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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2428559 No.2428559 [Reply] [Original]

What does /sci/ think of Minecraft?

Saging my own thread for "not Science & Math", I'm just curious since every other board seems to feel strongly one way or another.

>> No.2428613

I know I speak for everyone on /sci/ when I say Minecraft is the greatest toy ever, as a game however it stinks.

>> No.2429129


EVERYONE on /sci/?

>> No.2429140

Assburgers in a videogame

>> No.2429135

I like the game, wish it was in the hands of a more proactive developer though.

>> No.2429143

shitty infiniminer ripoff that gets way too much praise

notch is a fat fuck that is using all of the money sent to him to take vacations. he can't program for shit, and anyone with a basic game programming background could clone the game in a few weeks tops.

dwarf fortress is several orders of magnitude better and it's free.

>> No.2429151

Awesome for a while, then gets old. Like Anon said, needs a more proactive developer. I did have a lot of fun designing mob farming machines though! And on a private server I built a huge maze.

>> No.2429159

yeah but only an asspie can appreciate those graphics

>> No.2429160

I only play it to explore all the caves.
building is boring as fuck

>> No.2429163

I don't get it
If I wanted to draw random crap I'd used mspaint

>> No.2429173

I don't think Notch is up to the job of transitioning to professional game development framework. It could be awesome with the right work, but he's just gonna frick around with stupid shit like music blocks instead of making a stable, accessible game that isn't boring after a while.

>> No.2429187


Shit, really? Post server IP, sounds awesome

>> No.2429184

Haters gonna hate but when alchemy comes out I'm going to set up an awesome lab.

>> No.2429183

>Saging my own thread for "not Science & Math"
You're fucking stupid.

>> No.2429182

extremely fun for the first few days.

then, it just gets tedious. I played the game to EXPLORE NEW WORLDS and explore deep into the bowels of the earth in search of beautiful caverns to scale, knowing not where each fork were to lead me, or where each huge hole so deep it had no light at the bottom were to end up.
I would scale those fucking huge caves and feel more alive in that game than any other I've played, because this shit wasn't programmed for me to find- it was randomly generated. The thrill of the TRUE UNKNOWN was intoxicating!

but it got fucking boring to grind for hours and then be unable to do anything at night. I miss exploring.

>> No.2429179

Finally got my undersea colonization map professionally hosted. Some of the colonists are working on a ten story cylindrical mob spawning tower for the deep trench station. Seeing people cooperating to build a megasttucture 52 units underwater, using glass enclosed air pockets to breathe between bouts of work is pretty boss. It's so deep, surfacing for air isn't an option.

>> No.2429191

fuckin' this, I have to see this. Oh my god.

>> No.2429195

I like it, wish I understood redstone better cuz some awesome stuff has been made with it. Then again, learning the game mechanics sometimes feels like rediscovering physics, fun, great creative outlet.
I'm always wishing for more content though.
There are plenty of massively game changing mods out there, and if it's easy enough for people to create all that extra stuff and present it for free, why can't the official version compare?
A working multiplayer would be nice too.

>> No.2429207


Downtown right now, if the thread's still going when I get home I'll post it.

>> No.2429257


I plan on being up all night.

I will wait for you

>> No.2429273


I think it's something like mc.servercraft.co:2667 but I'm probably off by a digit or something.

>> No.2429301
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it's easier to just use torches. Swim up to a wall and plant a torch where you're head is and you'll get a breath.

Pic related, the work I do is relatively shallow.

>> No.2429305

LEGOs for actual cyber hipsters.

I don't like it.

>> No.2429325

I made a simple MUX with redstone... other than that the game can grow old fast.

>> No.2429413

how can people accuse notch of not being professional? It doesnt make sense. He makes content every week and yes he takes breaks but its barely out of alpha and people want a finished game. its 20$ for hours of exploration and building if your into it with large amounts of content in the future.

