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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1014 KB, 2302x1779, body types.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2426135 No.2426135 [Reply] [Original]

Someone called me a "deviant" because I said I was attracted to skinny girls (1 and 2 on the chart).

The reasoning behind this was that men are biologically supposed to like women who carry a bit of fat and have large boobs, dat ass and curves. This is because we're subconsciously supposed to look for a mate who can be a better bearer of children.

First question is, is that an instinct, or an environmental product? Because if it's the latter it doesn't make sense, I never even knew the shape of a woman made any difference to whether she could have children (it doesn't), and I'm not aware of any agendas that want people to believe this. Furthermore I was then told that women who were pale were found more attractive a century ago because it indicated they were of a higher class, like today in Africa larger women are more sought after. But why would you conclude that this all leads to wanting a better partner to have children with, and not just a partner who is richer or whatever? Some people don't even want children.

tl;dr are men supposed to like fat women because they subconsciously look for women who can carry children

~ Leonidas

>> No.2426155
File: 966 KB, 2400x3600, Christina-Hendricks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's a picture of a fat ugly woman who most people think is the pinnacle of beauty.

~ Leonidas

>> No.2426161

Attraction is a blend of environmental and genetic factors. But basically as long as we reproduce with the best possible mate

>> No.2426162

That's a very simplistic view. There's an enormous amount of environmental influence on the nitty gritty of our sexual preferences. It could be argued that you are attracted to these women because you believe that that is what a successful woman looks like and she will therefore be better able to take care of your kids.

>> No.2426163

Hypothesis: A population of fat mammals will have a lower fecundity than that of regular mammals. This would be due mainly to heart disease.

Conclusion: there's nothing wrong with being "deviant".

>> No.2426179


humans. you can't include whales in this hypothesis.

>> No.2426211
File: 12 KB, 200x200, 1292117504243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucky for you I'm here.

Attractiveness pertaining to body fat is shown to have inverse proportion to the availability of food.

See, olden time, current day africa and other third world countries, and current day america for the example of the opposite end of the spectrum.

However, it is generally universal that a WHR of .7 is desirable and women have a higher body fat percentage because of breasts.

Personally, I find 1 abhorrent and 2 a wet dream.

tl;dr inverse proportion of availability of food and attractiveness to body weight

>> No.2426218

Skinny chicks are pretty nasty.

I bet you got Yellow fever or something, cause most Asian chicks are fucking twigs with no ass.

>> No.2426220


There is definitely nothing wrong, but I could turn the argument around by saying a skinny female will actually be a better mother because she has self control.

For me personally, skinny girls are more aesthetically beautiful. Fat is just gross.

~ Leonidas

>> No.2426233

I'd fuck everything up to 11. Except 10.

Also, I fuck skinny guys, too.

>> No.2426234
File: 26 KB, 237x300, dfc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel for you, OP.

>> No.2426253

wow i actually learnt something from sci, thanks.

>> No.2426264


Yup, I'm some what of a dilettante when it comes to the scientific study of human aesthetics.

you could say I'm a caligynephile

>> No.2426265

i think it's your perception of fertility and health. the definitions are changing. you like nasty emaciated women because you see that as a picture of modern health.

i like women with at most around 20% bodyfat and athletic muscle, because i see that as "healthy" and therefore sexy. thankfully my wife goes to pole dancing class.

>> No.2426277

>my wife goes to pole dancing class.
Enjoy your STDs.

>> No.2426281

Men go for fat chicks because that way there's no reason to be insecure or weirdly jealous of her male friends (who are more than likely faggots anyway). See?

>> No.2426299

attractive = symmetrical, clear skin, young, firm

unattractive = probably you

>> No.2426308

Alright I have a question about this.

How deviant is it honestly to really like girls that are more 1 or 2? Meaning.. How many people am I really competing with here?

Am I really such a minority that the women that I consider nigh impossible to talk to because they stun me are considered mediocre or even below the normal atypical attractive male?

