the diversity of those who seek to limit diversity.

now delete your fucking shit thread and go to /b/. Come back when you have some science for us.

>> No.2429550


Black nationalism is racism. White nationalism is racism. ANY type of racism is bad for the world.

OP's pic is a strawman, and a misrepresentation of the left by wingnuts who want to feel persecuted.