>> No.2429439
File: 68 KB, 500x446, Nyoro~n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I built a 50x50x50 block version of Mars
But this one uses a lot of blue wool :3c

>> No.2429438

I think the multiplayer part of the game has a lot of potential. For example, I could see team v team matches, from 5 players a team up to much bigger groups, creating some very competitive and interesting gameplay. For example... use a non-infinite map that is small enough for players at different spawn-points to bump in to each other, drop two teams in and each team then employs a strategy to become battle-ready as quickly as possible and defeat the other team. It would make for some pretty cerebral and creative game-play IMO. In cooperative PvP like this, not every player needs to have "twitch" skills as some team members will need to mine, some build, some fight, etc. Notch seems to be keen on PvP so I have my hopes up.

Of course, it seems that multi-player will inevitably enable players to enter a server and simply work together to build fortresses etc, but I think the game has a lot more potential for fun than that.

>> No.2429459


if they added guns and vehicles then there could be more options to develop squad dynamics

>> No.2429478

Adding some kind of vehicle that can be built and more ways to do damage to people sounds good but I hope notch sticks to the medieval theme.

>> No.2429506

Some mods add hookshots and weapons to the game.
And they have some servers where they work.
The way they tell, it's great fun.

Part reason why I like it so much. LEGO cad-programs are so shitty you can't get anything done in them.

>> No.2429609

Anyone have any idea how I could run this on a Linux-run PowerPC machine?

inb4 get a real computer

>> No.2429640


>Download Minecraft.jar, an executable jar file. It might work as-is.
>If you run into out of memory errors, try launching it with java -Xmx1024M -Xms512M -cp Minecraft.jar >net.minecraft.LauncherFrame
>Also, please make sure you're running the Sun JVM...

>> No.2429649


The pirated version runs fine on linux

>> No.2429650

I'm the guy who hooked him up with the server owner.

mc438.servercraft.co:2667 is the address.

>> No.2429657
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Getting Anon's attention with a screenshot.

Remember, the address for the server is: mc438.servercraft.co:2667

>> No.2429664

Runs up to the point where it's done "Updating Minecraft", then screen just goes black.

My fault for using such a wonky-ass setup I guess.

>> No.2429689

did anyone see the minecraft 16bit computer. Holy shit. Maybe, is /sci/ the only place that could possibly appreciate this guy?


>> No.2429703

He' s done with the entire CPU and has realease the savefile, fyi..


>> No.2429718


played around with that already, redstone stretches outwards to the horizon.

>> No.2429731

minecraft is shitty because the guy makes you pay.

i dont respect people like that.

dorf fortress over shitcraft anyday

>> No.2429733
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Dwarf Fortress / Minecraft MMO

can't wait

>> No.2429745
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>> No.2429753
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>my face when Mad Scientist's underwater server


>> No.2429776

because dorf fort doesnt charge i donated 70 dollars.

yeah. 70. im a goddamned captain of industry, motherfucker.

>> No.2429822

There are tools to import dorf fortress maps into minecraft.

Someone said all his gems turned into diamonds in conversion.

>> No.2429832

It's like Rapture, except the idiots breaking it get b& :3

>> No.2429843
File: 117 KB, 1920x1080, msmincecraftunderwater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Favorite server of the year award

>> No.2429849

Yeah. I think I'll visit again. NoseMan here btw.

But now I srsly gotta sleep.

>> No.2429875

Amazing work. I especially loved the Nether Room. Would love to hang there in real life.

>> No.2429911


>> No.2429984

There needs to be some way of harvesting all the squid that get caught in the currents.

>> No.2430009
File: 2.24 MB, 1920x1028, New_Carthica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2430118

Well this is the greatest server ever.

>> No.2430175

shit just got real, the main tunnel is all fucked up

>> No.2430184
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Do you need to download extra addons for it to be good or, as the beta 1.2 version, is it already good?

>> No.2430204



>> No.2430288

Someone blew up the Broville-Brolivia train station. There's been a massive explosion.

Sorry, LegoRobot. It was cool while it lasted.

>> No.2430346
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I knew nothing good could come of planting large quantities of explosives under one's base.

>> No.2430404

Do you need to be premium to access:
>says "User Not Premium" when I try to access.