From my experience it seems like most guys these days like skinny women. I guess that could be wrong. I just really don't want fat kids... Really.. Really don't want fat kids.

>> No.2426310
File: 77 KB, 720x540, dee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm the guy in the middle, I can tick all four of those things you mentioned.

~ Leonidas

>> No.2426314

See, you're not helping your cause by classifying Christina Hendricks as a "fat ugly woman". When you make a statement like that, you're shifting the focus from analytical, to confrontational. It puts people who finder her attractive, onto the defensive, and the best defense is a good offense. Hence, they will call you a deviant for being attracted to skinny girls.

Additionally: "I never even knew the shape of a woman made any difference to whether she could have children (it doesn't)" Of course body shape has a bearing on child birth. It's a simple case of whether the thing can get through her hips without killing her!

>> No.2426323

If you're attracted to 1, you're either a teenager with lingering attractive to prepubescent girls, or you are definitely a deviant.

Is it just me or does "thin" have almost the same body as "voluptuous"?

The best body there is "thick"

>> No.2426324

>in the middle


>> No.2426325

I'd fuck 2 and 4. That's it.

>> No.2426339


I'm sorry I'm used to boards like /tv/ where 90% of the posters are retards/trolls, so I've developed that style that also makes me seem like a retard/troll.

~ Leonidas

>> No.2426344
File: 30 KB, 478x468, 1288187700342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2426347

god, i would dress you in panties and mouth rape the shit out of you

>> No.2426353

1-9(9 is iffy), 11, 14-15

Most of them look like they'd really annoy me, though.

>> No.2426364

I am obviously a gigantic faggot, and I love to take cocks up the butt.
Your argument is invalid


>> No.2426366

DSL for sure.

>> No.2426371

So you're what, 14? Then no, you're not a deviant for being attracted to girls who look like they're 12. Attraction to the female form changes with age.

>> No.2426380


digital subscriber line?

>> No.2426387

what about the role of domination in sex?
im just speculating here, but could a reason for attraction to skinny/young/short girls might be due in part to unconscious want to dominate a partner? and liking fat/tall/muscular woman be due to the want to be dominated

>> No.2426389

3. isn't a hourglass, is she? Shouldn't a hourglass figure have bigger boobs?

>> No.2426396

Fat girls are permanent partners until the man decides otherwise.

>> No.2426399

this chart is pretty inaccurate.

>> No.2426405

Someone called me a deviant for having sex with trees, when people have been doing it for millions of years. Their loss for not having a wet evergreen drooling sap all over their penis as they thrust in and out, they'll never feel the soft tickle of all-embracing moss as they plunge into an oak.

>> No.2426406

Walks like a troll, talks like a troll...

>> No.2426408



god this whole time I was like "the bitch is a pear... doesn't anybody know what a hourglass looks like"

plus this bitch's WHR is fucked up, it sure isn't .7, maybe like .4 or .5

>> No.2426412

>Attraction to the female form changes with age.

True, when I was in my teens I liked older women. Now only little girls get my penis up.

>> No.2426420

I don't understand for the life of me the attraction to skinny girls with enormous tits. It's freakish.

I like 2, 3 (if she wasn't shooped), 8, 9, 11, 15

>> No.2426421


actually, males of all ages usually select features that are characteristic of a woman of 24.8 years of age

>> No.2426423


>> No.2426431

Number 1 from here.....
"Guy" in the middle from here...


>> No.2426440

4's tits are not freakishly large for her weight. Slightly abnormal, ok, but she's still appealing. Unfortunately the human brain thinks that women with bigger tits will provide more milk. Stupid irrational thing.

>> No.2426445

It makes more sense when you remember the fact that you enjoy the comforting touch of other males.

>> No.2426456

Not me. That would have been way too old for me when I was 20 or younger. I've never been attracted to women more than a year or 2 older than me. And I'm attracted to curvy women now. When I was a teenager I preferred the less womanly teenage body type.

>> No.2426461

This is the age we are all supposed to die at.

