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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2420663 No.2420663 [Reply] [Original]

All right /sci/, you know the drill

>> No.2420693
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>> No.2420711
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You spelled physics wron- oh, dammit.

>> No.2420719

right. can someone explain why that wont work? if we ignore the mass of the vacuum container......

>> No.2420732

Why would you ignore the mass of the vacuum container?

>> No.2420733

It doesn't work because the container would have to be too strong. Nothing we know of wouldn't shatter under those stresses, even diamond.

>> No.2420736


gee i dunno


>> No.2420741
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>> No.2420744


dude you almost got me


you should make it a troll comic or something

>> No.2420746

You would need a very rigid container to not collapse. We don't have anything that rigid and that light at the same time.

>> No.2420758

idiot here.... but hypothetically speaking, why won't it?

>> No.2420761
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>> No.2420764

The container weighs more than air.

>> No.2420772
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total mindfuck...

>> No.2420779

We can do a lot of things if we just start ignoring mass all willy-nilly.

>> No.2420782
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>> No.2420788

You would be crushed. When the portals move closer together, so do the parallel you's.

>> No.2420789



>> No.2420794
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>> No.2420795

Wouldn't be absolute zero anywhere local in our solar system. + Sea water has a lot of salt.

prolly a euro fag

>> No.2420796
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>> No.2420797

Invent the science behind portals first, then ask what would happen. That's like asking if God could make an immovable boulder - can't test it.

>> No.2420798

agreed. now, if WE IGNORE THE MASS OF THE CONTAINER, would it work? why, why not?
serious question

>> No.2420800

I know some fucktard will not get this one so I'll go ahead and explain it. The heat will not leave the water because it has nowhere to go. Heat energy can only travel through a vacuum as radiation, and very little energy in the water will leave that way. The rest transfers through convection which does not work through a vacuum.

>> No.2420802

Imagine being thrown into a trash compactor with another person, yet that other person is you. That's what happens.

It's irrelevant though, because Portals can not be placed on moving objects*

*Objects moving relative to the Earth, fuckwit. I swear to god the first person to go 'HURRR BUT DA EARTH MOVES' is getting choked.

>> No.2420803


>> No.2420809

That's meta-humor, son.

>> No.2420812

Yeah it does, but you'd be expending more energy into the earth to get the water up there and back.

>> No.2420813


It does on this planet. Just at a lower temperature than fresh water.

>> No.2420824

Yes. But that's the whole point.

>> No.2420829
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>> No.2420836
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>> No.2420837

Depending on where it was, the water would either radiate its heat until it reached the background temperature, or catch sunlight and, uh, not do that.

>> No.2420857
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>> No.2420874
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>> No.2420880
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I dont see the problem.

>> No.2420888
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>> No.2420903

why wouldn't this work?

>> No.2420905
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>> No.2420921

That doesn't make it impossible just an engineering challenge.

The only problem with the OP is that he'll merely float higher in the atmosphere, maybe over the 100mi arbitrary "space" limit, but he's still in Earth's atmosphere.

Now there is a big advantage to floating high, is that you can drag up a rocket and get into space with a lot less fuel. Which is pretty damn cool.

>> No.2420927

the Vatican is doing research on it right now.

>> No.2420953
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>> No.2420989
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>> No.2421020

Neutron stars have overall densities predicted by the APR EOS of 3.7×1017
to 5.9×1017

>if we were ignoring mass of the container this shit could do the trick

>> No.2421021

This is the only reasonable one posted recently. The spring would only get compressed enough to shoot the water back up to where it started to fall, namely the wheel itself. And that's assuming a perfect system.

>> No.2421041
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>> No.2421049
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>> No.2421053
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>> No.2421123
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>> No.2421207
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renewable energy

>> No.2421209

No because a vacuum is by definition the lack of something in this case air and pressure
it's like asking to fill a box with holes
(not tear holes in the box but put holes inside it loony toons style)
You can't add nothing

>> No.2421219
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>> No.2421266

Why make trillions when we could make... Billions?

>> No.2421286

the problem with most troll physics is that the thing that repeats the main step requires more than can be produced, in this case, how does the spring get kept down, if it can propell that much back up?