>> No.2430467

Yes. IIRC the free version only allows creative mode single player.

Could be wrong tho.

>> No.2430473

I'm not too worried about LegoRobot's Minecraft underwater thing, I think he has shitloads of save files from each 10 minute block.

>> No.2430488

Idd. I would simply love the idea of having a base in the middle of nowhere, in which about 32 players work upon producing swords, arrows, armor, long range missiles in order to wipe out the other team on the other island.

At the same time Notch should include machines into the game. Machines in order to accelerate production of goods. Such a tech tree would make the more fun since the players will notice that their effort in working is being rewarded by them achieving higher standards of production.

>> No.2430489

I want to see a completed Starship Enterprise.

>> No.2430496

I downloaded Minecraft earlier and played around with it for a long time. I had lots of fun with it, but got out of it. I was planning on buying it when I have time, so expect me on the underwater server after I'm done with my work today, it looks great. Are there any rules I should be aware of apart from not being evil?

>> No.2430498

Structural the enterprise D has been completed, he just needs to detail the rooms

>> No.2430499

You have two more wishes.

>> No.2430541

I wish for more wishes

>> No.2430551

Of course. The condition for that is every wish-granting object in the universe hurtles towards you at horrifying speeds and kills you. .

I haven't slept in days. This is meant to be a joke, but I have no idea what you'll see.

>> No.2430557

Try not to even accidentally damage the domes. Water can cause a lot of havoc.

You aggravate the Djinn.
The Djinn hits you.
You are now blind.
It hits you.
It hits you.
It hits you.
It hits you.
It hits you.
It hits you.
You die...
Do you want your possessions identified?

>> No.2430575
File: 77 KB, 701x595, wishes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2430722

Is there any way to get around the premium version by piracy? I am just short of the money to buy it and I get paid monday - I will buy it then, but I'm wanting to play on this server, now. Can anyone help?

>> No.2430744

Considering there's almost daily updates, it probably wouldn't work. All pirate versions I've seen say that only the single player works.

>> No.2430754


>> No.2430793

project i'm working on.
If anyone here is bored with the vanilla gameplay and wants to be a part of something bigger, take a look

>> No.2430850

sounds pretty neat, bro.
i'd help but i wouldn't touch java with a ten foot pole

>> No.2430892

I love it

it need more items and stuff though. Hosting your own server needs to be easier and you should be able to have portals that lead to other people realms

ive never actually found a dungeon complete with mossy cobblestone or a treasure box but building and mining are fun

>> No.2431922

>ive never actually found a dungeon complete with mossy cobblestone or a treasure box

Sounds like you haven't been exploring enough caves.

>> No.2431964


Holy shit, I have to check this out now. Looks awesome.

>> No.2431982

What do I have to do to join the magic underwater dome base server? :)

>> No.2431987


I'm starting to learn this way myself.

>> No.2432068

... conncetion refused. :(

>> No.2432240


Same here

>> No.2432262

And the admin is going to be at work for the next eight hours or so.


>> No.2432299

It's fun when you first start a new world. You actually have to work to survive and gather things you need to build more comfortable domiciles. However, once you have a well established fortress and a hefty inventory, it becomes extremely boring. The danger of exploring caves becomes irrelevant. All you have to do is advance your boundary, seal it off, put up torches or other light sources, then repeat. Going into the Nether is pretty much not worth the resources. You have to find diamonds, then you have to make or find obsidian. Both of which takes a lot of time or resources if you want to do it faster.

It needs a lot of work that's never going to get done because the guy who created it is bored with it. He doesn't care what people want to see in the game, he has his own ideas. So the past few weeks have been spent on musical blocks instead of something useful.

>> No.2432335
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<= What I actually want to see in a future Minecraft version.

Wouldn't it be just awesome to have game mode in which teams work upon dominating the map?

>> No.2432353

ehhh... maybe. At some point, isn't it just Team Fortress with heavy world modification ability?

>> No.2432699

Moar like C&C Renegade.

>> No.2432710

Never played, never will.