>> No.2426471

She's a little freakish, but she does have some ass. And I for one am not interested in the tits for their milk capabilities. I like the curves to flow together, hips to waist to tits. Women who look like a basketball attached to a tree are not attractive.

>> No.2426481



how about thirteen cups of rage....
Sure is uneducated guessing in here.

The draw to larger breast is as follows:

First of all the explanation for anything a male finds attractive is a sign of the ability to make a baby. The first and incredibly obvious requisite is to be female. Large breasts are NEVER naturally found on males. Additionally, the larger they are the better indicator of sagging which happens with age (very little sagging, young and ready to go!) Also, the main purpose of the breast is to act as a form of self mimicry displaying the buttocks. This is why the cleavage is so attractive, because boobs that do not form that cleavage do not in anyway resemble the butt.


>> No.2426494

More like lrn2believe bullshit made up explanations that are believed by the gullible with no evidence whatsoever.

>> No.2426501


>features that are characteristic

this not talking about what age of women you prefer

>> No.2426511
File: 64 KB, 468x250, caveman6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


okay fred

>> No.2426513

But still, I didn't prefer features characteristic to 25yo's when I was 15. I preferred the features characteristic of 15yo's.

>> No.2426527


>implying it's not extensively studied and completely logically consistent

>> No.2426528

My two ex-wives looked like 19. and 13. respectively. Yeah, I'm a tit-man.

>> No.2426578
File: 181 KB, 1280x1794, shawn-johnson-legs-feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Most people hate fat girls.
- And >>2426155 doesnt look like christina hendriks.If its really her(but I don't think so) , then she is very different with make up.And people admire chirstinas face, not her body.
- And people adore media people because of the hype.You see those "top 100 hostest women" ranking.All of them contain shitty women(compared with the really gorgeous women).Shakira, paris hilton and specially christina ricci(this one particularly makes me angry) are examples.
Almost every single women on /s/(mainly form you fall in love you lose threads), totally unknown women, are infinitely more beautiful that any of those women on top 100 list(with few exceptions, like kate beckinsale).
Unhappily most people are very supple.If the tv says someone is beautiful over and over, they end by agreeing.Or, if they admire someone for other thing than beauty, then end by thinking the person is pretty(Ie heard lots of people saying alanis morissete is hot).

tldr: Contrary to what you affirm, people dont like fat girls and girls you'e showd looks nothing like christina hendrik.you fail.

btw my favorite is 5.

>> No.2426591
File: 1.85 MB, 2302x1779, body types.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blanked all faces out, if you're gonna repost use this one, it's less biased

~ Leonidas

>> No.2426602

By less biased you mean only face 7 is visible?

>> No.2426610
File: 223 KB, 1200x1479, kim-kardashian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it is her, look at her foot, she has a bunion. are you surprised celebrities look different without make up and in normal clothes. also i completely agree with everything you've said (apart from the bit about me failing ;_;), but i'm not talking about men liking celebrities in specific, i'm saying their idea body type is curvy and slightly chubby, like this (ignore the fact that she's famous).

~ Leonidas

>> No.2426612

Leonidas you look like a damn woman.

>> No.2426618

Stop signing your posts. You watched 300. You thought it was cool. WE GET IT.



>> No.2426630

In the Hellenic times, fat women were looked upon as beautiful and much more "worth" than the skinny ones.

Just to add, 'sall.

>> No.2426632


lol silly me i missed two out i'm not uploading another one though internet is too slow


my name has nothing to do with the film

and yes i've noticed these outlines captchas i thought they were all from the same text at first but it looks like a bug now

~ Leonidas

>> No.2426637
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, 0019w03h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having a trip AND signing your own post.


Just wow.

>> No.2426640

In hellenic times they also had sex with children

>> No.2426643

Its not only make up.This girls chin is much smaller that in all christina's photos Ive seen.And I dont know if its because of the makeup, but the lips look smaller too.

and I dont like chubby girls either, most men I know dont either.
Chubby is a fetish of few men.

