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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2426927 No.2426927 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2426932

If anyone deserved to live forever...

Alas, that he was aboard the last train to the dragon's lair.

>> No.2426947

>implying carl sagan was even a proper scientist

>> No.2426955


>Implying Astrophysics is not a proper science

>> No.2426959


This. There's a fine line between scientist and spokesman. Same applies to Richard Dawkins.

>> No.2426968

you stupid fuckers, just because they didn't have aspergers and could actually talk in front of more than 2 people doesn't mean they were not scientists. They've published loads of scientific material

>> No.2426970

What's the deal with /sci/ and Sagan? He's dead. Find a new role model. Like this guy: http://www.timecube.com/

>> No.2426971

I came to this revelation while watching ep 11 of cosmos on shrooms (my favorite sober and non-sober show) and started sobbing for him

then i went outside and looked at the stars and felt better

>> No.2426976


I would kill millions to bring these three back.

>> No.2426980

>published books about other people's research

Cool story bro

>> No.2426988


>Cool story bro

/b/ is that way, 'bro'

>> No.2426992

what the fuck?
you retard, sagan is still alive,

>> No.2426993

bro is bro, bro

>> No.2427000

>implying 'cool story bro' is only relevant on /b/

>> No.2427003


>Implying it isn't

>> No.2427006

in our hearts, he is ;_;

>> No.2427013
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>> No.2427021

>atheists will never accept carl sagan's consciousness is still alive


>> No.2427052

This. It's sad that people who have contributed at most 2 papers are bumping their unwarranted scinetifi self importance with jelly.

>> No.2427057
File: 17 KB, 310x301, jesus-christ-thumbs-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of shot yourself in the foot there, eh?

>> No.2427068

Carl Sagan is trolling, he is flying in the space

>> No.2427072
File: 16 KB, 500x500, 1290633608158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buzzkill b'awwwwwww

>> No.2427178

this guy is write
carl sagan is still alive, i saw a live documentary by him just a couple of months ago.

>> No.2427238
File: 151 KB, 622x735, 1285498538833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New age assholes misusing Sagan for their pseudoscientific agenda boils my fucking blood.

>> No.2427244

I would kill billions and billions to bring back Sagan… And Feynman… :(

>> No.2427251
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Intellectual humor..i love it.

>> No.2427425



>> No.2427462
File: 85 KB, 500x725, tears woodcut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You will never explore the galaxy, discovering new forms of life
>You will die and be forgotten, every argument cold, every word as though it was never spoken
>All Sagan was doing is pointing out the obvious to a species too nearsighted to see it
>A species that will, in time, forget him as well and all he said

>And yet, as a group of peoples linked together by our lives and our deaths
>We march onwards

>It will not be we who reach the stars

>> No.2427472

how is that humur?
he is alive, you retards

>> No.2427779
File: 115 KB, 590x801, carlsaganexistence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys, guys...


0:27-0:36 is the relevant part.

Carl Sagan was speaking to us.

>> No.2427887

The wavelengths of Sagans existence are on his way through cosmos.

>> No.2427929


think about that while listening to this.

>> No.2427934


whats a mote?

>> No.2427992
File: 239 KB, 588x469, 1289762029251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2428001

Normally like a tiny dust grain, or the like. Emphasis on "tiny".

>> No.2428013

funny how atheist scientists get all religious like when they are close to death.

>> No.2428050

the chinamen will

>> No.2428053


>implying carl sagan said that
>implying carl sagan hasn't been dead for a while
>implying you aren't a blundering idiot

>> No.2428074


>i am half chinese

>dont be an ass

>> No.2428080


Funny how EVERYONE gets like that when near death, not just scientists

>> No.2428119

ya but its hypocritical when atheist scifags do it.

>> No.2428136

Hypocritical when everyone does it, what's your point?

>> No.2428152


Next time you get held up at gunpoint by a mugger, ask yourself: "Is now the appropriate time to worry about whether or not my religious beliefs contradict with what I'm about to think of in the following 5 minutes?"

>> No.2428193


I make it a point of hanging out in shady neighborhoods with pockets full of cash just to test my irreligious fervor

>> No.2428311


>implying Carl Sagan isn't doing this right now

>> No.2428323

Maybe you should move out to some normal place.

>> No.2428325


[citation needed]

I do hope human beings aren't that cowardly.

>> No.2428449

stating that there is a fine line in your opinion is a useless assertion.
Where is that fine line?

As far as I know, one is considered a scientist when one has acquired a phd and authored articles which were published in respectable peer reviewed journals.
The following articles neatly sum up the educational credentials and scientific contributions of both of the aforementioned individuals.



Next time you wish to discount the contributions of men greater than yourself, please at least provide some basis for your accusations.