>> No.2426664
File: 53 KB, 690x547, catherine zeta jones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skinny girls like the one in the picture are disgusting. What about waist/hip ratio. You can't tell me you don't get a boner from tiny waist broad hip girls OP. They also have something the car industry is using subconsciously on men: curves.
A certain design our brains are wired to be attracted to. So yeah, if you pick the skinny chick out of those broads you're pretty much not normal or maybe just too young

>> No.2426668

In OPs picture of course

>> No.2426670

why do i find ellen page in my #1 spot for celebrity hottness?

>> No.2426674

id kill for 4 and 5

>> No.2426680


in terms of design i like rectangles and straight lines DAT harmonious symmetry

also cars are for fags

~ Leonidas

>> No.2426683


Can you provide a sauce for that?

>Men and women agree that attractive women have the large eyes and lips and small noses and chins of children. Attractive women's faces have the proportions of 11-to-14-year-old children

>Rhodes, G. Hickford, C., Jeffrey, L. Sex-typicality and attractiveness: ); Johnson, V.S., Franklin, M. "Is Beauty in the Eye of the Beholder?" Ethology and Sociobiology 14 (1993): 183-199.

>> No.2426692

Funny coming from someone who would look good in a skirt...

>> No.2426693
File: 86 KB, 500x375, black-and-white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


forgot my pic lols


YES she is soooooo cute

~ Leonidas

>> No.2426698
File: 20 KB, 192x265, pedobear_paddington.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IT was me all along!!


>> No.2426708

I think some people in this thread are me so I'm going to put on a tripcode

~ Leonidas

>> No.2426717
File: 22 KB, 245x251, i can't believe this shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I am the real Leonidas and THIS is my tripcode

>> No.2426720

maybe your a fag

>> No.2426722


yeah I got it from here, but actually I trust your sauce more so I renege my comment


>> No.2426723

I'd fuck em all

>> No.2426727

I changed my mind about using a tripcode, but I still stand behind the statement that I'm a huge faggot

~ Leonidas

>> No.2426732


nice try, this was my old tripcode

google for confirmation

~ Leonidas

>> No.2426733


fuck. these guys aren't me.

~ Leonidas

>> No.2426755

Personally I like Athletic and Thin best

>> No.2426785

My name is leonidas, and I'm a dumbfuck.

~ Leonidas

>> No.2426829

1, 2, 5, 14, are the only worthwhile girls.

>> No.2426853

Love every last one except for the entire bottom row.

>> No.2426888
File: 107 KB, 330x320, crylaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2427083

OOHHH thanks SO much.

This has always been obvious to me but I feared telling people for their hypocrisy.Know I can say "deal with science, bitch".


Because it looks like she has 13 years old.

>> No.2429036


>> No.2429167

I'd ravage #4 and the body of #19.

Duh. Why do you think guys like short women so much? The hottest woman I've banged was this chubby prostitute who was marvelously short, cute face, and big ass tits. Kind of a #19 but black and a way better face. It was funny how much of her attractiveness was lent by her shortness even though.

Same reason why women like big tall men (sign of the ability to dominate others).

The nub is that we aren't making such calculations in our instinctual lusts. It's just that evolution has favored organisms and the offspring of organisms WITH SUCH LUSTS. Fat, big breasts/ass, and symmetry are usually LUXURIES OF ADEQUATE NUTRITION. If your lusts spurned such figures in the majority of our history, your offspring would have a lesser chance of surviving.

>> No.2429681

I found all of them attractive except 21 but that had more to do with her frenching a dog then her body

>> No.2429710


on second thought it was entirely to do with her body and the bestiality almost got her on the list too.

captcha: orily optimize

>> No.2429735

Am i really the only one that like 3 the most? really? you all like 1 2 and 4 but not 3? what the fuck man

>> No.2429741

thats bullshit i love the thin stomach to huge hips but my motorcycle is all sharp angles, not a curve on it

>> No.2429748

It looked to me like she was tasting it.

>> No.2429763

I like 9, 10, and 11 the best.

But I'm a chick so that might make a difference.

>> No.2429765

er, I meant 8, 9, and 11.

>> No.2429768


It seems like they found the widest hips possible rather then dem hips

I'm a face man myself so I can't entirely judge your taste.

>> No.2429771
File: 26 KB, 763x366, i have no words.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That fucking neck what I don't even

>> No.2429775

Upon further review it seems I also would not mind 12, 15, and 17.

>> No.2429788

Laziness and over indulgence is not attractive.

>> No.2429793


>> No.2429823

that gap between the legs of #3 is the greatest thing i've ever seen.

i just wanna stick my palm in there and lift her up with one arm, its so fantastic. also not hourglass at all, tits too small.

>> No.2429893

the skinny girl is sick

>> No.2429920
File: 195 KB, 680x1024, 1295195474047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bottom row Master Race here, you jelly?

>> No.2429992

I'd fuck 2 and OP.

>> No.2430026

it looks like you re all high

>> No.2430054

I'd fuck them all, they're all fine. OP, you shouldn't care what other people think about your preferences. Go after whatever makes you happy. Even if you are sexually deviant, what does it matter? Hell we're all sexually deviant in some way.

>> No.2430056

My preferences: very 1; very/okay 2,3,8; maybe 11,14; maybe maybe 15. (very - like a lot, okay - like it too, but less than previous; maybe - acceptable; maybe maybe - fine too, but maybe less).

This thread has a lot of rationalizing our preferences based on evolutionary guesses (I'm inclined to make a trollpun here, but I digress).

You may rationalize that we liked this and that since it has better chance of rearing children, but, I don't fully support this view. My view is that we evolved to be able to get common certain preferences, but this does not mean those preferences are good fitness now, just that they were good for fitness then.

I'm not even going to say we have such things hardwired into our brains as they are too generic and adaptable to actually allow such advanced coding (this may be possible for food or emotional responses, or how we react to certain chemicals in the air based on taste/smell, but that's actually understandable as it's easy to classify such behavior, while things like the shape of the female body are probably too complex to genetically program exactly).

>> No.2430057

this buy knows how it is

however I'd also give 4 and 11 a go

>> No.2430058

I'm not in the habit of turning down pussy. I expect a lot of men and a fair number of women are just like me.

>> No.2430063

> continued
What I will say is that there is probably a very slight genetic component to it, mostly which triggers what we are likely to like in general (for example identification of fertile females, through olfactory mechanisms, however this is just a hypothesis, and I could be wrong about this), and such "liking" is likely to happen during puberty and later, which will form emotional memories which will result in us identifying some beings as attractive, while others less.

I know for a fact that my "likes"/"turn-ons" are most definitely not based on the capability of the female to have children, it mostly based on what I find aesthetically beautiful and nothing more. It doesn't even depend on the genetic gender (I could find a drawing of a female-looking trap attractive, however I wouldn't apply that to real life as real-life traps are easily identifiable as male in the majority of cases). I think a large of my likes/turn-ons are based on my crushes I've had during puberty (early emotional memories). I have a huge web of fetishes (likes/turn-ons, not the scientific term of paraphilia which means I can't live without them, which is not the case here), which are based on even more complex emotional memories, some which I can place, while others which I can't explicitly recall.

At the same time, I've seen such a large variety in human likes and dislikes in other people, that I really don't think a "normal" exists, nor that it matters what your likes/dislikes are as long as you're happy with them.

>> No.2430073

> continued
The human mind is a complex web of interacting system dynamics and trying to rationalize irrational likes and dislikes through simple views like "you like x because this is a good child-rearing capability" is too simplistic, even if some of those rationalizations may have some half-truths in them as far as the long process of evolution goes. (However, I won't claim these evolutionary and genetic factors shape too much, given the variety shown in humans. I'd be willing to go that the majority of the points go to the environment here).

The point I'm trying to make in general is that likes/dislikes are mostly irrational and driven by environment, and while genetics may have a small component, it is hardly something that determines the specifics.